1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Frič, Roman, Papčo, Martin
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:Classical probability theory, keyword:upgrading, keyword:quantum phenomenon, keyword:category theory, keyword:D-poset of fuzzy sets, keyword:Łukasiewicz tribe, keyword:observable, keyword:statistical map, keyword:duality, msc:60A05, msc:60A86
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Relation: mr:MR3546805; zbl:Zbl 06670230; reference:[1] Adámek, J.: Theory of Mathematical Structures.1983, Reidel, Dordrecht, MR 0735079; reference:[2] Bugajski, S.: Statistical maps I. Basic properties.Math. Slovaca, 51, 3, 2001, 321-342, Zbl 1088.81021, MR 1842320; reference:[3] Bugajski, S.: Statistical maps II. Operational random variables.Math. Slovaca, 51, 3, 2001, 343-361, Zbl 1088.81022, MR 1842321; reference:[4] Chovanec, F., Frič, R.: States as morphisms.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 49, 12, 2010, 3050-3060, Zbl 1204.81011, MR 2738063, 10.1007/s10773-009-0234-4; reference:[5] Chovanec, F., Kôpka, F.: D-posets.Handbook of Quantum Logic and Quantum Structures: Quantum Structures, 2007, 367-428, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Edited by K. Engesser, D. M. Gabbay and D. Lehmann. Zbl 1139.81005, MR 2408886; reference:[6] Dvurečenskij, A., Pulmannová, S.: New Trends in Quantum Structures.2000, Kluwer Academic Publ. and Ister Science, Dordrecht and Bratislava, MR 1861369; reference:[7] Frič, R.: Łukasiewicz tribes are absolutely sequentially closed bold algebras.Czechoslovak Math. J., 52, 2002, 861-874, Zbl 1016.28013, MR 1940065, 10.1023/B:CMAJ.0000027239.28381.31; reference:[8] Frič, R.: Remarks on statistical maps and fuzzy (operational) random variables.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ, 30, 2005, 21-34, Zbl 1150.60304, MR 2190245; reference:[9] Frič, R.: Extension of domains of states.Soft Comput., 13, 2009, 63-70, Zbl 1166.28006, 10.1007/s00500-008-0293-0; reference:[10] Frič, R.: On D-posets of fuzzy sets.Math. Slovaca, 64, 2014, 545-554, Zbl 1332.06005, MR 3227755, 10.2478/s12175-014-0224-8; reference:[11] Frič, R-, Papčo, M.: A categorical approach to probability.Studia Logica, 94, 2010, 215-230, Zbl 1213.60021, MR 2602573, 10.1007/s11225-010-9232-z; reference:[12] Frič, R., Papčo, M.: Fuzzification of crisp domains.Kybernetika, 46, 2010, 1009-1024, Zbl 1219.60006, MR 2797424; reference:[13] Frič, R., Papčo, M.: On probability domains.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 49, 2010, 3092-3100, Zbl 1204.81012, MR 2738067, 10.1007/s10773-009-0162-3; reference:[14] Frič, R., Papčo, M.: On probability domains II.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 50, 2011, 3778-3786, Zbl 1254.60009, MR 2860035, 10.1007/s10773-011-0855-2; reference:[15] Frič, R., Papčo, M.: On probability domains III.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 54, 2015, 4237-4246, Zbl 1329.81095, MR 3418298, 10.1007/s10773-014-2471-4; reference:[16] Goguen, J. A.: A categorical manifesto.Math. Struct. Comp. 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المؤلفون: Hykšová, Magdalena
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المؤلفون: Hykšová, Magdalena
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المؤلفون: Hykšová, Magdalena
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5Book1.3 Filosofické interpretace pravděpodobnosti ; 1.3 Philosophical interpretations of the probability
المؤلفون: Hykšová, Magdalena
مصطلحات موضوعية: msc:60A05
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المؤلفون: Hykšová, Magdalena
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المؤلفون: Hykšová, Magdalena
