Theory of literature /

محفوظ في:
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Fry, Paul H.
التنسيق: كتاب
منشور في: New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, c2012.
الوسوم: إضافة وسم
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جدول المحتويات:
  • Contents: Introduction: the prehistory and rise of "theory"
  • Introduction continued: theory and functionalization
  • Ways in and out of the hermeneutic circle
  • Configurative reading
  • The idea of the autonomous artwork
  • The new criticism and other western formalisms
  • Russian formalism
  • Semiotics and structuralism
  • Linguistics and literature
  • Deconstruction I: Jacques Derrida
  • Deconstruction II: Paul de Man
  • Freud and fiction
  • Jacques Lacan in theory
  • Influence
  • The postmodern psyche
  • The social permeability of reader and text
  • The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory
  • The political unconscious
  • The new historicism
  • The classical feminist tradition
  • African American criticism
  • Postcolonial criticism
  • Queer theory and gender performativity
  • The institutional construction of literary study
  • The end of theory? Neo-pragmatism
  • Conclusion: who doesn't hate theory now?
  • Appendix: passages referenced in lectures
  • The varieties of interpretation: a guide to further reading in literary theory, by Stefan Esposito. Summary: "Bringing his perennially popular course to the page, Yale University Professor Paul H. Fry offers in this welcome book a guided tour of the main trends in twentieth-century literary theory. At the core of the book's discussion is a series of underlying questions: What is literature, how is it produced, how can it be understood, and what is its purpose? Fry engages with the major themes and strands in twentieth-century literary theory, among them hermeneutics, modes of formalism, semiotics and Structuralism, deconstruction, psychoanalytic approaches, Marxist and historicist approaches, theories of social identity, Neo-pragmatism and theory. By incorporating philosophical and social perspectives to connect these many trends, the author offers readers a coherent overall context for a deeper and richer reading of literature"--