Visual communication : images with messages /

Visual communication is just as important as verbal communication, if not more important. VISUAL COMMUNICATION: IMAGES WITH MESSAGES shows you how visual perception is used in all forms of communication, whether it's graphic design, photography, television, video, or interactive media. And beca...

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محفوظ في:
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Lester, Paul Martin (auther)
التنسيق: كتاب
منشور في: Boston, MA. : Wadsworth, 2011.
الطبعة:5th. ed.
سلاسل:Wadsworth series in mass communication and journalism
الوسوم: إضافة وسم
لا توجد وسوم, كن أول من يضع وسما على هذه التسجيلة!
جدول المحتويات:
  • 1. Visual communication
  • - Section I. 2. Visual clues
  • 3. Visual theories
  • 4. Visual persuasion
  • 5. Visual stereotypes
  • 6. Visual analysis
  • - Section 2. 7. Typography
  • 8. Graphic design
  • 9. Information graphics
  • 10. Cartoons
  • 11. Photography
  • 12. Motion pictures
  • 13. Television
  • 14. Computers
  • 15. The web
  • 16. The more you know, the more you see.