المؤلفون: Brodbeck, Mark
مصطلحات موضوعية: Historic, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Maricopa to Phoenix Railroad Alignment, Highline Pumping Plant, Los Guanacos, Las Estufas, Canal or Canal Feature, Kyrene Generating Station, Hohokam, Systematic Survey, AZ U:9:48(ASM), AZ U:9:116(ASM), Western Canal, AZ U:9:71(ASU), Tempe, Union Pacific Railroad, Maricopa (County), AZ U:9:25(PG)
المؤلفون: Aguila, Lourdes
مصطلحات موضوعية: Historic, AZ U:9:72(ASM), Alta Vista, AZ U:9:174(ASM), Artifact Scatter, Historic Canal, AZ T:12:32(ASM), Salt River, AZ U:10:4(ASU), Casa de Nephi, AZ U:9:71(ASU), Hamlet / Village, Casa de Loma, Trash Midden, Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:25(ASM), Red Mountain Site, Shepherd���s House, AZ T:12:14(ASU), Las Acequias, Leo���s Site, AZ T:12:24(ASU), Arizona, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, BOR-SRP96-3, BOR-SRP96-2, Canal or Canal Feature, Hohokam, BOR-SRP96-1, Reconnaissance / Survey, Isolated Feature, AZ U:9:24(PG), Road, Ground Stone, AZ U:9:49(ASM), Rock Art, Railroad Culvert, Mound / Earthwork, Hohokam Colonial period, Lehi Site, AZ U:9:25(PG), AZ U:10:14(ASU), Culvert, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Fire Cracked Rock, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, AZ U:10:22(ASU), Mesa Grande, AZ U:9:44(ASU), AZ U:9:67(ASM), Los Guanacos, Ball Court, AZ U:10:2(ASU), AZ U:9:116(ASM), House, AZ U:10:1(ASU), Phoenix 3:8(GP), Hornos, Berm, Refuse Pit, Shell, Hohokam Pioneer period, Chipped Stone, AZ U:9:1(ASM), AZ U:9:48(ASU), Hohokam Sedentary period, Prehistoric, Las Estufas, Quarry, Ceramic, Phoenix 3:4(GP), AZ U:9:48(ASM), Park of the Canals, Cairn, La Lomita, T-3, Pit, AZ T:12:16 (ASU), Grand Canal Ruins, Hohokam Classic period
المؤلفون: Aguila, Lourdes
مصطلحات موضوعية: AZ U:9:72(ASM), Alta Vista, AZ U:9:174(ASM), Artifact Scatter, Historic Canal, Glendale, AZ, Salt River Project, AZ U:10:4(ASU), Casa de Nephi, AZ U:9:71(ASU), Grand Canal, Casa de Loma, Mesa, AZ, Highline Canal, Trash Midden, Pueblo Grande, Consolidated Canal, AZ U:9:25(ASM), Red Mountain Site, Las Acequias, AZ T:12:24(ASU), Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, BOR-SRP96-3, BOR-SRP96-2, BOR-SRP96-1, AZ U:9:24(PG), Road, Eastern Canal, Rock Art, South Canal, Mound / Earthwork, Lehi Site, Culvert, Pit House / Earth Lodge, AZ U:10:22(ASU), AZ U:9:67(ASM), Arizona (State / Territory), SRP, AZ U:10:2(ASU), House, AZ U:10:1(ASU), Phoenix 3:8(GP), Leo’s Site, Shell, Gilbert, AZ, Maricopa (County), Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Chandler, AZ, Phoenix, AZ, Chipped Stone, AZ U:9:1(ASM), AZ U:9:48(ASU), Peoria, AZ, Quarry, Ceramic, Phoenix 3:4(GP), AZ U:9:48(ASM), Cairn, La Lomita, T-3, AZ T:12:16 (ASU), Grand Canal Ruins, Hohokam Classic period, Historic, Shepherd’s House, AZ T:12:32(ASM), Western Canal, Salt River, Hamlet / Village, AZ T:12:14(ASU), Canal or Canal Feature, Hohokam, Tempe Canal, Reconnaissance / Survey, Isolated Feature, Ground Stone, AZ U:9:49(ASM), Railroad Culvert, Tempe, AZ, Hohokam Colonial period, AZ U:9:25(PG), AZ U:10:14(ASU), Fire Cracked Rock, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, Mesa Grande, AZ U:9:44(ASU), Los Guanacos, Ball Court, AZ U:9:116(ASM), Hornos, Berm, Refuse Pit, Arizona Crosscut Canal, Tempe Crosscut Canal, Historic Background Research, Hohokam Pioneer period, Hohokam Sedentary period, Prehistoric, Las Estufas, Class III Cultural Resources Survey, Tolleson, AZ, Park of the Canals, Kyrene Branch Canal, Scottsdale, AZ, Pit, Arizona Canal
المؤلفون: Marshall, John T.