1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Kramer, A, Seifert, J, Abele-Horn, M, Arvand, M, Biever, P, Blacky, A, Buerke, M, Ciesek, S, Chaberny, I, Deja, M, Engelhart, S, Eschberger, D, Gruber, B, Hedtmann, A, Heider, J, Hoyme, UB, Jäkel, C, Kalbe, P, Luckhaupt, H, Novotny, A, Papan, C, Piechota, H, Pitten, FA, Reinecke, V, Schilling, D, Schulz-Schaeffer, W, Sunderdiek, U
المصدر: GMS Hygiene and Infection Control; VOL: 19; DOC42 /20240906/
مصطلحات موضوعية: hand antisepsis, hand disinfection, hygienic hand antisepsis, hygienic hand disinfection, surgical hand antisepsis, surgical hand disinfection, hand wash, alcohol-based hand rub requirements, wash lotion requirements, skin protection, skin care, adherence hand antisepsis, adherence hand disinfection, listing alcohol-based hand rubs, liability, Händeantiseptik, Händedesinfektion, hygienische Händeantiseptik, hygienische Händedesinfektion, chirurgische Händeantiseptik, chirurgische Händedesinfektion, Händewaschung, alkoholbasierte Händeantiseptika Anforderungen, alkoholbasierte Händedesinfektionsmittel Anforderungen, Waschlotion Anforderungen, Hautschutz, Hautpflege, Adhärenz Händeantiseptik, Adhärenz Händedesinfektion, Listung Händedesinfektionsmittel
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المصدر: Scientific Reports ; volume 14, issue 1 ; ISSN 2045-2322
المؤلفون: Rodriguez-Blazquez, Carmen, Garriga, Cesar, Forjaz, Maria João, Sandu, P, Bernal, E, Miller, K, Gruber, B, Vuković, J, Šitcs, J, Tolonen, H
مصطلحات موضوعية: COVID-19, Pandemic, Mental health
Relation: https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.629; European Journal of Public Health. 2023; 33(Supplement 2):ckad160.629; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12105/16934; European Journal of Public Health
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المؤلفون: Kumpf, O, Assenheimer, M, Bloos, F, Brauchle, M, Braun, JP, Brinkmann, A, Czorlich, P, Dame, C, Dubb, R, Gahn, G, Greim, CA, Gruber, B, Habermehl, H, Herting, E, Kaltwasser, A, Krotsetis, S, Kruger, B, Markewitz, A, Marx, G, Muhl, E, Nydahl, P, Pelz, S, Sasse, M, Schaller, SJ, Schäfer, A, Schürholz, T, Ufelmann, M, Waydhas, C, Weimann, J, Wildenauer, R, Wöbker, G, Wrigge, H, Riessen, R
المصدر: GMS German Medical Science; VOL: 21; DOC10 /20230623/
مصطلحات موضوعية: quality management, intensive care medicine, quality indicators, peer review, Qualitätsmanagement, Intensivmedizin, Qualitätsindikatoren, ddc: 610
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5Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Rodríguez-Blázquez, C, Garriga, C, Forjaz, M J, Sandu, P, Bernal, E, Miller, K, Gruber, B, Vuković, J, Šitcs, J, Tolonen, H
المصدر: European Journal of Public Health ; volume 33, issue Supplement_2 ; ISSN 1101-1262 1464-360X
6Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Grabenhofer-Eggerth, A, Sagerschnig, S, Gruber, B
المصدر: European Journal of Public Health ; volume 33, issue Supplement_2 ; ISSN 1101-1262 1464-360X
مصطلحات موضوعية: Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
7Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: S2k-Leitlinie Händedesinfektion und Händehygiene
المؤلفون: Kramer, A, Seifert, J, Abele-Horn, M, Arvand, M, Biever, P, Blacky, A, Buerke, M, Ciesek, S, Chaberny, I, Deja, M, Engelhart, S, Eschberger, D, Gruber, B, Hedtmann, A, Heider, J, Hoyme, UB, Jäkel, C, Kalbe, P, Luckhaupt, H, Novotny, A, Papan, C, Piechota, H, Pitten, FA, Reinecke, V, Schilling, D, Schulz-Schaeffer, W, Sunderdiek, U
المصدر: GMS Hygiene and Infection Control; VOL: 19; DOC42 /20240906/
مصطلحات الفهرس: hand antisepsis, hand disinfection, hygienic hand antisepsis, hygienic hand disinfection, surgical hand antisepsis, surgical hand disinfection, hand wash, alcohol-based hand rub requirements, wash lotion requirements, skin protection, skin care, adherence hand antisepsis, adherence hand disinfection, listing alcohol-based hand rubs, liability, Händeantiseptik, Händedesinfektion, hygienische Händeantiseptik, hygienische Händedesinfektion, chirurgische Händeantiseptik, chirurgische Händedesinfektion, Händewaschung, alkoholbasierte Händeantiseptika Anforderungen, alkoholbasierte Händedesinfektionsmittel Anforderungen, Waschlotion Anforderungen, Hautschutz, Hautpflege, Adhärenz Händeantiseptik, Adhärenz Händedesinfektion, Listung Händedesinfektionsmittel, Haftung, ddc: 610, article
http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0183-dgkh0004975 http://www.egms.de/en/journals/dgkh/2024-19/dgkh000497.shtml
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المؤلفون: Graier, T., Weger, W., Jonak, C., Sator, P., Zikeli, C., Prillinger, K., Sassmann, C., Gruber, B., Saxinger, W., Ratzinger, G., Painsi, C., Mlynek, A., Häring, N., Sadoghi, B., Trattner, H., Müllegger, R., Quehenberger, F., Salmhofer, W., Wolf, Peter
المصدر: Scientific Reports ; volume 12, issue 1 ; ISSN 2045-2322
9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Gruber, B. U., Kohler, A., Bomberg, H., Labèr, R., Eichenberger, U.