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8Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Capotorti, Andrea, Coletti, Giulianella, Vantaggi, Barbara
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:comparative probability, keyword:comparative plausibilities, keyword:hyperreal field, keyword:representability by nonstandard measures, msc:06A06, msc:60A05, msc:60E15, msc:62C10, msc:91B08
وصف الملف: application/pdf
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9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Biba, Vladislav, Hliněná, Dana
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:generated fuzzy implication, keyword:fuzzy preference structure, keyword:fuzzy implications, keyword:t-norm, msc:08A72, msc:28E10, msc:60A05
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10Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Frič, Roman, Papčo, Martin
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:domain of probability, keyword:fuzzy random variable, keyword:crisp random event, keyword:fuzzy observable, keyword:fuzzification, keyword:category of $ID$-poset, keyword:epireflection, keyword:simplex-valued domains, msc:60A05, msc:60A86
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Relation: mr:MR2797424; zbl:Zbl 1219.60006; reference:[1] Bugajski, S.: Statistical maps I.Basic properties. Math. Slovaca 51 (2001), 321–342. Zbl 1088.81021, MR 1842320; reference:[2] Bugajski, S.: Statistical maps II.Basic properties. Math. Slovaca 51 (2001), 343–361. Zbl 1088.81022, MR 1842321; reference:[3] Chovanec, F., Frič, R.: States as morphisms.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 49 (2010), 3050–3100. Zbl 1204.81011, MR 2738063, 10.1007/s10773-009-0234-4; reference:[4] Chovanec, F., Kôpka, F.: $D$-posets.In: Handbook of Quantum Logic and Quantum Structures: Quantum Structures. (K. Engesser, D. M. Gabbay and D. Lehmann, eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam 2007, pp. 367–428. Zbl 1139.81005, MR 2408886; reference:[5] Dvurečenskij, A., Pulmannová, S.: New Trends in Quantum Structures.Kluwer Academic Publ. and Ister Science, Dordrecht and Bratislava 2000. MR 1861369; reference:[6] Frič, R.: Remarks on statistical maps and fuzzy (operational) random variables.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 30 (2005), 21–34. Zbl 1150.60304, MR 2190245; reference:[7] Frič, R.: Statistical maps: a categorical approach.Math. Slovaca 57 (2007), 41–57. Zbl 1137.60300, MR 2357806, 10.2478/s12175-007-0013-8; reference:[8] Frič, R.: Extension of domains of states.Soft Comput. 13 (2009), 63–70. Zbl 1166.28006, 10.1007/s00500-008-0293-0; reference:[9] Frič, R.: Simplex-valued probability.Math. Slovaca 60 (2010), 607–614. Zbl 1249.06032, MR 2728526, 10.2478/s12175-010-0035-5; reference:[10] Frič, R.: States on bold algebras: Categorical aspects.J. Logic Comput. (To appear). DOI:10.1093/logcom/exp014 MR 2802938; reference:[11] Frič, R., Papčo, M.: On probability domains.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 49 (2010), 3092–3063. Zbl 1204.81012, 10.1007/s10773-009-0162-3; reference:[12] Frič, R., Papčo, M.: A categorical approach to probability theory.Studia Logica 94 (2010), 215–230. Zbl 1213.60021, MR 2602573, 10.1007/s11225-010-9232-z; reference:[13] Gudder, S.: Fuzzy probability theory.Demonstratio Math. 31 (1998), 235–254. Zbl 0984.60001, MR 1623780; reference:[14] Kôpka, F., Chovanec, F.: D-posets.Math. Slovaca 44 (1994), 21–34. MR 1290269; reference:[15] Mesiar, R.: Fuzzy sets and probability theory.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 1 (1992), 105–123. Zbl 0790.60005, MR 1230469; reference:[16] Papčo, M.: On measurable spaces and measurable maps.