1Dissertation/ Thesis
2Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: Huang Wen-jun, 黃雯君
Thesis Advisors: Luo Seo-gim, Cheng Ying, 羅肇錦, 鄭縈
3Dissertation/ Thesis
4Dissertation/ Thesis
5Dissertation/ Thesis
6Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 黃雯君, Huang, Wen-Chun
مصطلحات موضوعية: 康德前批判期, 崇高情感, 德行, 對法則的敬重, 人格, 道德情感, 道德覺察, 反思判斷力, 絕對者/超感知者, 主體合目的性, 自然, Kant's pre-critical period, the sublime, virtue, respect of moral law, personality, moral feeling, moral insight, the power of reflective judgment, the absolute/the supersensible, subjective purposiveness, nature
المؤلفون: 黃雯君, 余秀敏, Wen-jun Huang, Hsiu-min Yu
مصطلحات موضوعية: 臺灣海陸客語, 單字調, 調值, 聲學語音學, Taiwan Hailu Hakka, Tones in Isolation, Tone Values, Acoustic Phonetics, musiq, art
Relation: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/159705
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/159705
8Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 黃雯君
المساهمون: Department of Chinese Literature, National Chung Hsing University, 國立中興大學中國文學系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 單身平民生活詩
Relation: #PLACEHOLDER_PARENT_METADATA_VALUE#; 興大中興湖文學獎 第13屆, Page(s) 51-53.; http://hdl.handle.net/11455/71713
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/11455/71713
المؤلفون: 黃雯君, Huang, Wen-Chun
المساهمون: 葉俶禎, Yeh, Chu-Chen
مصطلحات موضوعية: 組織公民行為, 心理資本, 團隊認同感, 團隊凝聚力, Organizational citizenship behaviors, Psychological capital, Team identification, Team cohesion
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: G060386003I; http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060386003I%22.&%22.id.&; http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84807
10Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 黃雯君, Huang, Wen-Chun
المساهمون: 汪文聖, Wang, Wen-Sheng
مصطلحات موضوعية: 康德前批判期, 崇高情感, 德行, 對法則的敬重, 人格, 道德情感, 道德覺察, 反思判斷力, 絕對者/超感知者, 主體合目的性, 自然, Kant's pre-critical period, the sublime, virtue, respect of moral law, personality, moral feeling, moral insight, the power of reflective judgment, the absolute/the supersensible, subjective purposiveness, nature
Time: 3
وصف الملف: 118395 bytes; 164708 bytes; 147055 bytes; 169204 bytes; 622101 bytes; 443082 bytes; 651040 bytes; 339618 bytes; 567546 bytes; 653155 bytes; 381829 bytes; 232223 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: 一、康德著作─; (1) 德文部分︰; Kants gesammelte Schriften nach der Ausgabe der König Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (=AA)/Elektronische Edition der Gesammelten Werke Immanuel Kants ;http://www.korpora.org/Kant/; Bemerkungen in den 《Beobachtungen über das Gefühl das Schön und Erhabenen 》;Neu herausgegeben und kommentiert von Marie Rischmüller;Hamburg︰Felix Meiner Verlag;1991; (1) 英文部分︰; 《Critique of Pure Reason》 /translated and edited by Paul Guyer and Allen W﹒Wood,Cambridge University Press,1996; 《Critique of Practical Reason》 / translated and edited by Mary J﹒Gregeor,Cambridge University Press,1996; 《Critique of the power of judgment》 / edited by Paul Guyer ; translated by Paul Guyer & Eric Matthews,Cambridge University Press,2000; 《Lectures on Metaphysics》/ translated and edited by Karl Ameriks and Steve Naragon; Cambridge University Press,1997; 《Notes and fragments》 / edited by Paul Guyer;translated by Curtis Bowman, Paul Guyer,Frederick Rauscher; Cambridge University Press,2005; 《Anthropology from a pragmatic point of view》 /translated and edited by Robert B﹒Louden;Cambridge University Press,2006; 《Observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime》/ translated by Goldthwait, John;Berkeley : University of California Press, 1965; (2) 中文部分︰; 《純粹理性批判》/康德(Immanuel Kant)著;鄧曉芒譯;臺北市:聯經,2004; 《實踐理性批判》/康德(Immanuel Kant)著;鄧曉芒譯;臺北市:聯經,2004; 《判斷力批判》/康德(Immanuel Kant)著;鄧曉芒譯;臺北市:聯經,2004; 《道德形上學之基礎》/康德(Immanuel Kant)著;李明輝譯臺北市:聯經,1985; 《康德著作全集─第二卷︰前批判時期著作II(1757-1777)》/康德(Immanuel Kant)著;李零秋編譯;北京︰中國人民大學出版社,2003; 《康德百封書信集》;李零秋編譯,上海人文出版社,1995; 二、其它文獻︰(依照出現順序); (1) 德文資料; Zöller, Günter︰Theoretische Gegenstandsbeziehung bei Kant;Berlin/New York︰de Gruyter,1984; (2) 英文資料︰; (i) 專書; ‧Weldon, T﹒D﹒︰Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason,2nd