مصطلحات موضوعية: Computational Chemistry, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, FOS: Chemical sciences, 20304 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, FOS: Mechanical engineering
المؤلفون: Milton, Jacob R
مصطلحات موضوعية: Computational Chemistry, FOS: Chemical sciences, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, 30101 Analytical Spectrometry, 30505 Physical Organic Chemistry
المؤلفون: Abhishek Sharma
مصطلحات موضوعية: FOS: Computer and information sciences, Computational Chemistry, FOS: Chemical sciences, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, 30304 Physical Chemistry of Materials, Thermodynamics, 80110 Simulation and Modelling, 30307 Theory and Design of Materials
المؤلفون: Yuwono, Jodie
مصطلحات موضوعية: FOS: Computer and information sciences, 40607 Surface Processes, FOS: Materials engineering, 30602 Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, 20403 Condensed Matter Modelling and Density Functional Theory, FOS: Physical sciences, 30703 Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics, 91299 Materials Engineering not elsewhere classified, 80110 Simulation and Modelling, FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences, 91207 Metals and Alloy Materials, Computational Chemistry, FOS: Chemical sciences, 30601 Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions, 30307 Theory and Design of Materials, Quantum Mechanics, 30604 Electrochemistry
10Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Васил Пенчев
مصطلحات الفهرس: 30701 Quantum Chemistry, 20603 Quantum Information, Computation and Communication, Quantum Mechanics, Philosophy, Dataset
URL: doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.3487184
11Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: gloria tabacchi, serena silvi, margherita venturi, alberto credi, ettore fois
مصطلحات الفهرس: Computational Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, 30799 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30302 Nanochemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, 39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, Molecular Physics, 30599 Organic Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30505 Physical Organic Chemistry, 30699 Physical Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30703 Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics, 30307 Theory and Design of Materials, Dataset
12Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: gloria tabacchi, Ettore Fois, Gianmario Martra, Chiara Deiana, Francesco Pellegrino, Stèphanie Narbey
مصطلحات الفهرس: Computational Chemistry, 30399 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30304 Physical Chemistry of Materials, 30206 Solid State Chemistry, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, 30606 Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy, 30799 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30302 Nanochemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry, 30299 Inorganic Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30199 Analytical Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30601 Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions, 30301 Chemical Characterisation of Materials, 39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, 30203 Inorganic Green Chemistry, 30207 Transition Metal Chemistry, 30702 Radiation and Matter, 30306 Synthesis of Materials, 30307 Theory and Design of Materials, 30603 Colloid and Surface Chemistry, 100799 Nanotechnology not elsewhere classified, 100712 Nanoscale Characterisation, 100708 Nanomaterials, 100701 Environmental Nanotechnology, Condensed Matter Physics, 20403 Condensed Matter Modelling and Density Functional Theory, Computational Physics, 20499 Condensed Matter Physics not elsewhere classified, 20406 Surfaces and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter, Collection
URL: doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3271082
13Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: gloria tabacchi, Ettore Fois, Gianmario Martra, Chiara Deiana, Marco Minella, Valter Maurino
مصطلحات الفهرس: 30601 Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions, 30301 Chemical Characterisation of Materials, 39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, Computational Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, 30203 Inorganic Green Chemistry, 30399 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30303 Optical Properties of Materials, 30699 Physical Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30304 Physical Chemistry of Materials, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, 30702 Radiation and Matter, 30206 Solid State Chemistry, 30606 Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy, 30306 Synthesis of Materials, 30799 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30207 Transition Metal Chemistry, Dataset
14Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: gloria tabacchi, Ettore Fois, Gianmario Martra, Chiara Deiana, Salvatore Coluccia, Valter Maurino
مصطلحات الفهرس: 30601 Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions, 30301 Chemical Characterisation of Materials, 39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, Computational Chemistry, 30304 Physical Chemistry of Materials, 30699 Physical Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, 30206 Solid State Chemistry, 30606 Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy, 30799 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30207 Transition Metal Chemistry, Dataset
15Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Akhilesh Gupta
مصطلحات الفهرس: 60101 Analytical Biochemistry, 60104 Cell Metabolism, Computational Biology, Developmental Biology, 60107 Enzymes, 60406 Genetic Immunology, 60407 Genome Structure and Regulation, Hematology, 60307 Host-Parasite Interactions, Immunology, 60502 Infectious Agents, Infectious Diseases, Medicine, 60504 Microbial Ecology, 60503 Microbial Genetics, Microbiology, 60599 Microbiology not elsewhere classified, Molecular Biology, 60409 Molecular Evolution, Parasitology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, 60412 Quantitative Genetics (incl. Disease and Trait Mapping Genetics), Structural Biology, 60112 Structural Biology (incl. Macromolecular Modelling), 60113 Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Toxicology, Zoology, 60899 Zoology not elsewhere classified, 30199 Analytical Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30101 Analytical Spectrometry, Biochemistry, 30201 Bioinorganic Chemistry, 30401 Biologically Active Molecules, 30402 Biomolecular Modelling and Design, 30601 Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions, 30403 Characterisation of Biological Macromolecules, 30301 Chemical Characterisation of Materials, Cheminformatics, 30404 Cheminformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships, 39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified, 30602 Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics, Computational Chemistry, 30102 Electroanalytical Chemistry, 30604 Electrochemistry, 30104 Immunological and Bioassay Methods, 39903 Industrial Chemistry, 30105 Instrumental Methods (excl. Immunological and Bioassay Methods), 30399 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30499 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30405 Molecular Medicine, Molecular Physics, NMR Spectroscopy, 30503 Organic Chemical Synthesis, Organic Chemistry, 30599 Organic Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30504 Organic Green Chemistry, 30699 Physical Chemistry not elsewhere classified, 30304 Physical Chemistry of Materials, 30505 Physical Organic Chemistry, 30106 Quality Assurance, Chemometrics, Traceability and Metrological Chemistry, 30702 Radiation and Matter, 30701 Quantum Chemistry, Radiochemistry, 30703 Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics, 30206 Solid State Chemistry, 30108 Separation Science, 30605 Solution Chemistry, 30704 Statistical Mechanics in Chemistry, Stereochemistry, 30606 Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy, 30306 Synthesis of Materials, Supramolecular Chemistry, 30307 Theory and Design of Materials, 110701 Allergy, 110301 Anaesthesiology, 110702 Applied Immunology (incl. Antibody Engineering, Xenotransplantation and T-cell Therapies), 110703 Autoimmunity, 110901 Autonomic Nervous System, 111501 Basic Pharmacology, Biomarkers, 110601 Biomechanics, 111201 Cancer Cell Biology, 111202 Cancer Diagnosis, 111203 Cancer Genetics, 111204 Cancer Therapy (excl. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy), 111601 Cell Physiology, 110704 Cellular Immunology, 111205 Chemotherapy, 111101 Clinical and Sports Nutrition, 110302 Clinical Chemistry (diagnostics), 110303 Clinical Microbiology, 111002 Clinical Nursing: Primary (Preventative), 111003 Clinical Nursing: Secondary (Acute Care), 111004 Clinical Nursing: Tertiary (Rehabilitative), 111502 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 111503 Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, 110399 Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified, 111704 Community Child Health, 110499 Complementary and Alternative Medicine not elsewhere classified, 110304 Dermatology, Diseases, 110305 Emergency Medicine, 111706 Epidemiology, 111206 Haematological Tumours, 110202 Haematology, 111708 Health and Community Services, Health Care, 111709 Health Care Administration, 111710 Health Counselling, 111711 Health Information Systems (incl. Surveillance), 111712 Health Promotion, 111602 Human Biophysics, 110699 Human Movement and Sports Science not elsewhere classified, 110705 Humoural Immunology and Immunochemistry, 110706 Immunogenetics (incl. Genetic Immunology), 110799 Immunology not elsewhere classified, 110310 Intensive Care, 119999 Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified, 110801 Medical Bacteriology, 110199 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics not elsewhere classified, 110802 Medical Infection Agents (incl. Prions), 110899 Medical Microbiology not elsewhere classified, 110803 Medical Parasitology, 111699 Medical Physiology not elsewhere classified, 110804 Medical Virology, 110107 Metabolic Medicine, 110505 Oral Medicine and Pathology, 110504 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 111403 Paediatrics, 111499 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine not elsewhere classified, Pathogenesis, 110316 Pathology (excl. Oral Pathology), 111504 Pharmaceutical Sciences, 111505 Pharmacogenomics, 111599 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences not elsewhere classified, 111717 Primary Health Care, 111208 Radiation Therapy, 110203 Respiratory Diseases, Dataset