Twenty-one brinjal hybrids along with their seven parents and one hybrid check were evaluated in three seasons, viz., autumn-winter, rainy and summer for the study of genotype x environment interaction for different traits and identification of the stable genotypes. Stability analysis revealed that the variance due to genotypes was highly significant for all the characters studied when tested against pooled deviations except days to 50% flowering and days to 1st harvest. Likewise, variance due to E + (G × E) was highly significant for all characters but significant for days to 1st harvest. The genotypes × environments (linear) component for days to 50% flowering and days to 1st harvest were non-significant when tested against pooled deviation which suggested the preponderance of non-linear component as compared to linear component for both these characters. Rajendra Baigan-2 x BRBL-02, Rajendra Baigan-2 x BRBL-01, Rajendra Baigan-2 x BRBL-04, Muktakeshi x BRBL-01, Muktakeshi x BRBL-04, BRBL-02 x BRBL-04, Swarna Mani x BRBL-01, BRBR-01 x BRBL-01 and BRBR-01 x BRBL-04 were identified as stable hybrids and BRBL-01 and BRBL-04 were stable parents in terms of yield/ plant. BRBL-02 x BRBL-04 was stable in terms of total sugar content, total anthocyanin content and total phenolics content. These genotypes may be utilized for planting throughout the year with good performance and utilized in breeding programmes for developing stable genotypes.