1Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Dregoesc, M.I., Tercan, H., Tigu, Adrian Bogdan, Bekkering, S., Joosten, L.A.B., Netea, M.G., Deuren, R.C. van, Hoischen, A., Riksen, N.P., Iancu, A.C.
المصدر: iScience, 27, 4
مصطلحات الفهرس: Radboudumc 16: Vascular damage Internal Medicine, Radboudumc 4: lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Human Genetics, Radboudumc 4: lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Internal Medicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Article / Letter to editor
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Dregoesc, M.I., Țigu, A.B., Bekkering, S., Heijden, C.D.C.C. van der, Rodwell, L., Bolboacă, S.D., Joosten, L.A.B., Netea, M.G., Riksen, N.P., Iancu, A.C.
المصدر: International Journal of Cardiology, 400, pp. 131780
مصطلحات موضوعية: Radboudumc 16: Vascular damage Cardiology, Radboudumc 16: Vascular damage Internal Medicine, Radboudumc 4: lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Internal Medicine, Tijdelijke code tbv inlezen publicaties Radboudumc - Alleen voor gebruik door Radboudumc
3Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Hopkins J., McGarry T., Nygaard T., Pow T., Larkin T., Caulfield T., Stys T., Lee T., Mansouri V., Srinivas V., Gupta V., Marquardt W., Ballard W., Bachinsky W., Colyer W., Dillon W., Felten W., French W., Kuehl W., Nicholas W., Nicholson W., Phillips W., Khatib Y., Al-Saghir Y., Hawa Z., Masud Z., Jafar Z., Muller D., Meredith I., Rankin J., Worthley M., Jepson N., Thompson P., Hendriks R., Whitbourn R., Duffy S., Stasek J., Novobilsky K., Naplava R., Coufal Z., Vaquette B., Bressollette E., Teiger E., Coste P., Rihani R., Darius H., Bergmann M.W., Radke P., Sebastian P., Strasser R., Hoffmann S., Behrens S., Moebius-Winkler S., Rutsch W., Lupkovics G., Horvath I., Kancz S., Forster T., Koszegi Z., Devlin G., Hart H., Elliott J., Ormiston J., Abernathy M., Fisher N., Kay P., Harding S., Jaffe W., Hoffmann A., Sosnowski C., Trebacz J., Buszman P., Dobrzycki S., Kornacewicz-Jach Z., Iancu A.C., Ginghina C.D., Matei C., Dobreanu D., Bolohan F.R., Dorobantu M., Jacques A., Jain A., Bakhai A., Gershlick A., Adamson D., Newby D., Felmeden D., Purcell I., Edmond J., Irving J., De Belder M., Pitt M., Kelly P., O'Kane P., Clifford P., Suresh V., Secemsky E.A., Yeh R.W., Kereiakes D.J., Cutlip D.E., Cohen D.J., Steg P.G., Cannon C.P., Apruzzese P.K., D'Agostino R.B., Massaro J.M., Mauri L., Kaplan A., Ahmed A., Ahmed A.-H., Albirini A., Moreyra A., Rabinowitz A., Shroff A., Moak A., Jacobs A., Kabour A., Gupta A., Irimpen A., Rosenthal A., Taussig A., Ferraro A., Chhabra A., Pucillo A., Spaedy A., White A., Pratsos A., Shakir A., Ghitis A., Agarwal A., Chawla A., Tang A., Barker B., Bertolet B., Uretsky B., Erickson B., Rama B., McLaurin B., Dearing B., Negus B., Price B., Brott B., Bhambi B., Bowers B., Watt B., Donohue B., Hassel C.D., Croft C., Lambert C., O'Shaughnessy C., Shoultz C., Kim C., Caputo C., Nielson C., Scott C., Wolfe C., McKenzie C., Brachfeld C., Thieling C., Fisher D., Simon D., Churchill D., Dobies D., Eich D., Goldberg D., Griffin D., Henderson D., Kandzari D., Lee D., Lewis D., Mego D., Paniagua D., Rizik D., Roberts D., Safley D., Abbott D., Shaw D., Temizer D., Canaday D., Myears D., Westerhausen D., Ebersole D., Netz D., Baldwin D., Letts D., Harlamert E., Kosinski E., Portnay E., Mahmud E., Korban E., Hockstad E., Rivera E., Shawl F., Shamoon F., Kiernan F., Aycock G.R., Schaer G., Kunz G., Kichura G., Myers G., Pilcher G., Tadros G., Kaddissi G.I., Ramadurai G., Eaton G., Elsner G., Mishkel G., Simonian G., Piegari G., Chen H., Liberman H., Aronow H., Tamboli H.P., Dotani I., Marin J., Fleischhauer J.F., Leggett J., Mills J., Phillips J., Revenaugh J., Mann J.T., Wilson J., Pattanayak J., Aji J., Strain J., Patel J., Carr J., Moses J., Chen J.-C., Williams J., Greenberg J., Cohn J., Douglas J., Gordon J., Griffin J., Hawkins J., Katopodis J., Lopez J., Marshall J., Wang J., Waltman J., Saucedo J., Galichia J., McClure M., Kozina J., Stella J., Tuma J., Kieval J., Giri K., Ramanathan K., Allen K., Atassi K., Baran K., Khaw K., Clayton K., Croce K., Skelding K., Patel K., Garratt K., Harjai K., Chandrasekhar K., Kalapatapu K., Lin L., Dean L., Barr L., MacDonald L., Cannon L., Satler L., Gruberg L., Tami L., Bikkina M., Shah M., Atieh M., Chauhan M., Litt M., Unterman M., Lechin M., Zughaib M., Fisch M., Grabarczyk M., Greenberg M., Lurie M., Rothenberg M., Stewart M., Purvis M., Hook M., Leesar M., Buchbinder M., Weiss M., Guerrero M., Abu-Fadel M., Ball M., Chang M., Cunningham M., Del Core M., Jones M., Kelberman M., Lim M., Ragosta M., Rinaldi M., Rosenberg M., Savage M., Tamberella M., Kellett