1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: C. F. Maggi, D. Abate, N. Abid, P. Abreu, O. Adabonyan, M. Afzal, I. Ahmad, M. Akhtar, R. Albanese, S. Aleiferis, E. Alessi, P. Aleynikov, J. Alguacil, J. Alhage, M. Ali, H. Allen, M. Allinson, M. Alonzo, E. Alves, R. Ambrosino, E. Andersson Sundén, P. Andrew, M. Angelone, C. Angioni, I. Antoniou, L. Appel, C. Appelbee, C. Aramunde, M. Ariola, G. Arnoux, G. Artaserse, J. -F. Artaud, W. Arter, V. Artigues, F. J. Artola, A. Ash, O. Asztalos, D. Auld, F. Auriemma, Y. Austin, L. Avotina, J. Ayllón, E. Aymerich, A. Baciero, L. Bähner, F. Bairaktaris, I. Balboa, M. Balden, N. Balshaw, V. K. Bandaru, J. Banks, A. Banon Navarro, C. Barcellona, O. Bardsley, M. Barnes, R. Barnsley, M. Baruzzo, M. Bassan, A. Batista, P. Batistoni, L. Baumane, B. Bauvir, L. Baylor, C. Bearcroft, P. Beaumont, D. Beckett, A. Begolli, M. Beidler, N. Bekris, M. Beldishevski, E. Belli, F. Belli, S. Benkadda, J. Bentley, E. Bernard, J. Bernardo, M. Bernert, M. Berry, L. Bertalot, H. Betar, M. Beurskens, P. G. 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المساهمون: Maggi, C. F., Abate, D., Abid, N., Abreu, P., Adabonyan, O., Afzal, M., Ahmad, I., Akhtar, M., Albanese, R., Aleiferis, S., Alessi, E., Aleynikov, P., Alguacil, J., Alhage, J., Ali, M., Allen, H., Allinson, M., Alonzo, M., Alves, E., Ambrosino, R., Andersson Sundén, E., Andrew, P., Angelone, M., Angioni, C., Antoniou, I., Appel, L., Appelbee, C., Aramunde, C., Ariola, M., Arnoux, G., Artaserse, G., Artaud, J. -F., Arter, W., Artigues, V., Artola, F. J., Ash, A., Asztalos, O., Auld, D., Auriemma, F., Austin, Y., Avotina, L., Ayllón, J., Aymerich, E., Baciero, A., Bähner, L., Bairaktaris, F., Balboa, I., Balden, M., Balshaw, N., Bandaru, V. K., Banks, J., Banon Navarro, A., Barcellona, C., Bardsley, O., Barnes, M., Barnsley, R., Baruzzo, M., Bassan, M., Batista, A., Batistoni, P., Baumane, L., Bauvir, B., Baylor, L., Bearcroft, C., Beaumont, P., Beckett, D., Begolli, A., Beidler, M., Bekris, N., Beldishevski, M., Belli, E., Belli, F., Benkadda, S., Bentley, J., Bernard, E., Bernardo, J., Bernert, M., Berry, M., Bertalot, L., Betar, H., Beurskens, M., Bhat, P. G., Bickerton, S., Bielecki, J., Biewer, T., Bilato, R., Bílková, P., Birkenmeier, G., Bisson, R., Bizarro, J. P. S., Blatchford, P., Bleasdale, A., Bobkov, V., Boboc, A., Bock, A., Bodnar, G., Bohm, P., Bonalumi, L., Bonanomi, N.
مصطلحات موضوعية: magnetic fusion, JET-ILW, D-T, tritium, alpha particle, fusion prediction, heat and particle transport
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:001315126700001; volume:64; issue:11; journal:NUCLEAR FUSION; https://hdl.handle.net/11591/543689
المؤلفون: A. S. Olmeda, Marta G González, F. Valcárcel, J.M. Tercero, L Barrios, J. Gonzalez, María de la Paz Sánchez
المساهمون: González, M.G., González, J., Valcárcel, F., Tercero, J.M., Barrios, L., Olmeda, A.S.
