1Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Haas, John W., Koller, Alan M., Davison, James E., Wyper, Glenn, Sneller, Phillip Paul, Scholten, Douglas, Stark, Tom, Muyskens, J. David, Paulsen, Peter M., Smith, Paul M., DeJong, Jerome, Zoschke, Paul W., Jurgens, David W., Sell, Alan P. F., Buis, Harry, Kennedy, Earl William, Sterk, David J., McKim, Donald K., Hoeksema, Robert J., Lay, Harold W., Wieland, Randy, Meyerink, Paul R., Rockwood, Richard, Clendenin, Daniel B., Gearhart, Carl E., Shearer, Frank J., Bartha, Thomas, Van Hamersveld, Michael, VanOort, Harlan, McCabe, Donald A., Wynveen, Barry L., Helmus, John, Cameron, Charles M., Bast, Robert J., Kleinheksel, John R., Adams, Daniel J.
المصدر: Reformed Review; Vol 41 No 1 (1987): Evangelism in the Nineties; 44-91; 0034-3064
مصطلحات الفهرس: Pitman, Michael. Adam and evolution, Nichol, Todd W. All these Lutherans : three paths toward a new Lutheran Church, Harrison, Everett Falconer, 1902- . The apostolic church, Ramsey, Boniface. Beginning to read the fathers, Jorstad, Erling, 1930- . Being religious in America : the deepening crises over public faith, Gaede, Stanley D. Belonging : our need for community in church and family, Woodbridge, John D., 1941- . Biblical authority : a critique of the Rogers/McKim proposal, Payne, Franklin E. Biblical/Medical ethics : the Christian and the practice of medicine, Wagner, C. Peter. Church growth : state of the art, Moran, Bob. A closer look at Catholicism : a guide for Protestants, Erickson, Millard J. Concise dictionary of Christian theology, Buchanan, Duncan. The counselling of Jesus, Van Ness, Daniel W., 1949- . Crime and its victims : what we can do, Grant, Patrick. A Dazzling darkness : an anthology of Western mysticism, Stein, Robert H., 1935- . Difficult passages in the gospels, Jewett, Paul King. Election and predestination, Cairns, Earle Edwin, 1910- . An endless line of splendor : revivals and their leaders from the great awakening to the present, Lightner, Robert Paul. Evangelical theology : a survey and review, Marsden, George M., 1939- . Evangelicalism and modern America, Coleman, Robert Emerson. Evangelism on the cutting edge, Cook, Guillermo. The expectation of the poor : Latin American base ecclesial communities in Protestant perspective, The Experience of religious diversity, Gowan, Donald E. Ezekiel, Brownlee, William H. Word biblical commentary, volume 28: Ezekial 1-19, Streeter, Carole Sanderson. Finding your place after divorce: how women can find healing, Meyering, Robert A. 5 on 1 intensive day-by-day Bible studies: Genesis 1-11, Verbrugge, Verlyn D. 5 on 1 intensive day-by-day Bible studies: Ezra/Nehemiah, Hessel, Dieter T. For creation's sake : preaching, ecology, and justice, Bloesch, Donald G., 1928-2010. Freedom for obedience : evangeli, info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion