1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: P. Levi, M. Schanz, V. Avrutin
المصدر: Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol 5, Iss 1, Pp 35-45 (2000)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Distributed planning, Autonomous agents, Multi-agent systems, Self-organization, Chaos., Mathematics, QA1-939
وصف الملف: electronic resource
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: M. Belopolskaya A., A. Gareeva I., V. Avrutin Yu., A. Dmitriev V., D. Gusev A., М. Белопольская А., А. Гареева И., В. Аврутин Ю., А. Дмитриев В., Д. Гусев А.
المصدر: Journal Infectology; Том 14, № 1 (2022); 105-110 ; Журнал инфектологии; Том 14, № 1 (2022); 105-110 ; 2072-6732 ; 10.22625/2072-6732-2022-14-1
مصطلحات موضوعية: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, newborns, pregnancy, беременные, новорожденные
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: https://journal.niidi.ru/jofin/article/view/1314/959; Особенности течения свиного гриппа у погибших беременных и в случаях, едва не завершившихся летальным исходом / Т.Е. Белокриницкая [и др.] // Лечащий врач – 2013. – № 3. – С. 31.; Potential maternal and infant outcomes from (Wuhan) coronavirus 2019-nCoV infecting pregnant women: lessons from SARS, MERS, and other human coronavirus infections / Schwartz D. A., Graham A. L. // Viruses, 2020;12(02):194.; What are the risks of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women? / Qiao J. // Lancet, 2020;395(10226):760–762.; COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 and pregnancy: does the past predict the present? / Schwartz D.A. // Contagion Live, February 28, 2020. https://www. contagionlive.com/news/covid19-sarscov2-and-pregnancy-does-the-pastpredict-the-present. Accessed March 1, 2020; A systematic scoping review of COVID-19 during pregnancy and childbirth / Elshafeey F., Magdi R., Hindi N., Elshebiny M., Farrag N., Mahdy S. [et al.] // Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 2020; Apr 24. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ijgo.13182.; World Health Organization. Interim clinical guidance for management of patients with confirmed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection, 2020. Available: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-guidance-managementpatients.htm; A case report of neonatal COVID 19 infection in China / Wang S., Guo L., Chen L., Weiyong LiuW., Yong CaoY., Jingyi ZhangJ., Ling Feng L. [et al.] // Clin. Infect. Dis. 2020; March 12: ciaa225. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa225; Severe COVID-19 during pregnancy and possible vertical transmission / Alzamora M.C., Paredes T., Caceres D., [et al.] // American journal of perinatology, 2020. – Т 37. – № 8. – С. 861.; A review of newborn outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic / Kyle M.H., Glassman M. E., Khan A., [et al.] // Seminars in Perinatology.: WB Saunders, 2020. – С. 151-286.; Transplacental transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection / Vivanti A.J., Vauloup-Fellous C., Prevot S. [et al.] // Nat Commun 11, 3572 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17436-6; SARS-CoV-2: is it the newest spark in the TORCH? / K.M. Muldoon, K.B. Fowler, M.H. Pesch, M.R. Schleiss [ et al.] // J Clin Virol, 127 (2020), Article 104372, 10.1016/j.jcv.2020.104372; Кузнецов П.А., Козлов П.В. Гипоксия плода и асфиксия новорожденного // Лечебное дело. 2017. №4. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/gipoksiya-ploda-i-asfiksiyanovorozhdennogo (дата обращения: 20.12.2020).; Buonocore, G. Neonatology. A Practical Approach to Neonatal Diseases / G. Buonocore, R. Bracci, M. Weindling. – Milan: Springer-Verlag Italia, 2012. – 1348 p; Леонова, Е.Ю. Особенности системы гемостаза у новорожденных детей / Е.Ю. Леонова, О.Ю. Синякин // Охрана материнства и детства. – 2016. – № 2. – С. 76–81.; Wiedmeier, S. E. Platelet reference ranges for neonates, defined using data from over 47,000 patients in a multihospital healthcare system / S.E. Wiedmeier [et al.] // J. Perinatol. – 2009. – Vol. 29. – P. 130–136; Ishiguro, A. Age-related changes in thrombopoietin in children: reference interval for serum thrombopoietin levels / A. Ishiguro [et al.] // Br J Haematol. – 1999. – Vol. 106. – P. 884–884.; Беженарь, В.Ф. Спорные вопросы акушерской тактики при ведении беременности и родоразрешении пациенток с новой коронавирусной инфекцией COVID-19 / В.Ф. Беженарь [и др.] // Акушерство и гинекология. – 2020. – Т. 5. – С. 13–21.; https://journal.niidi.ru/jofin/article/view/1314
المؤلفون: I. Sushko, V. Avrutin, L. Gardini
المصدر: Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. :1-17
مصطلحات موضوعية: Algebra and Number Theory, Applied Mathematics, Analysis
4Academic Journal
المؤلفون: M. Belopolskaya A., T. Grigoryeva D., V. Avrutin Yu., D. Potanina V., A. Dmitriev V., A. Yakovlev A., М. Белопольская А., Т. Григорьева Д., В. Аврутин Ю., Д. Потанина В., А. Дмитриев В., А. Яковлев А.
المصدر: Journal Infectology; Том 12, № 1 (2020); 80-84 ; Журнал инфектологии; Том 12, № 1 (2020); 80-84 ; 2072-6732 ; 10.22625/2072-6732-2020-12-1
مصطلحات موضوعية: measles, immunity, age, level of measles antibodies, корь, иммунитет, возраст, уровень антител кори
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: https://journal.niidi.ru/jofin/article/view/1016/773; Moss WJ. Measles. //Lancet. 2017 2;390(10111):2490-2502; Melegaro A. Measles vaccination: no time to rest //The Lancet Global Health. – 2019. – Т. 7. – №. 3. – С. e282-e283.; World Health Organization. WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system. 2016 global summary. URL: http://apps.who. int/immunization_monitoring/globalsummary/countries?countrycriteria%5Bcountry%5D%5B%5D=GI N&commit=OK (18.05.2018); WHO. Measles in Europe: record number of both sick and immunized. Available from: http://www.euro.who.int/en/ media-centre/sections/press-releases/2019/measles-in-europerecord-number-of-both-sick-and-immunized [cited 2019 Feb 21]; Поздняков А.А. Проявления эпидемического процесса кори и краснухи на современном этапе/ А.А. Поздняков, О.П. Чернявская //Эпидемиология и вакцинопрофилактика. – 2018. – Т. 17, №. 5. – С. 102.; Письмо Роспотребнадзора от 30.07.2019 № 02/109012019-32 «Об эпидемиологической ситуации по кори и краснухе в 2018 году». – https://rospotrebnadzor.ru/upload/ iblock/b34/30.07.2019_02_10901_2019_32_popova_a.yu.pdf; Костинов М.П. Необходима ли третья доза вакцины против кори – взгляд иммунолога / М.П. Костинов [и др.] // Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии. – 2016. – № 5. – С. 88–94.; https://journal.niidi.ru/jofin/article/view/1016
5Academic Journal
المؤلفون: M. Belopolskaya A., V. Avrutin Yu., O. Denisova D., E. Lichnaya V., E. Yushina Yu., S. Gurina I., A. Dmitriev V., A. Yakovlev A., М. Белопольская А., В. Аврутин Ю., О. Денисова Д., Е. Личная В., Е. Юшина Ю., С. Гурина И., А. Дмитриев В., А. Яковлев А.
