1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Merkh, Thomas, Montúfar, Guido
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:multi-information, keyword:mutual information, keyword:divergence maximization, keyword:marginal specification problem, keyword:transportation polytope, msc:62B10, msc:94A17
وصف الملف: application/pdf
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2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Kobza, Vladimír
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:fuzzy set, keyword:divergence measure, keyword:scalar cardinality, keyword:fuzzy cardinality, msc:03B52, msc:03E75
وصف الملف: application/pdf
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3Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Oswald, Peter
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:nonconforming P1 element, keyword:lowest order Raviart-Thomas element, keyword:discrete energy norm estimate, keyword:divergence of finite element method, keyword:maximum angle condition, keyword:distorted triangulation, msc:65N12, msc:65N15, msc:65N30
وصف الملف: application/pdf
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4Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Oswald, Peter
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:finite elements, keyword:error bounds, keyword:divergence, keyword:maximum angle condition, keyword:triangulation, msc:65N12, msc:65N15, msc:65N30
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR3396476; zbl:Zbl 06486921; reference:[1] Apel, T.: Anisotropic Finite Elements: Local Estimates and Applications.Advances in Numerical Mathematics Teubner, Leipzig; Technische Univ., Chemnitz (1999). Zbl 0934.65121, MR 1716824; reference:[2] Babuška, I., Aziz, A. K.: On the angle condition in the finite element method.SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 13 (1976), 214-226. Zbl 0324.65046, MR 0455462, 10.1137/0713021; reference:[3] Bank, R. E., Yserentant, H.: A note on interpolation, best approximation, and the saturation property.Numer. Math. (2014), doi:10.1007/s00211-014-0687-0. MR 3383332, 10.1007/s00211-014-0687-0; reference:[4] Hannukainen, A., Juntunen, M., Huhtala, A.: Finite Element Methods I, course notes A.Mat-1.3650, Univ. Helsinki, 2015.; reference:[5] Hannukainen, A., Korotov, S., Křížek, M.: The maximum angle condition is not necessary for convergence of the finite element method.Numer. Math. 120 (2012), 79-88. Zbl 1255.65196, MR 2885598, 10.1007/s00211-011-0403-2; reference:[6] Jamet, P.: Estimations d'erreur pour des éléments finis droits presque dégénérés.Rev. Franc. Automat. Inform. Rech. Operat. {\it 10}, Analyse numer., R-1 (1976), 43-60. MR 0455282; reference:[7] Kobayashi, K., Tsuchiya, T.: A Babuška-Aziz type proof of the circumradius condition.Japan J. Ind. Appl. Math. 31 (2014), 193-210. Zbl 1295.65011, MR 3167084, 10.1007/s13160-013-0128-y; reference:[8] Křížek, M.: On semiregular families of triangulations and linear interpolation.Appl. Math., Praha 36 (1991), 223-232. Zbl 0728.41003, MR 1109126; reference:[9] Ludwig, L.: A discussion on the maximum angle condition/counterexample for the convergence of the FEM.Manuscript, TU Dresden, 2011.; reference:[10] Schwarz, H. A.: Sur une définition erroneé de l'aire d'une surface courbe.Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen, vol. 2 Springer, Berlin (1890), 309-311, 369-370.
5Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Das, Pratulananda, Bhunia, Santanu
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:double sequences, keyword:$\mu $-statistical convergence, keyword:divergence and Cauchy criteria, keyword:convergence, keyword:divergence and Cauchy criteria in $\mu $-density, keyword:condition (APO$_2)$, msc:40A05, msc:40A30, msc:40B05
وصف الملف: application/pdf
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6Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Broniatowski, Michel
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:divergence, keyword:parametric estimation, keyword:robustness, msc:62B10, msc:62F10, msc:62F35
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR3013393; reference:[1] D. F. Andrews, P. J. Bickel, F. R. Hampel, P. J. Huber, W. H. Rogers, J. W. Tukey: Robust Estimates of Location.Princeton University Press, Princeton N. J. 1972. Zbl 0254.62001, MR 0331595; reference:[2] A. Basu, I. R. Harris, N. L. Hjort, M. C. Jones: Robust and efficient estimation by minimizing a density power divergence.Biometrika 85 (1998), 3, 549-559. MR 1665873, 10.1093/biomet/85.3.549; reference:[3] M. Broniatowski, A. Keziou: Minimization of $\phi$-divergences on sets of signed measures.Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 43 (2006), 403-442. Zbl 1121.28004, MR 2273419; reference:[4] M. Broniatowski, A. Keziou: Parametric estimation and tests through divergences and the duality technique.J. Multivariate Anal. 100 (2009), 1, 16-31. Zbl 1151.62023, MR 2460474, 10.1016/j.jmva.2008.03.011; reference:[5] M. Broniatowski, A. Toma, I. Vajda: Decomposable pseudodistances and applications in statistical estimation.J. Statist. Plann. Inference. 