edition,Oxford︰Clarendon Press ︰1958; ‧Rorty, Richard﹒R﹒︰The linguistic turn : essays in philosophical method︰ University of Chicago Press, 1992; ‧Höffe, Otfried︰Kant's cosmopolitan theory of law and peace;translated by Alexandra Newton;Cambridge University Press,2006; ‧Habermas, Jürgen︰Truth and Justification;edited and with translations by Barbara Fultner,MIT Press,2003; ‧The Crisis of Judgment in Kant’s Three Critiques︰In Search of a Science of; Ästhetics;New Studies in Ästhetics,edited by Robert Ginsberg,vol﹒16,1995; . Crowther, Paul︰ The Kantian Sublime;Oxford, Clarendon press,1989; ‧McFarlandy, J﹒D﹒︰Kant’s Concept of Teleology;University of Edinburgh Press, 1970; ‧Heidegger, Martin︰Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics;5th edition,translated by Richard Taft, Indianan University Press,1997; ‧Guyer, Paul︰Kant and the Claim of Tast;Cambridge︰Harvard University Press,1979; ‧Zammito, John H﹒︰The Genesis of Kant’s Critique of Judgment;University of Chicago Press, 1992; ‧Beiser, Frederich︰The Fate of Reason︰German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte;Cambridge, Mass﹒︰Havard University Press, 1987; ‧Goodreau, John R﹒︰The role of the sublime in Kant’s moral metaphysics,Washington D﹒C﹒︰ Council for Research in Values and Philosophy,1998; ‧Henrich, Dieter︰The Unity of Reason;translated by Jeffrey Edwards,Louis Hunt,Manfred Kühn,Günter Zöller,Harvard University Press,1994; ‧Cassirer, Ernst︰Kant’s Life and Thought;Yale University,1981; ‧Schönfeld, Martin︰The Philosophy of the Young Kant:The Precritical Project;Oxford University Press,2000; ‧ Banham, Garz︰Kant’s Practical Philosophy︰From Critique to Doctrine, Palgrave Macmillan,2003; .Howard, Dick︰The Politics of Critique,University of Minnesota Press︰Minneapolis︰1988; ‧Clewis, Robert R﹒︰The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom, Cambridge University Press,2009; .Wood, Allen W﹒︰Kant’s Ethical Thought;Cambridge University Press,1999; ‧Paton, H﹒J﹒︰The Categorical Imperative:a study in Kant’s moral philosophy;University of Pennsylvania press,1971; ‧Lewis, White Beck︰A commentary on Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason,the university of Chichago press,1984; ‧Longuenesse, Béatrice ︰Kant and the Capacity to Judge︰sensibility and discursivity in the transcendental analytic of The Critique of Pure Reason;translated from French by Charles T﹒Wolfe, Princeton University Press,2000; ‧Makkreel, Rudolf A﹒︰Imagination and Interpretation in Kant︰The hermeneutical import of the Critique of Judgment;The university of Chicago press,1990; (ii) 期刊文章; ‧Sokoloff, William W︰;in American Journal of Political Science, Vol﹒45,No﹒4 (Oct﹒2001); ‧McCarthey, Thomas︰in Ethics 105 (October 1994); ‧Heintel, Erich ;in《Hegel und die “Kritik der Urteilskraft”》,Herausgegeben von Hans-Friedrich Fulda und Rolf-Peter Horstmann,Klett-Cotta,1990; ‧Allison, Henry︰ ,The Philosophical Review,Vol﹒95,No﹒3(July,1986); ‧Genova, A﹒C﹒︰ ,in 《Immanuel Kant︰Critical Assessments 》Vol﹒V; ‧Kraft, Michael︰,in 《Immanuel Kant:Critical Assessments》,vol﹒V; ‧Maitland, Jeffrey︰ ,in 《Immanuel Kant:Critical Assessments》,vol﹒V; ‧Beiser, Frederich ︰;in《The Cambridge Companion to Kant》,edited by Paul Guyer;New York︰Cambridge University Press, 1992; .Wood, Allen W﹒︰,in 《The Cambridge Companion to Kant》,1992; .Schaper, Eva︰ ,Eva Schaper, in《The cambridge companion to Kant》; (3) 中文資料︰; (1) 專著︰; ‧Dieter Henrich︰康德與黑格爾之間;彭文本譯,台北︰商周出版,2006; .曹俊峰︰康德美學導論;台北︰水牛出版社,2003; (2) 期刊文章︰; ‧張鼎國︰,國立政治大學哲學學報 No﹒13,2005; .黃冠閔︰;國立政治大學哲學學報No.14,2005; .Gernot Böhme︰〈規訓化、文明化、道德化-後康德的自我修養〉,何乏筆譯,《國立政治大學哲學學報》No﹒12,2005; .李明輝︰〈康德的「道德情感」理論與席勒對康德倫理學的批判〉,此為收錄於《四端與七情-關於道德情感的比較哲學探討》,李明輝著;東亞文明研究叢書24,台大出版中心,2005; .彭文本︰;國立政治大學哲學學報No﹒14,2005; ・林永崇:〈關懷與友愛-康德論德行義務及人的終極目的〉,哲學與文化,No﹒36﹐2009﹒2; (3) 論文︰; . Clewis, Robert Raikes ︰Ästhetic and moral judgment︰ The Kantian sublime in the "Observations",the "Remarks" (translated), and the "Critique of Judgment";2003,Boston College; .蔡幸芝︰康德美學中的構想力研究;博士論文--國立政治大學哲學硏究所(2008); G0094154007; http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/37238