1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Erich Tusch 1, Lene Ryom 1 2 3, Annegret Pelchen-Matthews 4, Amanda Mocroft 1 4, Daniel Elbirt 5, Cristiana Oprea 6, Huldrych F Günthard 7 8, Cornelia Staehelin 9, Robert Zangerle 10, Isabelle Suarez 11, Jörg Janne Vehreschild 11, Ferdinand Wit 12, Marianna Menozzi 13, Antonella d'Arminio Monforte 14, Vincenzo Spagnuolo 15, Christian Pradier 16, Christina Carlander 17, Paula Suanzes 18, Jan-Christian Wasmuth 19, Andrew Carr 20, Kathy Petoumenos 21, Frauke Borgans 22, Fabrice Bonnet 23, Stephane De Wit 24, Wafaa El-Sadr 25, Bastian Neesgaard 1, Nadine Jaschinski 1, Lauren Greenberg 1, Sean R Hosein 26, Joel Gallant 27, Vani Vannappagari 28, Lital Young 29, Caroline Sabin 4, Jens Lundgren 1, Lars Peters 1, Joanne Reekie 1, D:A:D cohort study, RESPOND cohort study: Collaborators W El-Sadr, G Calvo, F Bonnet, F Dabis, O Kirk, A Mocroft, M Law, A d'Arminio Monforte, L Morfeldt, C Pradier, P Reiss, R Weber, S De Wit, A Lind-Thomsen, R Salbøl Brandt, M Hillebreght, S Zaheri, F W N M Wit, A Scherrer, F Schöni-Affolter, M Rickenbach, A Tavelli, I Fanti, O Leleux, J Mourali, F Le Marec, E Boerg, E Thulin, A Sundström, G Bartsch, G Thompsen, C Necsoi, M Delforge, E Fontas, C Caissotti, K Dollet, S Mateu, F Torres, K Petoumenos, A Blance, R Huang, R Puhr, K Grønborg Laut, D Kristensen, C A Sabin, A N Phillips, D A Kamara, C J Smith, C I Hatleberg, R S Brandt, D Raben, C Matthews, A Bojesen, A L Grevsen, J D Lundgren, L Ryom, B Powderly, N Shortman, C Moecklinghoff, G Reilly, X Franquet, C Smit, M Ross, C A Fux, P Morlat, N Friis-Møller, J Kowalska, J Bohlius, M Bower, G Fätkenheuer, A Grulich, A Sjøl, P Meidahl, J S Iversen, Central P Reiss, M Hillebregt, J M Prins, T W Kuijpers, H J Scherpbier, J T M van der Meer, M H Godfried, T van der Poll, F J B Nellen, S E Geerlings, M van Vugt, D Pajkrt, J C Bos, W J Wiersinga, M van der Valk, A Goorhuis, J W Hovius, J van Eden, A Henderiks, A M H van Hes, M Mutschelknauss, H E Nobel, F J J Pijnappel, S Jurriaans, N K T Back, H L Zaaijer, B Berkhout, M T E Cornelissen, C J Schinkel, X V Thomas, Admiraal De Ruyter Ziekenhuis, M van den Berge, A Stegeman, S Baas, L Hage de Looff, D Versteeg, Catharina Ziekenhuis, M J H Pronk, H S M Ammerlaan, E S De Munnik, A R Jansz, J Tjhie, M C A Wegdam, B Deiman, V Scharnhorst, A van der Plas, A M Weijsenfeld, M E van der Ende, T E M S De Vries-Sluijs, E C M van Gorp, C A M Schurink, J L Nouwen, A Verbon, B J A Rijnders, H I Bax, M van der Feltz, N Bassant, J E A van Beek, M Vriesde, L M van Zonneveld, A de Oude-Lubbers, H J van den Berg-Cameron, F B Bruinsma-Broekman, J de Groot, M de Zeeuw- de Man, C A B Boucher, M P G Koopmans, J J A van Kampen, S D Pas, Erasmus Mc-Sophia, G J A Driessen, A M C van Rossum, L C van der Knaap, E Visser, J Branger, A Rijkeboer-Mes, C J H M Duijf-van de Ven, Haga Ziekenhuis, E F Schippers, C van Nieuwkoop, J M van IJperen, J Geilings, G van der Hut, P F H Franck, A van Eeden, W Brokking, M Groot, L J M Elsenburg, M Damen, I S Kwa, P H P Groeneveld, J W Bouwhuis, J F van den Berg, A G W van Hulzen, G L van der Bliek, P C J Bor, P Bloembergen, M J H M Wolfhagen, G J H M Ruijs, F P Kroon, M G J de Boer, M P Bauer, H Jolink, A M Vollaard, W Dorama, N van Holten, E C J Claas, E Wessels, J G den Hollander, K Pogany, A Roukens, M Kastelijns, J V Smit, E Smit, D Struik-Kalkman, C Tearno, M Bezemer, T van Niekerk, O Pontesilli, S H Lowe, A M L Oude Lashof, D Posthouwer, R P Ackens, J Schippers, R Vergoossen, B Weijenberg-Maes, I H M van Loo, T R A Havenith, E M S Leyten, L B S Gelinck, A van Hartingsveld, C Meerkerk, G S Wildenbeest, J A E M Mutsaers, C L Jansen, J W Mulder, S M E Vrouenraets, F N Lauw, M C van Broekhuizen, H Paap, D J Vlasblom, P H M Smits, M C Zuiderzee, S Weijer, R El Moussaoui, A S Bosma, M G A van Vonderen, D P F van Houte, L M Kampschreur, K Dijkstra, S Faber, J Weel, G J Kootstra, C E Delsing, M van der Burg-van de Plas, H Heins, E Lucas, W Kortmann, G van Twillert, J W T Cohen Stuart, B M W Diederen, D Pronk, F A van Truijen-Oud, W A van der Reijden, R Jansen, K Brinkman, G E L van den Berk, W L Blok, P H J Frissen, K D Lettinga, W E M Schouten, J Veenstra, C J Brouwer, G F Geerders, K Hoeksema, M J Kleene, I B van der Meché, M Spelbrink, H Sulman, A J M Toonen, S Wijnands, D Kwa, E Witte, P P Koopmans, M Keuter, A J A M van der Ven, H J M Ter Hofstede, A S M Dofferhoff, R van Crevel, M Albers, M E W Bosch, K J T Grintjes-Huisman, B J Zomer, F F Stelma, J Rahamat-Langendoen, D Burger, C Richter, E H Gisolf, R J Hassing, G Ter Beest, P H M van Bentum, N Langebeek, R Tiemessen, C M A Swanink, S F L van Lelyveld, R Soetekouw, N Hulshoff, L M M van der Prijt, J van der Swaluw, N Bermon, B L Herpers, D Veenendaal, D W M Verhagen, M van Wijk, St Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, M E E van Kasteren, A E Brouwer, B A F M de Kruijf-van de Wiel, M Kuipers, R M W J Santegoets, B van der Ven, J H Marcelis, A G M Buiting, P J Kabel, W F W Bierman, H Scholvinck, K R Wilting, Y Stienstra, H de Groot-de Jonge, P A van der Meulen, D A de Weerd, J Ludwig-Roukema, H G M Niesters, A Riezebos-Brilman, C C van Leer-Buter, M Knoester, A I M Hoepelman, T Mudrikova, P M Ellerbroek, J J Oosterheert, J E Arends, R E Barth, M W M Wassenberg, E M Schadd, D H M van Elst-Laurijssen, E E B van Oers-Hazelzet, S Vervoort, M van Berkel, R Schuurman, F Verduyn-Lunel, A