المؤلفون: European Union, ZIKAlliance, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, University of Sao Paulo, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Federal University of Bahia, Universidade Federal de Goias, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Carabobo, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Sosecali Hospital, Guyaquil, Instituto de Medicina Tropical 'Pedro Kourí (IPK), Cuba, Mexican National Institute of Public Health, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale, France, Erasmus Medical Center
المساهمون: Thomas Jaenisch, Senior Scientist
المصدر: Pregnant Women (PW) Cohort for Evaluation of Risks of Congenital Malformations and Other Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes After Zika Virus Infection (Part of ZIKAlliance)
Avelino-Silva VI, Mayaud P, Tami A, Miranda MC, Rosenberger KD, Alexander N, Nacul L, Segurado A, Pohl M, Bethencourt S, Villar LA, Viana IFT, Rabello R, Soria C, Salgado SP, Gotuzzo E, Guzman MG, Martinez PA, Lopez-Gatell H, Hegewisch-Taylor J, Borja-Aburto VH, Gonzalez C, Netto EM, Saba Villarroel PM, Hoen B, Brasil P, Marques ETA, Rockx B, Koopmans M, de Lamballerie X, Jaenisch T; ZIKAlliance Clinical Study Group. Study protocol for the multicentre cohorts of Zika virus infection in pregnant women, infants, and acute clinical cases in Latin America and the Caribbean: the ZIKAlliance consortium. BMC Infect Dis. 2019 Dec 26;19(1):1081. doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-4685-9.