المصدر: Journal Infectology; Том 10, № 3 (2018); 84-90 ; Журнал инфектологии; Том 10, № 3 (2018); 84-90 ; 2072-6732 ; 10.22625/2072-6732-2018-10-3
مصطلحات موضوعية: сompression Elastography, Transient elastography, chronic hepatitis C, APRI-index, компрессионная эластография, транзиентная эластография, хронический гепатит С, APRI-индекс
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: https://journal.niidi.ru/jofin/article/view/762/645; Yano, M., Kumada, H., Kage M., Ikeda, K., Shimamatsu, K., Inoue, O., Hashimoto, E., Lefkowitch, JH., Ludwig, J., Okuda, K. The long-term pathological evolution of chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology 1996;23:1334–1340. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8675148; Sebastiani, G., Gkouvatsos, K., Pantopoulos, K. Chronic hepatitis C and liver fibrosis. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014;20(32):11033-11053. doi:10.3748/wjg.v20.i32.11033 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4145747/; Lin, ZH., Xin, YN., Dong, QJ., Wang, Q., Jiang, XJ., Zhan, SH., Sun, Y., Xuan, SY. Performance of the aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index for the staging of hepatitis C-related fibrosis: an updated meta-analysis. Hepatology 2011;53:726–736. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21319189; Foucher, J., Chanteloup, E., Vergniol, J., Castera, L., Le Bail, B., Adhoute, X., Bertet, J., Couzigou, P., de Ledinghen, V. Diagnosis of cirrhosis by transient elastography (FibroScan): a prospective study. Gut. 2006;55(3):403–8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16020491; Friedrich-Rust, M., Ong, M.F., Martens, S., Sarrazin, C., Bojunga, J. Zeuzem, S, Herrmann E. Performance of transient elastography for the staging of liver fibrosis: a meta-analysis. Gastroenterology 2008;134(4):960–74. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18395077; de Lédinghen, V., Vergniol J. Transient elastography (FibroScan). Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2008 Sep; 32(6 Suppl 1): 58–67. doi:10.1016/S0399-8320(08)73994-0 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18973847; EASL-ALEH Clinical Practice Guidelines: Non-invasive tests for evaluation of liver disease severity and prognosis. J Hepatol (2015), http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.jhep.2015.04.006 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25911335; Tsochatzis, EA., Gurusamy, KS., Ntaula, S., Cholongitas, E., Davidson, BR., Burroughs, AK. Elastography for the diagnosis of severity of fi brosis in chronic liver disease: a meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy. J Hepatol. 2011;54:650-659. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2010.07.033 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21146892; Talwalkar, JA., Kurtz, DM., Schoenleber, SJ., West, CP., Montori, VM. Ultrasound-based transient elastography for the detection of hepatic fibrosis: systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007;5:1214-1220. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17916549; Tatsumi, C., Kudo, M., Ueshima, K., Kitai, S., Takahashi, S., Inoue, T., Minami, Y., Chung, H., Maekawa, K., Fujimoto, K., Akiko, T., Takeshi, M. Noninvasive evaluation of hepatic fibrosis using serum fibrotic markers, transient elastography (FibroScan) and real-time tissue elastography. Intervirol. 2008;51(S 1): 27–33. doi:10.1159/000122602 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18544945; Fujimoto, K., Tatsumi, C., Ueshima, K., Shiina, T., Tonomura, A., Mitake, T., Yamamoto, K., Kudo, M., Kato, M. Evaluation of liver fibrosis in diffuse liver disease using realtime tissue elastography. Digestive Disease Week. May 30th — June 4th. 2009. Chicago, USA. Р. 1774. URL: http://www. hitachi-medical-systems.eu; Постнова, Н.