1Academic Journal
المساهمون: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=; http://jcm.asm.org/content/43/7/3314.full.pdf
المؤلفون: Daniela O W Rodrigues, Maria T B Teixeira, Luiz C Ribeiro, Olivia F Santos, Lysla C Sudário, Dandara E M Sana, Estela M S Campos, Maria H A Leitao, Larissa M C Torres, Shirley C R B De Faria, Adriano R De Souza, Lúcio Petterson Tôrres da Silva, João A Da S, Joabson Araujo de Carvalho, Willian Da S Santos, Renan Rodrigues Ferreira Lima, João P Da Silva, André F De C P Chaves, Ellen C Da C L Sousa, Tatiane Carvalho da Silva Brandão, Bárbara M P De Almeida, Catarina N Nascimento, Danielli De S Guedes, Ellen A Santos, Eloah P Filippetti, Flaviane Rodrigues, Larissa R Santos, Rafael G F de Lima, Ana F S Ratti, Élvio L R Vieira, Cíntia R T Katz, Juliana A Cardoso, Amanda M F Barbosa, Maria C A Oliveira, Gheisa B Campos, Kairo S M Damasceno, Kayo E S Oliveira, Emilly D A Meggiolaro, Alice M Scheffer, Daniel G Oliveira, Dayeni M Romualdo, Karina V Nascimento, Leonardo B Bueno, Luiza S B Souza, Maísa F S Oliveira, Valério L Almeida, Kennedy M Oliveira, Waneska A Alves, Guilherme Pitol, Rafaela Paulino, Jaqueline G Bielavski, Bibiana B Barcellos, Gabriela T Maciel, Ana C Portz, Bruna C Venzke, Daniela F Santi, Bruna E T Dal Osto, Acauã F da Cunha, Ana L T de Quadros, Vinicius Andrade, Daniela W Batista, Mariana B Angeloni, Giuliana M Marchese, Jaqueline B Araújo, Amanda T de Sousa, Amaro J A, Bruno L dos Santos, Isabella C de O Lopes, Aline M Pires, Ana F F dos Santos, Beatriz M de Lima, Camila A G Santos, Fernanda C D Cruvinel, Gabriele R dos Santos, Jéssica Y S Soares, João P R Gonçalves, Joaquim E F, Shamara C Rezende, Wanessa F Muzetti, Érica R M A Rezende, Tatyana B C Kock, Anne C V Carvalho, Nicole O Rezende, Henrique A Binato, Marli C Cupertino, Monique P Reis, Onézimo M Bentes, Pedro F G Furtado, Ana E G Macêdo, Caroline G Macêdo, Dayane D Nascimento, Andressa R Pagno, Cristiane de P Kratz, Izabel A Alves, Eugênia M de Q F B da Silveira, Giovana B de M Rios, Ana B M Prata, Ana C A Aragão, Ana C M Ramalho, Márcia G M Coelho, Fernanda Pimentel de Oliveira, Neusa Camilla Cavalcante Andrade Oliveira, Jussilene Alves Amorim, Juliane M dos Santos, Suelen Rezende Barbosa, Mireli Sousa de Oliveira, Laiane M F Gentil, Viviane da Paz Brito, Edilene P da Silva, Elane de A Sampaio, Lígia V Leite, Mirella Raíra Ferreira da Silva Santos, Juliana Sampaio Melo, Karine R Ferreira, Danyele Holanda Da Silva, Larissa C Fontenelle, Rafael X B de Morais, André L B N dos Santos, Beatriz X B de Morais, João F C J Tavares, Maria M C J Tavares, Angela C R Medeiros, Gabriel F Grando, Laura B Delatorre, Luana B Bittencourt, Isadora B Teloken, Juliano P Bastos, Kátia C S de Oliveira, Henrique Scalco, Bruna K de Moura, Luana Carvalho, Nathalia S Gonçalves, Luiza Ribeiro, Emily S, Ana P Galeazzi, Manoela B Garcia, Anna B L Lima, Giulia Zanatta, Daniela C Santos, Fernanda P De Oliveira, Maria R Da S Lima, Maria J F Siqueira, Rosendo