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 28 (2004), 125–140. Zbl 1112.06005, MR 2086282; reference:[17] Papčo, M.: On fuzzy random variables: examples and generalizations.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 30 (2005), 175–185. Zbl 1152.60302, MR 2190258; reference:[18] Papčo, M.: On effect algebras.Soft Comput. 12 (2007), 26–35. 10.1007/s00500-007-0171-1; reference:[19] Riečan, B., Mundici, D.: Probability on $MV$-algebras.In: Handbook of Measure Theory, Vol. II (E. Pap, ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam 2002, pp. 869–910. Zbl 1017.28002, MR 1954631; reference:[20] Zadeh, L. A.: Probability measures of fuzzy events.J. Math. Anal. Appl. 23 (1968), 421–427. Zbl 0174.49002, MR 0230569, 10.1016/0022-247X(68)90078-4
11Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Charpentier, Arthur
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:Archimedean copulas, keyword:Cox model, keyword:dependence, keyword:distorted copulas, keyword:ordering, msc:60A05, msc:60E15, msc:62H05, msc:62N01, msc:62N99, msc:91B30
وصف الملف: application/pdf
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12Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Frič, Roman
مصطلحات موضوعية: msc:60A05
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR2357806; zbl:Zbl 1137.60300; reference:[1] ADÁMEK J.: Theory of Mathematical Structures.Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983. MR 0735079; reference:[2] BELTRAMETTI E. G.-BUGAJSKI S.: Correlation and entaglement in probability theory.Internat. J. Theoret. Phуs. 44 (2005), 827-837. MR 2199500; reference:[3] BUGAJSKI S.: Fundamentals of fuzzy probability theory.Internt. J. Theoret. Phуs. 35 (1996), 2229-2244. Zbl 0872.60003, MR 1423402; reference:[4] BUGAJSKI S.: S: tatistical maps I. Basic properties.Math. Slovaca 51 (2001), 321-342. MR 1842320; reference:[5] BUGAJSKI S.: Statistical maps II. Operational random variables.Math. Slovaca 51 (2001), 343-361. Zbl 1088.81022, MR 1842321; reference:[6] DVUREČENSKIJ A.-PULMANNOVÁ S.: New Trends in Quantum Structures.Kluwer Academic Publ./Ister Science, Dordrecht/Bratislava, 2000. Zbl 0987.81005, MR 1861369; reference:[7] FOULIS D. J.-BENNETT M. K.: Effect algebras and unsharp quantum logics.Found. Phуs. 24 (1994), 1331-1352. Zbl 1213.06004, MR 1304942; reference:[8] FRIČ R.: Convergence and duality.Appl. Categ. Structures 10 (2002), 257-266. Zbl 1015.06010, MR 1916158; reference:[9] FRIČ R.: Łukasiewicz tribes are absolutely sequentially closed bold algebras.Czechoslovak Math. J. 52 (2002), 861-874. Zbl 1016.28013, MR 1940065; reference:[10] FRIČ R.: Duality for generalized events.Math. Slovaca 54 (2004), 49-60. Zbl 1076.22004, MR 2074029; reference:[11] FRIČ R.: Coproducts of D-posets and their applications to probability.Internt. J. Theoret. Phys. 43 (2004), 1625-1632. MR 2108299; reference:[12] FRIČ R.: Remarks on statistical maps and fuzzy (operational) random variables.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 30 (2005), 21-34. Zbl 1150.60304, MR 2190245; reference:[13] FRIČ R.: Extension of measures: a categorical approach.Math. Bohemica 130 (2005), 397-407. Zbl 1107.54014, MR 2182385; reference:[14] GUDDER S.: Fuzzy probability theory.Demonstratio Math. 31 (1998), 235-254. Zbl 0984.60001, MR 1623780; reference:[15] KÔPKA F.-CHOVANEC F.: D-posets.Math. Slovaca 44 (1994), 21-34. Zbl 0789.03048, MR 1290269; reference:[16] LOÈVE M.: Probability Theory.D. Van Nostrand Companу, Inc, Princeton, 1963. Zbl 0108.14202, MR 0203748; reference:[17] PAPČO M.: On measurable spaces and measurable maps.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 28 (2004), 125-140. Zbl 1112.06005, MR 2086282; reference:[18] PAPČO M.: On fuzzy random variables: examples and generalizations.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 30 (2005), 175-185. Zbl 1152.60302, MR 2190258; reference:[19] PAPČO M.: On effect algebras.Preprint. Zbl 1127.06003; reference:[20] PURI M. L.-RALESCU D. A.: Fuzzy random variables.J. Math. Anal. Appl. 114 (1986), 409-422. Zbl 0605.60038, MR 0833596; reference:[21] RIEČAN B.-MUNDICI D.: Probability on MV-algebras.In: Handbook of Measure Theory, Vol. II (E. Pap, ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2002, 869-910. Zbl 1017.28002, MR 1954631
13Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Riečan, Beloslav
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:probability, keyword:fuzzy sets, keyword:MV-algebra, keyword:IF events, msc:03B50, msc:03G12, msc:06D35, msc:28E10, msc:60A05, msc:60B99
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR2377926; zbl:Zbl 1139.06004; reference:[1] Atanassov K.: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Theory and Applications.Physica–Verlag, New York 1999 Zbl 0939.03057, MR 1718470; reference:[2] Cignoli L. O., D’Ottaviano M. L., Mundici D.: Algebraic Foundations of Many–valued Reasoning.Kluwer, Dordrecht 2000 Zbl 0937.06009; reference:[3] Nola A. Di, Dvurečenskij A., Hyčko, M., Manara C.: Entropy of effect algebras with the Riesz decomposition property I: Basic properties.Kybernetika 41 (2005), 143–160 MR 2138765; reference:[4] Nola A. Di, Dvurečenskij A., Hyčko, M., Manara C.: Entropy of effect algebras with the Riesz decomposition property II: MV-algebras.Kybernetika 41 (2005), 161–176 MR 2138766; reference:[5] Dvurečenskij A., Pulmannová S.: New Trends in Quantum Structures.Kluwer, Dordrecht 2000 MR 1861369; reference:[6] Gerstenkorn T., Manko J.: Probabilities of intuitionistic fuzzy events.In: Issues in Intelligent Systems: Paradigms (O. Hryniewicz et al., eds.). EXIT, Warszawa, pp. 63–58; reference:[7] Grzegorzewski P., Mrowka E.: Probability of intuitionistic fuzzy events.In: Soft Methods in Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis (P. Grzegorzewski et al., eds.). Physica–Verlag, New York 2002, pp. 105–115 MR 1987681; reference:[8] Halmos P. R.: Measure Theory.Van Nostrand, New York 1950 Zbl 0283.28001, MR 0033869; reference:[9] Kolmogorov A. N.: Foundations of the Theory of Probability.Chelsea Press, New York 1950 (German original appeared in 1933) MR 0032961; reference:[10] Lendelová K.: Measure Theory on Multivalued Logics and its Applications.Ph.D. Thesis. M. Bel University, Banská Bystrica 2005; reference:[11] Lendelová K.: Probability on L-posets.In: Proc. Fourth Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology and 11 Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (EUSFLAT-LFA 2005 Joint Conference), Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, pp. 320–324; reference:[12] Lendelová K.: A note on invariant observables.Internat. J. Theoret. Physics 45 (2006), 915–923 Zbl 1105.81008, MR 2245606; reference:[13] Lendelová K.: Central Limit Theorem for L-posets.J. Electr. Engrg. 12/S (2005), 56, 7–9 Zbl 1096.60015; reference:[14] Montagna F.: An algebraic approach to propositional fuzzy logic.J. Logic. Lang. Inf. 9 (2000), 91–124 Zbl 0942.06006, MR 1749775; reference:[15] Neumann J. von: Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik.Berlin 1932; reference:[16] Riečan B.: A new approach to some notions of statistical quantum mechanics.BUSEFAL 36 (1988), 4–6; reference:[17] Riečan B.: On the product MV-algebras.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 16 (1999), 143–149 Zbl 0951.06013, MR 1725292; reference:[18] Riečan B.: Representation of probabilities on IFS events.In: Advances in Soft Computing, Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems (M. Lopez–Diaz et al., eds.) Springer–Verlag, Berlin 2004, pp. 243–246 Zbl 1061.03058, MR 2118103; reference:[19] Riečan B.: Free products of probability MV-algebras.Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 50 (2002), 173–186 Zbl 1072.06007, MR 1910785; reference:[20] Riečan B.: The conjugacy of probability MV-$\sigma $-algebras with the unit interval.Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 52 (2004), 241–248 Zbl 1115.28018, MR 2152490; reference:[21] Riečan B.: Kolmogorov–Sinaj entropy on MV-algebras.Internat. J. Theoret. Physics 44 (2005), 1041–1052 Zbl 1119.81302, MR 2199519; reference:[22] Riečan B.: On the probability on IF-sets and MV-algebras.Notes on IFS 11 (2005), 6, 21–25; reference:[23] Riečan B.: On the probability and random variables on IF events.In: Applied Artificial Intelligence (Proc. 7th FLINS Conf. Genova, Da Ruan et al., eds.), World Scientific 2006, pp. 138–145; reference:[24] Riečan B., Jurečková M.: On invariant observables and the individual ergodic theorem.Internat. J. Theoret. Physics 44 (2005), 1587–1597 MR 2198158; reference:[25] Riečan B., Mundici D.: Probability on MV-algebras.In: Handbook on Measure Theory (E. Pap, ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam 2002 Zbl 1017.28002, MR 1954631; reference:[26] Riečan B., Neubrunn T.: Integral, Measure, and Ordering.Kluwer, Dordrecht 1997 Zbl 0916.28001, MR 1489521; reference:[27] Schmidt E., Kacprzyk J.: Probability of intuitionistic fuzzy events and their applications in decision making.In: Proc. EUSFLAT’99, Palma de Mallorca 1999, pp. 457–460
14Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Frič, Roman
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR2074029; zbl:Zbl 1076.22004; reference:[1] BUGAJSKI S.: Statistical maps I. Basic properties.Math. Slovaca 51 (2001), 321-342. Zbl 1088.81021, MR 1842320; reference:[2] BUGAJSKI S.: Statistical maps II. Operational random variables.Math. Slovaca 51 (2001), 343-361. Zbl 1088.81022, MR 1842321; reference:[3] CHOVANEC F., KÔPKA F.: Difference posets in the quantum structures background.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 39 (2000), 571-583. Zbl 0967.06007, MR 1790895; reference:[4] DVUREČENSKIJ A., PULMANNOVÁ S.: New Trends in Quantum Structures.Kluwer Academic Publ./Ister Science, Dordrecht/Bratislava, 2000. Zbl 0987.81005, MR 1861369; reference:[5] FOULIS D. J.: Algebraic measure theory.Atti. Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 48 (2000), 435-461. Zbl 1221.81023, MR 1811545; reference:[6] FOULIS D. J.-BENNETT M. K.: Effect algebras and unsharp quantum logics.Found. Phys. 24 (1994), 1331-1352. Zbl 1213.06004, MR 1304942; reference:[7] FRIČ R.: Sequential structures and probability: categorical reflections.In: Mathematik-Arbeitspapiere 48 (H.-E. Porst, ed.), Universität Bremen, 1997, pp. 157-169.; reference:[8] FRIČ R.: A Stone type duality and its applications to probability.Topology Proc. 22 (1999), 125-137. MR 1718934; reference:[9] FRIČ R.: On observables.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 39 (2000), 677-686. Zbl 0987.81009, MR 1790904; reference:[10] FRIČ R.: MV-Algebras: convergence and duality.In: Mathematik-Arbeitspapiere 54 (H. Herrlich, H.-E. Porst, eds.), Universität Bremen, 2000, pp. 169-179. MR 1916158; reference:[11] FRIČ R.: Convergence and duality.Appl. Categ. Structures. 10 (2002), 257-266. Zbl 1015.06010, MR 1916158; reference:[12] FRIČ R.: Measures on MV-algebras.Soft Comput. 7 (2002), 130-137. Zbl 1021.28012; reference:[13] FRIČ R.: Łukasiewicz tribes are absolutely sequentially closed bold algebras.Czechoslovak Math. J. 52 (2002), 861-874. Zbl 1016.28013, MR 1940065; reference:[14] FRIČ R.