Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 : classroom in a book : the official training workbook from Adobe Systems /

محفوظ في:
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Maivald, James J.
مؤلف مشترك: Adobe Systems
التنسيق: البرمجيات كتاب
منشور في: Berkeley, Calif. : Adobe Press, c2010.
سلاسل:Classroom in a book.
الوسوم: إضافة وسم
لا توجد وسوم, كن أول من يضع وسما على هذه التسجيلة!
جدول المحتويات:
  • Starting up
  • Bridge lesson 1: using Adobe Bridge
  • Photoshop lesson 1: exploring Photoshop
  • Photoshop lesson 2: getting to know the workspace
  • Photoshop lesson 3: the basics of working with Photoshop
  • Photoshop lesson 4: making the best selections
  • Photoshop lesson 5: painting and retouching
  • Photoshop lesson 6: creating a good image
  • Dreamweaver lesson 1: Dreamweaver CS5 jumpstart
  • Dreamweaver lesson 2: setting up a new site
  • Dreamweaver lesson 3: adding text and images
  • Dreamweaver lesson 4: styling your pages with CSS
  • Dreamweaver lesson 5: managing your web site: reports, optimization, and maintenance
  • Flash lesson 1: Flash CS5 jumpstart
  • Flash lesson 2: getting started with the drawing tools
  • Flash lesson 3: creating basic animation
  • Flash lesson 4: delivering your final movie
  • Fireworks lesson 1: Adobe Fireworks jumpstart
  • Illustrator lesson 1: Illustrator CS5 essentials
  • Illustrator lesson 2: adding color
  • Illustrator lesson 3: working with the drawing tools
  • InDesign lesson 1: InDesign CS5 essential skills
  • InDesign lesson 2: building documents with master pages
  • InDesign lesson 3: working with text and type
  • InDesign lesson 4: working with styles
  • InDesign lesson 5: working with graphics.