Italian literature : a very short introduction /

محفوظ في:
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Hainsworth, Peter
مؤلفون آخرون: Robey, David
التنسيق: كتاب
منشور في: Oxford : Oxford University Press, c 2012.
الوسوم: إضافة وسم
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جدول المحتويات:
  • Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. History; 2. Tradition; 3. Theory; 4. Politics; 5. Secularism; 6. Women. Summary: In this Very Short Introduction to Italian Literature, Peter Hainsworth and David Robey examine Italian literature from the Middle Ages up to the present day, looking at themes and issues which have recurred throughout its history and continue to be of importance today.