F de Amorim, Maria Raquel da Silva Lima, Márcia Gomes Marinheiro Coelho, Anna C F Duarte, Danielle C H França, Ana C B Galdino, Alexya O Feitosa, Beatriz B Ribeiro, Gabriel M Amorim, Isadora A Leite, Jéssica L F R Silva, Laís F S Silva, Lisiane V Oliveira, Rodolfo D A Silva, Mônica R B Galdino, Maria Cláudia M C Muniz, Paula F de Almeida, Jocélia Maria de A Bringel, Maria C S Freitas, Joyce H Maranhão, Suelen R Barbosa, Caio P Sena, Keylane N Ribeiro, Jussilene A Amorim, Evilla S R Silva, Larissa Cristina Fontenelle, Bruna K Yuasa, Carlos E Scorza, Amanda R M Silva, Diego H F Mussatto, Janaína M R Mombelli, Julia M Lara, Julyane N S Kaihara, Letícia S Alves, Pedro T Hamamoto, Andressa A F Bravin, Brenda Caroline Melo Sousa, Eloina Hadigyna Leite Sousa Campelo, Francisco Héricles Moreira de Carvalho, Valberto A M, Lorena P L M Barreto, Andressa A Barros, Alane S Sousa, Michely C Carvalho, Najarah C Cedro, Talita N Carvalho, Ennya C P dos S Duarte, Andrea G S Melo, Diêgo O Lima, Lívia P Costa, Maria K Z Oliveira, Nayane B Sousa, Paloma A F Lima, Rute E Rocha, Ruthe C Brito, Ana C do N Borges, Rita C S Vieira, Ana C N Borges, Ana Kallyny V Silva, Regiane M Tavares, Auricélia do N Marques, Ana Paula de S Alcantara, Jhennefy V S Lopes, Nailson S S de Sousa, Felipe S Rodrigues, Aline C Holanda, Crislane de M Costa, Marilene M Brito, Aline Carolina Castro Mota, Andrea M S Lopes, Carla Hineida da Silva de Andrade, Giulli Catarini Cei Ribeiro Lobo, Ianka A Silva, Mainã C S Santos, Salmeron A M, Yasmin A Santos, Carla Leonor Melo Vinagre Machado, Aline C C Mota, Ana L G Moura, Brenda P Farias, Fernanda Cristina de Oliveira Albuquerque, Giovana D Pereira, Joyce G M Lopes, Letícia C Andrade, Marcela M M Bezerra, Carla L M V Machado, Gilson G A, Isabelle C V Araújo, João P R Costa, Larissa F S Souza, Lorena Oliveira Gonçalves, Thais B O Silva, José W G C, Sara M Crispim, Jocélia M de A Bringel, Yohanna A M Monteiro, Natalya V S Teixeira, Camila F A Dias, André L S Pessoa, Luiz de M F, Juliana T de Q S Martins, Manoel C, Maria B R da Silva, aline lorena lourenço dos santos miranda, Catarina de J Nunes, Laura B D da S Souto, João M P F Nunes, Brenda F Carvalho, Cida V S da Silva, Naiara da L N Palmeira, Viviane Rech, Isabel S Araújo, Artemizia F Sousa, Paulo V L Sousa, Lais C Arraes, Rosana R Sousa, Fernanda Cabral Oliveira, Anna Luiza P Vieira, Gabriela S Martínez, Ana Beatriz T Borges, Edson L de Lima, Eugênio F Magalhães
المؤلفون: Marcela Beatriz Botelho MENESES, Eloina Hadigyna Leite Sousa CAMPELO, Antônia J P ROCHA, Zilma N de MELO, Eveny S MELO, Karina dos S RODRIGUES, Marília da S SOUSA, Lairton B de OLIVEIRA, Raíssa F GUEDES, Ravena F GUEDES, Cássia B SILVA, Antônio A N M JUNIOR, Eliakim A da SILVA, Beatriz G F dos SANTOS, João B de C SOUSA, Kamilla A dos S BARROS, Lany L de C R CAMPELO, Rayane da S ALENCAR, Raynnã da S SOARES, Ana L B B MINEIRO, Maria V A de SOUSA, Lynlanda M C de ALMEIDA, Maria I BRITO, Luis F A SOUSA, Amanda L N PEREIRA, Milena