M., Vidovich M., Effat M., Mirza M.A., Khan M., Dib N., Laufer N., Kleiman N., Farhat N., Amjadi N., Schechtmann N., Bladuell N., Quintana O., Gigliotti O., Best P., Flaherty P., Hall P., Gordon P., Gurbel P., Ho P., Luetmer P., Mahoney P., Mullen P., Teirstein P., Tolerico P., Ramanathan P., Kerwin P., Lee P.V., Kraft P., Wyman R.M., Gonzalez R., Kamineni R., Dave R., Sharma R., Prashad R., Aycock R., Quesada R., Goodroe R., Magorien R., Randolph R., Bach R., Kettelkamp R., Paulus R., Waters R., Zelman R., Ganim R., Bashir R., Applegate R., Feldman R., Frankel R., Hibbard R., Jobe R., Jumper R., Maholic R., Siegel R., Smith R., Stoler R., Watson R., Wheatley R., Gammon R., Hill R., Sundrani R., Caputo R., Jenkins R., Stella R., Germanwala S., Hadeed S., Ledford S., Dube S., Gupta S., Davis S., Martin S., Waxman S., Dixon S., Naidu S., Potluri S., Cook S., Crowley S., Kirkland S., McIntyre S., Thew S., Lin S., Marshalko S., Guidera S., Hearne S., Karas S., Manoukian S., Rowe S., Yakubov S., Pollock S., Banerjee S., Allaqaband S., Choi S., Mulukutla S., Papadakos S., Bajwa T., Addo T., Schreiber T., Haldis T., Mathew T.
مصطلحات الفهرس: stent thrombosis/co [Complication], adult, aged, article, bleeding/si [Side Effect], brain ischemia, cardiovascular disease, controlled study, coronary artery disease/dt [Drug Therapy], coronary artery disease/su [Surgery], coronary stenting, disease association, disease classification, disease severity, double blind procedure, drug fatality/si [Side Effect], female, follow up, heart infarction, human, major clinical study, male, mortality, multicenter study, postoperative period, priority journal, prognosis, randomized controlled trial, secondary analysis, United States, acetylsalicylic acid/cb [Drug Combination], acetylsalicylic acid/dt [Drug Therapy], placebo, thienopyridine derivative/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], thienopyridine derivative/ct [Clinical Trial], thienopyridine derivative/cb [Drug Combination], thienopyridine derivative/cm [Drug Comparison], thienopyridine derivative/dt [Drug Therapy], bare metal stent/am [Adverse Device Effect], drug eluting coronary stent/am [Adverse Device Effect], paclitaxel eluting coronary stent/am [Adverse Device Effect], Global Utilization of Streptokinase and Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Occluded Arteries classification, Article
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4Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Darius H., Steg P.G., Gershlick A.H., Meredith I.T., Lee D.P., Kandzari D.E., Simon D.I., Iancu A.C., Trebacz J., Mauri L., Garratt K.N., Windecker S., Tanguay J.-F., Ormiston J., Kereiakes D.J., Yeh R.W., Massaro J.M., Driscoll-Shempp P., Cutlip D.E.
مصطلحات الفهرس: stent thrombosis/dt [Drug Therapy], treatment duration, zotarolimus eluting coronary stent, acetylsalicylic acid/dt [Drug Therapy], clopidogrel/ct [Clinical Trial], clopidogrel/cm [Drug Comparison], clopidogrel/dt [Drug Therapy], placebo, prasugrel/ct [Clinical Trial], prasugrel/cm [Drug Comparison], prasugrel/dt [Drug Therapy], bare metal stent/am [Adverse Device Effect], bare metal stent/dc [Device Comparison], bare metal stent/ct [Clinical Trial], everolimus eluting coronary stent/am [Adverse Device Effect], everolimus eluting coronary stent/dc [Device Comparison], everolimus eluting coronary stent/ct [Clinical Trial], paclitaxel eluting coronary stent/am [Adverse Device Effect], paclitaxel eluting coronary stent/dc [Device Comparison], paclitaxel eluting coronary stent/ct [Clinical Trial], sirolimus eluting coronary stent/am [Adverse Device Effect], sirolimus eluting coronary stent/dc [Device Comparison], sirolimus eluting coronary stent/ct [Clinical Trial], zotarolimus eluting coronary stent/dc [Device Comparison], zotarolimus eluting coronary stent/ct [Clinical Trial], zotarolimus eluting coronary stent/am [Adverse Device Effect], add on therapy, adult, article, attributable risk, bare metal stent, bleeding/co [Complication], cardiovascular disease/co [Complication], cerebrovascular accident/co [Complication], cerebrovascular disease/co [Complication], controlled study, device comparison, double blind procedure, everolimus eluting coronary stent, female, follow up, heart infarction/co [Complication], human, incidence, major clinical study, male, middle aged, paclitaxel eluting coronary stent, percutaneous coronary intervention, priority journal, propensity score, prospective study, randomized controlled trial, sirolimus eluting coronary stent, stent thrombosis/co [Complication], stent thrombosis/pc [Prevention], Article
URL: JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions
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