المصدر: Anaesthesia Reports ; volume 12, issue 1 ; ISSN 2637-3726 2637-3726
الاتاحة: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anr3.12310
المؤلفون: Larsson Gruber, B.
المصدر: Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art ; page 5668-5674 ; ISBN 9781003031857
11Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Malik S., Meehan S., Lieret K., Oan Evans M., Villanueva M. H., Katz D. S., Stewart G. A., Elmer P., Aziz S., Bellis M., Bianchi R. M., Bianco G., Bonilla J. S., Burger A., Burzynski J., Chamont D., Feickert M., Gadow P., Gruber B. M., Guest D., Hageboeck S., Heinrich L., Horzela M. M., Huwiler M., Lange C., Lehmann K., Li K., Majumder D., Mamuzic J., Nelson K., Newhouse R., Nibigira E., Norberg S., Pineda A. S., Proffitt M., Regnery B., Roepe A., Roiser S., Schreiner H., Shadura O., Stark G., Swatman S. N., Thais S., Valassi A., Wunsch S., Yakobovitch D., Yuan S.
المساهمون: Malik S., Meehan S., Lieret K., Oan Evans M., Villanueva M.H., Katz D.S., Stewart G.A., Elmer P., Aziz S., Bellis M., Bianchi R.M., Bianco G., Bonilla J.S., Burger A., Burzynski J., Chamont D., Feickert M., Gadow P., Gruber B.M., Guest D., Hageboeck S., Heinrich L., Horzela M.M., Huwiler M., Lange C., Lehmann K., Li K., Majumder D., Mamuzic J., Nelson K., Newhouse R., Nibigira E., Norberg S., Pineda A.S., Proffitt M., Regnery B., Roepe A., Roiser S., Schreiner H., Shadura O., Stark G., Swatman S.N., Thais S., Valassi A., Wunsch S., Yakobovitch D., Yuan S.
وصف الملف: ELETTRONICO
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/34642648; volume:5; issue:1; firstpage:1; lastpage:7; numberofpages:7; journal:COMPUTING AND SOFTWARE FOR BIG SCIENCE; https://hdl.handle.net/11585/897213; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-85116629713; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41781-021-00069-9
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المؤلفون: Malik, S., Meehan, S., Lieret, K., Oan Evans, M., Villanueva, M. H., Katz, D. S., Stewart, G. A., Elmer, P., Aziz, S., Bellis, M., Bianchi, R. M., Bianco, G., Bonilla, J. S., Burger, A., Burzynski, J., Chamont, D., Feickert, M., Gadow, P., Gruber, B. M., Guest, D., Hageboeck, S., Heinrich, L., Horzela, M. M., Huwiler, M., Lange, C., Lehmann, K., Li, K., Majumder, D., Mamužić, J., Nelson, K., Newhouse, R., Nibigira, E., Norberg, S., Pineda, A. S., Proffitt, M., Regnery, B., Roepe, A., Roiser, S., Schreiner, H., Shadura, O., Stark, G., Swatman, S. N., Thais, S., Valassi, A., Wunsch, S., Yakobovitch, D., Yuan, S.
المصدر: Computing and Software for Big Science, 5 (1), 22 ; ISSN: 2510-2044, 2510-2036
مصطلحات موضوعية: ddc:530, Physics, info:eu-repo/classification/ddc/530
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المؤلفون: Graier, T., Salmhofer, W., Jonak, C., Weger, W., Kölli, C., Gruber, B., Sator, P.G., Prillinger, K., Mlynek, A., Schütz‐Bergmayr, M., Richter, L., Ratzinger, G., Painsi, C., Selhofer, S., Häring, N., Wippel‐Slupetzky, K., Skvara, H., Trattner, H., Tanew, A., Inzinger, M., Tatarski, R., Bangert, C., Ellersdorfer, C., Lichem, R., Gruber‐Wackernagel, A., Hofer, A., Legat, F., Schmiedberger, E., Strohal, R., Lange‐Asschenfeldt, B., Schmuth, M., Vujic, I., Hoetzenecker, W., Trautinger, F., Saxinger, W., Müllegger, R., Quehenberger, F., Wolf, P.
المصدر: British Journal of Dermatology ; volume 184, issue 6, page 1094-1105 ; ISSN 0007-0963 1365-2133
المؤلفون: Gruber, B. Larsson, Jonsson, T.
المصدر: Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art ; page 2413-2422 ; ISBN 9780429424441
15Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Mc-Cutchan, R., Maier, S., Winkler, V., Gruber, B., Schirmer, M.
المصدر: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases ; volume 79, issue Suppl 1, page 1942.1-1942 ; ISSN 0003-4967 1468-2060
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المؤلفون: (0000-0001-7848-1690) Gruber, B. M.
مصطلحات الفهرس: memory layout, struct of arrays, performance portability, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, doc-type:Website, Text
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المؤلفون: (0000-0001-7848-1690) Gruber, B. M., (0000-0002-2102-7945) Amadio, G., (0000-0001-9359-2196) Hageböck, S.
مصطلحات الفهرس: AdePT, LLAMA, particle transport simulation, GPU, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, doc-type:Website, Text
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Additional Titles: Intensivmedizinische Qualitätsindikatoren für Deutschland - vierte Auflage 2022
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مصطلحات الفهرس: quality management, intensive care medicine, quality indicators, peer review, Qualitätsmanagement, Intensivmedizin, Peer Review, Qualitätsindikatoren, ddc: 610, article
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المصدر: Software: Practice and Experience 53(2023)1, 115-141
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