يعرض 1 - 20 نتائج من 277 نتيجة بحث عن '"Streets, K."', وقت الاستعلام: 1.21s تنقيح النتائج
  1. 1
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B S., Adams, D L., Adams, M., Alves, G A., Amos, N., Anderson, E W., Baarmand, M M., Babintsev, V V., Babukhadia, L R., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Balm, P W., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Begel, M., Belyaev, A., Beri, S B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Besson, A., Bezzubov, V A., Bhat, P C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buehler, M., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V S., Butler, J M., Canelli, F., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K M., Chekulaev, S V., Cho, D K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Christenson, J H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, a R., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W E., Coppage, D., Cummings, M a C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O I., Davis, G A., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Demina, R., Demine, P., Denisov, D., Denisov, S P., Desai, S V., Diehl, H T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Doulas, S., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L V., Duensing, S., Dugad, S R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D L., Ellison, J., Elvira, V D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O V., Estrada, J K., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E J., Galyaev, a N., Gartung, P E., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R J., Genser, K., Gerber, C E., Gershtein, Yu., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P I., Gonzalez-Solis, J L., Gordon, H., Goss, L T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Graham, G., Grannis, P D., Green, J A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Groer, L., Grudberg, P., Gruenendahl, S., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K S., Hall, R E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, a P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J S., Hou, S., Huang, Yue, Ito, a S., Jerger, S A., Jesik, R., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, a M., Jones, M., J., Joestlein, H., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J M., Kostritskii, a V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, a V., Kozelov, a V., Kozlovskii, E A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M A., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Kuznetsov, V E., Landsberg, G L., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q Z., Lima, J G R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L H., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, a K A., Madaras, R J., Manankov, V., Mao, H S., Marshall, T., Martin, M I., Martin, R D., Mauritz, K M., May, B., Mayorov, a A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H L., Meng, X C., Merkin, M., Merritt, K W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C S., Mokhov, N V., Mondal, N K., Montgomery, H E., Moore, R W., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V S., Neal, H A., Negret, J P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Pan, Lj., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Peters, O., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H B., Protopopescu, S D., Qian, J., Quintas, P Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramberg, E., Rapidis, P A., Reay, N W., Reucroft, S., Rha, J., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M T., Rubinov, P M., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J P., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H C., Shivpuri, R K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R A., Simak, V., Singh, H., Singh, J B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R P., Snihur, R., Snow, G R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Soustruznik, K., Souza, M., Stanton, N R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R W., Stevenson, M L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Tripathi, S M., Trippe, T G., Turcot, a S., Tuts, P M., van Gemmeren, P., Vaniev, V., van Kooten, R., Varelas, N., Volkov, a A., Vorobev, a P., Wahl, H D., Wang, H., Wang, Z M., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J A., Wijngaarden, D A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S J., Wirjawan, J V D., Womersley, J., Wood, D R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 2470-0010.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/0009034

  2. 2
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B S., Adams, D L., Adams, M., Alves, G A., Amos, N., Anderson, E W., Baarmand, M M., Babintsev, V V., Babukhadia, L R., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Balm, P.W., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Begel, M., Belyaev, A., Beri, S B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Besson, A., Bezzubov, V A., Bhat, P C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buehler, M., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V S., Butler, J M., Canelli, F., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K M., Chekulaev, S V., Cho, D K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B C., Christenson, J H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, a R., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W E., Coppage, D., Cummings, M a C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O I., Davis, G.A., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Demina, R., Demine, P., Denisov, D., Denisov, S P., Desai, S., Diehl, H T., Diesburg, M., Di Loreto, G., Doulas, S., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L V., Duensing, S., Dugad, S R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D L., Ellison, J., Elvira, V D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O V., Estrada, J K., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E J., Galyaev, a N., Gartung, P E., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R J., Genser, K., Gerber, C E., Gershtein, Yu., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P I., Gonzalez-Solis, J L., Gordon, H., Goss, L T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Graham, G., Grannis, P D., Green, J A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Gruenendahl, S., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhiev, S N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K S., Hall, R E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, a P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J S., Hou, S., Huang, Yue, Ito, a S., Jerger, S A., Jesik, R., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, a M., Jones, M., J., Joestlein, H., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J M., Kostritskii, a V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, a V., Kozelov, a V., Kozlovsky, E A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M A., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Kuznetsov, E., Landsberg, G L., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q Z., Lima, J G R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L H., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, a K A., Madaras, R J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H S., Marshall, T., Martin, M I., Martin, R D., Mauritz, K M., May, B., Mayorov, a A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H L., Meng, X.C., Merkin, M., Merritt, K W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C S., Mokhov, N V., Mondal, N K., Montgomery, H E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V S., Neal, H A., Negret, J P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Pan, L.J., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Peters, O., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H B., Protopopescu, S D., Qian, J., Quintas, P Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramberg, E., Rapidis, P., Reay, N W., Reucroft, S., Rha, J., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J P., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H C., Shivpuri, R K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R A., Simak, V., Singh, H., Singh, J B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R P., Snihur, R., Snow, G R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Soustruznik, K., Souza, M., Stanton, N R., Steinbrueck, G., Stephens, R W., Stevenson, M L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T G., Turcot, a S., Tuts, P M., van Gemmeren, P., Vaniev, V., van Kooten, R., Varelas, N., Volkov, a A., Vorobiev, a P., Wahl, H D., Wang, H., Wang, Z.M., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J A., Wijngaarden, D.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S J., Wirjawan, J V D., Womersley, J., Wood, D R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 2470-0010.