B GUIMARÃES, Antonio M B de SOUSA, Leiliane C de AGUIAR, Cleison B M LIMA, Lauanne C RODRIGUES, Maria das G da S MACHADO, Viviane O da SILVA, Nithelly O CABRAL, Amanda A M de CARVALHO, Natália de S CABRAL, Maria A F da SILVA, Iasmim M LIMA, Maria F de S O CABRAL, Ana R N LIMA, Monica N de LIMA, Rayane M BRITO, Francisca T P de SOUZA, Francisca C de SOUSA, Laíme A N de ARAÚJO, Danielle P da SILVA, Larissa da S L, Márcio A de ALMEIDA, Murilo R P JÚNIOR, Valéria G LUCENA, Tainá A ROCHA, Paula H F CAROLINO, Nara M P LEAL, Francisco O da S MARTINS, Maria A de S RAMOS, Maria D A do NASCIMENTO, Natalia de S CABRAL, Josiane da S OLIVEIRA, Mônica N de LIMA, Maria J da SILVA, Francisca F P de SOUZA, Laime A M de ARAÚJO, Larissa da S LANDIM, Murilo R P JUNIOR, Valéria G de LUCENA, Paula H de F CAROLINO, Lívia M S LIMA, Everton M LOPES, Lina Clara Gayoso e Almendra Ibiapina MORENO, Mara R de Sousa SILVA, Thálisson W de Andrade BEZERRA, Tayane A LIMA, Matheus F de Magalhães LEMOS, Tamires de Sousa SANTANA, Milenna B GUIMARÃES, Edjôfre C OLIVEIRA, Ana Ignez B Lima NUNES, Antônia M A de MOURA, Davi da SILVA, Hanny de CARVALHO, Roniel B da SILVA, Sávia R R da Costa SANTOS, Antonia T B de MELO, Priscila L ALCÂNTARA, João B de Carvalho SILVA, Kamilla A dos Santos BARROS, José S A JÚNIOR, Lany L de Castro R CAMPELO, Mariana R SILVA, Maynara L RIPARDO, Lyrlanda M C de ALMEIDA, Leniane da C NASCIMENTO, Isadora L de SOUZA, Francisco M A GOMES, Ana C A SAMPAIO, Darla A ALENCAR, Maria C do RÊGO, Lourranne R de SOUSA, Airton C LEITE, Ana Maria de M FERNANDES, Danielle de Sousa ALMEIDA, Gabriela E P do NASCIMENTO, Matheus F de CASTRO, Marianne R BONFIM, Tércio M de ANDRADE, Cristiele R da SILVA, Cinthia M dos REIS, Ludmila O GONÇALVES, Cassandra M A R BARROS, Maria das G da Silva MACHADO, Ana B C da SILVA, Antonia K Damasceno SOUZA, Gisele K B C REIS, Thamires G de SOUZA, Alessandra G da LUZ, Lorena L C Q BEZERRA, Wanderlane S CORREIA, Fátima Regina Nunes de SOUSA, Larissa A GUIMARÃES, Jodonai B da SILVA, Nathália C L D’ASSUNÇÃO, Gabriela R MOREIRA, Beatriz F L de LIMA, João Rafael da Silva FONSECA, Kalleny S SOUSA, Rosiene B CHAVES, Jessianny M F FIGUEREIDO, Anniely P de Sousa SILVA, Iamilly S PIAUÍ, Samuel L da SILVA, Mara E de Sousa SILVA, Geycilane S da SILVA, Rafael R C P da SILVA, Hyago A CARDOSO, Thaysla de O SOUSA, Juliana do N SOUSA, Gabriela M de S RODRIGUES, Pedro H M MENDES, Iaggo H de S FIGUEIREDO, Jaciara P de MOURA, Emanuelle da C GOMES, Maria L M do NASCIMENTO, Miriam E M de SOUSA, Franciane C dos SANTOS, Jefferson A C LIRA, Glaucia B FAGUNDES, Lygia S GALENO, Thiago V SILVA, Tairine M COSTA, Duan K T de SOUSA, Mariana C BRITO, Marllos H V NUNES, Amanda da C ANDRADE, Alex C de MELO, Aline M D RODRIGUES, Andrezza C A da SILVA, Oriana B LIMA, Carlos A A da MOTA, Fabiana M de SOUZA, Giovana C M LOPES, Maria Y P MARTINS, Deysilane dos Santos GONÇALVES, Antonio R G SIMPLÍCIO, Antônio M B de SOUSA, Bruno A FROTA, Deidiane M ALVES, Isabelly L G A PRADO, Lui D P LOPES, Monyque Y A LOPES, Andressa R V MARTINS, Mariana S NASCIMENTO, Izolda S COSTA, Nilson J P B JÚNIOR, Sueli S COSTA, Natália L MESQUITA, Renato K P CARVALHO, Thatielly R M FÉ, Rafaela R SOUSA, Raiany Aell S CARVALHO, Raimunda N F SANTOS, Luana G S FERNANDES, Amanda P S CARVALHO, Verbênia C F SILVA, Lidyane R O SANTOS, Pedro H F SILVA, Tuanny C M DAMASCENO, Jackson L M de SOUSA, Marlene S de OLIVEIRA, Daniele B MOTA, Letícia A S TEIXEIRA, Misael das V SANTANA, Maria L L CORDEIRO, Nayla M S R AMORIM, Leidiane S SANTOS, Irley M PEREIRA, Gladiane dos S NUNES, Maykon M dos SANTOS, Maria S OLIVEIRA, Joilson F BATISTA, Ana Lys B B MINEIRO, Antonia S de Matos PEREIRA, Fernanda T NUNES, Sávilla R L CAVALCANTE, Nayara L ROCHA, Maria E P BESSA, Layse F Q VASCONCELOS, Francisco W M de SOUSA, Luiza J L F DIAS, Cristhian F F MUNIZ, Francisco R G X NETO, Hevellyn E P SILVA, Rômulo C R PIRES, Vanalda C SILVA, Ana P R P REINERT, Aline V C SANTOS, Ana K D BARROSO, Ingrid K O SAMPAIO, Júlia G FARIAS, Francilene M RABELO, Jennifer D SEREJO, Vitória C P ALVES, Álvaro H A LIRA, Flávia H C S REIS, Hyago H B CORDEIRO, Aldaisa P dos SANTOS, Nayra J da SILVA, Hayla N da CONCEIÇÃO, Alessandra L ROCHA, Ana R F ALCÂNTARA, José O V FILHO, Bruna A LIMA, Girleda A CARVALHO, Jáyna R E Da SILVA, Felipe B M Da SILVA, Ataíde L VIEIRA, Lidiane A MOURA, Aucilene M C de SOUSA, Cláudio F G GONÇALVES, Rosely M SILVA, Lucas G M de ALMEIDA, Adonize L LIMA, Sidiney A S FEITOSA, Iraneide S de ALCÂNTARA, Raiane de S SILVA, Denise R da SILVA, Roseany B M LAGO, Ana C R de CASTRO, Mauricélia de S SILVA, Willas R da SILVA, Kalyane da S LIMA, Mauricelia P de SOUSA, Leticia de D da S SALES, Naiane de S SILVA, Keciane B SOARES, Fernando A PEREIRA, Eliane C do NASCIMENTO, Amanda P de S CARVALHO, Thatielly R de Morais FÉ, Reijane de A VELOSO, Nayana de P F XERES, Juciene M P e SILVA, Thereza E C NEVES, Lidiane A A BARROS, Francisca G S MARTINIANO, Celina J C SILVA, Anailda F V, Brena K V OLIVEIRA, Camila R de AGUIAR, Géssica N M VASCONCELOS, Elane C F LIMA, Francisco J VASCONCELOS, Francisca D S MESQUITA, Igor C R SOUSA, Carlyne A de SOUSA, Quiriane M ALMEIDA, Dayana M NASCIMENTO, Dalvan F ALENCAR, Andrezza C A SILVA, Lilian L ARAÚJO, Igor F MORAES, Francisco R X NETO, Leonilson N dos REIS, Ernando S de SOUSA, Vanessa B da SILVA, Assuscena C NOLÊTO, Micaele L da S FARIAS, Cleidiomar da C S FREITAS, Brígida M dos SANTOS, Juliete de S LEAL, Jailson P de SOUSA, Josiane A da SILVA, Ieda M de A LIRA, Nadiana V SILVA, Eysland L F de ALBUQUERQUE, Francineide D VIEIRA, Pedro F dos A FILHO, Nisleide V P das NEVES, Tatyanne S RODRIGUES, Maynara da S MOURA, Jaylla de M B LEITE, Roseane L MOURA, Karine R de MOURA, Gerdane C N CARVALHO, Janicélia A da SILVA, Wesley R MOTA, Nadja B SILVA, Jussival de M SILVA JÚNIOR, Estela dos S SILVA, Taline O AGUIAR, Márcia P O FARIAS, Cândida B M B CHAVES, Mikaele O LIMA, Aucilene M C SOUSA, Lucas G M ALMEIDA, Renato B COSTA, Paulo V F de FARIAS, Cláudia