M J Wensing, E J G Peters, M A van Agtmael, M Bomers, J de Vocht, M Heitmuller, L M Laan, A M Pettersson, C M J E Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C W Ang, Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis, S P M Geelen, T F W Wolfs, L J Bont, N Nauta, D O Bezemer, A I van Sighem, T S Boender, A de Jong, D Bergsma, P Hoekstra, A de Lang, S Grivell, A Jansen, M J Rademaker, M Raethke, R Meijering, S Schnörr, L de Groot, M van den Akker, Y Bakker, E Claessen, A El Berkaoui, J Koops, E Kruijne, C Lodewijk, L Munjishvili, B Peeck, C Ree, R Regtop, Y Ruijs, T Rutkens, L van de Sande, M Schoorl, A Timmerman, E Tuijn, L Veenenberg, S van der Vliet, A Wisse, T Woudstra, B Tuk, M Dupon, V Gaborieau, D Lacoste, D Malvy, P Mercié, D Neau, J L Pellegrin, S Tchamgoué, E Lazaro, C Cazanave, M Vandenhende, M O Vareil, Y Gérard, P Blanco, S Bouchet, D Breilh, H Fleury, I Pellegrin, G Chêne, R Thiébaut, L Wittkop, S Lawson-Ayayi, A Gimbert, S Desjardin, L Lacaze-Buzy, V Petrov-Sanchez, K André, N Bernard, O Caubet, L Caunegre, I Chossat, C Courtault, F A Dauchy, S De Witte, D Dondia, P Duffau, H Dutronc, S Farbos, I Faure, H Ferrand, Y Gerard, C Greib, M Hessamfar, Y Imbert, P Lataste, J Marie, M Mechain, E Monlun, A Ochoa, T Pistone, I Raymond, M C Receveur, P Rispal, L Sorin, C Valette, M A Vandenhende, J F Viallard, H Wille, G Wirth, Me Lafon, P Trimoulet, P Bellecave, C Tumiotto, F Haramburu, G Miremeont-Salamé, M J Blaizeau, M Decoin, C Hannapier, E Lenaud, A Pougetoux, S Delveaux, C D'Ivernois, F Diarra, B Uwamaliya-Nziyumvira, Eloïse Boerg, G Palmer, V Conte, V Sapparrart, Central M Law, R Moore, S Edwards, J Hoy, K Watson, N Roth, H Lau, M Bloch, D Baker, A Carr, D Cooper, M O'Sullivan, D Nolan, G Guelfi, Central G Calvo, P Domingo, M A Sambeat, J Gatell, E Del Cacho, J Cadafalch, M Fuster, C Codina, G Sirera, A Vaqué, N Clumeck, A F Gennotte, M Gerard, K Kabeya, D Konopnicki, A Libois, C Martin, M C Payen, P Semaille, Y Van Laethem, Central J Neaton, W M El-Sadr, E Krum, G Thompson, D Wentworth, R Luskin-Hawk, E Telzak, D I Abrams, D Cohn, N Markowitz, R Arduino, D Mushatt, G Friedland, G Perez, E Tedaldi, E Fisher, F Gordin, L R Crane, J Sampson, J Baxter, B Gazzard, A Horban, I Karpov, M Losso, C Pedersen, M Ristola, A Phillips, J Lundgren, J Rockstroh, L Peters, A H Fischer, J F Larsen, D Podlekareva, A Cozzi-Lepri, L Shepherd, A Schultze, S Amele, M Kundro, B Schmied, Pulmologisches Zentrum der Stadt Wien, R Zangerle, A Vassilenko, V M Mitsura, D Paduto, E Florence, L Vandekerckhove, V Hadziosmanovic, J Begovac, L Machala, D Jilich, D Sedlacek, G Kronborg, T Benfield, J Gerstoft, T Katzenstein, N F Møller, L Ostergaard, L Wiese, L N Nielsen, K Zilmer, Jelena Smidt, Nakkusosakond Siseklinik, I Aho, J-P Viard, C Duvivier, R Schmidt, O Degen, H J Stellbrink, C Stefan, J W Goethe, J Bogner, N Chkhartishvili, P Gargalianos, G Xylomenos, K Armenis, H Sambatakou, J Szlávik, M Gottfredsson, F Mulcahy, I Yust, D Turner, M Burke, E Shahar, G Hassoun, H Elinav, M Haouzi, D Elbirt, Z M Sthoeger, A D'Arminio Monforte, R Esposito, I Mazeu, C Mussini, F Mazzotta, A Gabbuti, Ospedale S Maria Annunziata, V Vullo, M Lichtner, M Zaccarelli, A Antinori, R Acinapura, M Plazzi, A Lazzarin, A Castagna, N Gianotti, M Galli, A Ridolfo, B Rozentale, V Uzdaviniene, R Matulionyte, T Staub, R Hemmer, V Ormaasen, A Maeland, J Bruun, B Knysz, J Gasiorowski, M Inglot, E Bakowska, R Flisiak, A Grzeszczuk, M Parczewski, K Maciejewska, B Aksak-Was, M Beniowski, E Mularska, T Smiatacz, M Gensing, E Jablonowska, E Malolepsza, K Wojcik, I Mozer-Lisewska, L Caldeira, K Mansinho, F Maltez, R Radoi, C Oprea, A Panteleev, O Panteleev, A Yakovlev, T Trofimora, I Khromova, E Kuzovatova, I N Blokhina, Nizhny Novogrod, E Borodulina, E Vdoushkina, D Jevtovic, J Tomazic, J M Gatell, J M Miró, S Moreno, J M Rodriguez, B Clotet, A Jou, R Paredes, C Tural, J Puig, I Bravo, M Gutierrez, G Mateo, J M Laporte, C Carlander, A Sonnerborg, I Brännström, L Flamholc, M Cavassini, A Calmy, H Furrer, M Battegay, P Schmid, A Kuznetsova, G Kyselyova, M Sluzhynska, A M Johnson, E Simons, M A Johnson, C Orkin, J Weber, G Scullard, A Clarke, C Leen, Central L Morfeldt, G Thulin, B Åkerlund, K Koppel, A Karlsson, C Håkangård, F Castelli, R Cauda, G Di Perri, R Iardino, G Ippolito, G C Marchetti, C F Perno, F von Schloesser, P Viale, F Ceccherini-Silberstein, E Girardi, S Lo Caputo, M Puoti, M Andreoni, A Ammassari, C Balotta, A Bandera, P Bonfanti, S Bonora, M Borderi, A Calcagno, L Calza, M R Capobianchi, A Cingolani, P Cinque, A De Luca, A Di Biagio, A Gori, G Guaraldi, G Lapadula, G Madeddu, F Maggiolo, G Marchetti, S Marcotullio, L Monno, S Nozza, E Quiros Roldan, R Rossotti, S Rusconi, M M Santoro, A Saracino, L Galli, P Lorenzini, A Rodano, M Shanyinde, F Carletti, S Carrara, A Di Caro, S Graziano, F Petrone, G Prota, S Quartu, S Truffa, A Giacometti, A Costantini, V Barocci, G Angarano, C Santoro, C Suardi, V Donati, G Verucchi, C Minardi, T Quirino, C Abeli, P E Manconi, P Piano, B Cacopardo, B Celesia, J Vecchiet, K Falasca, A Pan, S Lorenzotti, L Sighinolfi, D Segala, F Vichi, G Cassola, C Viscoli, A Alessandrini, N Bobbio, G Mazzarello, C Mastroianni, V Belvisi, I Caramma, A Chiodera, P Milini, G Rizzardini, M C Moioli, R Piolini, A L Ridolfo, S Salpietro, C Tincati, C Puzzolante, N Abrescia, A Chirianni, G Borgia, R Orlando, G Bonadies, F Di