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Historic, Worked Shell, Schist, Dating Sample, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Camelback Granite, Shell Bracelet, Gray Rock, Western Canal, Salt River Project, Hamlet / Village, Figurine, Santa Cruz Red-on-Buffware, Sand, Phyllite, Agricultural or Herding, Micaceous Schist, Village, Building Materials, Incised Ware, Sedentary Period, Gray Quartz, Bracelet, Mussel Shell, Archaeological Feature, Buffware, Gray Schist, Sacaton Red-on-Buffware, Canal or Canal Feature, Hohokam, Quartz, Laevicardium sp, Flotation Sample, Ground Disturbance Monitoring, Ground Stone, Colonial Period, Clay Fillet, Pollen, Plainware, Tempe, AZ, Canal, White Feldspar, Ceramic Figurine, Hornblende, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Daub, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Glycymeris Bracelet, Granite, Gila Butte Red-on-Buffware, Arkosic Sand, Mano, Pioneer Period, Lassen Substation, Arizona (State / Territory), SRP, Domestic Structures, Gray Phyllite, Los Hornos, Red-on-Buffware, Shell, Flake, Glycymeris sp, Parabolic Pit, Pollen Sample, South Mountain Grandiorite, Maricopa (County), Midden, Mineral, Basalt Mano, Estrella Gneiss, Basalt Flake, Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features, Worked Laevicardium Shell, Chipped Stone, Grandiorite, Prehistoric, Gneiss, Settlements, Two-Handed Mano, Ceramic, Radiocarbon Sample, Pink Quartz, Line Expansion, Feldspar, Pit, Pit House, Clay, Mussel, Classic Period, Basalt
المؤلفون: Chenault, Mark, Deni Seymour, Greenwald, David, Euler, Thomas, Anderson, Kirk, Slaughter, Mark
مصطلحات موضوعية: Hardy Drive, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Baseline Road, Phoenix Basin, Priest Drive, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Hohokam, Hemenway Expedition, Arizona (State / Territory), Settlements, Late Pioneer Period, Phoenix, Archaeological Overview, Research Design / Data Recovery Plan, Salt River, Hamlet / Village, Los Hornos, Superstition Freeway, Late Classic Period
المؤلفون: Chenault, Mark L., Anderson, Kirk, Ayres, James E.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Archaeological Feature, Site Evaluation / Testing, Wormser Canal, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, Chipped Stone, Priest Drive, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Hohokam, Arizona (State / Territory), Ceramic, Reconnaissance / Survey, Late Pioneer Period, AZ U:9:48(ASM), Los Hornos, Burial Pit, Ground Stone, Tempe, Pit, Superstition Freeway, Shell, Civano Phase, Glass, Maricopa County (County), Classic Period
المؤلفون: Laurene G. Montero
مصطلحات موضوعية: Pollen (Liguliflorae), Pollen (Cheno-Am), Saguaro, Dating Sample, Bone (Human), Pollen (Cucurbita sp.), Ephedra torreyana, Casa Fiesta, Plainware Bowl, Micaceous Schist, Ancient Structure, AZ U:9:71(ASM), Pyrene sp, Knife, Seed (Saguaro), Buffware, Tonto Polychrome Ware, Oenthera sp, Basin and Range Physiographic Province, Pinyon Pine, Snail, Oak, Charcoal, Amaranth, Canal, Site Evaluation / Testing, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Cylindropuntia sp, Pollen (Cholla), Domestic Structures, Pinus sp, Projectile Point, Obsidian Flake, Pollen (Grass), Pollen (Gramineae), Pollen (Mustard), Cupule (Corn), Spiderling, Pollen (Sphaeralcea sp.), Hammerstone, Pollen (Amaranth), Seed (Grass), Quercus sp, Ceramic, Pine, Pyrene Ring, Pollen (Acalypha sp.), Pollen (Pinus pondersosa), Pollen (Rock Purslane), Trash Pit, Low-Spine Compositae, Boerhaavia sp, Squash, Cotton, Pollen (Red Maids), Early Classic Period, Liguliflorae, Larrea sp, Creosotebush, Borrow Pit, Hamlet / Village, Late Sedentary Period, Santa Cruz Red-on-Buffware, Phyllite, Pollen (Boerhaavia sp.), Civano Phase, Building Materials, Spurge, Pollen (Zea), Archaeological Feature, Joint Fir, Redware, Grass, Canal or Canal Feature, Pollen (Cereus sp.), Pollen (Spurge), Rock Purslane, Ground Stone, Hearth, Plainware, Pollen (Cruciferae), Tempe, AZ, Diorite Hammerstone, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, Calandrinia sp, Pollen (Ponderosa Pine), Pollen (Juniper), Plaintain, Red-on-Buffware, Kochia, Pollen (Pinus sp.), Gila Polychrome Ware, Pollen (Oenthera sp.), Pollen (Quercus sp.), Seed (Kochia), Caliche, Pollen (Plantago sp.), Sandstone Hammerstone, Salt River Valley, Macrobotanical, Obsidian Projectile Point, Maize, Pinus ponderosa, Quartzite, Pollen (Pinus edulis), Feldspar, Pit, Cereus sp, Pit House, Plantago sp, Glass, Pollen (Ephedra nevadensis), Pollen (Oak), Seed (Agave), Pollen (Joint Fir), Pollen (Typha domingensis), Cobble Hammerstone, Seed (Cotton), Sandstone, Salt Redware, Agave, Agricultural or Herding, Tansy Mustard, Village, Horno, Zea sp, Pod (Mesquite), Ring, Cheno-Am, Cucurbita