F N MARTINS, Isabele A L M SANTOS, Luiza S SANTOS, Tais de S CAMPOS, Katrine B CAVALCANTI, Ellen B A L LUZ, Leidiane dos SANTOS, Luana T M CAMPELO, Adelany de Alcântara NASCIMENTO, Djiulyanne K C M BRITO, Raimundo N de Vera Cruz MELO, Alielson A NASCIMENTO, Alessandra K F BEZERRA, Carlos A F OLIVEIRA, Bruno V P COSTA, Keyla M G M COELHO, Marilia da S SOUSA, Dayana M do NASCIMENTO, Fernanda P de OLIVEIRA, Maria J F SIQUEIRA, Márcia G M COELHO, Luiz V C VASCONCELOS, Rosendo F de AMORIM, Lucas H S CARVALHO, Fabrícia da S NUNES, Ana C V de ALMEIDA, Claumir G M JUNIOR, Ester C de LIMA, Izabela M de O MORAIS, Cristina L LEITE, Paulo Victor F de FARIAS, Luana P de OLIVEIRA, Alysson L NUNES, João A BELFORT, Ana Clara V de ALMEIDA, Pedro Henrique R ALENCAR, Patrícia dos Santos S QUEIROZ, Romulo C R PIRES, Thiago P SILVA, Flavia H C S REIS, Élida M dos S LOPES, Allana L F CARDOSO, Debora M da SILVA, Andréa D PEREIRA, Vinicius A N SILVA, Sind S P SOUZA, Leticia S P SILVA, Emanuely N MELO, Bárbara V A LIMA, Francisca H B VASCONCELOS, Amanda de Oliveira F MEDEIROS, Anailda F VASCONCELOS, Vitória C LIMA, Fernanda de L COSTA, Raimundo W L de ANDRADE, Ingrid C A ALVES, Isabela C A GONÇALVES, Lilian L de ARAÚJO, Amanda C ANDRADE, Flaviane R JACOBINA, Antônio A N MACHADO JÚNIOR, Joanna D Almondes da SILVA, Larissa M F GONÇALVES, Géssyca S T da SILVA, Juanna D F dos SANTOS, Helga G de S RIBEIRO, Érica C SOARES, Fernanda A B dos SANTOS, Felicianna C F MACHADO, Jussival de M S JÚNIOR, Marilene P DIAS, Antônia T O AGUIAR, Claudionor A REIS, Gabrielle Da S MIRANDA, Keytte Fernanda V SILVA, Marcela B B MENESES, Girlene C M SILVA, Rayllene B PORTO, Rayssa F P S LIRA, Raimunda S SILVA, Marcos V S FONSECA, Adriana N SANTOS, Ana Caroline Chaves dos SANTOS, Maria de Fátima M NASCIMENTO, Marcelo A RIBEIRO
المؤلفون: Thomas Kvist, Henry F. Duncan, Jayakumar Jayaraman, Anil Kishen, Peter E. Murray, Isabela N. Rôças, J. A. P. de Figueiredo, Paul M. H. Dummer, Bun San Chong, Mohammad Hossein Nekoofar, E. Priya, P. McCabe, P. K. Shah, Lars Bjørndal, Ove A. Peters, Ronald Ordinola-Zapata, Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, J. F. Siqueira, Shaju Jacob Pulikkotil
المصدر: International endodontic journalReferences. 53(5)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Research design, Pride, Medical education, Research Design, media_common.quotation_subject, Clinical study design, MEDLINE, Psychology, General Dentistry, media_common, Endodontics
المؤلفون: André Guimarães Machado, José C. Provenzano, Bianca P.S. Guilherme, Mônica A.S. Neves, Marília F. Marceliano-Alves, J. F. Siqueira, Lucio Souza Gonçalves
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 52:709-715
مصطلحات موضوعية: Molar, Materials science, business.industry, Root canal, Micro computed tomography, 0206 medical engineering, Dentistry, Material removal, 030206 dentistry, 02 engineering and technology, Material volume, 020601 biomedical engineering, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, medicine.anatomical_structure, medicine, Total removal, business, General Dentistry, Mandibular molar
