المؤلفون: Bastos, A.M.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 150 031 Building connectomes with MEG.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: de Pesters, A.
الموضوعات: 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 120 013 Primate Research Maastricht., 150 000 MR Techniques in Brain Function., Biophysics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Lowet, E.P.
الموضوعات: 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 120 013 Primate Research Maastricht., 150 000 MR Techniques in Brain Function., 160 000 Neuronal Oscillations., 160 037 Effects of perceptual learning on gamma oscillations., Biophysics., Neuroinformatics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Bastos, A.M.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 150 000 MR Techniques in Brain Function., 150 031 Building connectomes with MEG., Biophysics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Brunet, N.M.J.J.C.
الموضوعات: 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 120 003 Role of neuronal synchrony in multi-modal integration., 120 013 Primate Research Maastricht., 150 000 MR Techniques in Brain Function., Biophysics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Lowet, E.P.
الموضوعات: 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 120 013 Primate Research Maastricht., 150 000 MR Techniques in Brain Function., 160 000 Neuronal Oscillations., Biophysics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Todorovic, A.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 150 031 Building connectomes with MEG., 160 031 The benefit of attentional orienting., 180 000 Predictive Brain., Action, intention, and motor control., DI-BCB_DCC_Theme 4: Brain Networks and Neuronal Communication., Neuroinformatics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Levy, J.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., DI-BCB_DCC_Theme 1: Language and Communication., Psycholinguistics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Zumer, J.M.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 150 000 MR Techniques in Brain Function., 150 031 Building connectomes with MEG., 160 000 Neuronal Oscillations., Biophysics., Neuroinformatics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Piai, V.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 150 031 Building connectomes with MEG., 160 000 Neuronal Oscillations., 160 034 Electrophysiology of attentional inhibition in object naming., DI-BCB_DCC_Theme 1: Language and Communication., Neuroinformatics., Psycholinguistics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Thompson, P.M.
الموضوعات: 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 130 000 Cognitive Neurology & Memory., Neuroinformatics., Radboudumc 13: Stress-related disorders DCMN: Donders Center for Medical Neuroscience., Radboudumc 7: Neurodevelopmental disorders DCMN: Donders Center for Medical Neuroscience.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Lee, Shermin
الموضوعات: 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., DCN PAC - Perception action and control IGMD 3: Genomic disorders and inherited multi-system disorders., DCN PAC - Perception action and control NCEBP 9 - Mental health., IGMD 3: Genomic disorders and inherited multi-system disorders DCN MP - Plasticity and memory.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Michalareas, G.
الموضوعات: 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 150 031 Building connectomes with MEG., 160 000 Neuronal Oscillations.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Levy, J.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 150 000 MR Techniques in Brain Function., 210 000 Language & Multilingualism., Biophysics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Nieuwenhuis, I.L.C.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 160 000 Neuronal Oscillations.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.
المؤلفون: Wang, L.
الموضوعات: 110 000 Neurocognition of Language., 110 002 The binding problem for language., 110 007 PLUS: A neurocomputational model for the Processing of Linguistic Utterances based on the Unification-Space architecture., 110 009 The human brain and Chinese prosody., 110 012 Social cognition of verbal communication., 110 013 Binding and the MUC-model., 110 014 Public activities., 110 024 The role of beta and gamma in unification., 110 030 ERC Janzen Spatial memory., 120 000 Neuronal Coherence., 150 031 Building connectomes with MEG., 160 000 Neuronal Oscillations., DI-BCB_DCC_Theme 1: Language and Communication., Learning and Plasticity., Psycholinguistics.
مصطلحات الفهرس: Article / Letter to editor.