المؤلفون: R. A. McLaren, Hans Muller, C Parkman, D Linnhöfer, A. Bogaerts
المصدر: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 315:478-482
مصطلحات موضوعية: Very-large-scale integration, Physics, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Cover (telecommunications), business.industry, Data acquisition, Scalability, Metric (mathematics), High bandwidth, Local bus, business, Instrumentation, Computer hardware, System bus
المؤلفون: B. Adeva, M. Aguilar-Benitez, H. Akbari, J. Alcaraz, A. Aloisio, J. Alvarez-Taviel, G. Alverson, M.G. Alviggi, H. Anderhub, A.L. Anderson, A.M. Angelov, T.H. Angelov, G.H. Antchev, L. Antonov, D. Antreasyan, A. Arefiev, I.H. Atanasov, B. Auroy, R. Ayad, O.L. Ayranov, T. Azemoon, T. Aziz, U. Bachmann, P. Bähler, J.A. Bakken, L. Baksay, H. Baldinger, R.C. Ball, J. Ballansat, S. Banerjee, J. Bao, G. Barbier, L. Barone, G. Basti, A. Bay, F. Beauvais, U. Becker, R. Beissel, S. Bendig, P. Béné, J. Berdugo, P. Berges, M. Berthet, Y. Bertsch, B.L. Betev, A. Biland, A. Bischoff, M. Bischops, R. Bizzarri, J.J. Blaising, M. Blanc, P. Blömeke, B. Blumenfeld, G.J. Bobbink, M. Bocciolini, K.D. Boffin, W. Bohlen, A. Böhm, T. Böhringer, H. Bonnefon, C. Bopp, B. Borgia, K. Bosseler, J.F. Bottolier, M. Bourquin, D. Boutigny, P. Bowditch, J.G. Branson, D. Braun, I.C. Brock, F. Bruyant, M. Buchholz, B. Bücken, W. Bulgeroni, R. Burel, J.D. Burger, C. Burgos, J.P. Burq, L. Caiazzo, M. Caillat, B. Camberlin, D. Campana, C. Camps, V. Canale, M. Capell, F. Carbonara, F. Carminati, A.M. Cartacci, M. Cerrada, F. Cesaroni, Y.H. Chang, J.W. Chapman, M. Chemarin, A. Chen, C. Chen, H.F. Chen, H.S. Chen, M. Chen, M.L. Chen, S.R. Chendvankar, G. Chevenier, S. Chidzik, G. Chiefari, C.Y. Chien, F. Chollet, M. Chumakov, C. Civinini, I. Clare, R. Clare, G. Coignet, N. Colino, V. Commichau, G. Conforto, P. Cristofori, F. Crijns, X.Y. Cui, T.S. Dai, R. D'Alessandro, M. Daniel, X. De Bouard, B. Debye, G. Decreuse, A. Degré, K. Deiters, E. Dénes, P. Denes, F. DeNotaristefani, M. Deutschmann, M. Dhina, B. Didierjean, M. Diemoz, M. Dietrich, H.A. Dimitrov, C. Dionisi, F. Dittus, M. Dohmen, R. Dolin, J.F. Donahue, A. Donat, E. Drago, K.H. Dreger, T. Driever, G. Dromby, P. Duinker, I. Duran, M. Elkacimi, H. Elmamouni, A. Engler, F.J. Eppling, F.C. Erné, I. Erne, H. Esser, P. Extermann, R. Fabbretti, G. Faber, S. Falciano, T. Falk, S.J. Fan, M. Favre, J. Fay, S. Fehér, J. Fehlmann, M. Feldmann, H. Fenker, T. Ferguson, M. Fernandez, F. Ferroni, H. Fesefeldt, J. Field, J.M. Figarola, C.F. Figueroa, G.A. Filipov, B. Foligné, G. Forconi, T. Foreman, V. Franzke, W. Frei, K. Freudenreich, W. Friebel, M. Fukushima, G. Gaillard, M. Gailloud, Yu. Galaktionov, E. Gallo, S.N. Ganguli, D. Garelick, S.S. Gau, G. Gavrilov, E. Gennari, S. Gentile, M. Gettner, C. Girard, M. Glaubman, S. Goldfarb, Z.F. Gong, E. Gonzalez, A. Gordeev, Yu. Gorodkov, P. Göttlicher, C. Goy, M. Goyot, G. Gratta, A. Grimes, C. Grinnell, M. Gruenewald, M. Guanziroli, S. Guerra, C. Guillon, A. Gurtu, D. Güsewell, H.R. Gustafson, M. Haensli, M. Haan, C. Haller, T. Hamacher, H. Hammers, K. Hangarter, S. Hancke, M. Harris, D. Harting, F.G. Hartjes, C.F. He, A. Heavey, T. Hebbeker, M. Hebert, R. Heller, Ch. Helmrath, J. Herrmann, G. Herten, U. Herten, A. Hervé, H. Hesser, G. Hilgers, K. Hilgers, H. Hofer, M. Hofer, T. Hofer, F. Hoffmann, U. Horisberger, I. Horvath, L.S. Hsu, G.Q. Hu, B. Ille, M.M. Ilyas, G. Improta, V. Innocente, E. Isiksal, E. Jagel, B.N. Jin, L.W. Jones, M. Jongmanns, H. Jung, P. Kaaret, O. Kaelin, W. Kaestli, Yu. Kamyshkov, D. Kaplan, W. Karpinski, Y. Karyotakis, W. Kertzer, V. Khoze, G. Kirchhoff, W. Kittel, A. Klimentov, P.F. Klok, M. Kollek, M. Koller, A.C. König, O. Kornadt, V. Koutsenko, R.W. Kraemer, V.R. Krastev, A. Kratel, W. Krenz, A. Kuhn, A. Kunin, S. Kwan, J. Lacotte, M. LaMarra, G. Landi, W. Lange, K. Lanius, D. Lanske, S. Lanzano, J.M. Le Goff, J.C. Le Marec, D. Lea, M. Lebeau, P. Lebrun, P. Lecomte, J. Lecoq, P. Le Coultre, I. Leedom, A. Léger, F. Lehmann, L. Leistam, R. Leiste, E. Lejeune, B. Leoni, J. Lettry, X. Leytens, C. Li, H.T. Li, L. Li, P.J. Li, X.G. Li, J.Y. Liao, Z.Y. Lin, F.L. Linde, D. Linnhöfer, E. Loftin, W. Lohmann, S. Lökös, E. Longo, Y.S. Lu, J.M. Lubbers, K. Lübelsmeyer, C. Luci, D. Luckey, X. Lue, L. Luminari, G. Lunadei, F. Lürken, H. Ma, W.G. Ma, M. MacDermott, N. Madjar, R. Magahiz, M. Maire, P.K. Malhotra, A. Malinin, C. Mana, F. Manna, G. Manto, Y.F. Mao, M. Maolinbay, P. Marchesini, A. Marchionni, M. Markwalder, P. Marsden, J.P. Martin, L. Martinez, H.U. Martyn, F. Marzano, V. Marzullo, F. Masciocchi, G.G.G. Massaro, L. Massonnet, T. Matsuda, G. Maurelli, K. Mazumdar, P. McBride, G. Medici, H. Meier, Th. Meinholz, M. Merk, R. Mermod, L. Merola, M. Meschini, W.J. Metzger, M. Micke, U. Micke, G.B. Mills, J. Mnich, M. Moeller, A. Molinero, L. Montanet, B. Monteleoni, R. Montino, G. Morand, R. Morand, S. Morganti, V. Morgunov, R. Mount, M. Moynot, P. Mugnier, W. Nägeli, E. Nagy, M. Napolitano, S. Neboux, H. Newman, Ch. Neyer, K. Nguyen, L. Niessen, A. Nikitin, W.D. Nowak, M. Okle, P. Olmos, J. Onvlee, D. Osborne, J. Ossmann, D. Pandoulas, H. Paprotny, A. Parmentola, G. Passeggio, G. Paternoster, S. Patricelli, Y.J. Pei, Y. Peng, D. Perret-Gallix, J. Perrier, E. Perrin, G. Perrot, P. Petitpas, P. Petschner, A. Pevsner, J. Pier-Amory, M. Pieri, G. Pierschel, P.A. Piroué, V. Plyaskin, M. Pohl, V. Pojidaev, C.L.A. Pols, T. Ponomareff, J. Potyka, N. Produit, P. Prokofiev, F. Pruja, G. Pütz, J.M. Qian, R. Raghavan, P. Razis, K. Read, P. Reddick, K. Reissmann, D. Ren, S. Reucroft, D. Rey, M. Reynaud, X. Ricadonna, J-P. Richeux, C. Rippich, U. Rinsche, R. Rocco, S. Rodriguez, B.P. Roe, M. Röhner, S. Röhner, Th. Rombach, L. Romero, J. Rose, U. Röser, S. Rosier-Lees, J.A. Rubio, W. Ruckstuhl, H. Rykaczewski, P. Sahuc, J. Salicio, S. Saran, G. Sauvage, A. Savin, T. Schaad, B. Schafheitle, V. Schegelsky, A. Schetkovsky, F. Schild, R. Schillsott, P. Schmitt, D. Schmitz, P. Schmitz, M. Schneegans, M. Schneider, E. Schneevogt, M. Schöntag, D.J. Schotanus, H. Schuijlenburg, R. Schulte, A.Schultz Von