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    Dissertation/ Thesis

    المؤلفون: 李翊瑄, LI, Yi-Hsuan

    المساهمون: 林日璇, Lin, Jih-Hsuan

    وصف الملف: 1975180 bytes; application/pdf

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    المؤلفون: 楊秀敏

    المساهمون: 張卿卿

    مصطلحات موضوعية: 線上遊戲置入, 置入形式, 遊戲經驗

    وصف الملف: 42784 bytes; 46192 bytes; 96162 bytes; 50721 bytes; 57415 bytes; 457126 bytes; 52717 bytes; 95831 bytes; 101871 bytes; 61121 bytes; 52625 bytes; 309297 bytes; application/pdf

    Relation: 一、中文部份; 林鴻儒(2002)。《電子遊戲置入產品廣告之研究—以冒險遊戲創作「奇異島」與Qo果汁飲料為例》,元智大學資訊傳播學系碩士論文; 吳家洲(2001)。《產品置入之行銷溝通效果研究》,政治大學科技管理研究所碩士論文; 潘玉華(2003)。《電子遊戲專家與生手之表現差異研究》,交通大學傳播所碩士論文; 傅豐玲(2001)。〈網站內容型態對網路橫幅廣告的效果之影響〉,《產業管理學報》,第二期,頁291-317; 汪宗憲(2003)。〈線上遊戲產業發展概況〉,《產業經濟》,第260期,頁-15; 林于勝(2003)。〈線上遊戲引進置入式行銷擴大商機〉,《PCWEEK 電腦周報》,第661期,頁37; 《2003電子商務產業年鑑》臺北:資訊工業策進會資訊市場情報中心; 《電子娛樂軟體市場研究》臺北:資訊工業策進會資訊市場情報中心; 《我國資訊服務業與熱門軟體應用趨勢分析》臺北:資訊工業策進會資訊市場情報中心; Mulligan, Jessica(2002),《大師談ONLINE GAME 線上遊戲企劃、製作、經營聖經》台北:上奇科技; 曹明正(2003),「置入行銷線上遊戲有夠現實」,星報,2003年6月26日,16版; 陳瀚權(2003),「奇幻仙境、大富翁7輪番上陣 單機版遊戲大走可愛風」,; 民生報,2003年10月11日,A10版; 廖敏如(2003), 「仙境傳說可愛風格吸引女性玩家 年底開放新職業 台北101大樓將成遊戲場景」, 聯合報,2003年9月24日, E3版; 曹明正(2003),「M2神甲代言找奇兵 運動商乖乖加入置入行銷互相捧」, 星報,2003年7月17日,16版; 黃朗倩(2003),「線上遊戲 邊吃邊玩與食品結合 披薩、漢堡、便當上場 玩家一舉兩得」,聯合晚報,2003年7月6日,9版; 黃士原(2004),「星空之門樂壞甜品族,購買77星空專屬包要送玩家香港之旅」, 星報,2004年4月2日,18版; 二、西文部份; Karrh,James (1994), ”Effects of the Brand Placements in Motion Pictures”,in Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Karen Whitehill King,ED.,Athens,Ga:American Academy of Advertising,90-96; Brennan,Ian,Khalid Dubas,and Laurie A.Babin(1999),”The Influence of Product Placement Type and Exposure Time on Product Placement Recogniton,”International Journal of Advertising,18,323-337; Gupta,Pola B. and Kenneth R.Lord(1998),”Product Placement in Movies: The Effect of Prominence and Mode on Audience Recall,”Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising,20(Spring),47-59; Karrh,James (1998),”Brand placement: A Review”,Journal of Current Issures and Research in Advertising,20(Fall),31-49; Cynthia R.Morton and Meredith Friedman(2002),”I Saw It in The Movies:Exploring the Link between Product Placement beliefs and Reported usage behavior”,Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising,24(Fall),34-40; Michelle R Nelson(2002),”Recall of brand placements in computer/video games”,Journal of Advertising Research ,42,80-93; Alain d’Astous and Francis Chartier(2000),”A Study of Factors Affecting Consumer Evaluatins and Memory of Proudct Placements in Movies” ,Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising,22(Fall),32-40; Alain d’Astous and Nathalie Seguin(1999),”Consumer Reactions to Product Placement Strategies in Television Sponsorship,”European Journal of marketing,33(9/10),896-910; Sharmistha Law and Kathryn A.braun(2000),”I’ll Have What She’s Having: Gauging the impact of product Placements on Viewers”,Psychology &Marketing,17(12),1060-1075; Karrh,James.A, Katherine Toland Frith,and Copy Callison(2001),”Audience Attitudes Towards brand(Proudct)Placement:Singapore and the United States”,International Journal of Advertising,20,3-24; Delorme,Denise E. and Leonard N.Reid(1999),”Moviegoers’ Experiences and Interpretations of brands in Films Revisited”,Journal of Advertising,28(summer),71-89; Cristel A.Russell(1998),“Toward A Framwork of Product Placement:Theoretical Propositions”,Advances in Consumer Research,25,357-362; Sally A.McKechnie and Jia Zhou(2003),”Product placement in movies:a comparison of Chinese and American consumers’ attitudes”,International Journal of Advertising,22,349-374; Karrh,James A. ,Kathy Brittain Mckee and Carol J. 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