1Academic JournalIdentification of common and specific fibrosis-related genes in three common chronic kidney diseases
المؤلفون: Zhangning Fu, Xiaodong Geng, Chao Liu, Wanjun Shen, Zheyi Dong, Guannan Sun, Guangyan Cai, Xiangmei Chen, Quan Hong
المصدر: Renal Failure, Vol 46, Iss 1 (2024)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Kidney fibrosis, chronic kidney disease, NanoString technology, Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology, RC870-923
وصف الملف: electronic resource
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: L. Pedrosa, I. K. Araujo, M. Cuatrecasas, G. Soy, S. López, J. Maurel, C. Sánchez-Montes, C. Montironi, T. Saurí, O. Sendino, F. M. Pérez, F. Ausania, G. Fernández-Esparrach, F. M. Espósito, E. C. Vaquero, A. Ginès
المصدر: Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, Vol 10 (2023)
مصطلحات موضوعية: pancreatic adenocarcinoma, EUS-FNA, NanoString technology, tumour stroma, transcriptomic analysis, Biology (General), QH301-705.5
وصف الملف: electronic resource
3Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Francesca Zalfa, Maria Grazia Perrone, Savina Ferorelli, Luna Laera, Ciro Leonardo Pierri, Anna Tolomeo, Vincenzo Dimiccoli, Giuseppe Perrone, Anna De Grassi, Antonio Scilimati
المصدر: Cancers; Volume 14; Issue 15; Pages: 3764
مصطلحات موضوعية: ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma (OSCA), biomarkers, TCGA transcriptomes, digital RNA detection, NanoString technology
وصف الملف: application/pdf
4Academic Journal
المؤلفون: E. V. Stupak, S. E. Titov, Y. A. Veryaskina, L. G. Akhmerova, V. V. Stupak, S. S. Rabinovich, D. A. Dolzhenko, I. F. Zhimulev
المصدر: Сибирский научный медицинский журнал, Vol 38, Iss 6, Pp 85-93 (2019)
مصطلحات موضوعية: cerebral glioma, microrna, different grade gliomas, microrna expression, nanostring technology, pcr, Medicine
وصف الملف: electronic resource
5Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Singh, Navjot, Gallagher, Heather C., Song, Renjie, Dhinsa, Jaskiran K., Ostroff, Gary R., De Jesus, Magdia
المصدر: Journal of Biological Methods; Vol. 5 No. 3 (2018); e95 ; 2326-9901
مصطلحات موضوعية: B-lymphocytes, mononuclear phagocytes, Peyer, Nanostring technology, T-lymphocytes
وصف الملف: text/html; application/pdf
Relation: https://polscientific.com/jbm/index.php/jbm/article/view/246/216; https://polscientific.com/jbm/index.php/jbm/article/view/246/217; https://polscientific.com/jbm/index.php/jbm/article/view/246/375; https://polscientific.com/jbm/index.php/jbm/article/view/246
6Academic Journal
المؤلفون: L. S. Baleva, V. S. Sukhorukov, A. E. Sipyagina, N. M. Karakhan, A. S. Voronkova, A. R. Sadykov, Л. С. Балева, В. С. Сухоруков, А. Е. Сипягина, Н. М. Карахан, А. С. Воронкова, А. Р. Садыков
المصدر: Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii (Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics); Том 62, № 1 (2017); 81-86 ; Российский вестник перинатологии и педиатрии; Том 62, № 1 (2017); 81-86 ; 2500-2228 ; 1027-4065 ; 10.21508/1027-4065-2017-62-1
مصطلحات موضوعية: генная сеть белка р53, mothers, first- and second-generation residents of radioactively contaminated areas, ionizing radiation, Nanostring technology, cytological (karyological) indicators, micronucleus p53 protein gene network, матери, жители 1–2-го поколения радиационно-загрязненных территорий, ионизирующее излучение, технология Nanostring, цитологические (кариологические) показатели, микроядерный тест
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: https://www.ped-perinatology.ru/jour/article/view/456/463; Балева Л.С., Сипягина А.Е., Карахан Н.М. Состояние здоровья детского населения России, подвергшегося радиационному воздействию вследствие аварии на ЧАЭС. Итоги 29-летнего наблюдения Детского научно-практического центра противорадиационной защиты. Рос вестн перинатол и педиатр 2015; (4): 6–10. [Baleva L.S., Sipyagina A.E., Karakhan N.M. The state of health of children population of Russia affected by radioactive contamination following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The results of the 29-year observational study of Children’s scientific-practical center of antiradiation protection. Ros vestn perinatol i pediatr 2015; (4): 6–10. (in Russ)]; Балева Л.C., Кузьмина Т.Б., Сипягина А.Е., Засимова И.В. Состояние здоровья детей, облученных внутриутробно. Здоровье детей и радиация: актуальные проблемы и решения. Под ред. Балевой JI.C., Царегородцева А.Д. М: Медиа Сфера 2001; 76–79. 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المؤلفون: Beáta Zs. Kovács, László G. Puskás, Lajos I. Nagy, András Papp, Zoltán Gyöngyi, István Fórizs, György Czuppon, Ildikó Somlyai, Gábor Somlyai