-JAKUBÍK J.: Sequential convergences on Boolean algebras defined by systems of maximal filters.Czechoslovak Math. J. 51 (2001), 261-274. Zbl 0976.54003, MR 1844309; reference:[15] GUDDER S.: Combinations of observables.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 31 (2000), 695-704. Zbl 1160.81306, MR 1790906; reference:[16] JENČA G.: Blocks of homogeneous effect algebras.Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 64 (2001), 81-98. Zbl 0985.03063, MR 1848081; reference:[17] JAKUBÍK J.: Sequential convergence in MV-algebras.Czechoslovak Math. J. 45, (1995), 709-726. MR 1354928; reference:[18] JUREČKOVÁ M.: On the conditional expectation on probability MV-algebras with product.Soft Comput. 5 (2001), 381-385. Zbl 1003.60010; reference:[19] KÔPKA F.-CHOVANEC F.: D-posets.Math. Slovaca 44 (1994), 21-34. Zbl 0789.03048, MR 1290269; reference:[20] MAC LANE S.: Categories for the Working Mathematician.Springer-Verlag, New York-Heildelberg-Berlin, 1988.; reference:[21] MUNDICI D.: Tensor products and the Loomis-Sikorski theorem for MV-algebras.Adv. in Appl. Math. 22 (1999), 227-248. Zbl 0926.06004, MR 1659410; reference:[22] MUNDICI D.-RIEČAN B.: Probability on MV-algebras.In: Handbook of Measure Theory (E. Pap, ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2002. Zbl 1017.28002, MR 1954631; reference:[23] NOVÁK J.: Über die eindeutigen stetigen Erweiterungen stetiger Funktionen.Czechoslovak Math. J. 8 (1958), 344-355. Zbl 0087.37501, MR 0100826; reference:[24] NOVÁK J.: On sequential envelopes defined by means of certain classes of functions.Czechoslovak Math. J. 18 (1968), 450-456. MR 0232335; reference:[25] PAPČO M.: On measurable spaces and measurable maps.Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. (To appear). Zbl 1112.06005, MR 2086282; reference:[26] PAPČO M.: On effect algebras.Preprint, 2003. Zbl 1127.06003; reference:[27] PETROVIČOVÁ J.: On the entropy of partitions in product MV-algebras.Soft Comput. 4 (2000), 41-44. Zbl 1008.37004; reference:[28] PETROVIČOVÁ J.: On the entropy of dynamical systems in product MV-algebras.Fuzzy Sets and Systems 121 (2001), 347-351. Zbl 0983.37007, MR 1834520; reference:[29] RIEČAN B.-NEUBRUNN T.: Integral, Measure, and Ordering.Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1997. Zbl 0916.28001, MR 1489521; reference:[30] RIEČANOVÁ Z.: Proper effect algebras admitting no states.Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 40 (2001), 1683-1691. Zbl 0989.81003, MR 1858217
15Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Kramosil, Ivan
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:nonstandard probability, keyword:Boolean algebra, msc:60A05, msc:60E05, msc:68T37
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1899844; zbl:Zbl 1265.68268; reference:[1] Dubois D., Prade H.: Théorie de Possibilités – Applications à la Représentation de Connaissances en Informatique.Mason, Paris 1985; reference:[2] Faure R., Heurgon E.: Structures Ordonnées et Algébres de Boole.Gauthier–Villars, Paris 1971 Zbl 0219.06001, MR 0277440; reference:[3] Halmos P. R.: Measure Theory.D. van Nostrand, New York – Toronto – London 1950 Zbl 0283.28001, MR 0033869; reference:[4] Kramosil I.: Believeability and plausibility functions over infinite sets.Internat. J. Gen. Systems 23 (1994), 2, 173–198 10.1080/03081079508908038; reference:[5] Kramosil I.: A probabilistic analysis of Dempster combination rule.In: The Logica Yearbook 1997, Prague 1997, pp. 175–187; reference:[6] Kramosil I.: Probabilistic Analysis of Belief Functions.Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York – Boston – Dordrecht – London – Moscow 2001; reference:[7] Shafer G.: A Mathematical Theory of Evidence.Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton 1976 Zbl 0359.62002, MR 0464340; reference:[8] Sikorski R.: Boolean Algebras.Springer–Verlag, Berlin – Göttingen – Heidelberg 1960 Zbl 0191.31505, MR 0126393
16Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Gilio, Angelo, Ingrassia, Salvatore
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:uncertainty, keyword:total coherence, keyword:set-valued probability, msc:03B48, msc:60A05, msc:68T30, msc:68T35, msc:68T37
وصف الملف: application/pdf
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17Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Colleti, Giulianella, Scozzafava, Romano
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:stochastic independence, keyword:conditional independence, msc:03B48, msc:60A05, msc:60A99
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1619056; zbl:Zbl 1274.03040; reference:[1] Coletti G., Scozzafava R.: Characterization of coherent conditional probabilities as a tool for their assessment and extension.Internat. J. Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge–Based Systems 4 (1996), 103–127 Zbl 1232.03010, MR 1390898, 10.1142/S021848859600007X; reference:[2] Coletti G., Scozzafava R.: Exploiting zero probabilities.In: Proceedings EUFIT ’97, ELITE Foundation, Aachen, 1997, pp. 1499–1503; reference:[3] Finetti B. de: Les probabilité nulles.Bull. Sci. Math. 60 (1936), 275–288; reference:[4] Scozzafava R.: A survey of some common misunderstandings concerning the role and meaning of finitely additive probabilities in statistical inference.Statistica 44 (1984), 21–45 Zbl 0557.62004, MR 0766688
18Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Kramosil, Ivan
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1420126; zbl:Zbl 0906.60003; reference:[1] A. Bundy: Incidence calculus -- a mechanism for probabilistic reasoning.J. Automat. Reason. 1 (1985), 3, 263-283. Zbl 0615.68067, MR 0974923; reference:[2] W. Feller: An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, vol. I.J. Wiley and Sons, New York 1957. MR 0088081; reference:[3] A. N. Kolmogorov: Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung.Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1933. Zbl 0007.21601, MR 0494348; reference:[4] I. Kramosil: Expert systems with non-numerical belief functions.Problems Control Inform. Theory 17 (1988), 5, 285-295. Zbl 0668.68095, MR 0967948; reference:[5] I. Kramosil: Extensional processing of probability measures.Internat. J. Gen. Systems 22 (1994), 2, 159-170. Zbl 0797.60002; reference:[6] M. Loève: Probability Theory.Van Nostrand, Princeton 1955. MR 0203748; reference:[7] R. Sikorski: Boolean Algebras.Springer-Verlag, Berlin--Göttingen--Heidelberg--New York 1964. Zbl 0123.01303
19Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Studený, Milan
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1014703; reference:[1] I. Kramosil: A note on nonaxiomatizability of independence relations generated by certain probabilistic structure.Kybernetika 24 (1988), 6, 439-446. MR 0975853; reference:[2] F. Matúš: Independence and Radon projections on compact groups.Ph. D. Thesis, Prague 1988. To appear. In Czech.; reference:[3] J. Pearl: Markov and Bayes Networks: a Comparison of Two Graphical Representations of Probabilistic Knowledge.Technical Report CSD 860024, R-46-1, University of California, Los Angeles 1986.; reference:[4] A. Perez, R. Jiroušek: Constructing an intensional expert system INES.In: Medical Decision-making: Diagnostic Strategies and Expert Systems (J. V. van Bemmel, F. Gremy and J. Zvárová, eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam 1985, pp. 307-315.; reference:[5] M. Studený: Multiinformation and the problem of characterization of conditional-independence relations.Problems Control Inform. Theory 18 (1989), 1, 3-16. MR 0986211
20Academic Journal