Dissertation/ Thesis

Aktuální problémy soudního řízení ve věcech mezinárodní ochrany

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Aktuální problémy soudního řízení ve věcech mezinárodní ochrany
Alternate Title: Current issues of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection
المؤلفون: Křižáková, Markéta
Thesis Advisors: Kryska, David, Rajchl, Jiří
سنة النشر: 2017
المجموعة: Czech ETDs
مصطلحات موضوعية: Right to effective remedy, suspensive effect, 32, international protection, time limits, přezkum ex nunc, odkladný účinek, administrative judiciary, procedurální směrnice 2013, Právo na účinný opravný prostředek, Procedural Directive 2013, správní soudnictví, EU, Asylum Act, lhůty, review ex nunc, mezinárodní ochrana, azylový zákon
الوصف: The aim of the diploma thesis "Current issues of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection" is the evaluation whether the amendment of Asylum Act sufficiently fulfils requirements of the procedural Directive 2013/32/EU regarding the right to effective remedy. Namely these requirements are full and ex nunc examination of both fact and points of law that composes large part of this thesis, suspensive effect and time limits. In order to reach the goal of this thesis several questions are given which one of them relates to the right to effective remedy in international, European and national law. Hence the chapter two deals with the right to effective remedy in European Convention on Human Rights, Convention against Torture and International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights same as in EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic. Afterwards the thesis presents the main principles of administrative judiciary such as cassation principle and principle ex tunc and specifics of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection. Crucial part of the thesis is the chapter four that analyses above mentioned requirements of procedural Directive 2013/32/EU and transposition of these requirements by the amendment of Asylum Act...
Original Identifier: oai:invenio.nusl.cz:350745
نوع الوثيقة: masterThesis
اللغة: Czech
الاتاحة: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-350745
Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
رقم الانضمام: edsndl.nusl.cz.oai.invenio.nusl.cz.350745
قاعدة البيانات: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations
ResultId 1
Header edsndl
Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations
Dissertation/ Thesis
PLink https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&scope=site&db=edsndl&AN=edsndl.nusl.cz.oai.invenio.nusl.cz.350745&custid=s6537998&authtype=sso
FullText Array ( [Availability] => 0 )
Array ( [0] => Array ( [Url] => http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-350745# [Name] => EDS - Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations [Category] => fullText [Text] => View record in Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations [MouseOverText] => View record in Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations ) )
Items Array ( [Name] => Title [Label] => Title [Group] => Ti [Data] => Aktuální problémy soudního řízení ve věcech mezinárodní ochrany )
Array ( [Name] => TitleTranslated [Label] => Alternate Title [Group] => Ti [Data] => Current issues of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection )
Array ( [Name] => Author [Label] => Authors [Group] => Au [Data] => <searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Křižáková%2C+Markéta%22">Křižáková, Markéta</searchLink> )
Array ( [Name] => Author [Label] => Thesis Advisors [Group] => Au [Data] => Kryska, David<br />Rajchl, Jiří )
Array ( [Name] => DatePubCY [Label] => Publication Year [Group] => Date [Data] => 2017 )
Array ( [Name] => Subset [Label] => Collection [Group] => HoldingsInfo [Data] => Czech ETDs )
Array ( [Name] => Subject [Label] => Subject Terms [Group] => Su [Data] => <searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Right+to+effective+remedy%22">Right to effective remedy</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22suspensive+effect%22">suspensive effect</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%2232%22">32</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22international+protection%22">international protection</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22time+limits%22">time limits</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22přezkum+ex+nunc%22">přezkum ex nunc</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22odkladný+účinek%22">odkladný účinek</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22administrative+judiciary%22">administrative judiciary</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22procedurální+směrnice+2013%22">procedurální směrnice 2013</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Právo+na+účinný+opravný+prostředek%22">Právo na účinný opravný prostředek</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Procedural+Directive+2013%22">Procedural Directive 2013</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22správní+soudnictví%22">správní soudnictví</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22EU%22">EU</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22Asylum+Act%22">Asylum Act</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22lhůty%22">lhůty</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22review+ex+nunc%22">review ex nunc</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22mezinárodní+ochrana%22">mezinárodní ochrana</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="DE" term="%22azylový+zákon%22">azylový zákon</searchLink> )
Array ( [Name] => Abstract [Label] => Description [Group] => Ab [Data] => The aim of the diploma thesis "Current issues of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection" is the evaluation whether the amendment of Asylum Act sufficiently fulfils requirements of the procedural Directive 2013/32/EU regarding the right to effective remedy. Namely these requirements are full and ex nunc examination of both fact and points of law that composes large part of this thesis, suspensive effect and time limits. In order to reach the goal of this thesis several questions are given which one of them relates to the right to effective remedy in international, European and national law. Hence the chapter two deals with the right to effective remedy in European Convention on Human Rights, Convention against Torture and International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights same as in EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic. Afterwards the thesis presents the main principles of administrative judiciary such as cassation principle and principle ex tunc and specifics of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection. Crucial part of the thesis is the chapter four that analyses above mentioned requirements of procedural Directive 2013/32/EU and transposition of these requirements by the amendment of Asylum Act... )
Array ( [Name] => AN [Label] => Original Identifier [Group] => ID [Data] => oai:invenio.nusl.cz:350745 )
Array ( [Name] => TypeDocument [Label] => Document Type [Group] => TypDoc [Data] => masterThesis )
Array ( [Name] => Language [Label] => Language [Group] => Lang [Data] => Czech )
Array ( [Name] => URL [Label] => Availability [Group] => URL [Data] => http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-350745 )
Array ( [Name] => Copyright [Label] => Rights [Group] => Cpyrght [Data] => info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess )
Array ( [Name] => AN [Label] => Accession Number [Group] => ID [Data] => edsndl.nusl.cz.oai.invenio.nusl.cz.350745 )
RecordInfo Array ( [BibEntity] => Array ( [Languages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Text] => Czech ) ) [Subjects] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => Right to effective remedy [Type] => general ) [1] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => suspensive effect [Type] => general ) [2] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => 32 [Type] => general ) [3] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => international protection [Type] => general ) [4] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => time limits [Type] => general ) [5] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => přezkum ex nunc [Type] => general ) [6] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => odkladný účinek [Type] => general ) [7] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => administrative judiciary [Type] => general ) [8] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => procedurální směrnice 2013 [Type] => general ) [9] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => Právo na účinný opravný prostředek [Type] => general ) [10] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => Procedural Directive 2013 [Type] => general ) [11] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => správní soudnictví [Type] => general ) [12] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => EU [Type] => general ) [13] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => Asylum Act [Type] => general ) [14] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => lhůty [Type] => general ) [15] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => review ex nunc [Type] => general ) [16] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => mezinárodní ochrana [Type] => general ) [17] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => azylový zákon [Type] => general ) ) [Titles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [TitleFull] => Aktuální problémy soudního řízení ve věcech mezinárodní ochrany [Type] => main ) ) ) [BibRelationships] => Array ( [HasContributorRelationships] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [PersonEntity] => Array ( [Name] => Array ( [NameFull] => Křižáková, Markéta ) ) ) ) [IsPartOfRelationships] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [BibEntity] => Array ( [Dates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [D] => 01 [M] => 01 [Type] => published [Y] => 2017 ) ) [Identifiers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Type] => issn-locals [Value] => edsndl ) ) ) ) ) ) )