المصدر: Cancer Control, Vol 29 (2022)
Cancer Control : Journal of the Moffitt Cancer Centerمصطلحات موضوعية: Male, DNA Copy Number Variations, median survival time (MST), Cell Growth Processes, Mice, Neoplasms, Animals, Humans, Original Research Article, RC254-282, Retrospective Studies, cancer prevention, deuterium-depleted water (DDW), production of metabolic water, Water, Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens, 03.01. Általános orvostudomány, Hematology, General Medicine, Deuterium, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, cancer recurrence, Oncology, anticancer drug development, gene expression, D/H ratio, NanoString technology, Female, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, metabolism
وصف الملف: text
المصدر: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
مصطلحات موضوعية: 0301 basic medicine, Cancer Research, Pathology, medicine.medical_specialty, Tissue fixation, Receptor, ErbB-2, medicine.medical_treatment, Breast Neoplasms, Multiplex protein analysis, Protein expression, 03 medical and health sciences, Preclinical Study, Breast cancer, 0302 clinical medicine, AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases, Formaldehyde, Biomarkers, Tumor, medicine, Humans, Multiplex, Phosphorylation, Mastectomy, Fixation (histology), Paraffin Embedding, biology, business.industry, Lumpectomy, Middle Aged, medicine.disease, Immunohistochemistry, Neoplasm Proteins, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-raf, Ki-67 Antigen, 030104 developmental biology, Oncology, 030220 oncology & carcinogenesis, biology.protein, NanoString technology, Female, Biopsy, Large-Core Needle, Antibody, Receptors, Progesterone, business, Protein Kinases
9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Metovic J., Annaratone L., Linari A., Osella-Abate S., Musuraca C., Veneziano F., Vignale C., Bertero L., Cassoni P., Ratto N., Comandone A., Grignani G., Piana R., Papotti M.
المساهمون: Metovic J., Annaratone L., Linari A., Osella-Abate S., Musuraca C., Veneziano F., Vignale C., Bertero L., Cassoni P., Ratto N., Comandone A., Grignani G., Piana R., Papotti M.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Giant cell tumor of bone, Immune-related gene, NanoString technology, PD-L1, Prognosi, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, B7-H1 Antigen, Biomarkers, Tumor, Bone Neoplasm, Bone and Bone, Down-Regulation, Female, Giant Cell Tumor, Human, Immune Tolerance, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, Transcriptome, Up-Regulation, Young Adult
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/32377818; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000530782500002; volume:69; issue:9; firstpage:1905; lastpage:1916; numberofpages:12; journal:CANCER IMMUNOLOGY, IMMUNOTHERAPY; http://hdl.handle.net/2318/1759685; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-85085121690
المؤلفون: A. S. Voronkova, V. S. Sukhorukov, A. E. Sipyagina, N. M. Karakhan, A. R. Sadykov, L. S. Baleva
المصدر: Rossijskij Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii, Vol 62, Iss 1, Pp 81-86 (2017)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Genome instability, cytological (karyological) indicators, Binucleated cells, Gene regulatory network, Cancer, first- and second-generation residents of radioactively contaminated areas, Biology, Bioinformatics, medicine.disease, medicine.disease_cause, Pediatrics, RJ1-570, mothers, children, Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health, Micronucleus test, Immunology, P53 protein, medicine, Carcinogenesis, ionizing radiation, micronucleus p53 protein gene network, Gene, nanostring technology
المؤلفون: Navjot, Singh, Heather C, Gallagher, Renjie, Song, Jaskiran K, Dhinsa, Gary R, Ostroff, Magdia, De Jesus
المصدر: Journal of Biological Methods
مصطلحات موضوعية: Protocol, B-lymphocytes, NanoString technology, Peyer’s patches, T-lymphocytes, mononuclear phagocytes
12Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: Staiger, Annette M.
المساهمون: Scheurich, Peter (Prof. Dr.)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Genexpression, prognostische Relevanz, Nanostring-Technologie, Follikuläres Lymphom, gene-expression, follicular lymphoma, Nanostring technology, prognostic relevance
Time: 570
Relation: 470517786; http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:93-opus-ds-87559; http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/handle/11682/8755; http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-8738
المؤلفون: Staiger, Annette M.
المساهمون: Scheurich, Peter