142 (2012), 9, 2574-2585 MR 2922007, 10.1016/j.jspi.2012.03.019; reference:[6] M. Broniatowski, I. Vajda: Several applications of divergence criteria in continuous families.arXiv:0911.0937v1, 2009.; reference:[7] F. R. Hampel, E. M. Ronchetti, P. J. Rousseuw, W. A. Stahel: Robust Statistics: The approach Based on Influence Functions.Willey, New York 1986. MR 0829458; reference:[8] F. Liese, I. Vajda: Convex Statistical Distances.Teubner, Leipzig 1987. Zbl 0656.62004, MR 0926905; reference:[9] F. Liese, I. Vajda: On divergences and informations in statistics and information theory.IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 52 (2006), 10, 4394-4412. MR 2300826, 10.1109/TIT.2006.881731; reference:[10] C. Miescke, F. Liese: Statistical Decision Theory.Springer, Berlin 2008. Zbl 1154.62008, MR 2421720; reference:[11] M. R. C. Read, N. A. C. Cressie: Goodness-of-Fit Statistics for Discrete Multivariate Data.Springer, Berlin 1988. Zbl 0663.62065, MR 0955054; reference:[12] A. Rényi: On measures of entropy and information.In: Proc. 4th Berkeley Symp. on Probability and Statistics, Vol. 1, University of California Press, Berkeley 1961, pp. 547-561. Zbl 0106.33001, MR 0132570; reference:[13] A. Toma, M. Broniatowski: Minimum divergence estimators and tests: Robustness results.J. Multivariate Anal. 102 (2011), 1, 20-36. MR 2729417, 10.1016/j.jmva.2010.07.010; reference:[14] I. Vajda: Minimum divergence principle in statistical estimation.Statist. Decisions (1984), Suppl. Issue No. 1, 239-261. Zbl 0558.62004, MR 0785211; reference:[15] I. Vajda: Efficiency and robustness control via distorted maximum likelihood estimation.Kybernetika 22 (1986), 47-67. Zbl 0603.62039, MR 0839344; reference:[16] I. Vajda: Comparison of asymptotic variances for several estimators of location.Probl. Control Inform. Theory 18 (1989), 2, 79-89. Zbl 0678.62035, MR 0991547; reference:[17] I. Vajda: Estimators asymptotically minimax in wide sense.Biometr. J. 31 (1989), 7, 803-810. MR 1054736, 10.1002/bimj.4710310706; reference:[18] I. Vajda: Modifications od Divergence Criteria for Applications in Continuous Families.Research Report No. 2230, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Prague 2008.; reference:[19] A. W. van der Vaart: Asymptotic Statistics.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998. Zbl 0910.62001, MR 1652247; reference:[20] A. W. van der Vaart, J. A. Wellner: Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes.Springer, Berlin 1996. Zbl 0862.60002, MR 1385671
7Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Atmania, R., Mazouzi, S.
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:impulsive condition, keyword:delayed parabolic equation, keyword:oscillation, keyword:divergence theorem, keyword:impulsive differential inequality, msc:35B05, msc:35K61, msc:35R12
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR2852382; zbl:Zbl 1249.35333; reference:[1] Bainov, D., Minchev, E.: Trends in theory of impulsive partial differential equations.Nonlinear World 3 (3) (1996), 357–384. MR 1411360; reference:[2] Bainov, D., Minchev, E.: Forced oscillations of solutions of impulsive nonlinear parabolic differential-difference equations.J. Korean Math. Soc. 35 (4) (1998), 881–890. Zbl 0922.35183, MR 1666462; reference:[3] Cui, B., Deng, F. Q., Li, W. N., Liu, Y. Q.: Oscillation problems for delay parabolic systems with impulses.Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls Syst. Ser. A Math. Anal. 12 (2005), 67–76. MR 2099905; reference:[4] Fu, X., Liu, X.: Oscillation criteria for impulsive hyperbolic systems.Dynam. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Systems 3 (2) (1997), 225–244. Zbl 0927.34008, MR 1448781; reference:[5] Fu, X., Liu, X., Sivaloganathan, S.: Oscillation criteria for impulsive parabolic differential equations with delay.J. Math. Anal. Appl. 268 (2002), 647–664. Zbl 1160.35429, MR 1896220, 10.1006/jmaa.2001.7840; reference:[6] Liu, A., Xiao, L., Liu, T.: Oscillation of nonlinear impulsive hyperbolic equations with several delays.Electron. J. Differential Equations 2004 (24) (2004), 1–6. Zbl 1060.35153, MR 2036208
8Academic Journal
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:hyperbolic systems, keyword:wave equation, keyword:evolution Galerkin schemes, keyword:Maxwell equations, keyword:linearized Euler equations, keyword:divergence-free, keyword:vorticity, keyword:dispersion, msc:35A35, msc:35Q35, msc:35Q60, msc:65M60, msc:76B99, msc:76M10, msc:78M10
