الوصف: |
Kazys Škirpa (1895-1979) was significant person in 20th century Lithuania’s history. He was the first volunteer of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, a member of the Constituent Seimas, Colonel of the General Staff, and later a diplomat. During the period from 1938 to 1945, he was very active and and tried to implement his own vision of preserving Lithuania‘s statehood. He thought that the size of Lithuania was significantly smaller than that of its three great neighbours, Poland, Germany and USSR, so Lithuania could survive only with cooperating with the strongest of them, and thus counterbalancing others. In 1939 Poland was occupied by Germany and USSR, and in 1940 latter country occupied Lithuania. After that K. Škirpa saw the only alternative in Germany, because Western countries were too far away, and they needed USSR as counterbalance against Germany. The main way for K. Škirpa to implement his ideas was to establish Lithuanian Activist Front and became it‘s leader. Even though, because of orientation towards Germany, there were number of features of National Socialist ideology and anti-Semitic beliefs, the main aim of the organisation was restoration of independent Lithuania. For that, K.Škirpa never made a compromise with Germans, but still felt biggest threat to Lithuania from the side of USSR and till the end of WWII hoped that Germany would recognize Lithuania as an independent state. In dissertation a lot of archives from various countries and quantity number of literature are being used in order to research geopolitical ideas of K. Škirpa and their implementation. ; Kazys Škirpa (1895-1979) buvo ryškus asmuo XX a. Lietuvos istorijoje. Jis buvo pirmasis Lietuvos kariuomenės savanoris, Steigiamojo Seimo narys, generalinio štabo pulkininkas, diplomatas. Ypač aktyvi jo veikla buvo 1938 – 1945 m. laikotarpiu, kai jis siekė įgyvendinti savitą Lietuvos išlikimo geopolitinę viziją. Jo nuomone, trijų gerokai galingesnių valstybių - Vokietijos, Lenkijos ir SSRS apsupta nedidelė Lietuva galinti išlikti tik ... |