Academic Journal

Botiga i treball a domicili: un exemple de protoindustrialització a Catalunya (Valls, 1782-1800). El cas de Fidel Moragas Fortuny

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Botiga i treball a domicili: un exemple de protoindustrialització a Catalunya (Valls, 1782-1800). El cas de Fidel Moragas Fortuny
المؤلفون: Sanmartí Roset, Carme, Sanmartí Roset, Montserrat
المصدر: Pedralbes: Revista d'historia moderna, ISSN 0211-9587, Nº 43, 1, 2023, pags. 379-421
سنة النشر: 2023
المجموعة: Dialnet - Portada de revistas (Universidad de La Rioja)
مصطلحات موضوعية: protoindustrialització, botiga, Moragas, treball a domicili, filadores, protoindustrialización, tienda, trabajo a domicilio, hilanderas, protoindustrialization, shop, home-based work, spinner
الوصف: Aquest article es proposa estudiar, des d’una perspectiva de gènere, el treball a domicili d’un conjunt de dones de Valls (Tarragona) en les dues darreres dècades del segle XVIII, i aprofundeix en l’impacte de la seva feina tant en l’àmbit personal i familiar com en el desenvolupament econòmic i social de l’entorn. Si bé les transformacions experimentades per la societat catalana durant la protoindustrialització disposen d’un corpus bibliogràfic notable i es continuen estudiant, no existeixen estudis de cas que analitzin les condicions socials i econòmiques de les dones que treballaven a domicili. També tracta-rem la relació que aquestes dones mantenien amb la botiga que Moragas regentava, en la qual venia al major i al detall una gran varietat de productes entre els quals destacaven els tèxtils. L’estudi mostra que la remuneració percebuda per les treballadores garantia el pagament de les compres que feien a la botiga que Moragas regentava, en la qual venia al major i al detall una gran varietat de productes, entre els quals destacaven els tèxtils. L’estudi mostra que la remuneració percebuda per les treballadores garantia el pagament de les compres que feien a la botiga. ; This article aims to study, from a gender perspective, the home-based work of a group of women in Valls (Tarragona) during the last two decades of the 18th century, emphasizing the impact of their work on both a personal nd family level, as well as on the development of the economic and social environament. While the transformations experienced by Catalan society during protoindustrialization have a notable bibliographic corpus and are undergoing deeper kowledge, there are no case studies that analyze the social and economic conditions of women who worked from home. We will also examine the relationship that these workers de maintained with the «botiga» (shop) managed by Moragas, where a wide variety of products were sold wholesale and retail, including textiles. The study demonstrates how the remuneration received by the workers guaranteed ...
نوع الوثيقة: article in journal/newspaper
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Catalan; Valencian
Relation:; (Revista) ISSN 0211-9587
Rights: LICENCIA DE USO: Los documentos a texto completo incluidos en Dialnet son de acceso libre y propiedad de sus autores y/o editores. Por tanto, cualquier acto de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública y/o transformación total o parcial requiere el consentimiento expreso y escrito de aquéllos. Cualquier enlace al texto completo de estos documentos deberá hacerse a través de la URL oficial de éstos en Dialnet. Más información: | INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS STATEMENT: Full text documents hosted by Dialnet are protected by copyright and/or related rights. This digital object is accessible without charge, but its use is subject to the licensing conditions set by its authors or editors. Unless expressly stated otherwise in the licensing conditions, you are free to linking, browsing, printing and making a copy for your own personal purposes. All other acts of reproduction and communication to the public are subject to the licensing conditions expressed by editors and authors and require consent from them. Any link to this document should be made using its official URL in Dialnet. More info:
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.B017F08B
قاعدة البيانات: BASE
ResultId 1
Header edsbas
Academic Journal
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Array ( [Name] => Author [Label] => Authors [Group] => Au [Data] => <searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Sanmartí+Roset%2C+Carme%22">Sanmartí Roset, Carme</searchLink><br /><searchLink fieldCode="AR" term="%22Sanmartí+Roset%2C+Montserrat%22">Sanmartí Roset, Montserrat</searchLink> )
Array ( [Name] => TitleSource [Label] => Source [Group] => Src [Data] => Pedralbes: Revista d'historia moderna, ISSN 0211-9587, Nº 43, 1, 2023, pags. 379-421 )