sp, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Sacaton Red-on-Buffware, Pollen (Plantain), Distribution Canal, Laevicardium sp, Pollen (Goosefoot), Surface, Pollen (Larrea sp.), Pollen (Cattail), Seed (Cheno-Am), Pollen (Spiderling), Pollen, Pollen (Acanthus), Acanthus, Late Classic Period, Obsidian, Pollen (Low-Spine Compositae), Arizona (State / Territory), Evening Primrose, Cruciferae, Pollen (Evening Primrose), Ponderosa Pine, Sphaeralcea sp, Shell (Laevicardium sp.), Pollen (Pinyon Pine), Greenstone, Greenstone Flake, Shell, Flake, Prosopis sp, Pollen (Calandrinia sp.), Pollen Sample, Midden, Lateral Canal, Goosefoot, Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features, Chipped Stone, Phoenix Basin, Non-Domestic Structures, Structure, Gramineae, Pollen (Maize), Settlements, Shell Ring, Radiocarbon Sample, Wall Footing, Pinus edulis, Cremation, Juniperus sp, Jar, Polychrome Ware, Cholla, Human Remains, Classic Period, Pollen (Saguaro), Burial, High-Spine Compositae, Pollen (Ephedra torreyana), Schist, Pollen (Globemallow), Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Mesquite, Juniper, Pollen (Cylindropuntia sp.), Western Canal, Salt River, Decorated Ware, Pollen (Prosopis sp.), Pollen (Acanthaceae), Euphorbia sp, Sedentary Period, Ephedra nevadensis, Tidestromia sp, Corn, Pollen (Euphorbia sp.), Seed (Tansy Mustard), Hohokam, Flotation Sample, Cattail, Pollen (Squash), Pollen (Pine), Colonial Period, Pollen (Juniperus sp.), White Feldspar, Typha domingensis, Pollen (Mesquite), Quartzite Knife, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Seed (Mesquite), Ash, Acalypha sp, Diorite, Acanthaceae, Red Maid, Ash Lens, Pollen (High-Spine Compositae), Sonoran Desert, Mustard, Kallstroemia sp, Ceramic Jar, Prehistoric, Lower Colorado River Valley, Pollen (Creosotebush), Pollen (Kallestroemia sp.), Quartzite Flake, Bowl, Pollen (Tidestroemia sp.), Globemallow
المؤلفون: Wilcox, David R., Howard, Jerry B., Nelson, Rueben H.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Pit House / Earth Lodge, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, Pioneer Period, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Lassen Substation, Arizona (State / Territory), Caliche Mixing Pit, AZ U:9:41 (ASU), Site Structure, SRP, Domestic Structures, Inhumation burial, Oval Pit House, Archaeological Overview, Western Canal, Borrow Pit, Salt River Project, AZ U:9:48 (ASM), Yaqui Indians, Agricultural or Herding, Refuse Pit, Santa Cruz Phase, PGM U:9:23, Archaeological Study, Sedentary Period, Community Patterning, Midden, Cemetery, Archaeological Feature, Historic Background Research, Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features, Gila Butte Phase, Chipped Stone, Metal, Trash Mound, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Canal or Canal Feature, Hohokam, Ceramic, Cremation Burial, History of Research, Pit, Superstition Freeway, Storage Pit, Trash Pit, Classic Period, Mound / Earthwork, Tempe, AZ
9Academic Journal
المساهمون: Schoenwetter, James (Author)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Palynology Tempe (Ariz.), Palynology Arizona Tempe, La Ciudad De Los Hornos Site Tempe Ariz, Hohokam culture, Indians of North America Arizona Tempe Antiquities, Tempe (Ariz.) Antiquities, Salt River Valley (Ariz.) Antiquities, Excavations (Archaeology) Arizona Tempe, Gila River Valley N M And Ariz Antiquities
وصف الملف: 62 p.
Relation: Preliminary Inventory of the James Schoenwetter Papers (1956-2005). 2006-03958; 2006-04042. University Archives. ASU Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. http://azarchivesonline.org/xtf/view?docId=ead/asu/schoenwetter_acc.xml; http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.8245
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.8245
المؤلفون: Hackbarth, Mark, Howard, Ann Valdo
مصطلحات موضوعية: Archaeological Feature, Site Evaluation / Testing, Phoenix, AZ, La Ciudad de Los Hornos, Isolated Artifact, Chipped Stone, Prehistoric, Pioneer Period, Hohokam, Artifact Scatter, Systematic Survey, AZ U:9:41 (ASU), Ceramic, Substation, SRP, Salt River Project, Archaeological Survey, Mesa, AZ, Records Search / Inventory Checking, Classic Period, Tempe, AZ