Martino, I Gentile, L Maddaloni, A M Cattelan, S Marinello, A Cascio, C Colomba, F Baldelli, E Schiaroli, G Parruti, F Sozio, G Magnani, M A Ursitti, A Cristaudo, G Baldin, M Capozzi, S Cicalini, L Fontanelli Sulekova, G Iaiani, A Latini, I Mastrorosa, M M Plazzi, S Savinelli, A Vergori, M Cecchetto, F Viviani, P Bagella, B Rossetti, A Franco, R Fontana Del Vecchio, D Francisci, C Di Giuli, P Caramello, G C Orofino, M Sciandra, M Bassetti, A Londero, G Pellizzer, V Manfrin, G Starnini, A Ialungo, C Central, P Dellamonica, E Bernard, J Courjon, E Cua, F De Salvador-Guillouet, J Durant, C Etienne, S Ferrando, V Mondain-Miton, A Naqvi, I Perbost, S Pillet, B Prouvost-Keller, P Pugliese, V Rio, K Risso, P M Roger, V Aubert, E Bernasconi, J Böni, D L Braun, H C Bucher, A Ciuffi, G Dollenmaier, M Egger, L Elzi, J Fehr, J Fellay, H F Günthard, D Haerry, B Hasse, H H Hirsch, M Hoffmann, I Hösli, C Kahlert, L Kaiser, O Keiser, T Klimkait, R D Kouyos, H Kovari, B Ledergerber, G Martinetti, B Martinez de Tejada, C Marzolini, K J Metzner, N Müller, D Nicca, G Pantaleo, P Paioni, A Rauch, C Rudin, A U Scherrer, R Speck, M Stöckle, P Tarr, A Trkola, P Vernazza, G Wandeler, S Yerly, F Wit, Marc Vd Valk, J Hutchinson, D Rupasinghe, W Min Han, H Appoyer, J Vera, B Broster, L Barbour, D Carney, L Greenland, R Coughlan, C H U Saint-Pierre, C Stephan, M Bucht, O Chokoshvili, V Borghi, J Casabona, J M Miro, C Smith, F Lampe, M Johnson, F Burns, C Chaloner, V Spagnuolo, C Muccini, R Lolatto, A Sönnerborg, P Nowak, J Vesterbacka, L Mattsson, D Carrick, K Stigsäter, H Günthard, K Kusejko, H Bucher, J C Wasmuth, J J Vehreschild, N Schulze, B Franke, Lene Ryom, J Rooney, I McNicholl, V Vannappagari, H Garges, L Young, R Campo, A Volny-Anne, N Dedes, E D Williams, A Bruguera, R Campo Alain Volny-Anne, Nikos Dedes, Luis Mendão, N Jaschinski, A Timiryasova, B Neesgaard, O Fursa, M L Jakobsen, C Kraef, M Gardizi, K Andersen, L Ramesh Kumar, T W Elsing, S Shahi, O Valdenmaiier, J Reekie, L Greenberg, L Bansi-Matharu, A Pelchen-Matthews, D Byonanebye, E Tusch, W Bannister, A Roen
المساهمون: 1, Erich Tusch, 1 2 3, Lene Ryom, 4, Annegret Pelchen-Matthew, 1 4, Amanda Mocroft, 5, Daniel Elbirt, 6, Cristiana Oprea, F Günthard 7 8, Huldrych, 9, Cornelia Staehelin, Zangerle 10, Robert, Suarez 11, Isabelle, Janne Vehreschild 11, Jörg, Wit 12, Ferdinand, Menozzi 13, Marianna, d'Arminio Monforte 14, Antonella, Spagnuolo 15, Vincenzo, Pradier 16, Christian, Carlander 17, Christina, Suanzes 18, Paula, Wasmuth 19, Jan-Christian, Carr 20, Andrew, Petoumenos 21, Kathy, Borgans 22, Frauke, Bonnet 23, Fabrice, De Wit 24, Stephane, El-Sadr 25, Wafaa, 1, Bastian Neesgaard, 1, Nadine Jaschinski, 1, Lauren Greenberg, R Hosein 26, Sean, Gallant 27, Joel, Vannappagari 28, Vani, Young 29, Lital, 4, Caroline Sabin, 1, Jens Lundgren, 1, Lars Peter, 1, Joanne Reekie, cohort study, D:a:d, W El-Sadr, RESPOND cohort study: Collaborator, Calvo, G, Bonnet, F, Dabis, F, Kirk, O, Mocroft, A, Law, M, d'Arminio Monforte, A, Morfeldt, L, Pradier, C, Reiss, P, Weber, R, De Wit, S, Lind-Thomsen, A, Salbøl Brandt, R, Hillebreght, M, Zaheri, S, M Wit, F W N, Scherrer, A, Schöni-Affolter, F, Rickenbach, M, Tavelli, A, Fanti, I, Leleux, O, Mourali, J, Le Marec, F, Boerg, E, Thulin, E, Sundström, A, Bartsch, G, Thompsen, G, Necsoi, C, Delforge, M, Fontas, E, Caissotti, C, Dollet, K, Mateu, S, Torres, F, Petoumenos, K, Blance, A, Huang, R, Puhr, R, Grønborg Laut, K, Kristensen, D, A Sabin, C, N Phillips, A, A Kamara, D, J Smith, C, I Hatleberg, C, S Brandt, R, Raben, D, Matthews, C, Bojesen, A, L Grevsen, A, D Lundgren, J, Ryom, L, Powderly, B, Shortman, N, Moecklinghoff, C, Reilly, G, Franquet, X
وصف الملف: ELETTRONICO
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/wos/WOS:001376762800001; volume:79; issue:5; firstpage:1245; lastpage:1257; numberofpages:13; journal:CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES; https://hdl.handle.net/11577/3545567
الاتاحة: https://hdl.handle.net/11577/3545567
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Steven J R Meex, Walther N K A van Mook, Iwan C C van der Horst, Jeanette Tas, Coen D A Stehouwer, Rob J J van Gassel, Serge J H Heines, Mark M G Mulder, Nanon F L Heijnen, Melanie J Acampo-de Jong, Julia L M Bels, Frank C Bennis, Marcel Koelmann, Rald V M Groven, Moniek A Donkers, Frank van Rosmalen, Ben J M Hermans, Otto Bekers, Astrid M L Oude Lashof, Fabian H Tijssen, Jan-Willem E M Sels, Chahinda Ghossein-Doha, Rob G H Driessen, Pieter L Kubben, Marcus L F Janssen, Gerry A F Nicolaes, Ulrich Strauch, Zafer Geyik, Thijs S R Delnoij, Kim H M Walraven, Jeanine A M C F Verbunt, Susanne van Santen, Ronny M Schnabel, Marcel J H Aries, Marcel C G van de Poll, Bas C T van Bussel, Joachim E Wildberger, Sander M J van Kuijk, Dennis C J J Bergmans, Paul H M Savelkoul, Alma M A Mingels, Wolfgang F F A Buhre
المصدر: BMJ Open, Vol 10, Iss 9 (2020)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Medicine
وصف الملف: electronic resource
3Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Hester A Gietema, Noortje Zelis, J Martijn Nobel, Lars J G Lambriks, Lieke B van Alphen, Astrid M L Oude Lashof, Joachim E Wildberger, Irene C Nelissen, Patricia M Stassen
المصدر: PLoS ONE, Vol 15, Iss 7, p e0235844 (2020)
وصف الملف: electronic resource
Relation: https://doaj.org/toc/1932-6203
4Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Michiel J. E. G. W. Vanfleteren, Anne-Marie C. Dingemans, Veerle F. Surmont, Karim Y. Vermaelen, Alida A. Postma, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Cordula C. M. Pitz, Lizza E. L. Hendriks
المصدر: Frontiers in Oncology, Vol 8 (2018)
مصطلحات موضوعية: lung cancer, lung neoplasms, brain metastasis, brain neoplasms, brain abscess, aspergillosis, Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens, RC254-282
وصف الملف: electronic resource
المؤلفون: Cécile Kremer, Niel Hens, Paul H. M. Savelkoul, Özgür M Koc, Philippe De Smedt, Geert Robaeys, Frank Falkenberg, Pierre Van Damme, Jorge Almeida, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof
المساهمون: BE RESPONDER Study Group, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, AII - Inflammatory diseases, Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, MUMC+: DA Medische Microbiologie en Infectieziekten (5)
المصدر: Liver International
Liver international
Liver International, 41(10), 2318-2327. Wiley-Blackwell
the BE RESPONDER Study Group 2021, ' Immunogenicity and safety of HBAI20 Hepatitis B vaccine in non-responders: Double-blinded, randomised, controlled phase 2 trial ', Liver International, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 2318-2327 . https://doi.org/10.1111/liv.14939
Liver International, 41(10), 2318-2327. Wileyمصطلحات موضوعية: Viral Hepatitis, medicine.medical_treatment, OLIGONUCLEOTIDE, immunogenicity, DISEASE, 0302 clinical medicine, IMMUNE-RESPONSE, HBAI20, education.field_of_study, Immunogenicity, Vaccination, non‐, Middle Aged, Hepatitis B, IMMUNIZATION, Titer, DIFFERENTIATION, 030220 oncology & carcinogenesis, Original Article, 030211 gastroenterology & hepatology, Adjuvant, Adult, medicine.medical_specialty, Hepatitis B vaccine, Adolescent, Population, responder, PROFILE, Young Adult, 03 medical and health sciences, adjuvant, Double-Blind Method, Internal medicine, medicine, Humans, Hepatitis B Vaccines, Hepatitis B Antibodies, Adverse effect, education, Hepatology, business.industry, non‐responder, medicine.disease, RECOMBINANT INTERLEUKIN-2, Human medicine, IMMUNOSTIMULATORY PHOSPHOROTHIOATE OLIGODEOXYRIBONUCLEOTIDE, business, hepatitis B vaccine
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Geert Verleden, Robin Vos, Özgür M Koc, Jef Verbeek, Johan Van Cleemput, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Geert Robaeys, Dirk Kuypers, Matthijs Kramer, Jan Van Keer, Frederik Nevens, Lieven Dupont
المساهمون: Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, MUMC+: DA Medische Microbiologie en Infectieziekten (5), RS: CAPHRI - R4 - Health Inequities and Societal Participation, MUMC+: MA Maag Darm Lever (9), Verbeek, Jef/0000-0002-1549-8003
المصدر: Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 28(1), 105-111. Wiley
Journal of Viral Hepatitisمصطلحات موضوعية: SURFACE-ANTIGEN, medicine.medical_treatment, Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index, Liver transplantation, medicine.disease_cause, IMMUNOGENICITY, Organ transplantation, 0302 clinical medicine, VIRUS INFECTION, Prevalence, 030212 general & internal medicine, CLINICAL-PRACTICE GUIDELINE, Vaccination, SOT, solid organ transplant, Hepatitis B, LIVER-TRANSPLANTATION, IMMUNIZATION, Infectious Diseases, HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen, HLA, human leucocyte antigen, HCV, hepatitis C virus, 030211 gastroenterology & hepatology, Original Article, CIRRHOTIC-PATIENTS, Viral hepatitis, CORE-POSITIVE DONORS, Adult, medicine.medical_specialty, Hepatitis B virus, 03 medical and health sciences, Immunity, Virology, Internal medicine, medicine, Humans, Hepatitis B Vaccines, Hepatology, business.industry, solid organ transplant, Infant, Odds ratio, Original Articles, Organ Transplantation, medicine.disease, vaccination, EFFICACY, immunity, CI, confidence interval, OR, odds ratio, HBV, hepatitis B virus, VIRAL-HEPATITIS, business
وصف الملف: Print-Electronic; application/pdf
المؤلفون: Borefore Jallah, Mayken Visser, Marcel C. G. van de Poll, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Joram Huckriede, Matthias Busch, Sjoerd A.M.E.G. Timmermans, Jan Damoiseaux, Gerry A. F. Nicolaes, Bas C. T. van Bussel, Renee Ysermans, Paul H. Breedveld, Henri M. H. Spronk, Magdolna Nagy, Pieter van Paassen, Hugo ten Cate, Iwan C. C. van der Horst, Joop P. Aendekerk, Ruud Theunissen, Chris P. M. Reutelingsperger, Judith Potjewijd, Femke de Vries
المساهمون: Interne Geneeskunde, RS: Carim - B02 Vascular aspects thrombosis and Haemostasis, MUMC+: MA Med Staf Artsass Interne Geneeskunde (9), Biochemie, RS: Carim - B04 Clinical thrombosis and Haemostasis, RS: Carim - B01 Blood proteins & engineering, MUMC+: MA Nefrologie (9), Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, MUMC+: DA Medische Microbiologie en Infectieziekten (5), RS: CAPHRI - R4 - Health Inequities and Societal Participation, Surgery, MUMC+: CAKZ Medische afdeling SEH (9), MUMC+: MA Medische Staf IC (9), MUMC+: MA Heelkunde (9), Intensive Care, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, RS: Carim - V04 Surgical intervention, MUMC+: MA Intensive Care (3), MUMC+: DA CDL Algemeen (9), Faculteit FHML Centraal, MUMC+: HVC Trombosezorg (8), MUMC+: MA Alg Interne Geneeskunde (9), MUMC+: HVC Pieken Trombose (9), MUMC+: MA Klinische Immunologie (9)
المصدر: Circulation