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Array ( [Name] => Abstract [Label] => Description [Group] => Ab [Data] => Aquest article es proposa estudiar, des d’una perspectiva de gènere, el treball a domicili d’un conjunt de dones de Valls (Tarragona) en les dues darreres dècades del segle XVIII, i aprofundeix en l’impacte de la seva feina tant en l’àmbit personal i familiar com en el desenvolupament econòmic i social de l’entorn. Si bé les transformacions experimentades per la societat catalana durant la protoindustrialització disposen d’un corpus bibliogràfic notable i es continuen estudiant, no existeixen estudis de cas que analitzin les condicions socials i econòmiques de les dones que treballaven a domicili. També tracta-rem la relació que aquestes dones mantenien amb la botiga que Moragas regentava, en la qual venia al major i al detall una gran varietat de productes entre els quals destacaven els tèxtils. L’estudi mostra que la remuneració percebuda per les treballadores garantia el pagament de les compres que feien a la botiga que Moragas regentava, en la qual venia al major i al detall una gran varietat de productes, entre els quals destacaven els tèxtils. L’estudi mostra que la remuneració percebuda per les treballadores garantia el pagament de les compres que feien a la botiga. ; This article aims to study, from a gender perspective, the home-based work of a group of women in Valls (Tarragona) during the last two decades of the 18th century, emphasizing the impact of their work on both a personal nd family level, as well as on the development of the economic and social environament. While the transformations experienced by Catalan society during protoindustrialization have a notable bibliographic corpus and are undergoing deeper kowledge, there are no case studies that analyze the social and economic conditions of women who worked from home. We will also examine the relationship that these workers de maintained with the «botiga» (shop) managed by Moragas, where a wide variety of products were sold wholesale and retail, including textiles. The study demonstrates how the remuneration received by the workers guaranteed ... )
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Array ( [Name] => Copyright [Label] => Rights [Group] => Cpyrght [Data] => LICENCIA DE USO: Los documentos a texto completo incluidos en Dialnet son de acceso libre y propiedad de sus autores y/o editores. Por tanto, cualquier acto de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública y/o transformación total o parcial requiere el consentimiento expreso y escrito de aquéllos. Cualquier enlace al texto completo de estos documentos deberá hacerse a través de la URL oficial de éstos en Dialnet. Más información: | INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS STATEMENT: Full text documents hosted by Dialnet are protected by copyright and/or related rights. This digital object is accessible without charge, but its use is subject to the licensing conditions set by its authors or editors. Unless expressly stated otherwise in the licensing conditions, you are free to linking, browsing, printing and making a copy for your own personal purposes. All other acts of reproduction and communication to the public are subject to the licensing conditions expressed by editors and authors and require consent from them. Any link to this document should be made using its official URL in Dialnet. More info: )
Array ( [Name] => AN [Label] => Accession Number [Group] => ID [Data] => edsbas.B017F08B )
RecordInfo Array ( [BibEntity] => Array ( [Languages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Text] => Catalan; Valencian ) ) [Subjects] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => protoindustrialització [Type] => general ) [1] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => botiga [Type] => general ) [2] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => Moragas [Type] => general ) [3] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => treball a domicili [Type] => general ) [4] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => filadores [Type] => general ) [5] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => protoindustrialización [Type] => general ) [6] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => tienda [Type] => general ) [7] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => trabajo a domicilio [Type] => general ) [8] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => hilanderas [Type] => general ) [9] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => protoindustrialization [Type] => general ) [10] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => shop [Type] => general ) [11] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => home-based work [Type] => general ) [12] => Array ( [SubjectFull] => spinner [Type] => general ) ) [Titles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [TitleFull] => Botiga i treball a domicili: un exemple de protoindustrialització a Catalunya (Valls, 1782-1800). El cas de Fidel Moragas Fortuny [Type] => main ) ) ) [BibRelationships] => Array ( [HasContributorRelationships] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [PersonEntity] => Array ( [Name] => Array ( [NameFull] => Sanmartí Roset, Carme ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [PersonEntity] => Array ( [Name] => Array ( [NameFull] => Sanmartí Roset, Montserrat ) ) ) ) [IsPartOfRelationships] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [BibEntity] => Array ( [Dates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [D] => 01 [M] => 01 [Type] => published [Y] => 2023 ) ) [Identifiers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Type] => issn-locals [Value] => edsbas ) ) [Titles] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [TitleFull] => Pedralbes: Revista d'historia moderna, ISSN 0211-9587, Nº 43, 1, 2023, pags. 379-421 [Type] => main ) ) ) ) ) ) )