التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: |
Alternate Title: |
المؤلفون: |
Ranđelović, Marina1,2 marina87nis@gmail.com, Kostić, Jovana1,2, Stošić, Nenad3, Đorđević, Ivana4, Spasić, Ana5, Ranđelović, Gordana1,2 |
المصدر: |
Acta Medica Medianae. Jun2017, Vol. 56 Issue 2, p51-56. 6p. |
مصطلحات موضوعية: |
Abstract (English): |
Aflatoxins are widely distributed in nature as common contaminants of a number of staple foods, including maize, oilseeds, spices, groundnuts, tree nuts, rice, milk and dried fruit. Although the aflatoxin parent molecule is harmless, it is converted by members of the cytochrome p450 superfamily into electrophilic intermediates that are toxic, mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic. The aim of this manuscript is the examination of aflatoxin relevance observed from a clinical standpoint, its influence on public health, critical groups and the measures for prevention of food contamination by this toxine. The data used in the research are obtained from books and relevant literature by means of PubMed browser. Acute hepatitis is the manifestation of acute aflatoxicosis while chronic exposure to it can lead to malnutrition, suppressed immune response and hepatocellular carcinoma. Reye syndrome and kwashiorkor are considered to be pediatric forms of aflatoxicosis. Children and individuals with viral hepatits B infection are especially susceptibile to aflatoxin effects. Aflatoxin contamination depends on the genotype of the crop planted, soil type, climate of the region, weather conditions, timing of harvest, insect activity, and the way of drying of the crop before storage. Control of aflatoxin contamination could be achieved by implementation of adequate screening methods, agricultural strategies and biological methods. The most important preventive measures include realization of aflatoxin regulatory programs, proper information to the farmers, traders and other important groups, and vaccination against hepatits B virus. Promotion of multidisciplinary approach and better funding in further researches will help in designing effective and novel strategies to eliminate aflatoxin contamination for a safer, nutritious and sustainable food and feed supply and public health improvement. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
Abstract (Bosnian): |
Aflatoksini su široko rasprostranjeni u prirodi kao česti kontaminanti brojnih osnovnih životnih namirnica uključujući kukuruz, razne žitarice, začine, kikiriki, orahe, pirinač, mleko i sušeno voće. Iako je molekul aflatoksina bezopasan, njegov metabolit nastao pod dejstvom citohroma p450 ima toksični, mutageni, teratogeni i kancerogeni efekat. Cilj ovog rada bio je sagledavanje kliničkog značaja aflatoksina, njegovog uticaja na javno zdravlje, rizičnih grupa, kao i preventivnih mera kojima bi se izbegla kontaminacija namirnica ovim toksinom. Korišćeni su podaci iz knjiga i referentne literature obezbeđene primenom PubMed pretraživača. Manifestacija akutne aflatoksikoze je akutni hepatitis, dok hronično izlaganje može da dovede do razvoja malnutricije, supresije imunskog odgovora i hepatocelularnog karcinoma. Rejev sindrom i kvašiorkor se smatraju pedijatrijskim formama aflatoksikoze. Deca i osobe inficirane virusom hepatitisa B su posebno osetljivi na aflatoksin. Kontaminacija aflatoksinima zavisi od genotipa zasađenih biljaka, tipa zemljišta, klime, vremenskih uslova, termina žetve, aktivnosti insekata i načina sušenja biljaka pre skladištenja. Kontrola kontaminacije aflatoksinima se može postići uvođenjem adekvatnih metoda skrininga, efiksnijim strategijama u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i biološkim metodama. Najvažnije preventivne mere podrazumevaju sprovođenje regulatornih programa za aflatoksine, širenje korisnih informacija farmerima, trgovcima i svima koji mogu da imaju korist ili daju doprinos kao i vakcinacija protiv hepatits B virusa. Primena multidisciplinarnog pristupa i adekvatno finansiranje budućih istraživanja mogu pomoći u dizajniranju novih i efektivnih strategija za eliminisanje kontaminacije aflatoksinima u cilju proizvodnje sigurnije, hranjlivije i održivije hrane i poboljšanja javnog zdravlja. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
قاعدة البيانات: |
Academic Search Index |