The excavation of a small area of a deep gallery within Rouffignac cave produced evidence for the exploitation of flint nodules accessible in the walls, ceiling and clayey fill of the cavity. A technological analysis of the lithic artifacts combined with refitting shed new light on the behavior of the groups who occupied the cave. The very homogeneous lithic assemblage demonstrates the on-site testing, roughing-out and sometimes reduction of nodules. No retouched blanks or hammerstones were recovered, and there is no evidence for any activity other than knapping. However, the technological characteristics of the assemblage and a radiocarbon date obtained on charcoal are consistent with the Mesolithic levels documented at the cave’s porch (Barriere 1973a, b, 1974). Finally, a rapid survey of the floor of certain galleries shows the behavior documented in the studied area to be repeated feature of the cave’s occupation.