المساهمون: Vanessa Muniz, Principal Investigator
المصدر: A Mobile App for Hot Flashes and Sleep Disturbances (Evia): Randomized Controlled Trial
المؤلفون: Breast Cancer Research Foundation
المصدر: Women's Interventions for Sexual Health: WISH, A Pilot Study
المؤلفون: China-Japan Friendship Hospital, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University
المساهمون: Feng Xu, Professor
المصدر: Cerebral Perfusion and Oxygenation-oriented Multimodal Neurological Monitoring Strategy for Patients with Refractory Out-of -hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA)
المساهمون: Teresa Lesiuk, Professor
المصدر: The Effect of Sedative and Stimulative Music Listening on Nursing Student Stress
المصدر: Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Virtual Reality When Placing a Needle on an Implantable Venous Access Device in Children with Leukemia: Randomized Multicenter Trial
المصدر: Sistema De Monitorización Multiparámetros Para Sedación De Pacientes Críticos En UCI (ROMANTIC: MultipaRameter MOnitoring SysteM for SedAtion INThe ICu)
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المساهمون: Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MSD, Ph D, Collegiate Professor of Periodontics and Professor of Dentistry
المصدر: Hemodynamic Changes During Implant Surgery with Intravenous Conscious Sedation: a Clinical Prospective Study
المصدر: Study of Analgesic Effect of Virtual Reality During Oocyte Retrieval in in Vitro Fecondation Protocols: Controlled Randomized Trial
9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Royce-Nagel, Galen, Jarzebowski, Mary, Wongsripuemtet, Pattrapun, Krishnamoorthy, Vijay, Fuller, Matthew, Ohnuma, Tetsu, Treggiari, Miriam, Yaport, Miguel, Cobert, Julien, Garrigan, Ethan, Bartz, Raquel, Raghunathan, Karthik
المصدر: Critical Care Explorations. 6(7)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Humans, Ketamine, Respiration, Artificial, Retrospective Studies, Male, Female, COVID-19, Middle Aged, Hospital Mortality, Aged, Length of Stay, Intensive Care Units, Cohort Studies, Hypnotics and Sedatives, SARS-CoV-2, Hospital Costs, Propensity Score
وصف الملف: application/pdf
10Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Chojnacka, Weronika, Teng, Jinfeng, Kim, Jeong, Jensen, Anders, Hibbs, Ryan
المصدر: Nature Communications. 15(1)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Receptors, GABA-A, Binding Sites, Cryoelectron Microscopy, Humans, Animals, Etomidate, Propofol, Quinazolinones, Allosteric Regulation, HEK293 Cells, Hypnotics and Sedatives
وصف الملف: application/pdf
11Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Harding, Christian D, Fuentes, Ana Lucia, Malhotra, Atul
المصدر: Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 25(8)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology, Lung, Sleep Research, Neurosciences, 6.1 Pharmaceuticals, Good Health and Well Being, Sleep Apnea, Obstructive, Humans, Medication Adherence, Hypnotics and Sedatives, Animals, Wakefulness-Promoting Agents, CPAP, sleep apnea, pharmacotherapy, treatment, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: US Department of Veterans Affairs
المصدر: Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Upper Leg Amputations
المساهمون: Akylai Dosieva, doctor
المصدر: "Comparison of the Effectiveness of Conventional Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation and Chemical Ablation With Phenol on Articular Branches of Femoral and Obturator Nerves in Chronic Hip Pain"
المؤلفون: Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles, ZonMw: The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, Belgium Health Care Knowledge Centre
المساهمون: Jeannette Hofmeijer, prof. dr.
المصدر: Treatment of ELectrographic STatus Epilepticus After Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation-2: Multicenter Randomised Clinical Trial and Health Economic Evaluation of Anti-seizure Treatment in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Patients With SE on Continuous EEG
المؤلفون: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
المساهمون: Sharon Walsh, Director, Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
المصدر: Prescription Medications: Pharmacodynamics and Interaction Effects
16Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Tomczyk, M., Jaques, C., Jox, R.J.
المصدر: Journal of palliative care, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 58-71
مصطلحات موضوعية: Humans, Palliative Care/standards, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Hypnotics and Sedatives/therapeutic use, Hypnotics and Sedatives/administration & dosage, Aged, 80 and over, Male, Adult, Middle Aged, Female, clinical practice guidelines, palliative care, sedation, systematic review
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/36437779; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/eissn/2369-5293; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/urn/urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_8877263428588; https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_887726342858; https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_887726342858.P001/REF.pdf
المؤلفون: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), VA Puget Sound Health Care System
المساهمون: Mark Jensen, Professor: Rehabilitation Medicine
المصدر: Matching Adults to Treatments for Chronic Pain (MATCH) Study
المساهمون: Weiming Liu, Professor
المصدر: Safety of Nerve Block Anesthesia Combined With Sedative Anesthesia Versus General Anesthesia in Burr Hole Craniostomy With Drainage for Chronic Subdural Hematoma
Wong HM, Woo XL, Goh CH, Chee PHC, Adenan AH, Tan PCS, Wong ASH. Chronic Subdural Hematoma Drainage Under Local Anesthesia with Sedation versus General Anesthesia and Its Outcome. World Neurosurg. 2022 Jan;157:e276-e285. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.10.074. Epub 2021 Oct 11.
Ashry A, Al-Shami H, Gamal M, Salah AM. Local anesthesia versus general anesthesia for evacuation of chronic subdural hematoma in elderly patients above 70 years old. Surg Neurol Int. 2022 Jan 12;13:13. doi: 10.25259/SNI_425_2021. eCollection 2022.
Liu HY, Yang LL, Dai XY, Li ZP. Local anesthesia with sedation and general anesthesia for the treatment of chronic subdural hematoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2022 Mar;26(5):1625-1631. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202203_28230. -
19Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Soo Jee Lee, Insik Jung, Seongmin Park, Seunghee Ki
المصدر: Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Vol 19, Iss 4, Pp 320-325 (2024)
مصطلحات موضوعية: adverse effects, benzodiazepines, flumazenil, general anesthesia, hypnotics and sedatives, midazolam, remimazolam, Anesthesiology, RD78.3-87.3, Medicine
وصف الملف: electronic resource
20Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Young-Eun Jang, Jung-Bin Park, Pyoyoon Kang, Sang-Hwan Ji, Eun-Hee Kim, Ji-Hyun Lee, Hee-Soo Kim, Jin-Tae Kim
المصدر: Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, Vol 77, Iss 5, Pp 526-536 (2024)
مصطلحات موضوعية: chloral hydrate, conscious sedation, deep sedation, drug-related side effects and adverse reactions, hypnotics and sedatives, pediatrics, Anesthesiology, RD78.3-87.3
وصف الملف: electronic resource