1Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 唐申彥, Tang, Shen-Yan
المساهمون: 石勝文 教授, 科技學院:資訊工程學系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 攝影機校正, 結構光源, RGB-D攝影機, 深度攝影機誤差, 深度更正, Camera Calibration, Structured-Light, RGB-D Camera, Depth Camera Error, Depth Correction
وصف الملف: 130 bytes; text/html
Relation: http://ir.ncnu.edu.tw:8080/handle/310010000/15183; http://ir.ncnu.edu.tw:8080/bitstream/310010000/15183/1/index.html
المؤلفون: 許之凡, Chih-Fan Hsu
المساهمون: 陳世旺, Sei-Wang Chen
مصطلحات موضوعية: 鳥瞰影像, 俯視影像轉換, 影像接合, 色彩混合, 曝光補償, 扭曲消除, 攝影機校正, 暗角效應, 路徑規劃, 自動停車, 非完整系統, Bird`s-eye view image, Top-view transformation, Image registration, Color Blending, Exposure compensation, Radial distortion recovery, Camera calibration, Vignetting effect, Path planning, Automatic parking, Nonholonomic system
Relation: GN0697470248; http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697470248%22.&%22.id.&; http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106781
المؤلفون: 陳瀛彬
المساهمون: 陳世旺
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: G0069047007; http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069047007%22.&%22.id.&; http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106306
المؤلفون: 陳彥儀, Yen-Yi Chen
المساهمون: 陳世旺, Sei-Wang Chen
مصطلحات موضوعية: local optimal thresholding, 深色區域, 亮部區域, occlusion, 候選車輛, deformable model, 攝影機校正, dark regions, bright regions, vehicle candidates, camera calibration
Relation: GN0697470640; http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697470640%22.&%22.id.&; http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106810
5Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 吳梓麟, Wu, Zi-Lynn
المساهمون: 石勝文 教授, 科技學院:資訊工程學系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 人臉對齊, 人臉校正, 三維人臉模型, 重建三維人臉模型, 三維人臉估測, 透視投影攝影機校正, 非線性最佳化, Face Alignment, 3D Face Model, 3D Face Model Reconstruction, 3D Face Estimation, Perspective Projection, Camera Calibration, Nonlinear Optimization
وصف الملف: 130 bytes; text/html
Relation: http://ir.ncnu.edu.tw:8080/handle/310010000/15160; http://ir.ncnu.edu.tw:8080/bitstream/310010000/15160/1/index.html
المؤلفون: 周柏伸
مصطلحات موضوعية: 電腦視覺, 彩色-深度攝影機, 攝影機校正, Kinect, 直接線性變換, Computer Vision, RGB-Depth Cameras, Camera Calibration, Direct Linear Transformation
Relation: http://ir.lib.ntust.edu.tw/handle/987654321/49686; http://ir.lib.ntust.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/49686/-1/index.html
7Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 林慧柏, Lin, Hui-Po
المساهمون: 工學院: 醫學工程學研究所, 指導教授: 呂東武, 林慧柏, Lin, Hui-Po
مصطلحات موضوعية: 體感攝影機, 測力板, 平衡能力, 攝影機校正, Kinect, force plate, balance ability, camera calibration
Time: 102
8Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 李承和, Cheng-He Lee
المساهمون: 機械工程學系所, Ji-Chun Lee, 李吉群
مصطلحات موضوعية: Camera Calibration, line laser scanning, Homography, 攝影機校正, 線雷線掃瞄, 單應性
Relation: http://hdl.handle.net/11455/91410
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/11455/91410
المساهمون: 國立臺灣師範大學圖文傳播學系
مصطلحات موضوعية: 爐內目視檢測, 數位影像處理, 攝影機校正, 電腦視覺, 虛擬實境, In-Vessel visual inspection, Digital image processing (DIP), Camera calibration, Non-destruction test (NDT), Computer vision, Virtual reality, info, art
10棒球軌跡偵測及其快速三維座標重建 ; Baseball Trajectory Detection and Rapid Three-Dimension Coordinate Reconstruction
المؤلفون: 陳群介
مصطلحات موضوعية: 棒球偵測, 三維軌跡重建, 攝影機校正, 高速攝影, 即時攝影機同步, baseball detection, three-dimension trajectory reconstruction, camera calibration, low-costing high-speed cameras, instant camera synchronization