  3. 3
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Balm, P.W., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Begel, M., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Besson, A., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N.I., Boos, E.E., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buehler, M., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Canelli, F., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, G.A., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Demina, R., Demine, P., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Desai, S., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Di Loreto, G., Doulas, S., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Duensing, S., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Y., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Sols, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Graham, G., Grannis, P.D., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Groer, L., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hou, S., Huang, Yue, Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Kostritskiy, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Kuznetsov, V.E., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mao, H.S., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Meng, X.C., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Moore, R.W., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Peters, O., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramberg, E., Rapidis, P.A., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rha, J., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Simak, V., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sorn, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Soustruznik, K., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Tripathi, S.M., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., van Kooten, R., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Wang, H., Wang, Z.M., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J.A., Wijngaarden, D.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zvere, E.G.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 2470-0010.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/0008024

  4. 4
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Balm, P.W., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Begel, M., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Besson, A., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buehler, M., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Canelli, F., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, G.A., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Demina, R., Demine, P., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Desai, S., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Di Loreto, G., Doulas, S., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Duensing, S., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Y., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Graham, G., Grannis, P.D., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Groer, L., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hou, S., Huang, Yue, Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Kuznetsov, V.E., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mao, H.S., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Meng, X.C., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Moore, R.W., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Pan, L.J., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Peters, O., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramberg, E., Rapidis, P.A., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rha, J., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Simak, V., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sorn, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Soustruznik, K., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Tripathi, S.M., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., van Kooten, R., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Wang, H., Wang, Z.M., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J.A., Wijngaarden, D.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/0009012

  5. 5
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Balm, P.W., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Begel, M., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Besson, A., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buehler, M., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Canelli, F., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, G.A., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Demina, R., Demine, P., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Desai, S., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Di Loreto, G., Doulas, S., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Duensing, S., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Y., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Graham, G., Grannis, P.D., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Groer, L., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hou, S., Huang, Yue, Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Kostritskiy, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Kuznetsov, V.E., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mao, H.S., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Meng, X.C., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Moore, R.W., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Pan, L.J., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Peters, O., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramberg, E., Rapidis, P.A., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rha, J., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Simak, V., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Soustruznik, K., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Tripathi, S.M., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., van Kooten, R., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Wang, H., Wang, Z.M., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J.A., Wijngaarden, D.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/0008065

  6. 6
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buehler, M., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Canelli, F., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Di Loreto, G., Doulas, S., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Y., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, S., Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, C., Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Meng, X.C., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Pan, L.J., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Simak, V., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Soustruznik, K., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., van Kooten, R., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Wang, H., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 2470-0010.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/0005034

  7. 7
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, C., Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 2470-0010.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9912023

