المؤلفون: Harmon, Alaina
مصطلحات موضوعية: Sherd Scatter, Concrete Gate, Alcalde Ditch, 9:27, Flume, Sandstone, Artifact Scatter, San Juan Redware, Garcia Ditch, Rock Quartz, Fence, Black Mesa, Sajiu, Basalt Cobble, Agricultural or Herding, San Juan Ware, Adobe, Alcalde, NM, Powhoge Polychrome Ware, Micaceous Ware, USDA Velarde Agriculture Station, Brownware, Buffware, Guique, NM, LA37549, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, La Villita, NM, Velarde Community Ditch, Rock Art, Canoa, NM, Obsidian, 9:43, Church / Religious Structure, LA32386, Mano, Adobe Structure, Domestic Structures, Chili Line, House, Ceramic Scatter, River Cobble, Los Chicos Ditch, Los Luceros Hacienda, Black-on-Buffware, Projectile Point, Obsidian Flake, Lyden, NM, Flake, Brick Circle, Rio Arriba, Wooden Flume, Mineral, Chalcedony Flake, Metate, 19th Century, Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features, Chipped Stone, Retaining Wall, Non-Domestic Structures, Structure, Andesite, Ceramic, Adobe Cistern, Pueblito, NM, La Joya, NM, Forest Crossen, Estaca, NM, San Juan Pueblo Grant, Cistern, Wooden Gate, El Medio Ditch, Brick, Basalt, Historic, Riconada Ditch, Cultivator, LA547, Burial, Canada de las Entranas, Arroyo del Pueblo, LA144, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Horse-Drawn Cultivator, Spanish, Whiteware, Gaudy Dutch Ware, Redware Storage Vessel, Dough Bowl, La Canova Ditch, D&RGRR, Lyden-Medio Ditch, Capilla de San Rafael, Building Materials, Ancones Ditch, LA46579, Archaeological Feature, 10:26, El Guique Ditch, Velarde Community Ditch Project, Redware, Arroyo de los Chavez, Metamorphosed Sandstone Flake, Reconnaissance / Survey, Wood, Blackware, Cobble Retaining Wall, 20th Century, Andesite Flake, Sandstone Flake, New Mexico (State / Territory), Chama River, San Juan Valley, Ground Stone, Pueblo, Railroad, Core, Petroglyph, Road, Trail, and Related Structures or Features, Basalt Wall, Slipware, Gate, Wall, 18th Century, Well, Mottled Obsidian, La Canova, LA3942, Bridge Abutment, Chalcedony, Grayware, Room Block / Compound / Pueblo, Bridge, Ploychrome Ware, Capilla de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Basalt Flake, LA46580, Basalt Bridge Abutment, Prehistoric, Metamorphosed Sandstone, Boulder Alignment, Water Control Feature, Lyden Bridge, Obsidian Projectile Point, Pioge, La Hoya, NM, Kaepo Blackware, Quartzite, Rio Grande, Cobble, Utility Ware, Lt. John Bourke, Basalt Boulder Alignment, Glass, Bowl, Quartz Flake, Black-on-Whiteware, Storage Vessel, Concrete