1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Laura Tinner, Ana Alonso Curbelo
مصطلحات موضوعية: Medicine, Biotechnology, Cancer, Science Policy, Mental Health, structured topic guide, immediately “ written, facilitate open discussion, ethnic minority groups, creates stress leading, 28 ), living, remains sparse evidence, level theory termed, identified three themes, mental health symptoms, mental health problems, improve mental health, marginalised young women, scotland abstract background, conclusions structural disadvantages, reduce health inequalities, young women ’, first uk country, mental health inequalities, illuminate intersectional discrimination, young women, women ’, health inequalities, themes show
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Rachel M. Thomson, Daniel Kopasker, Patryk Bronka, Matteo Richiardi, Vladimir Khodygo, Andrew J. Baxter, Erik Igelström, Anna Pearce, Alastair H. Leyland, S. Vittal Katikireddi
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biotechnology, Ecology, Cancer, Science Policy, “ partial ”, whether individuals choose, universal basic income, integrate macroeconomic consequences, alternative economic approach, reduce health inequalities, general health questionnaire, simulated population (<, simpaths microsimulation model, mental health would, 805 ), effects, 673 ), reduced employment resulting, “ full +”, short time horizon, model 8217, causal effect estimates, adults aged 25, women ( 8722, ui 8722, related employment impacts,
+ubi%22">xlink "> ubi, 8722, mental health, %22">xlink "> -
المؤلفون: Rachel M. Thomson, Daniel Kopasker, Patryk Bronka, Matteo Richiardi, Vladimir Khodygo, Andrew J. Baxter, Erik Igelström, Anna Pearce, Alastair H. Leyland, S. Vittal Katikireddi
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biotechnology, Ecology, Cancer, Science Policy, “ partial ”, whether individuals choose, universal basic income, integrate macroeconomic consequences, alternative economic approach, reduce health inequalities, general health questionnaire, simulated population (<, simpaths microsimulation model, mental health would, 805 ), effects, 673 ), reduced employment resulting, “ full +”, short time horizon, model 8217, causal effect estimates, adults aged 25, women ( 8722, ui 8722, related employment impacts,
+ubi%22">xlink "> ubi, 8722, mental health, %22">xlink "> -
المؤلفون: Rachel M. Thomson, Daniel Kopasker, Patryk Bronka, Matteo Richiardi, Vladimir Khodygo, Andrew J. Baxter, Erik Igelström, Anna Pearce, Alastair H. Leyland, S. Vittal Katikireddi
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biotechnology, Ecology, Cancer, Science Policy, “ partial ”, whether individuals choose, universal basic income, integrate macroeconomic consequences, alternative economic approach, reduce health inequalities, general health questionnaire, simulated population (<, simpaths microsimulation model, mental health would, 805 ), effects, 673 ), reduced employment resulting, “ full +”, short time horizon, model 8217, causal effect estimates, adults aged 25, women ( 8722, ui 8722, related employment impacts,
+ubi%22">xlink "> ubi, 8722, mental health, %22">xlink "> -
المؤلفون: Rachel M. Thomson, Daniel Kopasker, Patryk Bronka, Matteo Richiardi, Vladimir Khodygo, Andrew J. Baxter, Erik Igelström, Anna Pearce, Alastair H. Leyland, S. Vittal Katikireddi
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biotechnology, Ecology, Cancer, Science Policy, “ partial ”, whether individuals choose, universal basic income, integrate macroeconomic consequences, alternative economic approach, reduce health inequalities, general health questionnaire, simulated population (<, simpaths microsimulation model, mental health would, 805 ), effects, 673 ), reduced employment resulting, “ full +”, short time horizon, model 8217, causal effect estimates, adults aged 25, women ( 8722, ui 8722, related employment impacts,
+ubi%22">xlink "> ubi, 8722, mental health, %22">xlink "> -
المؤلفون: Rachel M. Thomson, Daniel Kopasker, Patryk Bronka, Matteo Richiardi, Vladimir Khodygo, Andrew J. Baxter, Erik Igelström, Anna Pearce, Alastair H. Leyland, S. Vittal Katikireddi
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biotechnology, Ecology, Cancer, Science Policy, “ partial ”, whether individuals choose, universal basic income, integrate macroeconomic consequences, alternative economic approach, reduce health inequalities, general health questionnaire, simulated population (<, simpaths microsimulation model, mental health would, 805 ), effects, 673 ), reduced employment resulting, “ full +”, short time horizon, model 8217, causal effect estimates, adults aged 25, women ( 8722, ui 8722, related employment impacts,
