المؤلفون: Duncan, Kirk A.
المساهمون: Denning, Dorothy, McCormick, Gordon, Defense Analysis (DA)
مصطلحات موضوعية: FBI, Facebook, Overthrow, Insurgent Warfare, Narrative, Military Information Support Operations, Coerce, CIA, Activism, Political Process Model, Circumvention Tools, Revolution, Egyptian Revolution, Surveillance, Augmented Reality, Unconventional Warfare, Censorship, Special Operations Forces, Deter, Counterterrorism, Social Networks, SMS, SMT, Regime Change, Crowdsourcing, Egypt, Action Mobilization, Social Media in Unconventional Warfare, Consensus Mobilization, Recruitment, Disrupt, Defeat, CT, Social Media Assessment Tool, Tunisia, Twitter, Counter-Insurgency, Mobile Phones, Text Message, Arab Spring, Special Forces, Social Media Technology, ARSOF, Insurgency, Active Mobilization, Passive Mobilization, Core Activities, Censorship Tools, Internet, Open Source Intelligence, Insurgent, Information Operations, SOF, Bluetooth, Filters, IO, COIN, OSINT, UW, Proxy, Social Movement Theory, Social Media Assessment Methodology, Revolutionary Warfare, MISO, Cell Phones, Social Media, Social Movement
وصف الملف: application/pdf
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 鐘聖雄, Jhong, Sheng-Shong
المساهمون: 范雲, 張蒼松, 臺灣大學:
مصطلحات موضوعية: 樂生, 痲瘋病, 漢生病, 社會運動, 認知解放, 共識動員, Lo-Sheng, Leprosy, Hansen’s Disease, Social Movement, Cognitive Liberation, Consensus Mobilization
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3Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 林福岳
المساهمون: 大眾傳播學系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 共識動員, 社區傳播, 社會運動, 美濃反水庫運動, 族群認同, 傳播研究, Consensus mobilization, Community communication, Ethnic identity, Social movement, The Mei-Nung anti-dam movement, Communication research, anthro-se, socio
المؤلفون: Micheletti, Michele, 1953, Stolle, Dietlind
المصدر: The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements Oxford handbooks online.
مصطلحات موضوعية: instrumentality, identification, expressiveness, grievances, consensus mobilization, action mobilization, social embeddedness, statsvetenskap, Political Science
وصف الملف: print
URL الوصول: https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-108871
http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199678402.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199678402-e-45 -
5Electronic Resource
مصطلحات الفهرس: Social Media, Social Media Technology, Social Media in Unconventional Warfare, Unconventional Warfare, UW, Special Forces, Special Operations Forces, SOF, ARSOF, Core Activities, Arab Spring, Revolution, Egyptian Revolution, Revolutionary Warfare, Insurgent, Insurgency, Tunisia, Egypt, Political Process Model, Social Movement, Social Movement Theory, SMT, Social Networks, Facebook, Twitter, Disrupt, Coerce, Deter, Overthrow, Defeat, Regime Change, Insurgent Warfare, Counterterrorism, CT, Counter-Insurgency, COIN, Information Operations, IO, Internet, Bluetooth, Social Media Assessment Tool, Social Media Assessment Methodology, Mobile Phones, Cell Phones, SMS, Text Message, Censorship, Censorship Tools, Surveillance, Filters, Circumvention Tools, Proxy, Augmented Reality, CIA, FBI, Crowdsourcing, Open Source Intelligence, OSINT, Narrative, Passive Mobilization, Consensus Mobilization, Recruitment, Activism, Active Mobilization, Action Mobilization, Military Information Support Operations, MISO, Thesis