المؤلفون: Fernandez, Rachel
مصطلحات موضوعية: Historic, Rock Alignment, American Statehood Period, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Extramural Surface, Crematorium, Pima (County), Fence, Hamlet / Village, Protohistoric Period, Foundation, Sedentary Period, Radiocarbon Dating, Early Agricultural period, Archaeological Feature, Rock Concentration, AZ BB:13:481 (ASM), Metal, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, PaleoIndian, Canal or Canal Feature, Hohokam, Hohokam Sequence, Pollen Analysis, Fauna, Tucson Basin, Paleoindian Period, Ground Stone, American Territorial Period, Post Hole / Post Mold, Pollen, Hearth, Clearwater Site, Artifact Analysis, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Fire Cracked Rock, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, Archaic Period, Canid Burial, Arizona (State / Territory), Well, Domestic Structures, Tucson, AZ, Early Ceramic period, Mexican Period, Inhumation, Shell, Huhugam, Midden, Historic Background Research, AZ BB:13:6 (ASM), Privy Pit, Chipped Stone, Isolated Burial, Pond, Macrobotanical, Settlements, Ceramic, Research Design / Data Recovery Plan, Archaic, Data Recovery / Excavation, Santa Cruz River Westside Canals, Cienaga phase, Pit, Trash Concentration, Glass, Human Remains, Classic Period, Spanish Period
المؤلفون: J. Homer Thiel, Mabry, Jonathan B.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Historic, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Pioneer Period, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Arizona (State / Territory), Domestic Structures, Tucson, AZ, Pima (County), AZ BB:13:735 (ASM), Petrographic Analysis, Rillito Phase, Burial Pit, Shell, Cienega phase, Huhugam, AZ BB:13:13 (ASM), Mineral, Early Agricultural period, Rincon Phase, AZ BB:13:6 (ASM), Chipped Stone, AZ BB:13:481 (ASM), Santa Cruz River, San Augustine Mission, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Hohokam, Macrobotanical, Ceramic, Reconnaissance / Survey, Pollen Analysis, Research Design / Data Recovery Plan, Archaic, Heritage Management, Data Recovery / Excavation, Fauna, Tucson Basin, Ground Stone, Pollen, Human Remains
المؤلفون: Fernandez, Rachel
مصطلحات موضوعية: Site Evaluation / Testing, Fire Cracked Rock, Desert Laboratory National Historic Landmark, Tumamoc Hill Site, Wall, Pioneer Period, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Arizona (State / Territory), Artifact Scatter, Plan of Work, Domestic Structures, Tucson, AZ, Archaeological Overview, Pima (County), Records Search / Inventory Checking, Huhugam, St. Agustin Mission, Terrace, Sedentary Period, Preclassic Period, AZ AA:12:865 (ASM), St. Mary's Hospital Site, Archaeological Feature, Historic Background Research, AZ BB:13:6 (ASM), Chipped Stone, Prehistoric, Habitation Site, Hohokam, AZ AA:16:26 (ASM), Ceramic, AZ BB:13:327 (ASM), Research Design / Data Recovery Plan, Tucson Basin, Ground Stone, Colonial Period, Cultural Resource Mitigation Plan, Site Stewardship Monitoring, AZ AA:16:51 (ASM), Classic Period, Clearwater Site, AZ AA:12:300 (ASM), AZ AA:16:6 (ASM), AZ AA:12:821 (ASM)
المؤلفون: Diehl, Michael W.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Canada del Oro, Tanque Verde, Historic, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Fire Cracked Rock, Ceramic Analysis, analysis of other fired clay artifacts, Flaked Stone Analysis, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Sentinel Peak, Arizona (State / Territory), Domestic Structures, Tucson, AZ, Red-on-Brown, Burial Pit, Trash Midden, Refuse Pit, Cienega phase, Huhugam, Agua Caliente phase, Maricopa (County), Midden, Ground Stone Analysis, Faunal Analysis, Archaeological Feature, Historic Background Research, Middle Rincon, AZ BB:13:6 (ASM), Chipped Stone, Late Rincon, Rillito, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Hohokam, Macrobotanical, Ceramic, Reconnaissance / Survey, Archaeobotanical Analyses, Research Design / Data Recovery Plan, Data Recovery / Excavation, Fauna, Tucson Basin, Ground Stone, Pit, Pollen, Human Remains, Early Rincon, Clearwater Site
المؤلفون: Diehl, Michael W.
مصطلحات موضوعية: Historic, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Arizona (State / Territory), American Period, Domestic Structures, Tucson, AZ, Pima (County), Middle Rincon Red-on-brown, Agricultural or Herding, Cienega phase, Building Materials, Records Search / Inventory Checking, Ceramic Period, Huhugam, Agua Caliente phase, Early Agricultural period, Cemetery, Historic Background Research, Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features, AZ BB:13:6 (ASM), Chipped Stone, AZ BB:13:481 (ASM), Prehistoric, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Non-Domestic Structures, Structure, Canal or Canal Feature, Hohokam, Macrobotanical, Ceramic, Reconnaissance / Survey, Research Design / Data Recovery Plan, Heritage Management, Data Recovery / Excavation, Fauna, Tucson Basin, Ground Stone, Trash Pit
المؤلفون: J. Homer Thiel
مصطلحات موضوعية: Historic, Pit House / Earth Lodge, Fire Cracked Rock, Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno, Middle Rillito Phase, Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex, Arizona (State / Territory), Early Rincon Phase, Tanque Verde Phase, Burial Mound, Domestic Structures, Tucson, AZ, Pima (County), Early Ceramic period, Agricultural or Herding, Refuse Pit, Building Materials, Records Search / Inventory Checking, Huhugam, Early Agricultural period, Archaeological Feature, Historic Background Research, Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features, AZ BB:13:6 (ASM), Chipped Stone, Metal, Santa Cruz River, Funerary and Burial Structures or Features, Canal or Canal Feature, Hohokam, Ceramic, Reconnaissance / Survey, Research Design / Data Recovery Plan, Middle Rincon Phase, Data Recovery / Excavation, Fauna, Tucson Basin, Ground Stone, Post Hole / Post Mold, Pit, Glass, Late Rincon Phase, Human Remains, red-on-brown Sherds, Early Rillito Phase