المؤلفون: C. A. Amorim, Fernanda F. N. Pacheco da Costa, Juan Pacheco-Yanes, P. H. B. Santos, J. F. Siqueira, Isbelia Gazzaneo, Flávio R.F. Alves, A. C. S. Oliveira
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 52:400-406
مصطلحات موضوعية: Periodontitis, Molar, Cone beam computed tomography, business.industry, Filled tooth, Root canal, 0206 medical engineering, Dentistry, 030206 dentistry, 02 engineering and technology, Odds ratio, medicine.disease, 020601 biomedical engineering, stomatognathic diseases, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, medicine.anatomical_structure, stomatognathic system, medicine, business, General Dentistry
المؤلفون: Isabel Schausltz Pereira Faustino, Flávio R.F. Alves, W. R. Araújo‐Filho, Cinthya Cristina Gomes, J. F. Siqueira, Ademar Takahama, Rebeca De Souza Azevedo, Isabela N. Rôças
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 51:738-746
مصطلحات موضوعية: Adult, Male, musculoskeletal diseases, 0301 basic medicine, Pathology, medicine.medical_specialty, Root canal, Biology, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Lesion, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, Tooth Apex, Osteoprotegerin, Dental Pulp Necrosis, medicine, Humans, Parvimonas micra, General Dentistry, Aged, Pulp necrosis, Periodontitis, Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-kappa B, RANK Ligand, Streptococcus, 030206 dentistry, Fusobacterium, Middle Aged, medicine.disease, Matrix Metalloproteinases, Exact test, 030104 developmental biology, medicine.anatomical_structure, Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, RANKL, biology.protein, Matrix Metalloproteinase 2, Female, Dental Pulp Cavity, medicine.symptom, Periapical Periodontitis
المؤلفون: J. F. Siqueira, Jayakumar Jayaraman, Ronald Ordinola-Zapata, Paul M. H. Dummer, Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Shaju Jacob Pulikkotil, Isabela N. Rôças, E. Priya, Ove A. Peters, Peter E. Murray
المصدر: International endodontic journal. 52(8)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Research Report, Consensus, media_common.quotation_subject, 0206 medical engineering, 02 engineering and technology, Likert scale, Endodontics, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, Relevance (law), Humans, Quality (business), General Dentistry, Publication, media_common, computer.programming_language, Protocol (science), Publishing, Medical education, business.industry, Subject (documents), 030206 dentistry, 020601 biomedical engineering, Clinical trial, Research Design, Psychology, business, computer, Delphi
وصف الملف: application/pdf
9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: J. F. Siqueira, Siqueira Jf
المساهمون: The Pennsylvania State University CiteSeerX Archives
المصدر: http://www.endoexperience.com/userfiles/file/unnamed/Endodontic failure Siqueira IEJ 2001.pdf.