+ubi%22">xlink "> ubi, 8722, mental health, %22">xlink "> -
المؤلفون: Rachel M. Thomson, Daniel Kopasker, Patryk Bronka, Matteo Richiardi, Vladimir Khodygo, Andrew J. Baxter, Erik Igelström, Anna Pearce, Alastair H. Leyland, S. Vittal Katikireddi
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biotechnology, Ecology, Cancer, Science Policy, “ partial ”, whether individuals choose, universal basic income, integrate macroeconomic consequences, alternative economic approach, reduce health inequalities, general health questionnaire, simulated population (<, simpaths microsimulation model, mental health would, 805 ), effects, 673 ), reduced employment resulting, “ full +”, short time horizon, model 8217, causal effect estimates, adults aged 25, women ( 8722, ui 8722, related employment impacts,
+ubi%22">xlink "> ubi, 8722, mental health, %22">xlink "> -
المؤلفون: Rachel M. Thomson, Daniel Kopasker, Patryk Bronka, Matteo Richiardi, Vladimir Khodygo, Andrew J. Baxter, Erik Igelström, Anna Pearce, Alastair H. Leyland, S. Vittal Katikireddi
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biotechnology, Ecology, Cancer, Science Policy, “ partial ”, whether individuals choose, universal basic income, integrate macroeconomic consequences, alternative economic approach, reduce health inequalities, general health questionnaire, simulated population (<, simpaths microsimulation model, mental health would, 805 ), effects, 673 ), reduced employment resulting, “ full +”, short time horizon, model 8217, causal effect estimates, adults aged 25, women ( 8722, ui 8722, related employment impacts,
+ubi%22">xlink "> ubi, 8722, mental health, %22">xlink "> الاتاحة: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1004358.g004
https://figshare.com/articles/figure/Estimated_prevalence_of_CMD_for_modelled_UBI_policies_from_2022_to_2026_with_95_UIs_stratified_by_gender_A_education_B_age_C_and_household_structure_D_Note_different_scales_used_for_each_stratification_/25337315 -
مصطلحات موضوعية: Post-Graduate Training Of Pharmacists, UV radiation, Presymptomatic Treatment, Prevention, Plasticized Toys, Polio, Polydrug Use, Polypharmacy, Prevention Of Type 2 Diabetes, Primary Care, Ost, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Organ Transplantation, Orhpan Disease, Oral Chemotherapy, Organ Donation, One Health, Ophthalmology, Odontologic Disorders, Odontology, Heart, Hearing loss, Healthcare-associated infections, Healthcare costs, Hearing, Healthy Diet, Health safety and security, Health education, Health-Care Associated Infections, Health system, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Myeloproliferative Disorders, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Neuro-Opthalmology, Neurodevelopment, Neurological diseases and disorders, Neuromuscular Diseases, Neuropathology, Neurophysiology, New Care Pathways, Transition Care, Trans-Border Care, Tobacco, Tissues and Cells, Tissues And Cells Donation, Tissues, Training Of Healthcare Professionals, Toxoplasmosis, Tobacco Products Directive, Tobacco Control, Cystinosis, Dementia, Craniosynostosis, Cross Border Health, Craniofacial, Craniofacial Microsomia, Cryptosporidiosis, Cystic Fibrosis, Cross Border Health Care, Cross Border Healthcare, Autoinflammation, Autoimmunity, Asperger, Asbestos, Aplastic Anemia, Antimicrobial Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Auto-Immune Skin Diseases, Autism, Asthma, Therapeutic Patient Education, Tissue, Thalassemia, Therapeutic Education, Tertiary care, Tetanus, Syphilis, Targeted Health Promotion Strategies, Sustainable Healthcare Systems, Sustainable Patient Organisations, Plague, Physical disability, Phenotype, Pharmacy, Physical agents, Physical Activity, Pharmaceutical Care Tools, Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceutical Competence, Pregnant, eHealth, Coordinated Care, Contraception, Complex Connective Tissue Diseases, Complex Autoimmune Connective Diseases, Complex Treatment, Complex Gastrointestinal Diseases, Congenital Malformation Syndromes, Congenital Malformation, Contamination of food and water, Consensus Building, Leptospirosis, Listeriosis, Laboratory Diagnostic, Laboratory Outbreak