Circulation, 142(18), 1787-1790. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINSمصطلحات موضوعية: Male, 2019-20 coronavirus outbreak, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Neutrophils, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), Pneumonia, Viral, Extracellular Traps, Betacoronavirus, Contact activation, Physiology (medical), Correspondence, Research Letter, Coagulation (water treatment), Medicine, Humans, Thrombophilia, Blood Coagulation, Complement Activation, Pandemics, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, business.industry, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Thrombosis, IN-VITRO, Middle Aged, Immunology, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Female, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, business, Coronavirus Infections
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Cécile Kremer, Ger H. Koek, Özgür M Koc, Niel Hens, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Charlotte Menart, Jemimah Theodore
المساهمون: Faculteit FHML Centraal, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, Interne Geneeskunde, MUMC+: MA Maag Darm Lever (9), MUMC+: DA MMI Staf (9), RS: CAPHRI - R4 - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
المصدر: Journal of Medical Virology, 92(3), 309-316. Wiley
Journal of medical virologyمصطلحات موضوعية: Adult, Male, SURFACE-ANTIGEN, Vaccination schedule, ANTIBODY-RESPONSE, UNITED-STATES, INFANTS, VIRUS-INFECTION, medicine.disease_cause, Logistic regression, determinant, IMMUNOGENICITY, 03 medical and health sciences, 0302 clinical medicine, nonresponse, Virology, medicine, Humans, IMMUNE-RESPONSE, Hepatitis B Vaccines, 030212 general & internal medicine, Hepatitis B Antibodies, Immunization Schedule, Netherlands, Retrospective Studies, Hepatitis B virus, business.industry, healthcare workers, Vaccination, Odds ratio, Hepatitis B, medicine.disease, IMMUNIZATION, PREVALENCE, Logistic Models, Infectious Diseases, Immunization, Population study, ethnicity, Female, 030211 gastroenterology & hepatology, Human medicine, hepatitis B, HEALTH-CARE WORKERS, business, Demography
وصف الملف: pdf; application/pdf
المؤلفون: J. Martijn Nobel, Patricia M. Stassen, Hester A. Gietema, Lieke B van Alphen, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Lars J. G. Lambriks, Joachim E. Wildberger, Irene C. Nelissen, Noortje Zelis
المساهمون: Beeldvorming, MUMC+: DA BV Medisch Specialisten Radiologie (9), RS: GROW - R3 - Innovative Cancer Diagnostics & Therapy, MUMC+: MA Med Staf Artsass Interne Geneeskunde (9), Interne Geneeskunde, RS: Carim - V01 Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, RS: SHE - R1 - Research (OvO), MUMC+: DA BV AIOS Radiologie (9), RS: MHeNs - R2 - Mental Health, RS: CAPHRI - R4 - Health Inequities and Societal Participation, Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, MUMC+: DA MMI Staf (9), MUMC+: DA Medische Microbiologie en Infectieziekten (5), MUMC+: Diagnostiek en Advies (3), MUMC+: DA Beeldvorming (5), RS: Carim - B06 Imaging, RS: CAPHRI - R5 - Optimising Patient Care, MUMC+: MA Alg Interne Geneeskunde (9)
المصدر: PLOS ONE, 15(7):e0235844
PLOS ONE, 15(7):0235844. Public Library of Science
PLoS ONE, Vol 15, Iss 7, p e0235844 (2020)مصطلحات موضوعية: Male, PNEUMONIA, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Pulmonology, Artificial Gene Amplification and Extension, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Polymerase Chain Reaction, CHEST CT, 030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging, Diagnostic Radiology, 0302 clinical medicine, COVID-19 Testing, Medicine and Health Sciences, 030212 general & internal medicine, Prospective Studies, Medical diagnosis, Prospective cohort study, Tomography, Netherlands, COVID-19, Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, Respiratory infections, Sepsis, Computed axial tomography, Pneumonia, Critical care and emergency medicine, Viral pathogens, Diagnostic medicine, Likelihood Functions, Multidisciplinary, Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction, Radiology and Imaging, Middle Aged, CORONAVIRUS DISEASE, Real-time polymerase chain reaction, Medical Microbiology, Viral Pathogens, Viruses, Medicine, Female, SOFA score, Radiology, Pathogens, SENSITIVITY, Coronavirus Infections, Emergency Service, Hospital, Research Article, Adult, medicine.medical_specialty, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Imaging Techniques, Science, Pneumonia, Viral, Neuroimaging, Research and Analysis Methods, Microbiology, 03 medical and health sciences, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnostic Medicine, medicine, Humans, Molecular Biology Techniques, Pandemics, Molecular Biology, Microbial Pathogens, Aged, Clinical Laboratory Techniques, business.industry, Organisms, Biology and Life Sciences, Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction, Emergency department, medicine.disease, Computed Axial Tomography, Respiratory Infections, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, business, Neuroscience
المساهمون: AII - Infectious diseases, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, AGEM - Digestive immunity, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D), Promovendi NTM, Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, MUMC+: DA Medische Microbiologie en Infectieziekten (5), MUMC+: DA MMI AIOS (9), MUMC+: DA MMI Infectieserologie (9), MUMC+: DA MMI Staf (9)