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Relation: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=; http://www.endoexperience.com/userfiles/file/unnamed/Endodontic failure Siqueira IEJ 2001.pdf
الاتاحة: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
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المؤلفون: A G, Machado, B P S, Guilherme, J C, Provenzano, M F, Marceliano-Alves, L S, Gonçalves, J F, Siqueira, M A S, Neves
المصدر: International endodontic journal. 52(5)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Root Canal Filling Materials, Retreatment, X-Ray Microtomography, Dental Pulp Cavity, Molar, Root Canal Preparation
المؤلفون: Flávio R.F. Alves, Rachel M.M. Santos, Luciana Armada, Sabrina de Castro Brasil, Arlete Fernandes, J. F. Siqueira, Fábio-Ramôa Pires
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 50:161-166
مصطلحات موضوعية: 0301 basic medicine, Molar, Pathology, medicine.medical_specialty, Ovariectomy, Physiology, Bone remodeling, Lesion, 03 medical and health sciences, chemistry.chemical_compound, 0302 clinical medicine, medicine, Animals, Rats, Wistar, General Dentistry, Periodontitis, business.industry, Estrogens, 030206 dentistry, medicine.disease, Rats, 030104 developmental biology, Castration, chemistry, Ovariectomized rat, Pulp (tooth), Alkaline phosphatase, Female, medicine.symptom, business, Periapical Periodontitis
المؤلفون: Luciana Ferraz Gominho, N. Dessaune-Neto, Henrique dos Santos Antunes, Flávio R.F. Alves, C. V. Andrade-Junior, J. F. Siqueira, Isabela N. Rôças
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 49:960-965
مصطلحات موضوعية: Calcium Phosphates, Mineral trioxide aggregate, Materials science, Root canal, Dentistry, 02 engineering and technology, Bacterial growth, Models, Biological, Enterococcus faecalis, Root Canal Filling Materials, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, Nutrient, Root Canal Obturation, Putty, medicine, Humans, Aluminum Compounds, General Dentistry, Leakage (electronics), Dental Leakage, biology, business.industry, Silicates, Oxides, 030206 dentistry, Calcium Compounds, Sterilization (microbiology), 021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology, biology.organism_classification, Drug Combinations, medicine.anatomical_structure, Gutta-Percha, 0210 nano-technology, business, Periapical Periodontitis
13Subgingival bacterial community profiles in HIV-infected Brazilian adults with chronic periodontitis
المؤلفون: K. R. N. dos Santos, Dennis de Carvalho Ferreira, L. C. Figueiredo, Lucio Souza Gonçalves, Alexandre S. Rosado, Henrique F. Santos, Ana Paula Vieira Colombo, Magda Feres, J. F. Siqueira, Flávia Lima do Carmo, Geisla Mary Silva Soares
المصدر: Journal of Periodontal Research. 51:95-102
مصطلحات موضوعية: Adult, DNA, Bacterial, 0301 basic medicine, Microbial diversity, 030106 microbiology, Bleeding on probing, Dental Plaque, HIV Infections, Biology, Microbiology, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S, Hiv infected, medicine, Humans, Periodontal Pocket, Biofilm, Attachment level, 030206 dentistry, medicine.disease, 16S ribosomal RNA, Chronic periodontitis, Chronic Periodontitis, Periodontics, medicine.symptom, Brazil, Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis
المؤلفون: Paul M. H. Dummer, Peter E. Murray, Isabela N. Rôças, J. F. Siqueira, Ove A. Peters, Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Ronald Ordinola-Zapata
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 52:1089-1089
مصطلحات موضوعية: Research Design, Computer science, business.industry, Artificial intelligence, computer.software_genre, Translation (geometry), business, General Dentistry, computer, Natural language processing, Endodontics
المؤلفون: E F T Olivio, J R S Moreno, J F Siqueira, E M Ferracin
المصدر: Materials Research Express. 6:066560