  8. 8
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B S., Adams, D L., Adams, M., Alves, G A., Amos, N., Anderson, E W., Baarmand, M M., Babintsev, V V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Balm, P W., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Begel, M., Belyaev, A., Beri, S B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Besson, A., Bezzubov, V A., Bhat, P C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Bhnlein, A., Bozhko, N., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Bhler, M., Bscher, V., Burtovoi, V S., Butler, J M., Canelli, F., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K M., Chekulaev, S V., Cho, D K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Christenson, J H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, a R., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W E., Coppage, D., Cummings, M a C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O I., Davis, G A., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Demina, R., Demine, P., Denisov, D., Denisov, S P., Desai, S., Diehl, H T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Doulas, S., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L V., Duensing, S., Dugad, S R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D L., Ellison, J., Elvira, V D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O V., Estrada, J K., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V N., Fahland, T., Fehr, S., Fein, D K., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E J., Galyaev, a N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R J., Genser, K., Gerber, C E., Gershtein, Yu., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gomez, B., Gmez, G., Goncharov, P I., Gonzalez-Solis, J L., Gordon, H., Goss, L T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Graham, G., Grannis, P D., Green, J A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Groer, L S., Grudberg, P M., Grnendahl, S., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K S., Hall, R E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, a P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J S., Hou, S., Huang, Yue, Ito, a S., Jerger, S A., Jesik, R., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J M., Kostritskii, a V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, a V., Kozelov, a V., Kozlovskii, E A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Kuznetsov, V E., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q Z., Lima, J G R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, a K A., Madaras, R J., Manankov, V., Mao, H S., Marshall, T., Martin, M I., Martin, R D., Mauritz, K M., May, B., Mayorov, a A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H L., Meng, X C., Merkin, M., Merritt, K W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N K., Montgomery, H E., Moore, R W., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V S., Neal, H A., Negret, J P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Pan, L J., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Peters, O., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramberg, E., Rapidis, P A., Reay, N W., Reucroft, S., Rha, J., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P M., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H C., Shivpuri, R K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R A., Simak, V., Singh, H., Singh, J B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R P., Snihur, R., Snow, G R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Soustruznik, K., Souza, M., Stanton, N R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R W., Stevenson, M L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Tripathi, S M., Trippe, T G., Turcot, a S., Tuts, P M., van Gemmeren, P., Vaniev, V., van Kooten, R., Varelas, N., Volkov, a A., Vorobev, a P., Wahl, H D., Wang, H., Wang, Z M., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J A., Wijngaarden, D A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S J., Wirjawan, J V D., Womersley, J., Wood, D R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/0008021

  9. 9
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Fatyga, M.K., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Guida, J.A., Guida, J.M., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landry, F., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mckinley, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, R., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Sculli, J., Shabalina, E., Shaffer, C., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zanabria, M., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/Hep-ex/9910040

  10. 10
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9912017

  11. 11
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9912032

  12. 12
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, H., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vanev, V., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9912065

  13. 13
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., Signore, K.Del., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Loreto, G.Di., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Y., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., Motta, H.Da., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Pan, L.J., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B.G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Tarazi, J., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., Gemmeren, P.Van., Vanev, V., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Wang, H., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/0002058

  14. 14
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adam, I., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Bloom, P., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Boswell, C., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cretsinger, C., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Fatyga, M.K., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Forden, G.E., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Geld, T.L., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Guida, J.A., Guida, J.M., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Hernandez-Montoya, R., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Hu, Tong., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Kahn, S., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landry, F., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Madden, R., Magana-Mendoza, L., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mckinley, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Narayanan, A., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Nemethy, P., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Park, Y.M., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Rajagopalan, S., Ramirez, O., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Sculli, J., Shabalina, E., Shaffer, C., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Sznajder, A., Tamburello, P., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Tuts, P.M., Vanev, V., Varelas, N., Varnes, E.W., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yepes, P., Yip, K., Yoshikawa, C., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zanabria, M., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 2470-0010.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9908057

