مصطلحات موضوعية: The article presents the methodological experience of developing scenarios for literary and musical living rooms. The integration of various fields of art, laid down by the outstanding Soviet musician-teacher D.B. Kabalevsky, a journey through time and geography in the world of literary words and musical sounds. It involves communication-a dialogue, literary and musical performance, литературно-музыкальная гостиная, a joint discussion of a musicological topic with an indispensable design of poetic and prose artistic texts. The purpose of the study was to identify criteria for the development of scenarios of literary and musical living rooms. The texts of literary and musical evenings developed on the basis of criteria are published in the methodological collection, and the evenings themselves are partially implemented in the format of the chamber space of the stage, критерии разработки сценариев, creative project, is still relevant today. The literary and musical living room opens up wide opportunities for creative inspiration, the use of various types of independ-ent and collective activities, творческий проект, a reading room of the library, a special space – a chamber hall of the museum, концертное исполнение, the possibility of immersion in a par-ticular historical epoch, criteria for the development of scenarios, литературно-музыкальный спектакль, concert performance, is an excellent means of forming the unity of the emotional and intellectual spheres of the psyche. The literary and musical living room as a form of organizing educational and leisure ac-tivities is distinguished by a special spiritual atmosphere, aesthetics of design, literary and musical drawing room