Influence of the casting temperature on dental Co-base alloys properties

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Influence of the casting temperature on dental Co-base alloys properties
المؤلفون: Reimann, Ł., Dobrzański, L. A.
مصطلحات موضوعية: biomaterial, corrosion, Co-Cr-Mo alloy, prosthodontics, casting temperature, biomateriał, korozja, stop Co-Cr-Mo, protetyka stomatologiczna, temperatura odlewania
الوصف: Purpose: The goal of the study is to find the relationship between the value of casting temperature on corrosion resistance, hardness and mechanical properties of two Co-Cr-Mo alloys Remanium 2000+ and Wirobond LFC used in dentistry. Design/methodology/approach: Realized investigations starts from preparing the mould and cast two CoCrMo alloys in 1430, 1440, 1450 and 1460°C. Electrochemical corrosion research were made in water centre which simulated artificial saliva environment, by recording of anodic polarization curves with use the potentiodynamic methods. The compression strength, yield strength and unit shortening was evaluated during the static compression tests on multi-role testing machine MTS. Hardness test were obtained by use the microhardness FM ARS 9000 FUTURE TECH Vickers methods with load 1 kg. Findings: The manufacturing conditions for the Co-Cr-Mo alloys are one of the possible method which effects in increase or decrease of the safety factor in construction. Realized research of the increasing casting temperature about 10-20°C in regard to conditions offered by producer was found that hardness and corrosion resistance change only in small value, while corrosion current of samples casted from 1460°C increase by one order of magnitude to casting from 1430°C. Increase or decrease casting temperature results in decrease the mechanical properties yield strength and compression strength for both alloys. Practical implications: Scientific research of the cobalt alloys used on the dentures confirmed that casting temperature as one of the condition during the manufacturing influence on the most important useful properties like corrosion resistance, strength of the prosthetic constructions and machinability of the CoCrMo alloys. Originality/value: The paper presents an effect of correct selection the casting temperature, on the most important properties of CoCrMo alloys use in dental engineering.
نوع الوثيقة: Article
اللغة: eng
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رقم الانضمام: edsbzt.bwmeta1.element.baztech.0cea6b93.0468.49fa.bf63.55be3bf93d11
قاعدة البيانات: BazTech
ResultId 1
Header edsbzt
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Array ( [Name] => Abstract [Label] => Description [Group] => Ab [Data] => Purpose: The goal of the study is to find the relationship between the value of casting temperature on corrosion resistance, hardness and mechanical properties of two Co-Cr-Mo alloys Remanium 2000+ and Wirobond LFC used in dentistry. Design/methodology/approach: Realized investigations starts from preparing the mould and cast two CoCrMo alloys in 1430, 1440, 1450 and 1460°C. Electrochemical corrosion research were made in water centre which simulated artificial saliva environment, by recording of anodic polarization curves with use the potentiodynamic methods. The compression strength, yield strength and unit shortening was evaluated during the static compression tests on multi-role testing machine MTS. Hardness test were obtained by use the microhardness FM ARS 9000 FUTURE TECH Vickers methods with load 1 kg. Findings: The manufacturing conditions for the Co-Cr-Mo alloys are one of the possible method which effects in increase or decrease of the safety factor in construction. Realized research of the increasing casting temperature about 10-20°C in regard to conditions offered by producer was found that hardness and corrosion resistance change only in small value, while corrosion current of samples casted from 1460°C increase by one order of magnitude to casting from 1430°C. Increase or decrease casting temperature results in decrease the mechanical properties yield strength and compression strength for both alloys. Practical implications: Scientific research of the cobalt alloys used on the dentures confirmed that casting temperature as one of the condition during the manufacturing influence on the most important useful properties like corrosion resistance, strength of the prosthetic constructions and machinability of the CoCrMo alloys. Originality/value: The paper presents an effect of correct selection the casting temperature, on the most important properties of CoCrMo alloys use in dental engineering. )
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