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR2086087; zbl:Zbl 1099.65088; reference:[1] C. A. Balanis: Advance Engineering Electromagnetics.John Wiley & Sons, New York-Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto-Singapore, 1989.; reference:[2] D. K. Cheng: Field and Wave Electromagnetics.Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, second edition, 1989.; reference:[3] J. D. Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics.John Wiley & Sons, third edition, New York, 1999. Zbl 0920.00012, MR 0436782; reference:[4] M. Lukáčová-Medviďová, K. W. Morton, and G. Warnecke: Finite volume evolution, Galerkin metods for Euler equations of gas dynamics.Internat. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 40 (2002), 425–434. MR 1932992, 10.1002/fld.297; reference:[5] M. Lukáčová-Medviďová, K. W. Morton, and G. Warnecke: Evolution Galerkin methods for hyperbolic systems in two space dimensions.Math. Comp. 69 (2000), 1355–1348. MR 1709154, 10.1090/S0025-5718-00-01228-X; reference:[6] M. Lukáčová-Medviďová, J. Saibertová, and G. Warnecke: Finite volume evolution Galerkin methods for nonlinear hyperbolic systems.J. Comput. Phys. 183 (2002), 533–562. MR 1947781, 10.1006/jcph.2002.7207; reference:[7] M. Lukáčová-Medviďová, G. Warnecke, and Y. Zahaykah: On the boundary conditions for EG-methods applied to the two-dimensional wave equation system.Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 84 (2004), 237–251. MR 2045490, 10.1002/zamm.200310103; reference:[8] M. Lukáčová-Medviďová, G. Warnecke, and Y. Zahaykah: Third order finite volume evolution Galerkin (FVEG) methods for two-dimensional wave equation system.J. Numer. Math. 11 (2003), 235–251. MR 2018817; reference:[9] S. Ostkamp: Multidimensional characteristic Galerkin schemes and evolution operators for hyperbolic systems.Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 20 (1997), 1111–1125. MR 1465396, 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1476(19970910)20:133.0.CO;2-1; reference:[10] G. Strang: On the construction and comparison of difference schemes.SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 5 (1968), 506–517. MR 0235754, 10.1137/0705041; reference:[11] Y. Zahaykah: Evolution Galerkin schemes and discrete boundary condition for multidimensional first order systems.PhD. thesis, Magdeburg, 2002.
9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Štěpánek, František
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:Fourier series, keyword:divergence, keyword:convergence, msc:01A60, msc:42A20, msc:42A24
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: zbl:Zbl 1265.01011; reference:[33] Choquet, G.: Spojité, diskrétní a . všechno ostatní.48 (2003), 158–168.; reference:[34] Katětov, M.: N. N. Luzin a teorie reálných funkcí.20 (1975) 137–145.; reference:[35] Kuratowski, K.: A half century of Polish mathematics.PWN, Warszawa and Pergamon Press, Oxford 1980. Zbl 0438.01006, MR 0565253; reference:[36] Luzin, N. N.: Integral i trigonometričeskij rjad.Gos. izdatělstvo tech.-teor. litěratury, Moskva-Leningrad 1951. MR 0048364; reference:[37] Uljanov, P. L.: A. N. Kolmogorov i raschodjaščijesja rjady Furje.Uspěchi matem. nauk 38 (1983), 51–90. MR 0710114; reference:[38] Edwards, R. E.: Fourier series, Vol. I + Vol. II.Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York 1967.; reference:[39] Lasser, R.: Introduction to Fourier series.Marcel Dekker, New York 1996. Zbl 0848.42001, MR 1379801; reference:[40] Zygmund, A.: Trigonometrical series.Monografje matematyczne Tom V, Warszawa–Lwów 1935. (Citace podle ruského překladu: Trigonometričeskije rjady. Izdatělstvo MIR, Moskva 1965.) Zbl 0011.01703; reference:[41] Jorsboe, O. G., Mejlboro, L.: The Carleson-Hunt theorem on Fourier series.Lecture Notes in Math. 911, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1982. MR 0653477; reference:[42] Štěpánek, F.: Teorie aproximací I. (Základy teorie limitovacích metod).SPN, Praha 1979.; reference:[43] Kahane, J.-P.: Sur la divergence presque sûre presque partout de certaines séries de Fourier aléatoires.Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis, Sectio Mathematica, 3–4 (1960–1961), 101–108. MR 0132961; reference:[44] Konyagin, S. V.: On everywhere divergence of trigonometric Fourier series.Sborník: Mathematics 191 (2000), 97–120. Zbl 0967.42004, MR 1753494; reference:[45] Körner, T. W.: Sets of divergence for Fourier series.Bull. London Math. Soc. 3 (1971), 152–154. MR 0290022, 10.1112/blms/3.2.152; reference:[46] Körner, T. W.: Everywhere divergent Fourier series.Colloq. Math. 45 (1981), 103–118. MR 0652607; reference:[47] Lusin, N. N.: Sur la convergence des séries trigonométriques de Fourier.Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris 156 (1913), 1655–1658.; reference:[48] Prestini, E.: On the two proofs of pointwise convergence of Fourier series.Amer. J. Math. 104 (1982), 127–139. Zbl 0499.42003, MR 0648483, 10.2307/2374070; reference:[49] Zygmund, A.: On certain lemmas of Marcinkiewicz and Carleson.J. Approx. Theory 2 (1969), 249–257. Zbl 0175.35303, MR 0261408
10Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Dragomir, S. S.
