Academic Journal

A Study on Area Energy Networks at Central Urban Area : Part.6: A Influence Investigation on Case of Reduction of Heat Source Capacity and Same Refrigerators Load Rate in Same Plant

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: A Study on Area Energy Networks at Central Urban Area : Part.6: A Influence Investigation on Case of Reduction of Heat Source Capacity and Same Refrigerators Load Rate in Same Plant / F-51 中心市街地におけるエネルギーの面的利用に関する研究 : 第6報 熱源容量の削減とプラント単位での冷熱源負荷率を同宗にした場合での影響検証
المؤلفون: Masaya OKUMIYA, Satoru AMEMIYA, Toshihiro HOSHIDA, 奥宮 正哉, 星田 敏博, 雨宮 聖
المصدر: Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan. 2012, :1691
قاعدة البيانات: J-STAGE