А. Компрессионная эластография печени: методика, особенности получения эластограмм, анализ ошибок и артефактов / Н. А. Постнова [и др.] // Радиология-практика. — 2015. – № 2 (50). – С. 45–54. http://radp.ru/db/20152/45-54.pdf; Постнова, Н. А. Использование компрессионной эластографии для неинвазивной оценки фиброза печени: результаты многоцентрового исследования / Н. А. Постнова [и др.] // Ультразвуковая и функциональная диагностика. – 2016. – № 6. – С. 10–21. https://www.usclub.ru/blogs/item/ispolzovanie-kompressionnoj-elastografiidlya-neinvazivnoj-ocenki-fibroza-pecheni; Ochi, H., Hirooka, M., Koizumi, Y., Miyake, T., Tokumoto, Y., Soga, Y., Tada, F., Abe, M., Hiasa, Y., Onji, M. Realtime tissue elastography for evaluation of hepatic fibrosis and portal hypertension in non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Hepatology 2012; 56: 1271-1278 doi:10.1002/hep.25756 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22488593; Вирусные гепатиты в Российской Федерации. Аналитический обзор. 10 выпуск / под ред. В.И. Покровского, А.А. Тотоляна. – СПб.:ФБУН НИИЭМ имени Пастера, 2016. – 152 с.; https://journal.niidi.ru/jofin/article/view/762
المؤلفون: Zh. T. Zhusubaliyev, V. Avrutin, I. Sushko, L. Gardini
المصدر: Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). 32(4)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Mathematics::Dynamical Systems, Applied Mathematics, General Physics and Astronomy, Statistical and Nonlinear Physics, Mathematical Physics
المؤلفون: R. Sayeed, M. Mamun, V. Avrutin, Ü. Özgür
المصدر: Optics express. 30(8)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
المؤلفون: R. Secondo, A. Ball, B. Diroll, D. Fomra, K. Ding, V. Avrutin, Ü. Özgür, D. O. Demchenko, J. B. Khurgin, N. Kinsey
المصدر: Applied Physics Letters. 120:031103
مصطلحات موضوعية: Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
المؤلفون: V. Avrutin, L. Gardini, I. Sushko, F. Tramontana
المساهمون: Avrutin, V., Gardini, L., Sushko, I., Tramontana, F.
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/978-981-4368-82-7; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/978-981-4368-83-4; volume:95; numberofpages:648; http://hdl.handle.net/11576/2672860
المؤلفون: Emre Gür, Ilkay Demir, Hadis Morkoç, V. Avrutin, Oguz Gulseren, Ümit Özgür, V. N. Sheremet, Muhammet Genc, Ismail Altuntas, Sezai Elagoz, Atilla Aydinli
المساهمون: Fujioka, H., Morkoç, H., Schwarz, U. T., Sheremet, Volodymyr, Gülseren, Oğuz
المصدر: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
مصطلحات موضوعية: Light extraction, Si3N4 micro-domes, Total internal reflection, Materials science, business.industry, Gallium nitride, engineering.material, Light emitting diodes, law.invention, chemistry.chemical_compound, LED performance, Coating, Silicon nitride, chemistry, Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, law, Sapphire, engineering, Optoelectronics, business, Photonic crystal, Light-emitting diode
وصف الملف: application/pdf
11Academic Journal
المساهمون: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
مصطلحات موضوعية: GaMnAs, annealing, conductivity, Curie temperature, carrier density
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=; http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0307102v1.pdf
المؤلفون: V. Avrutin, Erdem Topsakal, Zafar Hussain Ibupoto, Magnus Willander, Natalia Izyumskaya, Aneela Tahira, Ümit Özgür, Nastassja Lewinski, Hadis Morkoç
المصدر: ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 6:Q84-Q100
مصطلحات موضوعية: Materials science, Nanostructure, business.industry, Nanotechnology, 02 engineering and technology, 010402 general chemistry, 021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology, 01 natural sciences, 0104 chemical sciences, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, Semiconductor, Electrochemical biosensor, Metal nanostructures, 0210 nano-technology, business
المؤلفون: V. Avrutin, Hadis Morkoç, Ümit Özgür, Sebastian Metzner, Kai Ding, Natalia Izyumskaya, F. Bertram, Jürgen Christen
المصدر: Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XIII.