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:$f$-divergence, keyword:divergence measures in information theory, keyword:Jensen’s inequality, keyword:Hellinger and triangular discrimination, msc:26D15, msc:94A17
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1980368; zbl:Zbl 1099.94015; reference:[1] I. Csiszár: Information measures: A critical survey.Trans. 7th Prague Conf. on Info. Th., Statist. Decis. Funct., Random Processes and 8th European Meeting of Statist., Volume B, Academia Prague, 1978, pp. 73–86. MR 0519465; reference:[2] I. Csiszár: Information-type measures of difference of probability functions and indirect observations.Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 2 (1967), 299–318. MR 0219345; reference:[3] I. Csiszár, J. Körner: Information Theory: Coding Theorem for Discrete Memory-less Systems.Academic Press, New York, 1981. MR 0666545; reference:[4] : Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Applied Statistics.J. H. Justice (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986. Zbl 0597.00025, MR 0892126; reference:[5] J. N. 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11Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Franchi, Bruno, Serapioni, Raul, Cassano, Francesco Serra
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:Carnot groups, keyword:perimeter, keyword:rectifiability, keyword:divergence theorem, msc:22E30, msc:49Q15
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1981527; zbl:Zbl 1018.49029; reference:[1] L. Ambrosio: Some fine properties of sets of finite perimeter in Ahlfors regular metric measure spaces.Adv. Math. 159 (2001), 51–67. Zbl 1002.28004, MR 1823840, 10.1006/aima.2000.1963; reference:[2] E. De Giorgi: Su una teoria generale della misura $(r-1)$-dimensionale in uno spazio ad $r$ dimensioni.Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 36 (1954), 191–213. Zbl 0055.28504, MR 0062214, 10.1007/BF02412838; reference:[3] E. De Giorgi: Nuovi teoremi relativi alle misure $(r-1)$-dimensionali in uno spazio ad $r$ dimensioni.Ricerche Mat. 4 (1955), 95–113. Zbl 0066.29903, MR 0074499; reference:[4] H. Federer: Geometric Measure Theory.Springer, 1969. Zbl 0176.00801, MR 0257325; reference:[5] G. B.Folland, E. M. Stein: Hardy Spaces on Homogeneous Groups.Princeton University Press, 1982. Zbl 0508.42025, MR 0657581; reference:[6] B. Franchi, R. Serapioni, F. Serra Cassano: Meyers-Serrin type theorems and relaxation of variational integrals depending on vector fields.Houston J. Math. 22 (1996), 859–889. MR 1437714; reference:[7] B. Franchi, R. Serapioni, F. Serra Cassano: Rectifiability and perimeter in the Heisenberg group.Math. Ann. 321 (2001), 479–531. MR 1871966, 10.1007/s002080100228; reference:[8] B. Franchi, R. Serapioni, F. Serra Cassano: Regular hypersurfaces, intrinsic perimeter and implicit function theorem in Carnot groups.Preprint (2001). MR 2032504; reference:[9] B. Franchi, R. Serapioni, F. Serra Cassano: On the structure of finite perimeter sets in step 2 Carnot groups.Preprint (2001). MR 1984849; reference:[10] N. Garofalo, D. M. Nhieu: Isoperimetric and Sobolev inequalities for Carnot-Carathéodory spaces and the existence of minimal surfaces.Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 49 (1996), 1081–1144. MR 1404326, 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0312(199610)49:103.0.CO;2-A; reference:[11] M. Gromov: Metric Structures for Riemannian and non Riemannian Spaces.vol. 152, Progress in Mathematics, Birkhauser, Boston, 1999. Zbl 0953.53002, MR 1699320; reference:[12] J. Heinonen: Calculus on Carnot groups.Ber., Univ. Jyväskylä 68 (1995), 1–31. Zbl 0863.22009, MR 1351042; reference:[13] A. Korányi, H. M. Reimann: Foundation for the theory of quasiconformal mappings on the Heisenberg group.Adv. Math. 111 (1995), 1–87. 10.1006/aima.1995.1017; reference:[14] J. Mitchell: On Carnot-Carathéodory metrics.J. Differ. Geom. 21 (1985), 35–45. Zbl 0554.53023, MR 0806700, 10.4310/jdg/1214439462; reference:[15] R. Monti, F. Serra Cassano: Surface measures in Carnot-Carathéodory spaces.Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ (to appear). MR 1865002; reference:[16] P. Pansu: Métriques de Carnot-Carathéodory et quasiisométries des espaces symétriques de rang un.Ann. Math. 129 (1989), 1–60. Zbl 0678.53042, MR 0979599, 10.2307/1971484; reference:[17] E. Sawyer, R. L. Wheeden: Weighted inequalities for fractional integrals on Euclidean and homogeneous spaces.Amer. J. Math. 114 (1992), 813–874. MR 1175693, 10.2307/2374799
12Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Menéndez, M., Morales, D., Pardo, L., Vajda, I.
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:divergence, keyword:disparity, keyword:minimum disparity estimators, keyword:robustness, keyword:asymptotic efficiency, msc:62B10, msc:62E20
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1865516; zbl:Zbl 1059.62001; reference:[1] A. Basu, S. Sarkar: Minimum disparity estimation in the errors-in-variables model.Statist. Probab. Lett. 20 (1994), 69–73. MR 1294806, 10.1016/0167-7152(94)90236-4; reference:[2] A. Basu, S. Sarkar: The trade-off between robustness and efficiency and the effect of model smoothing.J. Statist. Comput. Simulation 50 (1994), 173–185. 10.1080/00949659408811609; reference:[3] M. W. Birch: A new proof of the Pearson-Fisher theorem.Ann. Math. Statist. 35 (1964), 817–824. Zbl 0259.62017, MR 0169324, 10.1214/aoms/1177703581; reference:[4] E. Bofinger: Goodness-of-fit using sample quantiles.J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 35 (1973), 277–284. MR 0336896; reference:[5] H. Cramér: Mathematical Methods of Statistics.Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1946. MR 0016588; reference:[6] N. A. C. Cressie, R. C. Read: Multinomial goodness-of-fit tests.J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 46 (1984), 440–464. MR 0790631; reference:[7] R. A. Fisher: Statistical Methods for Research Workers (8th edition).London, 1941.; reference:[8] F. Liese, I. Vajda: Convex Statistical Distances.Teubner, Leipzig, 1987. MR 0926905; reference:[9] B. G. Lindsay: Efficiency versus robutness: The case for minimum Hellinger distance and other methods.Ann. Statist. 22 (1994), 1081–1114. MR 1292557, 10.1214/aos/1176325512; reference:[10] M. L. Menéndez, D. Morales, L. Pardo and I. Vajda: Two approaches to grouping of data and related disparity statistics.Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 27 (1998), 609–633. MR 1619038, 10.1080/03610929808832117; reference:[11] M. L. Menéndez, D. Morales, L. Pardo and I. Vajda: Minimum divergence estimators based on grouped data.Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 53 (2001), 277–288. MR 1841136, 10.1023/A:1012466605316; reference:[12] D. Morales, L. Pardo and I. Vajda: Asymptotic divergence of estimates of discrete distributions.J. Statist. Plann. Inference 48 (1995), 347–369. MR 1368984, 10.1016/0378-3758(95)00013-Y; reference:[13] J. Neyman: Contribution to the theory of the $\chi ^2$ test.In: Proc. Berkeley Symp. Math. Statist. Probab., Berkeley, CA, Berkeley University Press, Berkeley, 1949, pp. 239–273. MR 0028003; reference:[14] Ch. Park, A. Basu and S. Basu: Robust minimum distance inference based on combined distances.Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput. 24 (1995), 653–673. 10.1080/03610919508813265; reference:[15] C. R. Rao: Asymptotic efficiency and limiting information.In: Proc. 4th Berkeley Symp. Math. Stat. Probab., Berkeley, CA, Berkeley University Press, Berkeley, 1961, pp. 531–545. Zbl 0156.39802, MR 0133192; reference:[16] C. R. Rao: Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications (2nd edition).Wiley, New York, 1973. MR 0346957; reference:[17] R. C. Read, N. A. C. Cressie: Goodness-of-fit Statistics for Discrete Multivariate Data.Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988. MR 0955054; reference:[18] C. A. Robertson: On minimum discrepancy estimators.Sankhyä Ser. A 34 (1972), 133–144. Zbl 0266.62021, MR 0331606; reference:[19] I. Vajda: $\chi ^2$-divergence and generalized Fisher information.In: Transactions of the Sixth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, Academia, Prague, 1973, pp. 223–234. Zbl 0297.62003, MR 0356302; reference:[20] I. Vajda: Theory of Statistical Inference and Information.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1989. Zbl 0711.62002; reference:[21] B. L. van der Waarden: Mathematische Statistik.Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1957.; reference:[22] K. Pearson: On the criterion that a given system of deviations from the probable in the case of correlated system of variables is such that it can be reasonably supposed to have arisen from random sampling.Philosophical Magazine 50 (1990), 157–172.; reference:[23] I. Csiszár: Eine Informationstheoretische Ungleichung und ihre Anwendung auf den Beweis der Ergodizität von Markoffschen Ketten.Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Series A 8 (1963), 85–108. MR 0164374; reference:[24] M. S. Ali, S. D. Silvey: A general class of coefficients of divergence of one distribution from another.J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 28 (1966), 131–140. MR 0196777; reference:[25] A. Rényi: On measures of entropy and information.In: Proceedings of the 4th Berkeley Symposium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 1, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1961, pp. 531–546. MR 0132570; reference:[26] A. W. Marshall, I. Olkin: Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications.Academic Press, New York, 1979. MR 0552278
13Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Korotov, Sergey
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:divergence-free functions, keyword:finite elements, keyword:internal approximation, keyword:stream function, keyword:Fourier transform, msc:65N30, msc:74S05, msc:76M10
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1441632; zbl:Zbl 0902.65055; reference:[1] V. Girault, P. A. Raviart: Finite Element Approximation of the Navier-Stokes Equations.Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979. MR 0548867; reference:[2] I. Hlaváček, M. Křížek: Internal finite element approximations in the dual variational methods for second order elliptic problems with curved boundaries.Apl. Mat. 29 (1984), 52–69. MR 0729953; reference:[3] M. Křížek, P. Neittaanmäki: Internal FE approximation of spaces of divergence-free functions in 3-dimensional domains.Internat. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 6 (1986), 811–817. MR 0865678, 10.1002/fld.1650061104; reference:[4] M. Křížek, P. Neittaanmäki: Finite Element Approximation of Variational Problems and Applications.Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, 1990. MR 1066462; reference:[5] J. C. Nedelec: Eléments finis mixtes incompressibles pour l’equation de Stokes dans $^3$.Numer. Math. 39 (1982), 97–112. MR 0664539, 10.1007/BF01399314; reference:[6] R. Temam: Navier-Stokes Equations.North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979. Zbl 0454.35073, MR 0603444; reference:[7] V. S. Vladimirov: Equations of Mathematical Physics.Marcel Dekker, New York, 1971. Zbl 0231.35002, MR 0268497
14Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Král, Josef
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:perimeter, keyword:divergence theorem, keyword:the divergence theorem of Gauss-Ostrogradski, msc:01A70, msc:28-03, msc:28A75, msc:28B20