المصدر: Journal of Medical Entomology. 58:1740-1749
مصطلحات موضوعية: 0106 biological sciences, Flea, Veterinary medicine, 030231 tropical medicine, Meso-Mediterranean, medicine.disease_cause, 01 natural sciences, Host-Parasite Interactions, Wild rabbit, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, Nosopsyllus fasciatus, Infestation, medicine, Animals, Leptopsyllidae, Spilopsyllus cuniculi, Ecosystem, Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, General Veterinary, biology, Mediterranean Region, biology.organism_classification, Seasonal dynamics, Ceratophyllidae, 010602 entomology, Pulicidae, Infectious Diseases, Spain, Insect Science, Siphonaptera, Mediterranean area, Parasitology, Rabbits, Seasons
المؤلفون: Latifa Elhachimi, Marta G González, Mokhtaria Kouidri, Sidi Mohammed Ammar Selles, A. Sonia Olmeda, F. Valcárcel, Azucena González-Coloma, J. Gonzalez, J.M. Tercero, María de la Paz Sánchez, J. Sanchís
المساهمون: Selles, Sidi Mohammed Ammar, Kouidri, Mokhtaria, González-Coloma, Azucena, Sanchis, Jaime, Elhachimi, Latifa, Olmeda, A Sonia, Tercero, José Maria, Valcárcel, Félix, Selles, Sidi Mohammed Ammar [0000-0001-8070-9981], Kouidri, Mokhtaria [0000-0003-1042-9524], González-Coloma, Azucena [0000-0001-5124-664X], Sanchis, Jaime [0000-0001-9283-2768], Elhachimi, Latifa [0000-0003-3795-6850], Olmeda, A Sonia [0000-0003-2487-1751], Tercero, José Maria [0000-0001-8932-1019], Valcárcel, Félix [0000-0001-5609-0496]
المصدر: Pathogens, Vol 10, Iss 1379, p 1379 (2021)
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
instnameمصطلحات موضوعية: Microbiology (medical), Sanidad animal, ISOXAZOLINE, REPELLENTS, efficacy, Review, Tick, CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION, CATTLE TICK, ticks, NATURAL-PRODUCTS, parasitic diseases, natural compounds, Immunology and Allergy, Alternative control, Acari, Tick Control, ECTOPARASITICIDE, Molecular Biology, PLANT ESSENTIAL OILS, standardization, General Immunology and Microbiology, biology, Acaricide, business.industry, L. ESSENTIAL, MAJOR CONSTITUENTS, Biology and Life Sciences, INSECT, Pesticide, RHIPICEPHALUS BOOPHILUS MICROPLUS, biology.organism_classification, OIL, Biotechnology, FUMIGANT TOXICITY, Rhipicephalus, Infectious Diseases, Inmunología veterinaria, Medicine, business, Ixodidae
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Sylvie Daminet, Sarah E. Khattat, F. Valcárcel, Latifa Elhachimi, Hamid Sahibi, A. S. Olmeda, Sabrine Elasatey, Luc Duchateau
المساهمون: Flemish Interuniversity Council, Elhachimi, Latifa (0000-0003-3795-6850), Valcárcel, Félix (0000-0001-5609-0496), Elasatey, Sabrine (0000-0002-8452-6530), Daminet, Sylvie (0000-0001-6733-7925), Sahibi, Hamid (0000-0002-6908-7701), Duchateau, Luc (0000-0003-0462-3638)
Experimental & Applied Acarologyمصطلحات موضوعية: 0106 biological sciences, Nymph, THEILERIA-ANNULATA, Ixodidae, Rearing, Hyalomma marginatum, CATTLE, Zoology, BIOLOGY, Tick, 01 natural sciences, Article, 03 medical and health sciences, Life cycle time, Ticks, parasitic diseases, INFECTION, Animals, Veterinary Sciences, TICKS, 030304 developmental biology, 0303 health sciences, Larva, Sheep, Ecology, biology, BIRDS, Acaricide, fungi, KOCH, Temperature, General Medicine, biology.organism_classification, RABBITS, LIFE-CYCLE, 010602 entomology, Morocco, Animal ecology, Insect Science, Female, HEMORRHAGIC-FEVER VIRUS, Rabbits, Hyalomma, Laboratories
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Marta G González, A. Sonia Olmeda, F. Valcárcel, Juliana Navarro-Rocha, Azucena González-Coloma, María Fe Andrés
المساهمون: European Commission, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), Valcárcel, Félix [0000-0001-5609-0496], Olmeda, A. Sonia [0000-0003-2487-1751], González, Marta G.[0000-0002-3561-3910], Andrés, Maria Fe [0000-0002-8729-5053], Navarro-Rocha, Juliana [0000-0001-7975-9340], González-Coloma, Azucena [0000-0001-5124-664X], Valcárcel, Félix, Olmeda, A. Sonia, González, Marta G., Andrés, Maria Fe, Navarro-Rocha, Juliana, González-Coloma, Azucena