مصطلحات موضوعية: 010302 applied physics, Materials science, Silicon, business.industry, Quantum-confined Stark effect, chemistry.chemical_element, 02 engineering and technology, 021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology, Epitaxy, 01 natural sciences, Isotropic etching, law.invention, chemistry, law, Electrical resistivity and conductivity, 0103 physical sciences, Optoelectronics, Wafer, 0210 nano-technology, business, Indium, Light-emitting diode
المؤلفون: V. Avrutin, M. Elçi, Atilla Aydinli, Hadis Morkoç, Kai Ding, Ümit Özgür, Ismail Altuntas, M. Genç, N. Sheremet, V. N. Sheremet, Negar Gheshlaghi
المساهمون: [Sheremet, V. -- Gheshlaghi, N. -- Elci, M. -- Sheremet, N. -- Aydinli, A.] Bilkent Univ, Dept Phys, Adv Res Labs, TR-06800 Ankara, Turkey -- [Genc, M.] Optoelect R&D Ctr, TR-16065 Ermaksan, Bursa, Turkey -- [Sheremet, N.] Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, Inst Phys, UA-03680 Kiev, Ukraine -- [Aydinli, A.] Uludag Univ, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, TR-16059 Bursa, Turkey -- [Altuntas, I.] Cumhuriyet Univ, Dept Nanotechnol Engn, TR-58140 Sivas, Turkey -- [Avrutin, V. -- Ozgur, U. -- Morkoc, H.] Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Sch Engn, Med Coll Virginia Campus, Richmond, VA 23284 USA, Sheremet, Nina -- 0000-0001-6955-1095, Sheremet, Volodymyr -- 0000-0003-0840-5312, Ding, Kai -- 0000-0003-4791-4742, Genc, Muhammet -- 0000-0003-1887-3582
المصدر: Superlattices and Microstructures
مصطلحات موضوعية: Materials science, Passivation, Two step, Light emitting diode, Si3N4, 02 engineering and technology, Electron, 01 natural sciences, law.invention, law, 0103 physical sciences, General Materials Science, InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Radiant intensity, Leakage (electronics), 010302 applied physics, business.industry, Step graded electron injector, Injector, 021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology, Condensed Matter Physics, Optoelectronics, 0210 nano-technology, business, Order of magnitude, Light-emitting diode
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Ümit Özgür, Hadis Morkoç, Ismail Altuntas, V. N. Sheremet, Negar Gheshlaghi, M. Sozen, N. Sheremet, Kai Ding, Atilla Aydinli, M. Elci, V. Avrutin
المساهمون: [Sheremet, V. -- Gheshlaghi, N. -- Sozen, M. -- Elci, M. -- Sheremet, N. -- Aydinli, A.] Bilkent Univ, Dept Phys, Adv Res Labs, TR-06800 Ankara, Turkey -- [Elci, M.] Middle East Tech Univ, Inst Appl Math, TR-06800 Ankara, Turkey -- [Sheremet, N.] NAS Ukraine, Inst Phys, UA-03680 Kiev, Ukraine -- [Aydinli, A.] Uludag Univ, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, TR-16059 Bursa, Turkey -- [Altuntas, I.] Cumhuriyet Univ, Dept Nanotechnol Engn, TR-58140 Sivas, Turkey -- [Ding, K. -- Avrutin, V. -- Ozgur, U. -- Morkoc, H.] Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Sch Engn, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Med Coll Virginia Campus, Richmond, VA 23284 USA, Sheremet, Volodymyr -- 0000-0003-0840-5312, Sheremet, Nina -- 0000-0001-6955-1095, Ding, Kai -- 0000-0003-4791-4742
المصدر: Superlattices and Microstructures
مصطلحات موضوعية: Photoluminescence, Materials science, 02 engineering and technology, Electron, Epitaxy, 01 natural sciences, law.invention, Stress (mechanics), law, Light-emitting diode, 0103 physical sciences, General Materials Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Radiant intensity, Quantum well, 010302 applied physics, business.industry, 021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology, Condensed Matter Physics, Stress compensation layer, InGaN/GaN, Step-graded electron injector, Optoelectronics, 0210 nano-technology, business, Layer (electronics)
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Mykyta Toporkov, V. Avrutin, Ümit Özgür, E. Kótai, Denis Demchenko, Zoltán Szabó, J. Volk, Hadis Morkoç, Serdal Okur, Z. Zolnai