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1428138; zbl:Zbl 0879.28011; reference:[1] M. Chlebík: Tricomi Potentials.Thesis presented in the Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in 1988. (In Slovak.); reference:[2] E. De Giorgi: Su una teoria generale della misura (r-1)-dimensionale in uno spazio ad r dimensioni.Annali di Matematica (IV) 36 (1954), 191-213. Zbl 0055.28504, MR 0062214, 10.1007/BF02412838; reference:[3] E. De Giorgi: Nuovi teoremi relativi alle misure (r-1)-dimensionali in uno spazio ad r dimensioni.Ricerche di Matematica IV (1955), 94-113. Zbl 0066.29903; reference:[4] H. Federer: Geometric measure theory.Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1969. Zbl 0176.00801, MR 0257325; reference:[5] K. Krickegerg: Distributionen, Funktionen beschränkter Variation und Lebesgueschei Inhalt nichtparametrischer Flächen.Annali di Matematica pura ed applicada (IV) XLIV (1957), 105-134. MR 0095922; reference:[6] J. Mařík: The surface integral.Časopis Pěst. Mat. 81 (1956), 79-82. (In Czech.) MR 0089891; reference:[7] J. Mařík: The surface integral.Czechoslovak Math. J. 6(81) (1956), 522-558. MR 0089891; reference:[8] J. Mařík: A note to the length of a Jordan curve.Časopis Pěst. Mat. 83 (1958), 91-96. (In Czech.) MR 0095243; reference:[9] A. I. Voľpert: BV spaces and quasilinear equations.Matem. sbornik 73 (115) (1967), No. 2, 255-302. (In Russian.) MR 0216338
15Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Hao, Wenge, Leonardi, Salvatore, Steinhauer, Mark
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:divergence-free solutions, keyword:elliptic systems, keyword:systems of Stokes-type, keyword:regularity, msc:35B65, msc:35C05, msc:35D10, msc:35J15, msc:35J45, msc:35Q30
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1364492; zbl:Zbl 0837.35041; reference:[1] Campanato S.: Sistemi ellittici in forma divergenza. Regolarita' all'interno.Quaderno Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Pisa (1980). Zbl 0453.35026, MR 0668196; reference:[2] De Giorgi E.: Un esempio di estremali discontinue per un problema variazionale di tipo ellittico.Boll. U.M.I. 4 (1968), 135-137. MR 0227827; reference:[3] Frehse J.: Una generalizzazione di un controesempio di De Giorgi nella teoria delle equazioni ellitiche.Boll. U.M.I. 6 (1970), 998-1002. MR 0276612; reference:[4] Galdi G.P.: An introduction to the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations, Volume I: Linearized steady problems.Springer tracts in natural philosophy vol.38, Springer-Verlag, New York Berlin Heidelberg et alii, 1994. MR 1284205; reference:[5] Giaquinta M.: Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations and nonlinear elliptic systems.Annals of Math. Studies, vol. 105 Princeton University Press Princeton (1983). Zbl 0516.49003, MR 0717034; reference:[6] Giaquinta M., Modica G.: Non linear systems of the type of the Navier-Stokes system.J. Reine Angewandte Math. 330 (1982), 173-214. MR 0641818; reference:[7] John O., Malý J., Stará J.: Nowhere continuous solutions to elliptic systems.Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 30 (1989), 33-43. MR 0995699; reference:[8] Koshelev A.I., Chelkak S.I.: Regularity of solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems.Teubner Leipzig (1985). Zbl 0581.35003, MR 0825485; reference:[9] Ladyzhenskaya O. A.: The mathematical theory of viscous incompressible flow.Gordon and Breach Science Publishers New York (1969). Zbl 0184.52603, MR 0254401; reference:[10] Leonardi S.: On constants of some regularity theorems. De Giorgi counterexamples.Preprint N.I.U (1993) [Thesis (1995-96)], to appear.; reference:[11] Munkres J.R.: Analysis on manifolds.Addison-Wesley Redwood City (1991). Zbl 0743.26006, MR 1079066; reference:[12] Nečas J.: Introduction to the theory of nonlinear elliptic equations.Teubner, Leipzig, 1983 or J. Wiley, Chichester (1986). MR 0731261; reference:[13] Nečas J.: Notes for a talk given at the Equadiff 8 in Bratislava 1993.(personal communication).; reference:[14] Souček J.: Singular solutions to linear elliptic systems,.Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 25 (1984), 273-281. MR 0768815; reference:[15] Steinhauer M.: Funktionenräume vom Campanato-Typ und Regularitätseigenschaften elliptischer Systeme zweiter Ordnung.Diplomarbeit Univ. Bonn (1993).
16Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Taneja, Inder Jeet, Pardo, L., Morales, D.
