المؤلفون: Sowers, William R.
الموضوعات: Poultry Kansas., Poultry breeds Kansas., Poultry Marketing. Kansas, Poultry industry Kansas., Poultry Processing Kansas., Poultry farms Kansas., Egg trade Kansas., Eggs Incubation Kansas., Eggs Inspection Kansas., Eggs Grading Kansas., Eggs Marketing. Kansas, Chickens Kansas., Chickens Marketing. Kansas, Chicken breeds Kansas., Guineafowl Kansas., Guineafowl Marketing. Kansas, Geese Kansas., Geese Marketing. Kansas, Ducks Kansas., Ducks Marketing. Kansas, Turkeys Kansas., Turkeys Marketing. Kansas, Volailles Kansas., Volailles Races Kansas., Volailles Commercialisation. Kansas, Volailles Industrie Kansas., Volailles Traitement Kansas., Fermes avicoles Kansas., Œufs Commerce Kansas., Œufs Incubation Kansas., Œufs Inspection Kansas., Œufs Classement Kansas., Œufs Commercialisation. Kansas, Poules Races Kansas., Dindons Commercialisation. Kansas, Chicken breeds., Chickens., Chickens Marketing., Ducks., Egg trade., Eggs Grading., Eggs Incubation., Eggs Inspection., Eggs Marketing., Geese., Guineafowl., Poultry., Poultry breeds., Poultry farms., Poultry industry., Poultry Marketing., Poultry Processing., Turkeys., Turkeys Marketing., Kansas.
2Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Seventeenth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State, for the years 1909 and 1910. Devoted to information regarding farm lands and their fertility; various crops and their special significance and value; problems presented by the conditions of agriculture; equipment of the farm; roads, fences and other improvements; the profitable rearing of farm animals and poultry; a discussion of tuberculosis and its control; the betterment of environment and uplift of the home. Including thirty full-page illustrations showing the common forest trees and their finished wood. Also the State's agricultural statistics for the biennial period, and those for the preceding twenty years. Together with tables, statements, summaries, and diagrams showing the population, products, progress, assessed valuation, railroad mileage and general development of the State. Topeka: Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1911
17th Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State for the Years, 1909 and 1910الموضوعات: Agriculture Kansas., Agriculture and state Kansas., Agriculture Statistics. Kansas, Field crops Statistics. Kansas, Wheat Statistics. Kansas, Corn Statistics. Kansas, Oats Statistics. Kansas, Livestock Statistics. Kansas, Cattle Statistics. Kansas, Beef cattle Statistics. Kansas, Dairying Statistics. Kansas, Dairy products Statistics. Kansas, Swine Statistics. Kansas, Poultry Statistics. Kansas, Agriculture Economic aspects Kansas., Sorgo., Sorghum as feed., Wolves Control Kansas., Bounties Kansas., Oiled roads, Animal nutrition., Livestock Feeding and feeds., Meat., Meat industry and trade Kansas., Legal assistance to farmers., Railroads Kansas., Banks and banking Customer services Kansas., Trees., Chickens Varieties., Poultry Feeding and feeds., Poultry Breeding., Eggs Incubation., Chickens Kansas., Poultry Kansas., Poultry Economic aspects Kansas., Eggs., Eggs as food., Eggs Production, Guineafowl Kansas., Turkeys Kansas., Ducks Kansas., Geese Kansas., Counties Statistics. Kansas, Tax assessment Statistics. Kansas, Bee culture Statistics. Kansas, Kansas Population, 1909., Kansas Population, 1910.
3Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Sixteenth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State, for tne years 1907 and 1908, devoted to descriptions and illustrations of the land and water fowls most generally reared on American farms, with directions for their breeding, maintenance, and profitable management, and information about farm animals, the soil, com, alfalfa, sugar-beets, gophers, machinery, and other topics. Also the State's agricultural statistics for the biennial period, and also for the preceding twenty years. Together with tables, statements, summaries and diagrams showing the population, products, progress, assessed valuation, railroad mileage and general development of the State. Topeka: Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1909
16th Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State, for tne years 1907 and 1908الموضوعات: Agriculture Kansas., Agriculture and state Kansas., Agriculture Statistics. Kansas, Field crops Statistics. Kansas, Wheat Statistics. Kansas, Corn Statistics. Kansas, Oats Statistics. Kansas, Livestock Statistics. Kansas, Cattle Statistics. Kansas, Beef cattle Statistics. Kansas, Dairying Statistics. Kansas, Dairy farming Kansas., Dairy products Statistics. Kansas, Swine Statistics. Kansas, Poultry Statistics. Kansas, Chickens Kansas., Guineafowl Kansas., Turkeys Kansas., Ducks Kansas., Geese Kansas., Poultry Kansas., Poultry Economic aspects Kansas., Chickens Varieties., Poultry Feeding and feeds., Poultry Breeding., Eggs Incubation., Eggs., Eggs as food., Egg trade United States., Eggs Production, Livestock Kansas., Cattle Kansas., Beef cattle Kansas., Swine Kansas., Dairying Kansas., Dairy cattle Kansas., Dairy products industry Kansas., Horses Kansas., Sheep Kansas., Sheep farming Kansas., Alfalfa Kansas., Sugar beets Kansas., Sugar beet industry Kansas., Agricultural machinery., Counties Statistics. Kansas, Tax assessment Statistics. Kansas, Bee culture Statistics. Kansas, Kansas Population, 1907., Kansas Population, 1908.
4Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Eleventh Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State, for the years 1897 and 1898, containing information upon the most profitable methods of beef-production, pork-production, and the rearing of farm poultry; also upon the mineral resources of Kansas, and a careful analysis of the State's agricultural statistics, for the preceding twenty years, together with tables, statements, summaries and diagrams showing the population, products, progress, assessed valuation and general development of the State.
