المصدر: A nagy zarándok végleg célhoz ért. (2021) 141-156
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De somniis, Philo of Alexandria -- Translations into Hungarian, Philo of Alexandria -- Criticism and interpretation
المؤلفون: Boiché, Anne, Philo, Jacob, יעקב
المصدر: Religion et rationalité. (2021) 9-27
مصطلحات موضوعية: Dreams -- Biblical teaching, Bible. Genesis -- Criticism, interpretation, etc., Jewish -- History -- Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D.
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De somniis, Jacob (Biblical patriarch) -- In post-biblical literature
المؤلفون: Philonenko, Marc, Philo, Philo, פילון, Philonenko, Marc, فيلوننكو، مارك
المصدر: Histoire des religions et exégèse (1955-2012). II (2015) 735-745
مصطلحات موضوعية: Greek literature, Hellenistic -- History and criticism, Greek literature, Hellenistic -- Jewish authors -- History and criticism, Corpus Hermeticum, Bible -- Criticism, interpretation, etc., Jewish -- History -- Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D.
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria -- Criticism and interpretation, Philo of Alexandria. De somniis
المؤلفون: Reddoch, M. Jason, Joseph, יוסף בן יעקב אבינו, Philo
المصدر: Studia Philonica Annual; Studies in Hellenistic Judaism. 25 (2013) 1-16
مصطلحات موضوعية: Dreams in post-biblical literature
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De somniis, Joseph (Son of Jacob) -- In post-biblical literature
المؤلفون: Runia, David T., Philo, פילון, Diels, Hermann, 1848-1922, Philo, Philo, Runia, David T., Philo
المصدر: Philo of Alexandria and Post-Aristotelian Philosophy. (2008) 13-54
مصطلحات موضوعية: Jewish philosophy -- Egypt -- Alexandria, Hellenism
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De aeternitate mundi, Philo of Alexandria. De providentia, Philo of Alexandria. De opificio mundi, Philo of Alexandria. De somniis, Philo of Alexandria. De mutatione nominum, Philo of Alexandria -- Criticism and interpretation, Diels, Hermann 1848-1922
المؤلفون: Rondeau, Marie-Josèphe, Rondeau, Marie-Josèphe, Philo
المصدر: Alexandrina. (1987) 117-150
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De fuga, Philo of Alexandria. De somniis
المؤلفون: Hilgert, Earle, Hilgert, Earle, Philo
المصدر: Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers. 26 (1987) 394-402
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De somniis
المؤلفون: Berchman, Robert M., Berchman, Robert M., Philo
المصدر: Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers. 26 (1987) 403-428
مصطلحات موضوعية: Magic in post-biblical literature, Dreams in post-biblical literature, Prophets in post-biblical literature, Prophecy in post-biblical literature
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De somniis
المؤلفون: Hay, David M., 1935-2006, Hay, David M., 1935-2006, Philo
المصدر: Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers. 26 (1987) 429-438
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De somniis
المؤلفون: Bassler, Jouette M., Bassler, Jouette M., Joseph, יוסף בן יעקב אבינו, Philo, Philo
المصدر: Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period. 16,2 (1985) 240-255
Subject Person: Philo of Alexandria. De Iosepho, Philo of Alexandria. De somniis, Joseph (Son of Jacob) -- In post-biblical literature