مصطلحات موضوعية: keyword:divergence measures, keyword:information radius, keyword:statistical experiment, keyword:sufficiency of experiments, keyword:Shannon's entropy, keyword:comparison of experiments, keyword:stochastic transformations, keyword:unified scalar parametric generalizations of Jensen difference divergence measure, msc:62B10, msc:62B15, msc:94A15, msc:94A17
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: mr:MR1134921; zbl:Zbl 0748.62003; reference:[1] Blackwell D. (1951): Comparison of experiments.Proc. 2nd Berkeley Symp. Berkeley: University of California Press, 93-102. MR 0046002; reference:[2] Burbea J. (1984): The Bose-Einstein Entropy of degree a and its Jensen Difference.Utilitas Math. 25, 225-240. MR 0752861; reference:[3] Burbea J., Rao C . R. (1982): Entropy Differential Metric, Distance and Divergence Measures in Probability Spaces: A Unified Approach.J. Multi. Analy. 12, 575 - 596. MR 0680530, 10.1016/0047-259X(82)90065-3; reference:[4] Burbea J., Rao C. R. (1982): On the Convexity of some Divergence Measures based on Entropy Functions.IEEE Trans. on Inform. Theory IT-28, 489-495. MR 0672884; reference:[5] Capocelli R. M., Taneja I. J. (1984): Generalized Divergence Measures and Error Bounds.Proc. IEEE Internat. Conf. on Systems, man and Cybernetics, Oct. 9-12, Halifax, Canada, pp. 43 - 47.; reference:[6] Campbell L. L. (1986): An extended Čencov characterization of the Information Metric.Proc. Ann. Math. Soc., 98, 135-141. MR 0848890; reference:[7] Čencov N. N. (1982): Statistical Decisions Rules and Optimal Inference.Trans. of Math. Monographs, 53, Am. Math. Soc., Providence, R. L. MR 0645898; reference:[8] De Groot M. H. (1970): Optimal Statistical Decisions.McGraw-Hill. New York. MR 0356303; reference:[9] Ferentinos K., Papaioannou T. (1982): Information in experiments and sufficiency.J. Statist. Plann. Inference 6, 309-317. MR 0667911, 10.1016/0378-3758(82)90001-5; reference:[10] Goel P. K., De Groot (1979): Comparison of experiments and information measures.Ann. Statist. 7, 1066-1077. MR 0536509, 10.1214/aos/1176344790; reference:[11] Kullback S., Leibler A. (1951): On information and sufficiency.Ann. Math Stat. 27, 986-1005.; reference:[12] Lindley D. V. (1956): On a measure of information provided by an experiment.Ann. Math. Statis. 27, 986-1005. MR 0083936, 10.1214/aoms/1177728069; reference:[13] Marshall A. W., Olkin I. (1979): Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications.Academic Press. New York. MR 0552278; reference:[14] Morales D., Taneja I. J., Pardo L.: Comparison of Experiments based on $\phi$-Measures of Jensen Difference.Communicated.; reference:[15] Pardo L., Morales D., Taneja I. J.: $\lambda$-measures of hypoentropy and comparison of experiments: Bayesian approach.To appear in Statistica. Zbl 0782.62011, MR 1173196; reference:[16] Rao C. R. (1982): Diversity and Dissimilarity Coefficients: A Unified Approach.J. Theoret. Pop. Biology, 21, 24-43. MR 0662520, 10.1016/0040-5809(82)90004-1; reference:[17] Rao C. R., Nayak T. K. (1985): Cross Entropy, Dissimilarity Measures and characterization of Quadratic Entropy.IEEE Trans, on Inform. Theory, IT-31(5), 589-593. MR 0808230, 10.1109/TIT.1985.1057082; reference:[18] Sakaguchi M. (1964): Information Theory and Decision Making.Unpublished Lecture Notes, Statist. Dept., George Washington Univ., Washington DC.; reference:[19] Sanťanna A. P., Taneja I. J.: Trigonometric Entropies, Jensen Difference Divergence Measures and Error Bounds.Information Sciences 25, 145-156. MR 0794765; reference:[20] Shannon C. E. (1948): A Mathematical Theory of Communications.Bell. Syst. Tech. J. 27, 379-423. MR 0026286, 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1948.tb01338.x; reference:[21] Sibson R. (1969): Information Radius.Z. Wahrs. und verw. Geb. 14, 149-160. MR 0258198, 10.1007/BF00537520; reference:[22] Taneja I. J.: 1(983): On characterization of J-divergence and its generalizations.J. Combin. Inform. System Sci. 8, 206-212. MR 0783757; reference:[23] Taneja I. J. (1986): $\lambda$-measures of hypoentropy and their applications.Statistica, anno XLVI, n. 4, 465-478. MR 0887303; reference:[24] Taneja I. J. (1986): Unified Measure of Information applied to Markov Chains and Sufficiency.J. Comb. Inform. & Syst. Sci., 11, 99-109. MR 0966074; reference:[25] Taneja I. J. (1987): Statistical aspects of Divergence Measures.J. Statist. Plann. & Inferen., 16, 137-145. MR 0895754, 10.1016/0378-3758(87)90063-2; reference:[26] Taneja I. J. (1989): On Generalized Information Measures and their Applications.Adv. Elect. Phys. 76, 327 - 413. Academic Press.; reference:[27] Taneja I. J. (1990): Bounds on the Probability of Error in Terms of Generalized Information Radius.Information Sciences. 46.; reference:[28] Taneja I. J., Morales D., Pardo L. (1991): $\lambda$-measures of hypoentropy and comparison of experiments: Blackwell and Lehemann approach.Kybernetika, 27, 413 - 420. MR 1132603; reference:[29] Vajda I. (1968): Bounds on the Minimal Error Probability and checking a finite or countable number of Hypothesis.Inform. Trans. Problems 4, 9-17. MR 0267685; reference:[30] Vajda I. (1989): Theory of Statistical Inference and Information.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London/.