Response, Laboratory Preparedness, Legionnaires diseaese, Invasive pneumococcal disease, Involving People With Dementia, Ischaemic heart disease, Kidney, road traffic, Familial Cardiomyopathies, Familial Electrical Heart Disease, Facial Dysostosis, Facial Nerve Palsy, Evidenced Based Patient Empowerment Intervention, Facial Clefts, Epilepsy Surgery, Ern, Financing healthcare, Frailty, Eip-Aha, Ehealth Network, Eating disorders, Early warning systems, Emerging And Re-Emerging Pathogens, Emergent pathogens, Elderly, Eipaha, Epilepsy, Encephaloceles, skin, telemedecine, Helping Consumers With The Cross-Border Complaints And Promotion Of The Ecc Slovakia, Alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency, Alzheimer, Alzheimer Disease, Amr, Alcohol, Alcohol Related Harms, Alcohol Strategy, Allergies, Anorexia, Anthrax, Secondary care, Screenings, Screening, School Health, Schizophrenia, Salmonellosis, STIs and Blood borne infections, Rubella, Sensorial Characteristics, Selective Prevention, Rare Kidney Diseases, Rare Hereditary Metabolic Disorders, Rare Endocrine Conditions, Rare Endocrine Condition, Rare Epilepsies, Rare Endocrine Disease, Rare Heart Disease, Rare Eye Diseases, Rare Hereditary Connective Tissue Diseases, Rare Hereditary Connective Diseases, Resilient Health System, Research And Collection Of Patient Data, Comorbidity, Refugees, Retina, Respiratory tract infections, Respiratory, Resilient Health Systems, Co-Morbidity, Health Promotion, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Clinical Test, Communicable Diseases, Community Health, Collaboration On Key Aspects Of Dementia Diagnosis, Colorectal, campylobacteriosis, MSM, M-Health, Maternal And Perinatal Healthcare, Malaria, Low Vision, Liver, Lymphoma, Lung, Medical Device, Measles, Tularemia, Tumour, Transitional Care, Transplantation, Treatment, Treatment And Support, Trichinellosis, Tuberculosis, Tubulopathies, Tularaemia, Health Professionals, Health Policy, Health Literacy, Health Inequities, Health Inequalities, Health In All Policies, Health Effect, Health Economic Assessment., Health Economic Assessment, Health Data Availability, Health Research, Health Security, Health Programs, suicide, Health Technology Assessment, Health Workforce, Health Systems, Health Technology, Health accounts, Health at work, overdose, Healthcare, Acute Leukemia, Achondroplasia, Adolescents, Adherence To Chemotherapy, Affordable Access To Needed Medicines, Adult Endocrinology, Aids, Ageing, Patient-Centredness, Patient-Centric Care, Patient Safety, Patient-Centred Network, Patients rights, Pediatric Ophtalmology, Patients Access To Medicines, Patients registries, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Person-Centered Integrated Care, Hematopoioetic Stem Cell, Heavy Episodic Drinking, Hemophilia, Hemoglobinopathies, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, Hereditary Metabolic Diseases, Hereditary Cancer, Ciliopathies, Chronic pulmonary diseases, Chronic kidney diseases, Chronic Renal Failure, Chronic Diseases, Chronic Disease Challenge, Cholera, Chlamydia, Clinical Outcomes, Clinical Guidelines, salmonellosis, Donor Protection, Donor Selection, Drinking Environments, Droughts, Drug Prevention Quality Standards, Drug Side-Effects, Drugs and substance misuse, E-Health, Early Detection, Early Dialougues, Shigellosis, Skeletal Dysplasia, Skin Diseases Network, Skin Tumours, Severe Drug Side-Effect, Sex workers, Sexual and reproductive health, Sexual orientation, Smoking, Smoking Cessation, Patient Rights, Patient Representatives, Patient Empowerment, Patient Advocacy, Parkinsons disease, Parent Integration, Patient Pathways, Patient Organisation, Patient Involvement, Patient Engagement, Protection, Rare Disease, Rare Diseases, Rare Chromosome Disorder, Rare Chromosome Disorders, Rare Cancer, Rare Cardiac Disease, Rare Autoimmune, Rare Autoimmune Connective Diseases, Rabies, Rare Adult Cancers, Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases, Rare Neurological Diseases, Rare Neuromuscular Diseases, Rare Retinal Diseases, Rare Skin Disorders, Rare diseases and disorders, Rareendoern, Rational Use Of Medicines, Re-Sterilizable Medical Device, Reduce Health Inequalities, Cardiovascular Diseases, Cardiovascular Disorders, Migrants, Migration, Care Integration, Care Standards, Cell, Cervical, Men who have sex with men, Children From Families With Alcohol Problems, Medical devices, Medicine, Mental