Relation: http://ir.lib.ntust.edu.tw/handle/987654321/37068; http://ir.lib.ntust.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/37068/-1/index.html
11Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 陳建霖, Chen, Jian-Lin
المساهمون: 機械工程學系所, 李吉群
مصطلحات موضوعية: 攝影機垂直度校正, Calibration of camera perpendicularity, 三次元座標量測儀, 非共平面攝影機校正, 最小平方誤差法, 蒙地卡羅法, Zhang校正, coordinate measuring machine, Non-coplanar camera calibration, The least square error method, Monte-Carlo, Zhang’s Camera Calibration method
Relation: http://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh1?DocID=U0005-0708201214473800; U0005-0708201214473800; http://hdl.handle.net/11455/2870
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/11455/2870
12Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 劉建平, Liu, Jian-Ping
المساهمون: 李吉群, Ji-Chun Lee, 中興大學, 蔡東憲, 何昭慶
مصطلحات موضوعية: Camera Calibration, 攝影機校正, Phase Shihting, Hybrid Structure Light, Gray Code, Gamma correction, 相位移, 混成結構光, 格雷氏編碼, 伽馬校正
Relation: http://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh1?DocID=U0005-1711201109191600; U0005-1711201109191600; http://hdl.handle.net/11455/1564
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/11455/1564
المؤلفون: 徐瑋甯, Hsu, Wei-Ning
المساهمون: 淡江大學電機工程學系碩士班, 翁慶昌, Wong, Ching-Chang
مصطلحات موضوعية: 立體視覺, 攝影機校正, 特徵點擷取, 特徵點匹配, 類神經網路, Stereo Vision, Camera Calibration, Feature Points Extraction, Feature Points Matching, Neural Network
Relation: 參考文獻 [1] http://www.robocup.org/ [2] http://www.fira.net/ [3] Tomono and Masahiro,“Robust 3D SLAM with a stereo camera based on an edge-point ICP algorithm,”IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.275-0016, 2009. [4] 詹翔閔,人形機器人機構設計與應用,淡江大學電機工程學系碩士論文,民97。 [5] 黃楷翔,視覺自主人形機器人之設計與實現,淡江大學電機工程學系碩士論文,民95。 [6] G. Bradski and A. Kaebler, “Learning OpenCV,”O’REILLY, 2008. [7] http://www.vision.caltech.edu/bouguetj/calib_doc/ [8] http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL%E5%92%8CHSV%E8%89%B2% E5%BD%A9%E7%A9%BA%E9%97%B4 [9] 求是科技,Visual C++ 數位影像處理大全,文魁資訊,2010。 [10] 莊仁輝,家用機器人之電腦視覺系統研究,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 期中進度報告,民91。 [11] C. Harris and M. Stephens, “A combined corner and edge detector,” 4th Alvey Vision Conference, pp.189-192, 1988. [12] http://www.cse.psu.edu/~rcollins/CSE486/lecture06_6pp.pdf [13]https://siddhantahuja.wordpress.com/tag/sum-of-absolute-differences-sad/ [14] http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/8176 [15]http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%BA%E5%B7%A5%E7%A5%9E%E7%BB%8F%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C [16]尹相志,SQL Server 2008 Data Mining,悅知文化,民98。 [17] http://ktchenkm.iem.mcut.edu.tw/xms/read_attach.php?id=903 [18] P. Moreels and P. Perona, “Evaluation of features detectors and descriptors based on 3D objects,” International Jouranl of Computer Vision, Volume 73, Number 3, 263-284, 2007. [19] R.Y. Tsai, “A versatile camera calibration technique for high-accuracy 3D machine vision metrology using off-the-shelf TV cameras and lenses,” IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, pp. 323-344, 1987. [20] D. G. Lowe, “Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints,” Computer Science Department University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2004. [21] Z. Z. Rachid D, O. Faugeras, Q. T. Luong, “A robust technique for matching two uncalibrated images through the recovery of the unknown epipolar geometry,” Institut National De Recherche En Informatique Et En Automatique, 1992. [22] P. Azad, T. Asfour, and R. Dillmann, “Combining Harris interest points and the SIFT descriptor for fast scale-invariant object recognition,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.4275 - 4280, 2009.; U0002-3006201113123200; http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/74736; http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/bitstream/987654321/74736/-1/index.html
14Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 詹凱鈞
مصطلحات موضوعية: 棒球偵測, 三維軌跡重建, 攝影機校正, 卡爾曼濾波器, baseball detection, three-dimension trajectory reconstruction, camera calibration, Kalman filter
Relation: http://ir.lib.ntust.edu.tw/handle/987654321/22426; http://ir.lib.ntust.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/22426/-1/index.html
15Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 林亨吉, Lin, Heng-chi
المساهمون: 資訊工程系碩士班, 廖珗洲, Hsien-chou Liao
مصطلحات موضوعية: 位置相依服務, 物體追蹤, 攝影機校正, 行動計算, 無所不在計算, location-based service, object tracking, camera calibration, mobile computing, ubiquitous computing
وصف الملف: 2305897 bytes; application/octet-stream
Relation: 098CYUT5392007; http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/handle/310901800/25763; http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/bitstream/310901800/25763/1/098CYUT5392007-001.zip
16Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 林尚志
مصطلحات موضوعية: 棒球偵測, 三維軌跡重建, 攝影機校正, 未同步多攝影機, 即時, 卡爾曼濾波器, baseball detection, three-dimension trajectory reconstruction, camera calibration, unsynchronized cameras, real-time, Kalman filter
وصف الملف: 143 bytes; text/html
Relation: http://ir.lib.ntust.edu.tw/handle/987654321/16190; http://ir.lib.ntust.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/16190/1/index.html
17Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 鄭國章, Chang, Kuo-Cheng, 黃聖傑, 陳右穎, Huang, Sheng-Chieh, Chen, You-Yin
المساهمون: 電控工程研究所
مصطلحات موضوعية: 立體視覺, 透視投影模型, 視覺感測器, 攝影機校正, 物體追蹤, 無線感測網路, ZigBee, Stereo vision, Perspective projection model, Vision sensor, Camera calibration, Object tracking, Wireless sensor network
18Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 卓元欽, Cho, Yuan-Chin
المساهمون: 資訊工程系碩士班, 廖珗洲, Hsien-Chou Liao
مصطلحات موضوعية: 移動物體追蹤, PTZ 攝影機, 攝影機校正, 視訊監視, camera calibration, moving object tracking, video surveillance, PTZ camera
وصف الملف: 1118187 bytes; application/octet-stream
Relation: 096CYUT5392008; http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/handle/310901800/25667; http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/bitstream/310901800/25667/1/096CYUT5392008-001.zip
المؤلفون: 廖珗洲
مصطلحات موضوعية: 視覺追蹤, 多攝影機系統, 攝影機校正, 位置相依服務, 行動計算, visual tracking, multi-camera system, camera calibration, location-based service, mobile computing
وصف الملف: 410 bytes; text/html
Relation: http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/handle/310901800/5474; http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/bitstream/310901800/5474/1/index.html
20Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 戴任詔, Jen-Chao Tai, 宋開泰, Kai-Tai Song
المساهمون: 電控工程研究所
مصطلحات موضوعية: 動態攝影機校正, 背景建立, 影子偵測, 偵測窗, 主動輪廓模型, 卡曼濾波器, 交通監控, 轉彎率偵測, 光流法, 影像處理, 影像追蹤, dynamic camera calibration, background genration, cast-shadow detection, detection window, active contour model, Kalman filter, traffic monitoring, turn ratio estimation, optical flow estimation, image processing, image tracking