1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Yali Xu, Ting Su, Hricha Mishra, Reiko Ando, Yutaka Furutani, Jun Lu, Muyi Cai, Harukazu Suzuki, Wenkui Yu, Xian-Yang Qin
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Medicine, Physiology, Virology, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, proteomic analysis revealed, functional peptide known, diverse pharmacological effects, serum aspartate aminotransferase, fatty liver disease, chronic liver disease, induced nafld progression, cp selectively inhibited, sirt signaling pathway, modulating oxidative stress, signaling pathways, oxidative phosphorylation, liver injury, liver inflammation, alanine aminotransferase, therapeutic agent, stage nash, simple steatosis, protective activity, preventive effect, prevalent type, oral administration, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, nash models, nash )
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: O. I. Sebezhko, T. V. Konovalova, O. S. Korotkevich, V. L. Petukhov, N. N. Коchnev, A. N. Sebezhko, А. I. Zheltikov, О. А. Zaiko, О. И. Себежко, Т. В. Коновалова, О. С. Короткевич, В. Л. Петухов, Н. Н. Кочнев, А. Н. Себежко, А. И. Желтиков, О. А. Зайко
المصدر: Bulletin of NSAU (Novosibirsk State Agrarian University); № 1 (2023); 185-197 ; Вестник НГАУ (Новосибирский государственный аграрный университет); № 1 (2023); 185-197 ; 2072-6724
مصطلحات موضوعية: сывороточная аспартатаминотрансфераза, stud bulls, offspring, serum aspartate aminotransferase, быки-производители, потомство
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: https://vestngau.elpub.ru/jour/article/view/1935/874; Содержание и изменчивость показателей азотистого обмена у крупного рогатого скота голштинской породы в условиях Западной Сибири / О.И. Себежко, Е.А. Климанова, К.Н. Нарожных [и др.] // Вестник НГАУ. – 2022. – № 3(64). – С. 125–133. – DOI 10.31677/2072-6724-2022-64-3-125-133.; Protein status of holshtinized Black and White cattle / O.I. Sebezhko, R.V. Mayer, E.I. Tarasenko [et al.] // Fundamental Scientific Research and Their Applied Aspects in Biotechnology and Agriculture (FSRAABA 2021): International Scientific and Practical Conference, Tyumen, 19–20 июля 2021 года. – Tyumen: EDP Sciences, 2021. – Vol. 36. – P. 06023.; Изменчивость трансаминаз у коров черно-пестрой породы / В. В. Виноградова, Е. В. Дергачева, В. А. Кунгурцева, О. С. 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Себежко, Е.И. Тарасенко, Е.А. Климанова // Достижения науки и техники АПК. – 2022. – Т. 36, № 6. – С. 61–65. – DOI:10.53859/02352451_2022_36_6_61.; Влияние быков-производителей голштинской породы на уровень мочевины в сыворотке крови / О.И. Себежко, К.Н. Нарожных, О.С. Короткевич [и др.] // Зоотехния. – 2021. – № 7. – С. 17–20. – DOI:10.25708/ZT.2021.93.50.004.; Изменчивость показателей азотистого обмена коров черно-пестрой породы в условиях Кузбасса / Е.И. Тарасенко, О.И. Себежко, А.В. Ковалев, И.Н. Морозов // Роль аграрной науки в устойчивом развитии сельских территорий: сб. V Всерос. (нац.) науч. конф., Новосибирск, 18 дек. 2020 г. – Новосибирск: ИЦ НГАУ «Золотой колос», 2020. – С. 256–259.; Ферментативный статус коров крупного рогатого скота холмогрской породы / О.И. Себежко, О.С. Короткевич, Д.М. Слобожанин, Е.Ю. Росина // Роль аграрной науки в устойчивом развитии сельских территорий: сб. IV Всерос. 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3Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
4Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
5Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
6Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
7Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
8Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
10Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
11Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
12Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
13Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Zhaofang Chen (10783230), Kexin Shi (10014279), Wenjie Kuang (10783233), Lei Huang (35191)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology, Biotechnology, Cancer, Mental Health, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, oxidative stress biomarkers, GSH, Cd control, non-essential element, 30- day exposure period, serum Aspartate Aminotransferase, vivo diet intervention study Cadmium, Cd-group, AST, MDA, Dietary intake, diet intervention, calcium intervention, organ indexes, Cd exposure pathway, intervention experiment, Cd-induced toxicity, SOD
14Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Takahito Takase (10104912), Tsudoi Toyoda (8084387), Naoyuki Kobayashi (119748), Takashi Inoue (178378), Tomoko Ishijima (190565), Keiko Abe (135928), Hiroshi Kinoshita (796513), Youichi Tsuchiya (2119267), Shinji Okada (190564)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, master regulator, GST, ALDH, factor-erythroid -2-related factor 2, intraperitoneal injection, acetaldehyde-induced increases, Nrf 2-mediated gene expression, ROS, hepatocyte injury-mediated lipid pe., reactive oxygen species, Nrf 2-mediated gene expression Acet., AST, alanine aminotransferase, serum aspartate aminotransferase, alcohol administration causes, detoxifying systems, acetaldehyde-induced liver injury, detoxifying enzyme genes, oxidative stress, ALT, aldehyde dehydrogenase, C 57BL mice
15Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Takahito Takase (10104912), Tsudoi Toyoda (8084387), Naoyuki Kobayashi (119748), Takashi Inoue (178378), Tomoko Ishijima (190565), Keiko Abe (135928), Hiroshi Kinoshita (796513), Youichi Tsuchiya (2119267), Shinji Okada (190564)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, master regulator, GST, ALDH, factor-erythroid -2-related factor 2, intraperitoneal injection, acetaldehyde-induced increases, Nrf 2-mediated gene expression, ROS, hepatocyte injury-mediated lipid pe., reactive oxygen species, Nrf 2-mediated gene expression Acet., AST, alanine aminotransferase, serum aspartate aminotransferase, alcohol administration causes, detoxifying systems, acetaldehyde-induced liver injury, detoxifying enzyme genes, oxidative stress, ALT, aldehyde dehydrogenase, C 57BL mice
16Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Takahito Takase (10104912), Tsudoi Toyoda (8084387), Naoyuki Kobayashi (119748), Takashi Inoue (178378), Tomoko Ishijima (190565), Keiko Abe (135928), Hiroshi Kinoshita (796513), Youichi Tsuchiya (2119267), Shinji Okada (190564)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, master regulator, GST, ALDH, factor-erythroid -2-related factor 2, intraperitoneal injection, acetaldehyde-induced increases, Nrf 2-mediated gene expression, ROS, hepatocyte injury-mediated lipid pe., reactive oxygen species, Nrf 2-mediated gene expression Acet., AST, alanine aminotransferase, serum aspartate aminotransferase, alcohol administration causes, detoxifying systems, acetaldehyde-induced liver injury, detoxifying enzyme genes, oxidative stress, ALT, aldehyde dehydrogenase, C 57BL mice
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biotechnology, Science Policy, Virology, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, wide association study, sup > 8722, single nucleotide polymorphisms, potential biological mechanisms, pleiotropy residual sum, multivariable mendelian randomization, 5 × 10, serum aspartate aminotransferase, serum alanine aminotransferase, wide significance (<, independent causal effect, diabetic microvascular complications, alp ), gamma, 206 – 1, 115 – 1, univariable mendelian randomization, three mvmr approaches, previous observational investigations, five uvmr approaches, diabetes risk factors, independent causal effects
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biotechnology, Science Policy, Virology, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, wide association study, sup > 8722, single nucleotide polymorphisms, potential biological mechanisms, pleiotropy residual sum, multivariable mendelian randomization, 5 × 10, serum aspartate aminotransferase, serum alanine aminotransferase, wide significance (<, independent causal effect, diabetic microvascular complications, alp ), gamma, 206 – 1, 115 – 1, univariable mendelian randomization, three mvmr approaches, previous observational investigations, five uvmr approaches, diabetes risk factors, independent causal effects
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biotechnology, Science Policy, Virology, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, wide association study, sup > 8722, single nucleotide polymorphisms, potential biological mechanisms, pleiotropy residual sum, multivariable mendelian randomization, 5 × 10, serum aspartate aminotransferase, serum alanine aminotransferase, wide significance (<, independent causal effect, diabetic microvascular complications, alp ), gamma, 206 – 1, 115 – 1, univariable mendelian randomization, three mvmr approaches, previous observational investigations, five uvmr approaches, diabetes risk factors, independent causal effects
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biotechnology, Science Policy, Virology, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified, Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, wide association study, sup > 8722, single nucleotide polymorphisms, potential biological mechanisms, pleiotropy residual sum, multivariable mendelian randomization, 5 × 10, serum aspartate aminotransferase, serum alanine aminotransferase, wide significance (<, independent causal effect, diabetic microvascular complications, alp ), gamma, 206 – 1, 115 – 1, univariable mendelian randomization, three mvmr approaches, previous observational investigations, five uvmr approaches, diabetes risk factors, independent causal effects