diseases and disorders, Metabolism, Mental Disorders, Mental Health, Viruses, Virtual Clinic, Variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, Vaccine-preventable diseases, Viral Haemorrhagic fevers, Vascern, Typhoid fever, Tumour Boards, Vaccination, Underage Drinking, Health Care Workers, Health Data, Health And Social Care Systems, Health Assessment, Health Care, Health Care Appropriateness, Germline Mutation Directed Treatment, Grow Organic Sales, HIV, Harm Reduction, Database, Qfever, Pwid, Public Health Policies, Public Health, Psychological distress, Prisoners, Primary Immunodeficiencies, Primary Health Care, Quality Of Life, Quality Of Care, Improvement Of Survival Inequalities, Improving Health Policy, Imaging, Immigrants, Hospital, Hypertension, Highly Pathogenic Agent, Highly Specialised Healthcare Providers, Inclusive Sustainable Patient Organisations, Increase Access To Needed Medicines, Obesity, Nutritional deficiencies, Viral Hepatitis, New Psychoactive Substances, New Models Of Medical Innovation, Non chronic diseases, Newborn and perinatal health, Non- Discrimination Due To Health Status, Non communicables diseases, Nutritional Information, Nutrition, Multimorbidity, Movement, Mood anxiety disorders, Models Of Care, Mumps, Multiple sclerosis, Multiple Anomaly Syndrome, Multiorgan, Musculo skeletal conditions, Muscular Dystrophy, Cardiovascular, Cancer Screening, Cancer, Campylobacteriosis, Cancer Prevention, Cancer Control Plans, Brief interventions, Care, Bulimia, Brucellosis, Care Guidelines, Breast, Diabetes Mellitus, Child Age Determination, Dialysis, Diagnosis, Democratisation Of Medicines Policy, Dementia Strategies, Dermatological diseases, Menongoccal disease, Diphtheria, Dietary patterns, Sustainability Of Health Systems, Sustainability Of Health, Standardization Of Care, Smoking Prevention, Stomach, Standards Of Care, Stroke, Strengthening Health Systems, Sudden Cardiac Death., Substances Of Human Origin, Palliative care, Parasites, Other specific diseases, Overweight, Paediatric, Paediatric Cancer Network, Paediatric Endocrinology, Paediatric Oncology, Paediatric Trasnplantation, Paediatrics, Invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease, Intestine, Intellectual Disability, Integrated Perinatal Healthcare Model, Integrated Care, Injuries, Injecting Drug Use, Infrastructure For Diagnosis, Influenza, Increase Understanding Of Organic, Diabetes, Refugees And Other Migrants, Complementary and alternative medicines, Gastro intestinal diseases, Frailty Risk Factors, Genetic Counseling, Genetic, Genetic Disease, Genetic Diagnostics, Genetic Testing, Genetic Diseases, Genodermatoses, Genetics, Dental and oral diseases, Code Against Cancer, Risk-Reducing Surgery, Revalidation, Border Health Threats, Botulism, Blood transfusion, Bone, Blood Donation, Blood and Blood components, Birth Defects, Blood, Bacteria, Biological agents, Health, sexual behaviour and reproduction, self harm, prostate, pertussis, non Alzheimer, domestic, cholesterol, cell and organ transplants, blood borne infections, binch drinking, Vulnerable Migrants And Refugees, Well Being, Vulnerable Groups, Vulnerable Migrants, Yellow fever, Yersiniosis, West Nile fever, X-Linked Hypophosphatemia, Youth Experience Related To Drinking, ageing workforce
URL الوصول: http://data.europa.eu/88u/dataset/
health -programmes-databaseOther URLs: http://data.europa.eu/88u/dataset/health-programmes-database
المؤلفون: Fabrizio Bert (715925), Edoardo Boietti (11914353), Stefano Rousset (11914356), Erika Pompili (11914359), Eleonora Franzini Tibaldeo (11914362), Marta Gea (11914365), Giacomo Scaioli (715921), Roberta Siliquini (715926)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Medicine, Biotechnology, Sociology, Science Policy, Mental Health, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, reduce health inequalities, beliefs regarding men, students 8217, enrolled 430 students, stereotypes towards doctors, high gender sensitivity, explore gender sensitivity, low gender stereotypes, evaluate gender stereotypes, explore potential predictors, higher gender sensitivity, italian medical students, higher gender stereotypes, medical university students, gender sensitivity, italian students, medical schools, gender medicine, gender issues, gender awareness, considered gender, italian cross, higher knowledge, online cross
