Abrupt in time (correlated within a few ms with L-H and H-L transitions) and wide in space (from the edge up to ∼0.3 of minor radius in the extreme case) variations of electron heat diffusivity δ Xe were found in reversed shear (RS) JT-60U tokamak plasmas with internal transport barrier (ITB) at various profiles of safety factor q. The δ Xe profile follows the position of q minimum (q min ) and penetrates into the RS region deeper for the weak ITB than for the strong one, suggesting the presence of 'global' edge-core connection throughout q min in a ms timescale at L-H and H-L confinement bifurcations. The δ Xe value at the position of q min is small for the strong ITB (∼0.05 m 2 s -1 ) and increases by an order of magnitude for the weak ITB. The ITB event is another non-local transport bifurcation (improvement or degradation) inside and around ITB. The case of strong ITB formation in H-mode via a series of ITB events in ELM-induced L-mode is described. ITB event degradation in the positive shear zone causes L-H transition.