المصدر: Frontiers in Agronomy, Vol 3 (2021)
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
instnameمصطلحات موضوعية: 0106 biological sciences, Hyalomma lusitanicum, Aromatic plant, Thymus vulgaris, Myzus persicae, Linalyl acetate, 01 natural sciences, Essential oil, essential oil, law.invention, SB1-1110, 03 medical and health sciences, chemistry.chemical_compound, food, law, Antifeedant, Thymol, 030304 developmental biology, Lavandula angustifolia, 0303 health sciences, Carvone, biology, Traditional medicine, Rhopaslosiphum padi, antifeedant, Mentha suaveolens, Plant culture, Agriculture, Spodoptera littoralis, biology.organism_classification, Menthone, food.food, Ixodicidal, 010602 entomology, chemistry, ixodicidal, aromatic plant
المؤلفون: A. Sonia Olmeda, F. Valcárcel, Rubén Muñoz, Azucena González-Coloma, Viridiana Morales-Sánchez, Elena Trujillo, María Fe Andrés, Carmen E. Díaz
مصطلحات موضوعية: Antifungal, Aspergillus, chemistry.chemical_compound, biology, chemistry, medicine.drug_class, medicine, Mellein, Endophytic fungus, biology.organism_classification, Endophyte, Aspergillus ochraceus, Microbiology
المؤلفون: A. Sonia Olmeda, Marta G González, María de la Paz Sánchez, F. Valcárcel, J. Gonzalez, J.M. Tercero, Raquel Martín-Hernández
المصدر: Pathogens, Vol 9, Iss 884, p 884 (2020)
مصطلحات موضوعية: 0301 basic medicine, Microbiology (medical), Transovarial transmission, 030231 tropical medicine, lcsh:Medicine, Q fever, Tick, transstadial transmission, Microbiology, Transstadial transmission, Hyalomma lusitanicum, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, medicine, biochemistry, Immunology and Allergy, Artificial feeding, Nymph, Molecular Biology, Pathogen, Feces, artificial feeding, General Immunology and Microbiology, biology, lcsh:R, Coxiella burnetii, biology.organism_classification, medicine.disease, bacterial infections and mycoses, Virology, tick, meso-Mediterranean, 030104 developmental biology, Infectious Diseases, bacteria
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Juan D Carbonell, María de la Paz Sánchez, Marta G González, Latifa Elhachimi, J.M. Tercero, F. Valcárcel, A. Sonia Olmeda, J. Gonzalez
المصدر: INSECTS
E-Prints Complutense. Archivo Institucional de la UCM
Insects, Vol 11, Iss 303, p 303 (2020)
E-Prints Complutense: Archivo Institucional de la UCM
Universidad Complutense de Madridمصطلحات موضوعية: DYNAMICS, Hyalomma lusitanicum, EUROPE, LONG-TERM, Ecology (disciplines), Hyalomma marginatum, 030231 tropical medicine, DEER CERVUS-ELAPHUS, Review, Tick, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, Genus, Animales salvajes y exóticos, HARD TICK, lcsh:Science, 030304 developmental biology, 0303 health sciences, IDENTIFICATION, biology, Ecology, Biology and Life Sciences, CONGO HEMORRHAGIC-FEVER, biology.organism_classification, MIGRATORY BIRDS, Habitat, SEASONAL, Insect Science, Vector (epidemiology), GENUS HYALOMMA, VIRUS, lcsh:Q, ecology, Hyalomma, Ixodidae, Comportamiento animal
وصف الملف: application/pdf
9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: D. Alves, R. Felton, S. Jachmich, P. Lomas, P. McCullen, A. Neto, D. F. Valcárcel, G. Arnoux, P. Card, S. Devaux, A. Goodyear, D. Kinna, A. Stephen, K.-D. Zastrow
المصدر: Physical Review Special Topics. Accelerators and Beams, Vol 15, Iss 5, p 054701 (2012)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity, QC770-798
Relation: http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.15.054701; https://doaj.org/toc/1098-4402; https://doaj.org/article/ea203d9c2e0c448b95868f05b03fb5ee
