The peripheral T-cell pool consists of several, functionally distinct populations of CD8+ T cells. CD44 and CD62L are among the major surface markers that allow us to define T-cell populations. The expression of these molecules depends on the functional status of a T lymphocyte. Under lymphopenic conditions, peripheral T cells undergo homeostatic proliferation and acquire the memory-like surface phenotype CD44hiCD62Lhi. However, the data on the functional activity of these cells remains controversial. In this paper, we analyzed the effects of the adoptive transfer of syngeneic splenocytes on the recovery of CD8+ T cells in sublethally irradiated mice. Our data demonstrate that under lymphopenia, donor lymphocytes form a population of memory-like CD8+ T cells with the phenotype CD122+CD5+CD49dhiCXCR3+ that shares the phenotypic characteristics of true memory cells and suppressive CD8+ T cells. Ex vivo experiments showed that after adoptive transfer in irradiated mice, T cells lacked the functions of true effector or memory cells; the allogeneic immune response and immune response to pathogens were greatly suppressed in these mice.