مصطلحات موضوعية: Materials science, Polymers and Plastics, Metallurgy, Metals and Alloys, Shielded metal arc welding, engineering.material, Surfaces, Coatings and Films, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, law.invention, Biomaterials, Coating, law, Scientific method, Electrode, engineering, Thermal spraying
المؤلفون: Flávio R.F. Alves, Marlei Gomes da Silva, Irene Pina-Vaz, J. F. Siqueira, Maria A. Lopes, Joana Barros, Miguel Rodrigues
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 47:725-734
مصطلحات موضوعية: Contact test, Materials science, Nanoparticle, Dentistry, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Enterococcus faecalis, Root Canal Filling Materials, chemistry.chemical_compound, Materials Testing, Pulp canal, Polyethyleneimine, Ammonium, Solubility, General Dentistry, Polyethylenimine, biology, business.industry, biology.organism_classification, Anti-Bacterial Agents, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, chemistry, Nanoparticles, Antibacterial activity, business, Nuclear chemistry
المؤلفون: Isabela N. Rôças, Mônica A.S. Neves, J. F. Siqueira
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 47:356-365
مصطلحات موضوعية: Male, Periodontitis, Root Canal Irrigants, Sodium Hypochlorite, fungi, Biology, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, medicine.disease, biology.organism_classification, Bacterial Load, Microbiology, Exact test, In vivo, Molecular microbiology, Checkerboard, Statistical significance, medicine, Humans, Female, Dental Pulp Cavity, General Dentistry, Anaerobic exercise, Periapical Periodontitis, Root Canal Preparation, Bacteria
المصدر: Journal of Periodontal Research. 46:303-309
مصطلحات موضوعية: Periodontitis, biology, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Treponema denticola, biology.organism_classification, medicine.disease, Generalized periodontitis, Microbiology, Localized periodontitis, medicine, Periodontics, Synergistetes, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Bacteria
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=doi_________::485b5b01ea45243c24b1492344912068
https://doi.org/10.1111/j .1600-0765.2010.01343.x -
المصدر: Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. 106:757-762
مصطلحات موضوعية: medicine.medical_specialty, Treatment protocol, Sodium Hypochlorite, Rubber Dams, Dental Plaque, Dentistry, Calcium Hydroxide, Root Canal Filling Materials, chemistry.chemical_compound, Clinical Protocols, Root Canal Obturation, Dental Pulp Necrosis, medicine, Humans, Dental Restoration Failure, General Dentistry, Periodontitis, Root Canal Irrigants, biology, ENDODONTIC PROCEDURES, business.industry, Follow up studies, Gutta-percha, Antimicrobial, biology.organism_classification, medicine.disease, Camphor, Root Canal Therapy, Surgery, Drug Combinations, stomatognathic diseases, Treatment Outcome, Otorhinolaryngology, chemistry, Sodium hypochlorite, Anti-Infective Agents, Local, Gutta-Percha, Oral Surgery, business, Bismuth, Periapical Periodontitis, Root Canal Preparation, Chlorophenols, Follow-Up Studies
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=doi_dedup___::38f039b568516ceeabd822d12f58104c
https://doi.org/10.1016/j .tripleo.2008.06.007 -
المؤلفون: H. P. Lopes, J. F. Siqueira
المصدر: International Endodontic Journal. 34:216-220
مصطلحات موضوعية: Pathology, medicine.medical_specialty, Radiodensity, Root canal, Anatomy, Biology, biology.organism_classification, Fully developed, Periradicular, medicine.anatomical_structure, stomatognathic system, medicine, Apical foramen, General Dentistry, Scanning electron microscopy study, Bacteria, Fixation (histology)
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=doi_________::e2322e273ec62cc79530eeddde62a9c5
https://doi.org/10.1046/j .1365-2591.2001.00374.x