Academic Journal

Protestant Ethic and Structures of Materialist Salvation In Francis Ponge's Le Parti pris des choses.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Protestant Ethic and Structures of Materialist Salvation In Francis Ponge's Le Parti pris des choses.
المؤلفون: Hancock, Austin1 (AUTHOR)
المصدر: French Studies. Jul2019, Vol. 73 Issue 3, p384-400. 17p. 1 Color Photograph.
مصطلحات موضوعية: *CALVINISM, *MATERIALISM, *BIBLE & literature, *SALVATION in literature
Reviews & Products: LE Parti pris des choses (Book)
People: PONGE, Francis, 1899-1988
Abstract (English): While Francis Ponge has long been considered an heir to the Lucretian materialist tradition, scarce critical attention has been devoted to his Calvinist cultural background. This is likely because Ponge, a resolute atheist, often displays an almost blasphemous irreverence towards Christian doctrine in his work. More broadly, it would also seem that Ponge’s materialist project necessitates this rejection of his Calvinist education, as indeed, since Max Weber wrote his Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism over a century ago, it has been widely accepted that Calvinism is fundamentally incompatible with concerns for the material world. And yet, while Ponge’s Calvinist upbringing appears antithetical to his object-oriented goals, my analysis shows the surprising correspondences which exist between Ponge’s work and Calvinist texts and practices. By examining several texts from Le Parti pris des choses alongside Jean Calvin’s writing, this article therefore interrogates the divide between Reformist tradition and material culture, and suggests that an analysis of Ponge’s Calvinist heritage may improve our understanding of the structures of salvation present in texts such as Ponge’s ‘Les Plaisirs de la porte’, as well as of further dialogue between Reformist and materialist thought. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (French): Conside´re´ depuis longtemps comme l’he´ritier de la tradition mate´rialiste de Lucre`ce, les racines calvinistes de Francis Ponge ont rec¸u tre`s peu d’attention critique. Cela n’est peut-eˆtre pas surprenant compte tenu de l’irre´ve´rence blasphe´matoire que Ponge, re´solument athe´e, montre envers la doctrine chre´- tienne. Plus ge´ne´ralement, il semblerait aussi que le projet mate´rialiste de Ponge ne´cessite un rejet de son e´ducation calviniste. En effet, L’Ethique protestante et l’esprit du capitalisme date de plus de cent ans et c’est dans cette oeuvre fondamentale que Max Weber explique comment la tradition calviniste a contribue´ a` e´loigner l’eˆtre humain du monde qui l’entoure dans la socie´te´ moderne. Et pourtant, s’il est largement admis que la pense´e calviniste soit incompatible avec la culture mate´rielle, en analysant plusieurs textes du Parti pris des choses en comparaison avec l’e´criture de Jean Calvin, cet article re´ve`le les correspondances inattendues qui existent entre le mate´rialisme de Ponge et la pense´e calviniste. Et c’est ainsi que mon analyse de l’he´ritage calviniste de Ponge donne une cle´ d’interpre´tation aux structures de salvation qui existent dans textes pongiens comme son ‘Les Plaisirs de la porte’ et ouvre un nouveau dialogue entre la Re´formation et la pense´e mate´rialiste. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
قاعدة البيانات: Academic Search Index