1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Santos, Domynique da Silva, Cesar, Ricardo Gonçalves, Polivanov, Helena, Lourenço, Rodrigo Sardinha, Koifman, Gustavo, Fernandes, Yan Ribeiro de Almeida
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2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Lourenço, Rodrigo, Cesar, Ricardo, Koifman, Gustavo, Teixeira, Matheus, Santos, Domynique, Polivanov, Helena, Alexandre, Katia, Carneiro, Manuel, da Silva, Lilian Irene Dias, Pereira, Mariana Mello Santos Cerveira, Castilhos, Zuleica
المصدر: Ecotoxicology; Aug2024, Vol. 33 Issue 6, p590-607, 18p
مصطلحات موضوعية: SOIL animals, LAGOONS, SEDIMENTS, SEWAGE, ARTIFICIAL plant growing media, INDUSTRIAL wastes, LYOTROPIC liquid crystals
مصطلحات جغرافية: RIO de Janeiro (Brazil)
3Academic Journal
المؤلفون: César, Ricardo Gonçalves, Migueles, Carmen, Zanetti, Pedro, Filgueira, Lara, Koifmann, Gustavo, Santos, Domynique, Alexandre, Katia, Carneiro, Manuel, Fraga, Inês gomes, Silva, Lilian Irene Dias, Pereira, Mariana Mello Santos Cerveira, Oliveira, Andrey de, Monte, Christiane do Nascimento, Ferson, Scot
Relation: Collapse authors list. César, Ricardo Gonçalves, Migueles, Carmen, Zanetti, Pedro, Filgueira, Lara, Koifmann, Gustavo, Santos, Domynique, Alexandre, Katia, Carneiro, Manuel, Fraga, Inês gomes, Silva, Lilian Irene Dias et al (show 4 more authors) , Pereira, Mariana Mello Santos Cerveira, Oliveira, Andrey de orcid:0000-0001-9830-6195 , Monte, Christiane do Nascimento and Ferson, Scot (2024) Potential toxicity of iron ore tailings after the overflow of a mining dam in Nova Lima (Minas Gerais State, Brazil). Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 17 (2). pp. 1086-1097.
4Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Siqueira, Danielle, Cesar, Ricardo, Lourenço, Rodrigo, Salomão, André, Marques, Marcia, Polivanov, Helena, Teixeira, Matheus, Vezzone, Mariana, Santos, Domynique, Koifman, Gustavo, Fernandes, Yan, Rodrigues, Ana Paula, Alexandre, Katia, Carneiro, Manuel, Bertolino, Luiz Carlos, Fernandes, Nelson, Domingos, Lilian, Castilhos, Zuleica C.
المصدر: Journal of Geochemical Exploration ; volume 235, page 106954 ; ISSN 0375-6742