المصدر: Koc, M, Savelkoul, P H M, van Loo, I H M, Peeters, A & Oude Lashof, A M L 2018, ' Safety and immunogenicity of HBAI20 Hepatitis B vaccine in healthy naïve and nonresponding adults ', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1048-1056 . https://doi.org/10.1111/jvh.12909
Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 25(9), 1048-1056
Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 25(9), 1048-1056. Wileyمصطلحات موضوعية: Male, 0301 basic medicine, SURFACE-ANTIGEN, medicine.medical_treatment, Aluminum Hydroxide, immunogenicity, law.invention, T-CELL-ACTIVATION, 0302 clinical medicine, Randomized controlled trial, nonresponder, law, vaccine, 030212 general & internal medicine, Young adult, HBAI20, INFLUSOME-VAC, Immunogenicity, Middle Aged, Hepatitis B, Vaccination, DIFFERENTIATION, Infectious Diseases, Female, Adjuvant, Adult, safety, medicine.medical_specialty, Hepatitis B vaccine, Adolescent, Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions, CONTROLLED CLINICAL-TRIAL, DENDRITIC CELLS, Young Adult, 03 medical and health sciences, Adjuvants, Immunologic, Double-Blind Method, adjuvant, Virology, Internal medicine, medicine, Humans, Hepatitis B Vaccines, Adverse effect, Immunization Schedule, Hepatology, business.industry, LOW-DOSE INTERLEUKIN-2, EFFICACY, medicine.disease, RECOMBINANT INTERLEUKIN-2, 030104 developmental biology, Interleukin-2, business, CHRONIC UREMIC PATIENTS
المؤلفون: Jeanette Tas, Walther N.K.A. van Mook, Rob J. J. van Gassel, Wolfgang Buhre, Otto Bekers, Rob G. H. Driessen, Fabian H. Tijssen, Marcel Koelmann, Jeanine A. Verbunt, Susanne van Santen, Zafer Geyik, Coen D.A. Stehouwer, Serge J H Heines, Iwan C. C. van der Horst, Jan-Willem E M Sels, Steven J.R. Meex, Alma M.A. Mingels, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Julia L.M. Bels, Joachim E. Wildberger, Marcus L.F. Janssen, Pieter L. Kubben, Moniek A. Donkers, Ben J. M. Hermans, Mark M.G. Mulder, Sander M. J. van Kuijk, Gerry A. F. Nicolaes, Nanon F L Heijnen, Marcel C. G. van de Poll, Bas C. T. van Bussel, Chahinda Ghossein-Doha, Kim H M Walraven, Ulrich Strauch, Melanie J. Acampo-de Jong, Frank C. Bennis, Rald V M Groven, Frank van Rosmalen, Paul H. M. Savelkoul, Marcel J.H. Aries, Dennis C J J Bergmans, Ronny M. Schnabel, Thijs Delnoij
المساهمون: Intensive Care, MUMC+: MA Arts Assistenten IC (9), Surgery, Promovendi NTM, Promovendi MHN, RS: MHeNs - R3 - Neuroscience, Biomedische Technologie, RS: Carim - H01 Clinical atrial fibrillation, RS: Carim - H08 Experimental atrial fibrillation, RS: Carim - Heart, RS: Carim - B01 Blood proteins & engineering, MUMC+: DA CDL Algemeen (9), Faculteit FHML Centraal, MUMC+: DA CDL Toegelatenen (9), MUMC+: DA CDL Analytisch cluster 1K (9), RS: NUTRIM - R3 - Respiratory & Age-related Health, MUMC+: DA CDL (5), MUMC+: DA Medische Microbiologie en Infectieziekten (5), Medische Microbiologie, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, RS: CAPHRI - R4 - Health Inequities and Societal Participation, MUMC+: DA MMI Staf (9), MUMC+: Diagnostiek en Advies (3), RS: Carim - B06 Imaging, MUMC+: DA Beeldvorming (5), Beeldvorming, MUMC+: MA Anesthesiologie (9), MUMC+: Centrum voor Acute en Kritieke Zorg (3), Anesthesiologie, MUMC+: MA Medische Staf IC (9), MUMC+: MA Med Staf Spec Cardiologie (9), MUMC+: MA Med Staf Artsass Cardiologie (9), RS: Carim - V04 Surgical intervention, Neurochirurgie, MUMC+: MA Med Staf Spec Neurochirurgie (9), Biochemie, Cardiologie, Pulmonologie, MUMC+: MA Med Staf Spec Longziekten (9), MUMC+: MA Med Staf Artsass Interne Geneeskunde (9), RS: Carim - V01 Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, MUMC+: MA Reumatologie (9), MUMC+: MA Nefrologie (9), MUMC+: MA Medische Oncologie (9), MUMC+: MA Hematologie (9), MUMC+: MA Maag Darm Lever (9), MUMC+: MA Endocrinologie (9), Interne Geneeskunde, MUMC+: MA Interne Geneeskunde (3), Revalidatiegeneeskunde, RS: CAPHRI - R3 - Functioning, Participating and Rehabilitation, RS: SHE - R1 - Research (OvO), RS: MHeNs - R1 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, MUMC+: MA Heelkunde (9), MUMC+: MA Intensive Care (3), MUMC+: KIO Kemta (9), Epidemiologie, RS: CAPHRI - R2 - Creating Value-Based Health Care
المصدر: BMJ Open
BMJ Open, Vol 10, Iss 9 (2020)
BMJ Open, 10(9):040175. BMJ Publishing Groupمصطلحات موضوعية: Male, intensive & critical care, medicine.medical_specialty, Critical Care, END-EXPIRATORY PRESSURE, Critical Illness, Pneumonia, Viral, Disease, Multimodal Imaging, Severity of Illness Index, Cohort Studies, Betacoronavirus, respiratory infections, ELECTRICAL-IMPEDANCE TOMOGRAPHY, Intensive care, Epidemiology, Pandemic, medicine, Humans, Registries, Intensive care medicine, Pandemics, Netherlands, Protocol (science), Data collection, SARS-CoV-2, business.industry, Intensive Care, COVID-19, General Medicine, Middle Aged, Prognosis, Respiration, Artificial, Cohort, Etiology, Medicine, Female, Observational study, epidemiology, Coronavirus Infections, business, Medical ethics, Cohort study, Declaration of Helsinki
المصدر: Arthritis & Rheumatology (Hoboken, N.j.)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Lung Diseases, medicine.medical_specialty, Myeloblastin, Immunology, Antibodies, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic, Diagnosis, Differential, Rheumatology, Clinical Images, Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography, Azathioprine, medicine, Humans, Immunology and Allergy, Cyclophosphamide, Glucocorticoids, Spondylitis, Lumbar Vertebrae, business.industry, Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis, Middle Aged, medicine.disease, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Dermatology, Epidural Abscess, Clinical Image, Female, Tuberculosis, Spinal, business, Granulomatosis with polyangiitis, Immunosuppressive Agents
المؤلفون: F, Koolen, J A, Schippers, A M L, Oude Lashof, C, Leue
المصدر: Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie. 61(1)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Male, Depressive Disorder, Major, Anti-HIV Agents, Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active, HIV-1, Humans, HIV Infections, Comorbidity, Middle Aged, Suicidal Ideation
المؤلفون: M, Cobussen, F H, van Tiel, A M L, Oude Lashof
المصدر: The Netherlands journal of medicine. 76(7)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Adult, Male, Staphylococcus aureus, Humans, Bacteremia, Female, Middle Aged, Staphylococcal Infections, Referral and Consultation, Aged, Netherlands, Retrospective Studies
المؤلفون: Abraham Goorhuis, Constance Schultsz, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Martin P. Grobusch, Henri A. Verbrugh, Trung Nguyen Vinh, Damian C. Melles, Perry J.J. van Genderen, Ellen E. Stobberingh, John Penders, Jarne M van Hattem, Menno D. de Jong, Sébastien Matamoros, Nicky Molhoek, Niels Willemse, Martin C. J. Bootsma, Maris S. Arcilla, Ngo Thi Hoa
المساهمون: Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, RS: CAPHRI - R4 - Health Inequities and Societal Participation, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Liver and digestive health, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Gut-liver homeostasis, Sub Mathematical Modeling, Mathematical Modeling, Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, AII - Infectious diseases, Other departments, Global Health, APH - Global Health, APH - Aging & Later Life, Infectious diseases
المصدر: Scientific Reports
Scientific Reports, 7(1). NLM (Medline)
Scientific Reports, 7:15364. Nature Publishing Group
Scientific Reports, 7(1). Nature Publishing Group
Scientific reports, 7(1). Nature Publishing Group
Scientific Reports, Vol 7, Iss 1, Pp 1-10 (2017)مصطلحات موضوعية: 0301 basic medicine, Gene Transfer, Horizontal, 030106 microbiology, Population, lcsh:Medicine, Biology, medicine.disease_cause, Genome, ANNOTATION, Article, 03 medical and health sciences, Plasmid, ENTEROBACTERIACEAE, medicine, Escherichia coli, TOOL, Animals, Humans, lcsh:Science, education, General, Author Correction, Gene, Phylogeny, 030304 developmental biology, Genetics, 0303 health sciences, education.field_of_study, Multidisciplinary, ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE, Phylogenetic tree, IDENTIFICATION, 030306 microbiology, ACQUISITION, Escherichia coli Proteins, lcsh:R, TRAVELERS, Europe, RESISTANCE GENE, Horizontal gene transfer, NOVOBIOCIN, Multilocus sequence typing, VIRULENCE, lcsh:Q, MCR-1, Mobile genetic elements, Plasmids
وصف الملف: image/pdf; application/pdf
المؤلفون: Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Ger H. Koek, Özgür M Koc, Robin Ackens, Eva van Oorschot, Inge H.M. van Loo, Dirk Posthouwer
المصدر: Journal of Hepatology. 70:e268
مصطلحات موضوعية: Hepatitis B virus, Pediatrics, medicine.medical_specialty, Hepatology, business.industry, Tertiary referral centre, medicine, medicine.disease_cause, business
المؤلفون: Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Geert Robaeys, Philippe De Smedt, Paul H. M. Savelkoul, Özgür M Koc, Pierre Van Damme, Jorge Almeida, Frank Falkenberg
المصدر: Journal of Hepatology. 70:e149
مصطلحات موضوعية: Non responders, Hepatitis B vaccine, Hepatology, business.industry, Immunogenicity, Immunology, Medicine, business
المؤلفون: Frans G. M. Russel, Frank L. van de Veerdonk, Geert H. Groeneveld, Paul E. Verweij, Stefanie S. V. Henriet, Jan-Willem C. Alffenaar, Bregje Witjes, Bart G. J. Dekkers, Roger J. M. Brüggemann, Johannes H. van der Hoeven, Eline W. Muilwijk, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof
المساهمون: Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, MUMC+: DA MMI Staf (9), RS: FHML non-thematic output, Microbes in Health and Disease (MHD), Clinical pharmacology and pharmacy, AII - Infectious diseases
المصدر: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 61, e00915-17-e00915-17
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 61(9):e00915-17. American Society for Microbiology
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 61(9)
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 61, 9, pp. e00915-17-e00915-17
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 61(9):e00915-17. AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY
Muilwijk, E W, Dekkers, B G J, Henriet, S S V, Verweij, P E, Witjes, B, Oude Lashof, A M L, Groeneveld, G H, Van Der Hoeven, J, Alffenaar, J W C, Russel, F G M, Van De Veerdonk, F & Brüggemann, R J M 2017, ' Flucloxacillin results in suboptimal plasma voriconazole concentrations ', Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, vol. 61, no. 9, e00915-17 . https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.00915-17مصطلحات موضوعية: 0301 basic medicine, Male, PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTIONS, Antifungal Agents, lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 4], HUMAN LIVER-MICROSOMES, Aspergillosis, Granulomatous Disease, Chronic, Chronic granulomatous disease, polycyclic compounds, Pharmacology (medical), aspergillosis, Drug Interactions, Child, Middle Aged, Infectious Diseases, Aspergillus, Child, Preschool, Female, influenza, pharmacokinetics, medicine.drug, Adult, medicine.medical_specialty, CLINICAL-RELEVANCE, Adolescent, 030106 microbiology, CYP2C19, METABOLISM, Floxacillin, 03 medical and health sciences, Young Adult, Pharmacokinetics, Internal medicine, medicine, Humans, Clinical significance, In patient, Intensive care medicine, Aged, Voriconazole, Pharmacology, business.industry, medicine.disease, Renal disorders Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 11], lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 4], exposure, Flucloxacillin, Pulmonary Aspergillosis, business, Invasive Fungal Infections
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Christian J. H. von Wintersdorff, Lieke B. van Alphen, Erik Beuken, John Penders, Petra F. G. Wolffs, Paul H. M. Savelkoul, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Julius M. van Niekerk, Ellen E. Stobberingh, Christian J. P. A. Hoebe
المساهمون: Interne Geneeskunde, MUMC+: DA MMI Toegelatenen (9), MUMC+: DA MMI Moleculaire dia (9), MUMC+: DA MMI Management (9), RS: NUTRIM - R3 - Chronic inflammatory disease and wasting, Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev, MUMC+: DA MMI AIOS (9), MUMC+: DA MMI Staf (9), RS: CAPHRI - R4 - Health Inequities and Societal Participation, MUMC+: DA Medische Microbiologie en Infectieziekten (5), RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Gut-liver homeostasis, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, AII - Infectious diseases
المصدر: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71(12), 3416-3419. Oxford University Press
von Wintersdorff, C J H, Wolffs, P F G, van Niekerk, J M, Beuken, E, van Alphen, L B, Stobberingh, E E, Lashof, A M L O, Hoebe, C J P A, Savelkoul, P H M & Penders, J 2016, ' Detection of the plasmid-mediated colistin-resistance gene mcr-1 in faecal metagenomes of Dutch travellers ', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 3416-3419 . https://doi.org/10.1093/jac/dkw328مصطلحات موضوعية: 0301 basic medicine, Microbiology (medical), Adult, Male, 030106 microbiology, Population, Biology, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Africa, Southern, law.invention, 03 medical and health sciences, Feces, Young Adult, law, Drug Resistance, Bacterial, TaqMan, medicine, Humans, Pharmacology (medical), Microbiome, education, Polymerase chain reaction, Asia, Southeastern, Aged, Netherlands, Pharmacology, education.field_of_study, Travel, Colistin, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Middle Aged, Virology, Anti-Bacterial Agents, Gastrointestinal Microbiome, 030104 developmental biology, Infectious Diseases, Carriage, Metagenomics, Genes, Bacterial, MCR-1, Female, hormones, hormone substitutes, and hormone antagonists, medicine.drug
وصف الملف: application/pdf
المؤلفون: Martha T. van der Beek, Caspar J. Hodiamont, Sabine C. de Greeff, Els de Brauwer, Ed J. Kuijper, Bart J. A. Rijnders, Eveline Roelofsen, Cees M. Verduin, Paul E. Verweij, Jacques F. Meis, Wouter Rozemeijer, E.M. Terveer, Anouk E. Muller, Maurice J.H.M. Wolfhagen, Mathijs Tersmette, Pieter Jan Haas, Tjalling Leenstra, Karin van Dijk, Willem J. G. Melchers, Astrid M. L. Oude Lashof, Jan P. Arends, Pieter P. A. Lestrade
المساهمون: Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, Graduate School, Infectious diseases, Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Medische Microbiologie, MUMC+: DA MMI Staf (9), RS: FHML non-thematic output, Interne Geneeskunde
المصدر: Lestrade, P P A, Meis, J F, Arends, J P, van der Beek, M T, de Brauwer, E, van Dijk, K, de Greeff, S C, Haas, P J, Hodiamont, C J, Kuijper, E J, Leenstra, T, Muller, A E, Oude Lashof, A M L, Rijnders, B J, Roelofsen, E, Rozemeijer, W, Tersmette, M, Terveer, E M, Verduin, C M, Wolfhagen, M J H M, Melchers, W J G & Verweij, P E 2016, ' Diagnosis and management of aspergillosis in the Netherlands : A national survey ', Mycoses, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 101-107 . https://doi.org/10.1111/myc.12440
Mycoses, 59(2), 101-107. Wiley-Blackwell
Mycoses, 59, 101-7
Mycoses, 59(2), 101-107. Wiley
Mycoses, 59(2), 101-107. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Mycoses, 59(2), 101-107. WILEY-BLACKWELL
Mycoses, 59, 2, pp. 101-7مصطلحات موضوعية: MECHANISM, 0301 basic medicine, medicine.medical_specialty, Antifungal Agents, TRIAZOLE RESISTANCE, 030106 microbiology, lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 4], Azole resistance, Dermatology, FREQUENCY, Aspergillosis, Aspergillus fumigatus, 03 medical and health sciences, azole resistance, Drug Resistance, Fungal, Amphotericin B, Surveys and Questionnaires, Internal medicine, SURVEILLANCE, medicine, Humans, University medical, TR34/L98H MUTATIONS, Intensive care medicine, Netherlands, Voriconazole, ENVIRONMENT, Women's cancers Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 17], FUMIGATUS, treatment, biology, business.industry, STRAINS, Hospital level, General Medicine, biology.organism_classification, medicine.disease, PREVALENCE, lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 4], Infectious Diseases, Liposomal amphotericin, business, medicine.drug
وصف الملف: application/pdf