1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 侯政男, Hou, Cheng-Nan
المساهمون: 新聞學研究
مصطلحات موضوعية: 年長男同志, 地緣社會網絡關係, 社會支持, 社會網絡型社交應用程式, 高雄, Scruff, elderly gay men, geo-social relationships, Kaohsiung, social networking app, social support
وصف الملف: 11828513 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: 新聞學研究, 146, 1-52; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/137940; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/bitstream/140.119/137940/1/250.pdf
2Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 陳緯安, Chen, Wei-An
المساهمون: 李淑菁, Lee, Shu-Ching
مصطلحات موضوعية: 多元性別, 男同志, 未成年, 性經驗, 性教育, Gender diversity, Gay, Minor, Sexual experiences, Sexuality education
وصف الملف: 2402412 bytes; application/pdf
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3Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 林純德
المساهمون: 大眾傳播系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 客家, 男同志, 城鄉, 離散, 交織性, 羞恥, 感曝, Hakka, Male queer, Urban-rural, Diaspora, Intersectionality, Shame, Camp
وصف الملف: 293 bytes; text/html
Relation: 臺灣社會研究季刊 105 2016.12[民105.12] 頁1-60; http://ir.lib.pccu.edu.tw//handle/987654321/38765; http://ir.lib.pccu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/38765/2/index.html
4Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 王健豪
المساهمون: 心理學系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 自大法官釋憲釋字748號後,而今已推行同志婚姻專法,但社會上難以接受同志的聲量仍舊存在。華人社會以家為傳承單位,父母扮演重要的角色,擁有家庭的權力,同時亦受到社會文化評價。倘若兒子為同志,則父母親將夾在文化與親情間,以親子衝突引發抗拒。本研究目的為探詢與建構父母方對兒子出櫃的觀點,及其抗拒心理機制。以紮根理論佐詮釋學觀點為研究典範,深度訪談為研究方法,進行形式與實質理論的雙重詮釋。受訪者共計4位,男性1位,女性3位,年齡介於52至62歲間。研究結果發現:父母對同志出櫃之抗拒來源於三個機制「權威性孝道」、「道德臉面」及「宗教觀點」;緩衝機制則為其相對模式「相互性孝道」、「社會臉面」及「宗教觀點」。抗拒又分作情緒及策略,「抗拒情緒」包含:「外顯情緒」、「內在自責」及「後設式的感受」;「抗拒策略」將依循歷程有三種變化,包含理解、挽回及尋求協助。在情緒逐漸緩和,與策略無效的情況下將轉向「自我調節」,透過自我分化及調整對兒子的期待,減低出櫃議題帶來的影響。最後對本土理論中呈現雙面效果的「教養義務」提出討論,並提供男同志、父母及研究者三方面建議,與分析本研究限制。, Since the Supreme Court's interpretation of the constitution and interpretation of word 748, the referendum and legislation have been passed, and now a special law on gay marriage has been implemented, but the voices that are difficult to accept gays in the society still exist. Chinese society regards the family as the unit of inheritance, in which parents play an important role, have the power of the family, and are also evaluated by society and culture. If the son is gay, the parents will be caught between culture and kinship, causing resistance due to parent-child conflict. The purpose of this study is to explore and construct parents' views on their son's coming out of the closet and its psychological mechanism of resistance. Taking grounded theory and hermeneutics as the research model, and in-depth interviews as the research method, the dual interpretation of formal and substantive theories is carried out. A total of 4 respondents, 1 male and 3 females,
were between the ages of 52 and 62. The results of the study found that parents' resistance to gay coming out comes from three mechanisms: "authoritative filial piety", "moral face", and "religious view", the buffer mechanism is its relative modes "reciprocal filial piety", "social face", and "Religious Views". Resistance is divided into emotions and strategies. "Resistance emotions", include: "exposed emotions", "internal self-blame", and "metaphysical feelings", "resistance strategies", will follow the process and have three changes, including understanding, recovery and seeking. assist. When the mood gradually eases and the strategy is ineffective, he will turn to "self-regulation", through self-differentiation and adjusting expectations for his son, to reduce the impact of the issue of coming out. Finally, it discusses the two-sided effect of "parenting obligation" -
5Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 灝明杰, Morgan, Sebastian Michael
المساهمون: 王淑美, Wang, Su-Mei
مصطلحات موضوعية: 台灣男同志, Instagram迷因文化, 批判論述分析, Taiwanese gay men, Instagram memes, critical discourse analysis
وصف الملف: 19281746 bytes; application/pdf
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6Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 高約翰, Gao, Yue-Han
المساهمون: 楊佩榮, Yang, Pei-Jung
مصطلحات موضوعية: 自我認同, 自我敘事, 自我敘說, 宗教, 性別, 族群, 基督教, 原住民, 原漢雙族裔, 牧家子女, 男同志, Self-identity, Self-narritive, Religion, Gender, Ethnicity, Christianity, Indigenous people, Gay, Homosexual
وصف الملف: 2609540 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: 林哲立、邱曉君、顏菲麗(譯)(2007)。人類行為與社會環境二版。臺北市:雙葉。(Ashford, J.B., LeCroy, C.W., & Lortie, K.L.)(原著出版年:2001)\n\nCiwang Teyra、黃炤愷、謝宛蓉(2020)。只想好好地生活:原住民同志之交織處境與因應策略。臺大社會工作學刊,43,1-54。\n\n陳張培倫(2013)。族群發展導向積極賦權行動與原住民族。政治與社會哲學評論,47,1-64。http://dx.doi.org/10.6523/168451532013120047001\n\n楊慧姿(2017)。土水工頭長女的越界行動-用身體穿越性別與階級的自我敘說。(未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學社會工作研究所。; G0103264009; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/139268; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/bitstream/140.119/139268/1/400901.pdf
7Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 莊瀚宇, ZHUANG, HAN-YU
المساهمون: 生死學系碩博士班, 陳增穎, CHENG, TSENG-YING
مصطلحات موضوعية: 男同志當事人, 諮商風格, 移情與反移情, 多重關係, Gay male clients, counseling styles, transference and countertransference, multiple relationships
وصف الملف: 4847324 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/29700; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/29700/1/111NHU00672003-001.pdf; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/29700/-1/index.html
المؤلفون: 張銘峰, 謝臥龍, Vincent Shieh
المساهمون: 性別教育研究所
Relation: 兩性平等教育學術研討會 / 教育部與杏陵基金會主辦,台北市:台北市青少年育樂中心,2002年11月4-6日,頁181-188; http://ir.nknu.edu.tw/ir/handle/987654321/4233
9Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 王增勇
المساهمون: 政大社工所
وصف الملف: 1449593 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: 生命教育研究, 3(1), 169-231; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/61093; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/bitstream/140.119/61093/1/169231.pdf
10Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 許哲豪, Hsu, Che-Hao
المساهمون: 教育研究所, 饒夢霞, Rao, Meng-Xia
مصطلحات موضوعية: 男同志, 霸凌, 創傷後成長, 反彈復甦, 因應策略, 正向心理學, gay, bullying, rebound recovery(resilience), post-traumatic growth, coping strategies, Positive psychology, psy, edu
11Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 陳品妤, Chen, Pin-Yu
المساهمون: 陳婉真, Chen, Wan-Chen
مصطلحات موضوعية: 男同志青少年, 同志自我認同, Gay adolescent, Gay self-identity
وصف الملف: 1539172 bytes; application/pdf
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12Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 蔡女滿, TSAI, NU-MAN
المساهمون: 生死學系碩博士班, 蔡昌雄, TSAI, CHANG-HSIUNG
مصطلحات موضوعية: 人類免疫缺乏病毒帶原者, 心靈療癒, 天道信仰, 男同志, human immunodeficiency virus carrier, spiritual healing, Tien-Tao believer, gay
وصف الملف: 8859373 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/28674; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/28674/1/109NHU00672034-001.pdf; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/28674/-1/index.html
13Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 紀明學, CHI, MING-HSUEH
المساهمون: 生死學系碩博士班, 陳增穎, CHENG, TSENG-YING
مصطلحات موضوعية: 男同志, 伴侶關係, 婚姻暴力, 衝突經驗, gay's men, couple relationship, marital violence, conflict experience
وصف الملف: 3394021 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/28655; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/28655/1/109NHU00672013-002.pdf; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/28655/-1/index.html
14Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 林純德
المساهمون: 大眾傳播學系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 熊族, 男同志陽剛特質, 怪胎陰柔恐懼, 性感階序, 性/性別/身體展演, The bear community, Gay masculinity, Sissyphobia, Sensual hierarchy, Sexual/gender/bodily performativity, genre, anthro-se
15Academic Journal
المؤلفون: CHEN, SUE-JUNG, TING, CHIH-YIN, TSAI, YUN-FANG, HSIUNG, PING-CHUN, 陳姝蓉, 丁志音, 蔡芸芳, 熊秉荃
المساهمون: 公共衛生學系, Department of Public Health
مصطلحات موضوعية: 親愛關係, 男同志, 人類免疫缺乏病毒 / 後天免疫缺乏症候群, intimate relationship, gay, HIV/ AIDS
Relation: 中華心理衛生學刊 v.17 n.4 pp.97-126; http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/246246/80908
16Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 邱志軒, CHIU, CHIH-HSUAN
المساهمون: 心理學系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 男同志個案, 男同志, 內化恐同, 同志肯定諮商, gay clients, gay men, internalized homophobia, LGB-affirmative therapy
وصف الملف: 99 bytes; text/html
Relation: http://asiair.asia.edu.tw/ir/handle/310904400/111802; http://asiair.asia.edu.tw/ir/bitstream/310904400/111802/2/index.html
المؤلفون: 王增勇
المساهمون: 行政院國家科學委員會, 國立政治大學社會工作研究所, aging, homosexual, gay men, action research
Relation: 應用研究; 學術補助; 研究期間:10008~10107; 研究經費:625仟元; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/52483; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/bitstream/140.119/52483/1/100-2410-H004-143-MY2.pdf
المؤلفون: 李佳運, Lee, Chia-Yun
المساهمون: 林伯修, Lin, Po-Hsiu
مصطلحات موضوعية: 男同志, 個體展演, 自我民族誌, gay, individual performance, autoethnography, socio, litt
المؤلفون: 洪任賢, Hong, Ren-Sian
المساهمون: 趙惠玲, Chao, Huei-Ling
مصطلحات موضوعية: G片, 男同志, 色情, 性, 身體意象, 陽剛氣質, gay video, gay men, pornography, sexuality, body image, masculinity, genre, litt
20Dissertation/ Thesis
المساهمون: 王大維, WANG, DA-WEI, 教育心理與輔導學系碩士班
مصطلحات موضوعية: 汙名經驗, 開放性關係, 男同志, 認同建構, identity construction, stigmatized experience, open sexual relationship, gay men
وصف الملف: 4311055 bytes; application/pdf