  15. 15
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adam, I., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Bloom, P., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Boswell, C., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cretsinger, C., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Fatyga, M.K., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Forden, G.E., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Geld, T.L., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Guida, J.A., Guida, J.M., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Hernandez-Montoya, R., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Hu, Tong., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Jung, C.K., Kahn, S., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landry, F., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Madden, R., Magana-Mendoza, L., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mckinley, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Murphy, C., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narayanan, A., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Nemethy, P., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Park, Y.M., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramirez, O., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Sculli, J., Shabalina, E., Shaffer, C., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Sznajder, A., Tamburello, P., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Tuts, P.M., Vaniev, V., Varelas, N., Varnes, E.W., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yepes, P., Yip, K., Yoshikawa, C., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 2470-0010.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9907009

  16. 16
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adam, I., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Bloom, P., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Boswell, C., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cretsinger, C., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Fatyga, M.K., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Forden, G.E., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Geld, T.L., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Guida, J.A., Guida, J.M., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Hernandez-Montoya, R., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Hu, Tong., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Jung, C.K., Kahn, S., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landry, F., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Madden, R., Magana-Mendoza, L., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mckinley, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Murphy, C., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Narayanan, A., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Nemethy, P., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Park, Y.M., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramirez, O., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Sculli, J., Shabalina, E., Shaffer, C., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Sznajder, A., Tamburello, P., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Tuts, P.M., Vanev, V., Varelas, N., Varnes, E.W., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yepes, P., Yip, K., Yoshikawa, C., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 2470-0010.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9906025

  17. 17
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adam, I., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Bloom, P., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Boswell, C., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cretsinger, C., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Fatyga, M.K., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Forden, G.E., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Geld, T.L., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Guida, J.A., Guida, J.M., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Hernandez-Montoya, R., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Hu, Tong., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Kahn, S., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landry, F., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Madden, R., Magana-Mendoza, L., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mckinley, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Narayanan, A., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Nemethy, P., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Park, Y.M., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramirez, O., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Sculli, J., Shabalina, E., Shaffer, C., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Sznajder, A., Tamburello, P., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Tuts, P.M., Vaniev, V., Varelas, N., Varnes, E.W., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yepes, P., Yip, K., Yoshikawa, C., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zanabria, M., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP )-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9909020; in2p3-00004486; https://hal.in2p3.fr/in2p3-00004486; https://hal.in2p3.fr/in2p3-00004486/document; https://hal.in2p3.fr/in2p3-00004486/file/democrite-00004486.pdf; ARXIV: hep-ex/9909020

  18. 18
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adam, I., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Bloom, P., Boehnlein, A., Bozhko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Boswell, C., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cretsinger, C., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Fatyga, M.K., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Forden, G.E., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Geld, T.L., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Guida, J.A., Guida, J.M., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Hernandez-Montoya, R., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Hu, Tong., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Jung, C.K., Kahn, S., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritsky, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landry, F., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Madden, R., Magana-Mendoza, L., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mckinley, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Murphy, C., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Narayanan, A., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Nemethy, P., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Park, Y.M., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pishchalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Ramirez, O., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Sculli, J., Shabalina, E., Shaffer, C., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Sznajder, A., Tamburello, P., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Tuts, P.M., Vaniev, V., Varelas, N., Varnes, E.W., Volkov, A.A., Vorobev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yepes, P., Yip, K., Yoshikawa, C., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9907029

