المؤلفون: Bischoff, Robert
مصطلحات موضوعية: Spatial Analysis, Ceramic Analysis, Trade and exchange, Pueblo I-II, Collections Research, Ancestral Pueblo, North America: Northern Southwest U.S, Ancestral Puebloan, Ceramic
المؤلفون: Yost, Chad
مصطلحات موضوعية: Northern New Mexico, 09-037, Data Recovery / Excavation, New Mexico (State / Territory), Chipped Stone, CIEP Analysis, Protein Analysis, Pueblo I-II, Pueblo I - II, LA 150615, Protein Residue Analysis, Ancestral Puebloan, Rio Arriba County (County)
المؤلفون: Brin, Adam
مصطلحات موضوعية: Anasazi, Historic, AZ D:7:89, Archaic Period, Basketmaker III Period, Pueblo II, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Arizona (State / Territory), Archaeological Overview, Pueblo III Period, Archaic, Basketmaker II Period, Black Mesa Archaeological Project, Data Recovery / Excavation, Pueblo I Period, Navajo Period, Pueblo I-II, Pueblo II - III, Black Mesa, AZ, AZ D:11:418, AZ D:11:704, AZ D:11:703, Compliance
المؤلفون: Marmaduke, William S.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Pueblo II, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Pueblo I, Salt River Project, NA14,670, NA14,674, NA14,675, NA14,678, Pueblo I-III, NA14,637, NA14,638, NA14,639, Coal Haul Railroad, Work Plan, NA14,660, Archaeological Mitigation Proposal, NA14,662, NA14,663, NA14,664, NA14,666, Basketmaker III to Pueblo I, NA14,667, Site Evaluation / Testing, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Arizona (State / Territory), SRP, Domestic Structures, Coronado Generating Station, NA14,650, Coronado Haul Railroad, NA14,651, Pueblo I-II, NA14,654, NA14,656, NA14,658, Room Block / Compound / Pueblo, NA14,659, Basketmaker II to III, Research Design / Data Recovery Plan, Pueblo III, Data Recovery / Excavation, NA14,640, NA14,641, NA14,642, NA14,688, NA14,644, Ancestral Puebloan, NA14,647, NA14,648, NA14,649
المؤلفون: Brin, Adam
مصطلحات موضوعية: Anasazi, Historic, AZ D:7:220, AZ D:7:222, Textile, Dating Sample, AZ D:7:424, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Archaeological Overview, Basketmaker II Period, Burial Pit, Sweat House / Sweat Lodge, AZ D:7:216, Milling Bin, Archaeological Feature, AZ D:7:214, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, AZ D:11:381, Fauna, Navajo, Ground Stone, Post Hole / Post Mold, Milling Feature, AZ D:11:426, AZ D:7:1135, AZ D:11:425, Hearth, AZ D:7:406, Corral, Pit House / Earth Lodge, AZ D:7:441, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, Arizona (State / Territory), AZ D:11:1244, Domestic Structures, AZ D:7:719, Black Mesa Archaeological Project, Shade Structure / Ramada, Pueblo I-II, Shell, AZ D:7:514, AZ D:7:1125, Tent Ring / Tipi Ring, AZ D:11:215, Room Block / Compound / Pueblo, Black Mesa, AZ, Midden, AZ D:11:320, AZ D:11:1136, Chipped Stone, Wattle & Daub (Jacal) Structure, AZ D:7:236, Non-Domestic Structures, AZ D:11:1096, Ceramic, Kiva / Great Kiva, Data Recovery / Excavation, Pit, Storage Pit, Glass, Human Remains, Hogan
المؤلفون: Stebbins, Sara
مصطلحات موضوعية: Historic, Anasazi, Rock Alignment, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Spanish, Artifact Scatter, Circular Rock Feature, NA14,040, Petrified Wood, Salt River Project, Habitation Area, Apache (County), NA14,038, NA14,039, Archaeological Feature, Metal, Encampment, Concho, AZ, Wood, Late Pueblo II, Fauna, Leather, Ground Stone, Hearth, Site Evaluation / Testing, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Fire Cracked Rock, Adobe Wall, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, Concho Well Fields, Arizona (State / Territory), SRP, Concho Well Field Water Transmission Pipeline, Shade Structure / Ramada, NA14,330, Coronado Generating Station, NA14,331, NA14,332, St. Johns, AZ, NA14,333, Pueblo I-II, NA14,334, NA14,335, NA14,336, NA14,337, NA14,338, NA14,339, Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features, Fieldhouse, Chipped Stone, Basketmaker, Prehistoric, Historic trash, Settlements, Quarry, Systematic Survey, Ceramic, Archaic, NA14,041, NA14,042, Catridges, Pit, Glass, Homestead