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    Academic Journal

    المصدر: Revista Perspectivas; Vol. 7 Núm. S1 (2022): Número Especial; 186-192 ; 2590-9215

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    المؤلفون: Pérez-Valbuena, Gerson Javier

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    Electronic Resource

    المؤلفون: Pereira, Ricardo Salvador

    مصطلحات الفهرس: Personajes colombianos, COLOMBIA - HISTORIA - ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLOMBIA, 1863-1885, COLOMBIA - GEOGRAFÍA HISTÓRICA - SIGLO XIX, COLOMBIA - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, COLOMBIA - SIGLO XIX -- MAPAS, COLOMBIA - POLÍTICA Y GOBIERNO - SIGLO XIX, COLOMBIA - HISTORIA - DESCUBRIMIENTO Y CONQUISTA, 1499-1550, COLOMBIA - HISTORIA - COLONIA, 1550-1810, COLOMBIA - HISTORIA - GUERRA DE INDEPENDENCIA, 1810-1819, COLOMBIA - POBLACIÓN - SIGLO XIX, COLOMBIA - COMERCIO EXTERIOR - SIGLO XIX, COLOMBIA - SIGLO XIX - ESTADÍSTICAS, BOLÍVAR (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, BOLÍVAR (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, BOLÍVAR (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - SIGLO XIX - MAPAS, BOYACÁ (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, BOYACÁ (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, BOYACÁ (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - SIGLO XIX - MAPAS, CAUCA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, CAUCA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, CAUCA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - SIGLO XIX - MAPAS, CUNDINAMARCA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, CUNDINAMARCA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, CUNDINAMARCA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - SIGLO XIX - MAPAS, MAGDALENA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, MAGDALENA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, MAGDALENA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - SIGLO XIX - MAPAS, PANAMÁ - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, PANAMÁ - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, PANAMÁ - SIGLO XIX - MAPAS, SANTANDER (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, SANTANDER (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, SANTANDER (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - SIGLO XIX - MAPAS, TOLIMA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, TOLIMA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, TOLIMA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - SIGLO XIX - MAPAS, ANTIOQUIA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - HISTORIA - SIGLO XIX, ANTIOQUIA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - CARACTERÍSTICAS NACIONALES - SIGLO XIX, ANTIOQUIA (COLOMBIA : DEPARTAMENTO) - MAPAS - SIGLO XIX, COLOMBIA - COMERCIO - SIGLO XIX, COLOMBIA - BIOGRAFÍAS, RECURSOS HIDRÍCOS - COLOMBIA - SIGLO XIX, RECURSOS NATURALES - COLOMBIA - SIGLO XIX, ECONOMÍA - COLOMBIA - SIGLO XIX, LESSEPS, FERDINAND DE, 1805-1894 - CORRESPONDENCIA ENVIADA, History of the United States of Colombia, 1863-1885, Historical geography of Colombia in the 19th century, History of Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of Colombia in the 19th century, Politics and government of Colombia in the 19th century, History of the discovery and conquest of Colombia in the 19th century, History of the colony in Colombia in the 19th century, Population of Colombia in the 19th century, Trade in Colombia in the 19th century, Foreign trade of Colombia in the 19th century, Statistics of Colombia in the 19th century, History of the department of Bolívar, Colombia in the 19th century, National characteristics of the department of Bolívar, Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of the department of Bolívar, Colombia in the 19th century, History of the department of Boyacá, Colombia in the 19th century, National characteristics of the department of Boyacá, Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of the department of Boyacá, Colombia in the 19th century, History of the department of Cauca, Colombia in the 19th century, National characteristics of the department of Cauca, Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of the department of Cauca, Colombia in the 19th century, History of the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia in the 19th century, National characteristics of the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia in the 19th century, History of the department of Magdalena, Colombia in the 19th century, National characteristics of the department of Magdalena, Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of the department of Magdalena, Colombia in the 19th century, History of the department of Santander, Colombia in the 19th century, National characteristics of the department of Santander, Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of the department of Santander, Colombia in the 19th century, History of the department of Tolima, Colombia in the 19th century, National characteristics of the department of Tolima, Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of the department of Tolima, Colombia in the 19th century, History of the department of Antioquia, Colombia in the 19th century, National characteristics of the department of Antioquia, Colombia in the 19th century, Maps of the department of Antioquia, Colombia in the 19th century, History Panama in the 19th century, National characteristics of Panama in the 19th century, Maps of Panama in the 19th century, Colombian Biographies, Water resources of Colombia in the 19th century, Natural resources of Colombia in the 19th century, Colombian economy in the 19th century, Colombian characters, History of the wars of independence, 1810-1819 of Colombia in the 19th century, Correspondence sent from Ferdinand de Lesseps, 1805-1894, book, info:eu-repo/semantics/book, Libro, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, publishedVersion