11th Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State for the Years, 1897 and 1898الموضوعات: Agriculture Kansas., Agriculture and state Kansas., Agriculture Statistics. Kansas, Field crops Statistics. Kansas, Livestock Statistics. Kansas, Cattle Statistics. Kansas, Cattle Feeding and feeds., Beef cattle Statistics. Kansas, Swine Statistics. Kansas, Swine Kansas., Swine Feeding and feeds., Chickens Kansas., Chickens Feeding and feeds., Chicken breeds., Turkeys Kansas., Guineafowl Kansas., Ducks Kansas., Geese Kansas., Poultry Kansas., Minerals Kansas., Fish culture Kansas., Counties Maps, Kansas, Counties Statistics. Kansas, Tax assessment Statistics. Kansas, Bee culture Statistics. Kansas, Dairying Statistics. Kansas, Orchards Statistics. Kansas, Horticultural products Statistics. Kansas, Fruit Statistics. Kansas, Meterology Kansas., Church statistics Kansas., Public lands Kansas., Agriculture., Agriculture and state., Bee culture., Beef cattle., Cattle., Cattle Feeding and feeds., Chicken breeds., Chickens., Chickens Feeding and feeds., Church statistics., Climatology., Counties., Dairying., Ducks., Field crops., Fish culture., Fruit., Geese., Guineafowl., Horticultural products., Livestock., Minerals., Orchards., Poultry., Public lands., Religion., Swine., Swine Feeding and feeds., Tax assessment., Turkeys., Kansas Statistics. Religion, Kansas Climate., Kansas Population, 1897., Kansas Population, 1898., Kansas.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Maps., Statistics.
5Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Eighteenth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State, for the years 1911 and 1912, devoted to information regarding the farming, soils and crops of Kansas; machinery best calculated for dealing with these; irrigation by water pumped from wells; combating orchard and garden pests; animal husbandry, dairying and the farm poultry industry, the betterment of the home, and improvement of the country's youth, including 264 illustrations and diagrams. Also the State's agricultural statistics for the biennial period, and those for the preceding twenty years, together with tables, statements and summaries, showing the population, products, progress, assessed valuation, railroad mileage and general development of the State.
18th Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State, for the years 1911 and 1912الموضوعات: Agriculture Kansas., Agriculture and state Kansas., Agriculture Statistics. Kansas, Agriculture Economic aspects Kansas., Field crops Statistics. Kansas, Wheat Statistics. Kansas, Corn Statistics. Kansas, Oats Statistics. Kansas, Livestock Statistics. Kansas, Cattle Statistics. Kansas, Beef cattle Statistics. Kansas, Dairying Statistics. Kansas, Dairy products Statistics. Kansas, Swine Statistics. Kansas, Poultry Statistics. Kansas, Chickens Varieties., Poultry Feeding and feeds., Poultry Breeding., Poultry Marketing., Eggs Incubation., Chickens Kansas., Poultry Kansas., Poultry Economic aspects Kansas., Eggs., Eggs as food., Eggs Production., Guineafowl Kansas., Turkeys Kansas., Ducks Kansas., Geese Kansas., Cattle Kansas., Beef cattle Kansas., Swine., Education, Rural United States., Rural schools United States., Education, Rural Finance. United States, Rural schools Finance. United States, Female juvenile delinquents Rehabilitation Kansas., Rural girls Education Kansas., Women Education Kansas., Community centers United States., Civic centers United States., Recreation centers United States., School facilities Extended use United States., Schools Extended use. United States, School buildings Utilization United States., Counties Statistics. Kansas, Tax assessment Statistics. Kansas, Bee culture Statistics. Kansas, Agriculture Kansas., Politique agricole Kansas., Agriculture Aspect économique Kansas., Cultures de plein champ Statistiques. Kansas, Maïs Statistiques. Kansas, Avoine Statistiques. Kansas, Bovins de boucherie Statistiques. Kansas, Industrie laitière Statistiques. Kansas, Produits laitiers Statistiques. Kansas, Porcs Statistiques. Kansas, Volailles Statistiques. Kansas, Volailles Alimentation., Volailles Élevage., Volailles Commercialisation., Volailles Kansas., Volailles Aspect économique Kansas., Œufs., Œufs (Aliment), Œufs Production., Bovins de boucherie Kansas., Porcs., Enseignement en milieu rural États-Unis., Écoles rurales États-Unis., Enseignement en milieu rural Finances. États-Unis, Écoles rurales Finances. États-Unis, Femmes Éducation Kansas., Centres communautaires États-Unis., Centres civiques États-Unis., Centres de loisirs États-Unis., Équipements scolaires Utilisation extensive États-Unis., Comtés Statistiques. Kansas, Assiette de l'impôt Statistiques. Kansas, Apiculture Statistiques. Kansas, Kansas Population, 1911., Kansas Population, 1912.
Additional Titles: Poultry
الموضوعات: Poultry Kansas., Poultry breeds Kansas., Poultry Marketing., Poultry industry Kansas., Poultry Processing Kansas., Poultry farms Kansas., Egg trade., Eggs Incubation., Eggs Marketing., Chickens Kansas., Guineafowl Kansas., Geese Kansas., Ducks Kansas., Turkeys Kansas., Volailles Kansas., Volailles Races Kansas., Volailles Commercialisation., Volailles Industrie Kansas., Volailles Traitement Kansas., Fermes avicoles Kansas., Œufs Commerce., Œufs Incubation., Œufs Commercialisation., Chickens., Ducks., Egg trade., Eggs Incubation., Eggs Marketing., Geese., Guineafowl., Poultry., Poultry breeds., Poultry farms., Poultry industry., Poultry Marketing., Poultry Processing., Turkeys., Kansas.