  19. 19
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B.S., Adam, I., Adams, D.L., Adams, M., Ahn, S., Akimov, V., Alves, G.A., Amos, N., Anderson, E.W., Baarmand, M.M., Babintsev, V.V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J.F., Belyaev, A., Beri, S.B., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V.A., Bhat, P.C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Burtovoi, V.S., Butler, J.M., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K.M., Chekulaev, S.V., Chen, W., M., Cho, D.K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J.H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, A.R., Cobau, W.G., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W.E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M.A.C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O.I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L.V., Dugad, S.R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O.V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Fahland, T., Fatyga, M.K., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H.E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fortner, M., Frame, K.C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, A.N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R.J., Genser, K., Gerber, C.E., Gershtein, Y., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gobbi, B., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P.I., Gonzalez Solis, J.L., Gordon, H., Goss, L.T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P.D., Green, D.R., Green, J.A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P., Grunendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Guida, J.A., Guida, J.M., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhiev, S.N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N.J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K.S., Hall, R.E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Hernandez-Montoya, R., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J.D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J.S., Hsieh, F., Ito, A.S., Jerger, S.A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Jun, S.Y., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S.K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J.M., Koltick, D., Kostritskiy, A.V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M.R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landry, F., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Li, J., Li, Q.Z., Lima, J.G.R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S.L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lu, J.G., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Maciel, A.K.A., Madaras, R.J., Magana-Mendoza, L., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H.S., Markeloff, R., Marshall, T., Martin, M.I., Martin, R.D., Mauritz, K.M., May, B., Mayorov, A.A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mckibben, T., Mckinley, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H.L., Merkin, M., Merritt, K.W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mincer, A., Mishra, C.S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N.K., Montgomery, H.E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V.S., Neal, H.A., Negret, J.P., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Oshima, N., Owen, D., Padley, P., Para, A., Parashar, N., Park, Y.M., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pischalnikov, Yu., Pope, B.G., Prosper, H.B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P.Z., Rajagopalan, S., Ramirez, O., Reay, N.W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R.D., Schellman, H., Sculli, J., Shabalina, E., Shaffer, C., Shankar, H.C., Shivpuri, R.K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R.A., Singh, H., Singh, J.B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R.P., Snihur, R., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Souza, M., Stanton, N.R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R.W., Stevenson, M.L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Tamburello, P., Tarazi, J., Tartaglia, M., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T.G., Turcot, A.S., Tuts, P.M., van Gemmeren, P., Vaniev, V., Varelas, N., Volkov, A.A., Vorobiev, A.P., Wahl, H.D., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J.T., Wightman, J.A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S.J., Wirjawan, J.V.D., Womersley, J., Wood, D.R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Y., Zanabria, M., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z.H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E.G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0031-9007.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9909030