Dratzig, K. Schultze, J. Schwenke, G. Schwering, C. Sciacca, P.G. Seiler, J.C. Sens, I. Sheer, V. Shevchenko, S. Shevchenko, X.R. Shi, K. Shmakov, V. Shoutko, E. Shumilov, R. Siedling, N. Smirnov, V. Souvorov, C. Souyri, I. Spangler, T. Spickermann, B. Spiess, P. Spillantini, R. Starosta, M. Steuer, D.P. Stickland, B. Stöhr, H. Stone, K. Strauch, K. Sudhakar, R.L. Sumner, H. Suter, R.B. Sutton, H. Szczesny, J. Tang, X.W. Tang, E. Tarkovsky, A. Tavenrath, V. Tchudakov, J.M. Thenard, E. Thomas, T. Thon, H. Thuerig, M. Thulen, C. Timmermans, Samuel C.C. Ting, S.M. Ting, F. Tonisch, Y.P. Tong, M. Tonutti, S.C. Tonwar, J. Tòth, W. Toth, G. Trowitzsch, K.L. Tung, J. Ulbricht, L. Urbàn, E. Valente, R.T. van de Walle, H. van der Graaf, V. Vanzanella, M. Vergain, I. Vetlitsky, H. Vey, G. Viertel, M. Vivargent, H. Vogel, S. Volkov, M. Vollmar, H.P. von Gunten, I. Vorobiev, A. Vorobyov, L. Vuilleumier, S. Waldmeier, W. Walk, W. Wallraff, C.Y. Wang, G.H. Wang, J.H. Wang, Q.F. Wang, X.L. Wang, Y.F. Wang, Z.M. Wang, D. Wassenberg, D. Wegmann, R. Weill, T.J. Wenaus, P. Wenger, J. Wenninger, M. White, R. Wilhelm, C. Willmott, H.P. Wirth, F. Wittgenstein, R.J. Wu, S.X. Wu, Y.G. Wu, B. Wyslouch, F.Y. Xi, Z.Z. Xu, Z.L. Xue, D.S. Yan, K.D. Yanev, B.Z. Yang, C.G. Yang, K.S. Yang, Q.Y. Yang, Z.Q. Yang, C.H. Ye, S.C. Yeh, Z.W. Yin, C. Zabounidis, L. Zehnder, Y. Zeng, D.H. Zhang, S.Y. Zhang, Z.P. Zhang, B. Zhou, J.F. Zhou, Z.P. Zhou, R.Y. Zhu, A. Zichichi, M. Zofka, J. Zoll
المساهمون: Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), CMS, Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I Lyon), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), L3, B., Adeva, Aloisio, Alberto, Alviggi, Mariagrazia, Canale, Vincenzo, Chiefari, Giovanni, Merola, Leonardo, Napolitano, Marco, Paternoster, Giovanni, Patricelli, Sergio, Sciacca, Crisostomo
المصدر: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Elsevier, 1990, 289, pp.35-102. ⟨10.1016/0168-9002(90)90250-A⟩مصطلحات موضوعية: Physics, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Wire chamber, Particle physics, Muon, Photon, Physics::Instrumentation and Detectors, 010308 nuclear & particles physics, Detector, Electron, 01 natural sciences, Particle detector, Nuclear physics, 0103 physical sciences, Large Electron–Positron Collider, [PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex], Measuring instrument, High Energy Physics::Experiment, 010306 general physics, Instrumentation
وصف الملف: STAMPA
المؤلفون: G. Viertel, J. Fehlmann, M. Deutschmann, P. Fritze, P. Hawelka, A.H. Walenta, E. Roderburg, U. Herten, K. Hangarter, H. Anderhub, M. Klein, V. Commichau, Joseph A. Paradiso, U. Biermann, K.J. Draheim, D. Linnhöfer, M. Tonutti, J. Schreiber, H. Hofer
المصدر: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 235:267-278
مصطلحات موضوعية: Physics, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Wire chamber, Physics::Instrumentation and Detectors, Preamplifier, business.industry, Resolution (electron density), DESY, Particle detector, Optics, Measuring instrument, Physics::Accelerator Physics, business, Instrumentation, Image resolution, Beam (structure)