المؤلفون: A. Sonia Olmeda, F. Valcárcel, María de la Paz Sánchez, Marta G González, Raquel Martín-Hernández, J.M. Tercero, J. Gonzalez
المصدر: Journal of medical entomology. 57(2)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Male, Transovarial transmission, Ixodidae, 030231 tropical medicine, Zoology, Q fever, Tick, Airborne transmission, Transstadial transmission, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, parasitic diseases, medicine, Prevalence, Animals, 0303 health sciences, General Veterinary, biology, 030306 microbiology, Deer, bacterial infections and mycoses, biology.organism_classification, Coxiella burnetii, medicine.disease, Infectious Diseases, Liver, Legionellales, Spain, Insect Science, Parasitology, Female, Rabbits, Q Fever
المؤلفون: Azucena González-Coloma, Rafael A. Martínez-Díaz, Mario García-París, María Teresa Gómez-Muñoz, Marta Díaz-Navarro, F. Valcárcel, Luis M. Bautista, María Fe Andrés, Paula Bolívar
المساهمون: CSIC - Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación (URICI)
المصدر: E-Prints Complutense. Archivo Institucional de la UCM
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Toxins, Vol 13, Iss 489, p 489 (2021)
Volume 13
Issue 7
Digital.CSIC: Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)مصطلحات موضوعية: Antiparasitic, medicine.drug_class, Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis, media_common.quotation_subject, Invertebrados, Otididae, Insect, Trichomonas gallinae, Toxicology, otididae, 01 natural sciences, Article, Birds, Palmitic acid, 03 medical and health sciences, chemistry.chemical_compound, Ethyl oleate, Anti-Infective Agents, Botany, medicine, Animals, Parasitología, Meloidae, Toxins, Biological, 030304 developmental biology, media_common, 0303 health sciences, Cantharidin, Antiparasitic Agents, biology, 010405 organic chemistry, Tenebrionidae, biology.organism_classification, ethyl oleate, 0104 chemical sciences, Nematicide, Coleoptera, chemistry, antiprotozoal, Antiprotozoal, Medicine, GCMS, Insectos, nematicide, Meloidogyne javanica
وصف الملف: application/pdf
12Academic Journal
Alternate Title: Sociodemographic and labor characteristics of health personnel infected by SARS COV2 in four health institutions. (English)
المؤلفون: E., Aguirre - Rodríguez, L. F., Valcárcel - Marín, N. R., Campos-Guzmán, D. W., Sanjuanelo-Corredor
المصدر: Revista Cuarzo (REC); ene-jun2022, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p20-25, 6p
مصطلحات موضوعية: MEDICAL personnel, HEALTH facilities, EMERGING infectious diseases, COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19, NURSES' aides, MALE nurses
مصطلحات جغرافية: WUHAN (China)
المؤلفون: F. Valcárcel, A. Aguilar, José Luis González, A.M. González-Guirado, Marta G González, María de la Paz Sánchez, R. Suárez, A.M. Tercero, J.M. Tercero, A. S. Olmeda, J.M. Nieto
المصدر: Repositorio de Resultados de Investigación del INIA
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria INIA
INIA: Repositorio de Resultados de Investigación del INIAمصطلحات موضوعية: 0301 basic medicine, Male, Conservation of Natural Resources, Vulpes, Epidemiology, Population, Zoology, Foxes, Spirurida Infections, Red fox, 03 medical and health sciences, Paratenic, Parasite hosting, Animals, Spirocerca lupi, education, Predator, Disease Reservoirs, Nature reserve, education.field_of_study, General Veterinary, biology, Host (biology), Mediterranean Region, Stomach, 030108 mycology & parasitology, biology.organism_classification, Meso-Mediterranean areas, Predator control, Spain, Thelazioidea, Parasitology, Female
14Academic Journal
المؤلفون: J. González, F. Valcárcel, J. L. Pérez-Sánchez, J. M. Tercero-Jaime, M. T. Cutuli, A. S. Olmeda
المساهمون: J. González, F. Valcárcel, J. L. Pérez-Sánchez, J. M. Tercero-Jaime, M. T. Cutuli, A. S. Olmeda
المصدر: https://doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjw088.
جغرافية الموضوع: world
وصف الملف: text/HTML
الاتاحة: https://doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjw088
المؤلفون: F. Valcárcel, Sonia Olmeda, Nadhem Aissani, Jesus Burillo, Luis F. Julio, Carmen E. Díaz, Azucena González-Coloma
المساهمون: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España)
المصدر: Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Repositorio de Resultados de Investigación del INIA
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria INIA
INIA: Repositorio de Resultados de Investigación del INIAمصطلحات موضوعية: Hyalomma lusitanicum, Lavandula luisieri, Lavandula, 030231 tropical medicine, Pre-domesticated, Positive control, 01 natural sciences, Necrodane-type, Essential oil, law.invention, 03 medical and health sciences, chemistry.chemical_compound, 0302 clinical medicine, law, Botany, hydrolate, Hydroxymethyl, Thymol, Traditional medicine, biology, 010405 organic chemistry, Chemistry, biology.organism_classification, 0104 chemical sciences, Larvicidal, Hexane, Lamiaceae, Agronomy and Crop Science
المؤلفون: D. Alves, A. C. Neto, D. F. Valcarcel, R. Felton, J. M. López, A. Barbalace, L. Boncagni, P. Card, A. Goodyear, S. Jachmich, P. J. Lomas, F. Maviglia, P. McCullen, A. Murari, M. Rainford, C. Reux, F. Rimini, F. Sartori, A. V. Stephen, J. Vega, R. Vitelli, L. Zabeo, K. D. Zastrow, DE TOMMASI, GIANMARIA
المساهمون: D., Alve, A. C., Neto, D. F., Valcarcel, R., Felton, J. M., López, A., Barbalace, L., Boncagni, P., Card, DE TOMMASI, Gianmaria, A., Goodyear, S., Jachmich, P. J., Loma, F., Maviglia, P., Mccullen, A., Murari, M., Rainford, C., Reux, F., Rimini, F., Sartori, A. V., Stephen, J., Vega, R., Vitelli, L., Zabeo, K. D., Zastrow
وصف الملف: ELETTRONICO
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/9781467310826; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000316572100131; ispartofbook:Proc. of 18th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference (NPSS-RT2012); 18th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference (NPSS-RT2012); firstpage:1; lastpage:9; numberofpages:9; http://hdl.handle.net/11588/556141; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-84874259347
المؤلفون: A. C. Neto, D. Alves, L. Boncagni, P. J. Carvalho, D. F. Valcárcel, A. Barbalace, H. Fernandes, F. Sartori, E. Vitale, R. Vitelli, L. Zabeo, DE TOMMASI, GIANMARIA
المساهمون: A. C., Neto, D., Alve, L., Boncagni, P. J., Carvalho, D. F., Valcárcel, A., Barbalace, DE TOMMASI, Gianmaria, H., Fernande, F., Sartori, E., Vitale, R., Vitelli, L., Zabeo
وصف الملف: ELETTRONICO
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/9781424471089; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:000293975700011; ispartofbook:Proceedings of 17th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference; 17th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference; firstpage:1; lastpage:8; http://hdl.handle.net/11588/369317; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/scopus/2-s2.0-79956051954
المؤلفون: A. Barbalace, G. Manduchi, A. Neto, F. Sartori, D. F. Valcarcel, DE TOMMASI, GIANMARIA
المساهمون: A., Barbalace, G., Manduchi, A., Neto, DE TOMMASI, Gianmaria, F., Sartori, D. F., Valcarcel
وصف الملف: ELETTRONICO
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/9781424471089; ispartofbook:Proceedings of 17th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference; 17th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference; firstpage:1; lastpage:5; http://hdl.handle.net/11588/369331
19Academic Journal
المساهمون: F. Valcárcel, J. González, J. L. Pérez Sánchez, J. M. Tercero Jaime, A. S. Olmeda
المصدر: https://doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjv152.
جغرافية الموضوع: world
وصف الملف: text/HTML
الاتاحة: https://doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjv152
المؤلفون: A. C. Neto, F. Sartori, F. Piccolo, R. Vitelli, L. Zabeo, A. Barbalace, H. Fernandes, D. F. Valcarcel, A. J. Batista, DE TOMMASI, GIANMARIA
المساهمون: A. C., Neto, F., Sartori, F., Piccolo, R., Vitelli, DE TOMMASI, Gianmaria, L., Zabeo, A., Barbalace, H., Fernande, D. F., Valcarcel, A. J., Batista
وصف الملف: ELETTRONICO
Relation: ispartofbook:Proceedings of the 16th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference; 16th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference; firstpage:1; lastpage:8; http://hdl.handle.net/11588/351660
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/11588/351660