المصدر: Applied Surface Science. 327:43-50
مصطلحات موضوعية: Materials science, Ion beam analysis, Ion beam, business.industry, Band gap, Physics::Optics, General Physics and Astronomy, Heterojunction, Surfaces and Interfaces, General Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, Surfaces, Coatings and Films, Ion, Condensed Matter::Materials Science, Optics, Sapphire, Optoelectronics, business, Wurtzite crystal structure
المؤلفون: V. Avrutin, M. Elçi, Atilla Aydinli, Kai Ding, Hadis Morkoç, N. Sheremet, Ümit Özgür, Ismail Altuntas, M. Genç, V. N. Sheremet
المساهمون: Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü., Aydınlı, Atilla, ABI-7535-2020, [Sheremet, V. -- Elci, M. -- Aydinli, A.] Bilkent Univ, Dept Phys, Adv Res Labs, TR-06800 Ankara, Turkey -- [Genc, M.] Optoelectron R&D Ctr, Ermaksan, TR-16065 Bursa, Turkey -- [Sheremet, N.] Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, Inst Phys, UA-03680 Kiev, Ukraine -- [Aydinli, A.] Uludag Univ, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, TR-16059 Bursa, Turkey -- [Altuntas, I.] Cumhuriyet Univ, Dept Nanotechnol Engn, TR-58140 Sivas, Turkey -- [Ding, K. -- Avrutin, V. -- Ozgur, U. -- Morkoc, H.] Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Sch Engn, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Richmond, VA 23284 USA, Sheremet, Volodymyr -- 0000-0003-0840-5312, Sheremet, Nina -- 0000-0001-6955-1095, Genc, Muhammet -- 0000-0003-1887-3582, Ding, Kai -- 0000-0003-4791-4742
المصدر: Superlattices and Microstructures
مصطلحات موضوعية: Materials science, Passivation, Contacts, 02 engineering and technology, 01 natural sciences, law.invention, Finite conductivity, Electrical resistivity and conductivity, law, 0103 physical sciences, General Materials Science, Physics, condensed matter, Indium Tin Oxide, InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well, Ingan/gan lightemitting diodes (LEDs), Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Current spreading, Semiconductor quantum wells, Leakage (electronics), 010302 applied physics, Contact pad, Indium alloys, business.industry, Physics, LED, Tin oxides, Indium tin oxide, Gallium alloys, Semiconducting indium compounds, Current transfer, 021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology, Condensed Matter Physics, Semiconductor junctions, Light emitting diodes, InGaN/GaN, Flip Chip, Extraction Efficiency, Light Emitting Diodes, Semiconductors, Electrode, Inter-digitated electrodes, Optoelectronics, Transparent conductive electrodes, Light output power, 0210 nano-technology, business, Current density, Efficiency droop, Light-emitting diode
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Denis Demchenko, V. Avrutin, Natalia Izyumskaya, Hadis Morkoç, J. Volk, Ümit Özgür, Serdal Okur, David J. Smith, Mykyta Toporkov
المصدر: Journal of Crystal Growth. 402:60-64
مصطلحات موضوعية: Materials science, Band gap, business.industry, Photodetector, Heterojunction, Nanotechnology, Plasma, Condensed Matter Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Optoelectronics, Thin film, Ternary operation, business, Wurtzite crystal structure, Molecular beam epitaxy
19Academic Journal
المؤلفون: V. Avrutin, B. Schenke, GARDINI, LAURA
المساهمون: V., Avrutin, B., Schenke, Gardini, Laura
Relation: volume:22; firstpage:1201; lastpage:1214; numberofpages:14; journal:COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE & NUMERICAL SIMULATION; http://hdl.handle.net/11576/2602259; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2014.07.008
20Academic Journal
المؤلفون: V. Avrutin, E. Mosekilde, Z. T. Zhusubaliyev, GARDINI, LAURA
المساهمون: V., Avrutin, E., Mosekilde, Z. T., Zhusubaliyev, Gardini, Laura
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000353829800014; volume:25; issue:4; journal:CHAOS; http://hdl.handle.net/11576/2625606; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-84928405007