  20. 20
    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B S., Adams, D L., Adams, M., Akimov, V., Alves, G A., Amos, N., Anderson, E W., Baarmand, M M., Babintsev, V V., Babukhadia, L., Baden, A., Baldin, B., Banerjee, S., Bantly, J., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Bartlett, J F., Bassler, U., Bean, A., Belyaev, A., Beri, S B., Bernardi, G., Bertram, I., Bezzubov, V A., Bhat, P C., Bhatnagar, V., Bhattacharjee, M., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Boehnlein, A., Bojko, N.I., Borcherding, F., Brandt, A., Breedon, R., Briskin, G., Brock, R., Brooijmans, G., Bross, A., Buchholz, D., Buehler, M., Buescher, V., Burtovoi, V S., Butler, J M., Canelli, F., Carvalho, W., Casey, D., Casilum, Z., Castilla-Valdez, H., Chakraborty, D., Chan, K M., Chekulaev, S V., Cho, D K., Choi, S., K., Chopra, S., Choudhary, B.C., Christenson, J H., Chung, M., Claes, D., Clark, a R., Cochran, J., Coney, L., Connolly, B., Cooper, W E., Coppage, D., Cullen-Vidal, D., Cummings, M a C., Cutts, D., Dahl, O I., Davis, K., De, K., del Signore, K., Demarteau, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S P., Desai, S., Diehl, H T., Diesburg, M., Diloreto, G., Doulas, S., Draper, P., Ducros, Y., Dudko, L V., Dugad, S R., Dyshkant, A., Edmunds, D., Ellison, J., Elvira, V D., Engelmann, R., Eno, S., Eppley, G., Ermolov, P., Eroshin, O V., Estrada, J., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V N., Fahland, T., Feher, S., Fein, D., Ferbel, T., Fisk, H E., Fisyak, Yu., Flattum, E., Fleuret, F., Fortner, M., Frame, K C., Fuess, S., Gallas, E., Galyaev, a N., Gartung, P., Gavrilov, V., Genik, R J., Genser, K., Gerber, C E., Gershtein, Yu., Gibbard, B., Gilmartin, R., Ginther, G., Gomez, B., Gomez, G., Goncharov, P I., Gonzalez-Solis, J L., Gordon, H., Goss, L T., Gounder, K., Goussiou, A., Graf, N., Grannis, P D., Green, J A., Greenlee, H., Grinstein, S., Grudberg, P M., Gruenendahl, S., Guglielmo, G., Gupta, Anupam, Gurzhev, S N., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hadley, N J., Haggerty, H., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Hahn, K S., Hall, R E., Hanlet, P., Hansen, Scott, Hauptman, J M., Hays, C., Hebert, Christian, Hedin, D., Heinson, a P., Heintz, U., Heuring, T., Hirosky, R., Hobbs, J D., Hoeneisen, B., Hoftun, J S., Huang, Yue, Ito, a S., Jerger, S A., Jesik, R., Joffe-Minor, T., Johns, K., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., J., Jostlein, H., Juste, A., Kahn, S., Kajfasz, E., Karmanov, D., Karmgard, D., Kehoe, R., Kim, S K., Klima, B., Klopfenstein, C., Knuteson, B., Ko, W., Kohli, J M., Kostritskii, a V., Kotcher, J., Kotwal, a V., Kozelov, a V., Kozlovskii, E A., Krane, J., Krishnaswamy, M R., Krzywdzinski, S., Kubantsev, M., Kuleshov, S., Kulik, Y., Kunori, S., Landsberg, G., Leflat, A., Lehner, F., Li, J., Li, Q Z., Lima, J G R., Lincoln, D., Linn, S L., Linnemann, J., Lipton, R., Lucotte, A., Lueking, L., Lundstedt, C., Maciel, a K A., Madaras, R J., Manankov, V., Mani, S., Mao, H S., Marshall, T., Martin, M I., Martin, R D., Mauritz, K M., May, B., Mayorov, a A., Mccarthy, R., Mcdonald, J., Mcmahon, T., Melanson, H L., Meng, X C., Merkin, M., Merritt, K W., Miao, C., Miettinen, H., Mihalcea, D., Mincer, A., Mishra, C S., Mokhov, N., Mondal, N K., Montgomery, H E., Mostafa, M., da Motta, H., Nagy, E., Nang, F., Narain, M., Narasimham, V S., Neal, H A., Negret, J P., Negroni, S., Norman, D., Oesch, L., Oguri, V., Olivier, B., Oshima, N., Padley, P., Pan, L J., Para, A., Parashar, N., Partridge, R., Parua, N., Paterno, M., Patwa, A., Pawlik, B., Perkins, J., Peters, M., Piegaia, R., Piekarz, H., Pope, B G., Popkov, E., Prosper, H B., Protopopescu, S., Qian, J., Quintas, P Z., Raja, R., Rajagopalan, S., Reay, N W., Reucroft, S., Rijssenbeek, M., Rockwell, T., Roco, M., Rubinov, P M., Ruchti, R., Rutherfoord, J., Santoro, A., Sawyer, L., Schamberger, R D., Schellman, H., Schwartzman, A., Sculli, J., Sen, N., Shabalina, E., Shankar, H C., Shivpuri, R K., Shpakov, D., Shupe, M., Sidwell, R A., Simak, V., Singh, H., Singh, J B., Sirotenko, V., Slattery, P., Smith, E., Smith, R P., Snihur, R., Snow, G R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Solomon, J., Song, X.F., Sorin, V., Sosebee, M., Sotnikova, N., Soustruznik, K., Souza, M., Stanton, N R., Steinbruck, G., Stephens, R W., Stevenson, M L., Stichelbaut, F., Stoker, D., Stolin, V., Stoyanova, D A., Strauss, M., Streets, K., Strovink, M., Stutte, L., Sznajder, A., Taylor, W., Tentindo-Repond, S., Thomas, T.L.T., Thompson, J., Toback, D., Trippe, T G., Turcot, a S., Tuts, P M., van Gemmeren, P., Vaniev, V., van Kooten, R., Varelas, N., Volkov, a A., Vorobiev, A.P., Wahl, H D., Wang, H., Warchol, J., Watts, G., Wayne, M., Weerts, H., White, A., White, J T., Whiteson, D., Wightman, J A., Wijngaarden, D A., Willis, S., Wimpenny, S J., Wirjawan, J V D., Womersley, J., Wood, D R., Yamada, R., Yamin, P., Yasuda, T., Yip, K., Youssef, S., Yu, J., Yu, Z., Zanabria, M., Zheng, H., Zhou, Z., Zhu, Z H., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zieminski, A., Zutshi, V., Zverev, E G., Zylberstejn, A.

    المساهمون: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), D0

    المصدر: ISSN: 0370-2693 ; Physics Letters B ; https://in2p3.hal.science/in2p3-00005917 ; Physics Letters B, 2000, 487, pp.264-272. ⟨10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00844-3⟩.

    Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/arxiv/hep-ex/9905024