المؤلفون: Fabrizio Bert (715925), Edoardo Boietti (11914353), Stefano Rousset (11914356), Erika Pompili (11914359), Eleonora Franzini Tibaldeo (11914362), Marta Gea (11914365), Giacomo Scaioli (715921), Roberta Siliquini (715926)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Medicine, Biotechnology, Sociology, Science Policy, Mental Health, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, reduce health inequalities, beliefs regarding men, students 8217, enrolled 430 students, stereotypes towards doctors, high gender sensitivity, explore gender sensitivity, low gender stereotypes, evaluate gender stereotypes, explore potential predictors, higher gender sensitivity, italian medical students, higher gender stereotypes, medical university students, gender sensitivity, italian students, medical schools, gender medicine, gender issues, gender awareness, considered gender, italian cross, higher knowledge, online cross
المؤلفون: Fabrizio Bert (715925), Edoardo Boietti (11914353), Stefano Rousset (11914356), Erika Pompili (11914359), Eleonora Franzini Tibaldeo (11914362), Marta Gea (11914365), Giacomo Scaioli (715921), Roberta Siliquini (715926)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Medicine, Biotechnology, Sociology, Science Policy, Mental Health, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, reduce health inequalities, beliefs regarding men, students 8217, enrolled 430 students, stereotypes towards doctors, high gender sensitivity, explore gender sensitivity, low gender stereotypes, evaluate gender stereotypes, explore potential predictors, higher gender sensitivity, italian medical students, higher gender stereotypes, medical university students, gender sensitivity, italian students, medical schools, gender medicine, gender issues, gender awareness, considered gender, italian cross, higher knowledge, online cross
المؤلفون: Fabrizio Bert (715925), Edoardo Boietti (11914353), Stefano Rousset (11914356), Erika Pompili (11914359), Eleonora Franzini Tibaldeo (11914362), Marta Gea (11914365), Giacomo Scaioli (715921), Roberta Siliquini (715926)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Medicine, Biotechnology, Sociology, Science Policy, Mental Health, Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified, reduce health inequalities, beliefs regarding men, students 8217, enrolled 430 students, stereotypes towards doctors, high gender sensitivity, explore gender sensitivity, low gender stereotypes, evaluate gender stereotypes, explore potential predictors, higher gender sensitivity, italian medical students, higher gender stereotypes, medical university students, gender sensitivity, italian students, medical schools, gender medicine, gender issues, gender awareness, considered gender, italian cross, higher knowledge, online cross
14Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Frank, John W, Bromley, Catherine, Doi, Lawrence, Estrade, Michelle, Jepson, Ruth, McAteer, John, Robertson, Tony, Treanor, Morag, Williams, Andrew
المساهمون: Medical Research Council, Chief Scientist Office of Scotland, University of Edinburgh, Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy, HS - Management and Support - LEGACY, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology, orcid:0000-0002-9446-445X, orcid:0000-0002-1962-5874, orcid:0000-0003-4377-4092
مصطلحات موضوعية: England and Wales, Lifecourse Epidemiology, Policies to Reduce Health Inequalities, Public Health, Scotland, United Kingdom
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: Frank JW, Bromley C, Doi L, Estrade M, Jepson R, McAteer J, Robertson T, Treanor M & Williams A (2015) Seven Key Investments for Health Equity across the Lifecourse: Scotland versus the rest of the UK. Social Science and Medicine, 140, pp. 136-146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.007; http://hdl.handle.net/1893/22725; WOS:000360253600015; 2-s2.0-84938082057; 580670; http://dspace.stir.ac.uk/bitstream/1893/22725/1/Frank%20%282015%29%20SSM%20-%20seven%20investments.pdf
مصطلحات موضوعية: Framework for maximising efforts to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities across all sectors
جغرافية الموضوع: Northern Ireland
Relation: http://dx.doi.org/10.14655/799178-3740
الاتاحة: https://doi.org/10.14655/799178-3740
المؤلفون: Megapoles
مصطلحات موضوعية: A network is to improve health and reduce health inequalities through information exchange
جغرافية الموضوع: Europe
Relation: http://dx.doi.org/10.14655/6744-25025
الاتاحة: https://doi.org/10.14655/6744-25025