1Dissertation/ Thesis手指之摩擦儀驗證及摩擦係數量測 ; Fingertip skin friction tester validation and coefficient of friction measurements
المؤلفون: 楊祐瑋, Yang, Yu-Wei
المساهمون: 工業工程與管理系, 劉永平, Liu, Yung-Ping
مصطلحات موضوعية: 摩擦力, 皮膚接觸面積, 正向力, Frictional Force, Skin Contact Area, Normal Force
وصف الملف: 2386803 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: 112CYUT0031001; http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/handle/310901800/42985; http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/bitstream/310901800/42985/1/112CYUT0031001-002.pdf
2Academic Journal
المساهمون: 锦州医科大学航天中心医院研究生培养基地口腔科,北京,100049, 航天中心医院北京大学航天临床医学院口腔科,北京,100049
المصدر: 知网 ; 万方 ; http://d.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_jyjxxyxb201607013.aspx
مصطلحات موضوعية: 深覆(牙合), 保持器, 口腔修复, 后牙接触面积, deep overbite, retainer, prosthodontics, molar contact area
Relation: 解放军医学院学报.2016,37(7),716-721.; 1453365; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/495209
3Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 于宛平, Wan-Ping Yu
المساهمون: 生物醫學工程碩士學分學程
مصطلحات موضوعية: 牙科用錐狀射束電腦斷層掃描, 微米級電腦斷層掃描, 矯正迷你骨釘, 皮質骨厚度, 鬆質骨結構, 最大鎖入扭力, 骨與矯正迷你骨釘接觸面積百分比, dental CBCT, micro-CT, orthodontic miniscrews, cortical bone thickness, trabecular bone structure, maximum insertion torque, bone to miniscrew contact percentage
وصف الملف: 102 bytes; text/html
Relation: http://ir.cmu.edu.tw/ir/handle/310903500/59574; http://ir.cmu.edu.tw/ir/bitstream/310903500/59574/3/index.html
Relation: 矿业研究与开发; 王观石,李长洪,胡世丽,等. 接触面积对结构面传播特性的影响[J]. 矿业研究与开发,2010(02):50-54.; http://dspace.imech.ac.cn/handle/311007/43776; http://acad.cnki.net/Kns55/brief/result.aspx?dbPrefix=CJFQ
Relation: 中国科学G辑:物理学、力学、天文学; 陈尚达,柯孚久. 纳米硬度测量中接触面积及压头曲率半径效应的分子动力学模拟[J]. 中国科学G辑:物理学、力学、天文学,2003,33(5):400-410.; http://dspace.imech.ac.cn/handle/311007/42018
8Dissertation/ Thesis
المساهمون: 工學院: 高分子科學與工程學研究所, 指導教授: 黃慶怡, 何穎, Ho, In
مصطلحات موضوعية: 接枝密度, 接枝長度, 穿透率, 接觸面積, 域的尺寸, percolation rate, domain size, interfacial area
Time: 62
وصف الملف: 9601990 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/246246/274297; http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274297/1/ntu-104-R02549028-1.pdf
المساهمون: 南通中国科学院海洋研究所海洋科学与技术研究发展中心,中国科学院海洋研究所.
مصطلحات موضوعية: 一种中华绒螯蟹三倍体诱导新方法, (3)基于形态学标记的药物诱导起始时刻的确定:将受精膜举起作为诱导起始时刻的形态学标记, 其特征在于:所述方法具体如下:(1)亲蟹的海水驯化:将亲蟹生活的盐度从0提高到18‰, (2)亲蟹标记:将有编码的塑料标签绑缚在雌蟹上, (4)kcl诱导最优参数的确定及应用:通过实验确定kcl诱导中华绒螯蟹三倍体的有效浓度及处理持续时间并加以应用, 并在此盐度驯化后开始交配产卵, 以标记区分亲蟹个体, (5)药物渗透性增加措施:增加药物与受精卵接触面积, 以利于诱导药物的渗透。
Relation: 张成松;相建海;李富花;崔朝霞;万建军,一种中华绒螯蟹三倍体诱导新方法,CN201310235286.7,2013; http://ir.qdio.ac.cn/handle/337002/17237
10Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 張六順, CHANG, LIN- SHUI
المساهمون: 黃燦輝, 臺灣大學:土木工程學研究所
وصف الملف: 4720047 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: 1.趙振宇、黃燦輝、李峰杰,(1995),“岩石節理面組成性質之三維微觀力學模式”,第六屆大地工程學術研討會,第805-814頁。 2.趙振宇,(1999),“岩石節理面力學性質與導水性偶合行為研究”,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所博士論文。 3.林敬智,(2001) ,“岩石節理面之反覆閉合行為及其對導水性之影響”,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文。 4.雷世璋,(2003) ,“岩石節理面受剪行為及對導水性影響之研究”,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文。 5.陳建勛,(2004) ,“剪力作用下岩石節理面粗糙特性對其導水性之影響探討”,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文。 6.Bandis S. C., Lumsden A. C., and Barton N. R. (1983), “Fundamental of Rock Joint Deformation,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 20, No.6, pp.249-268. 7.Barton N. R., Bandis S. C., and Bakhtar K. (1985), “Strength, Deformation and Conductivity Coupling of Rock Joints,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 22, No.3, pp.121-140. 8.Barton N. R. (1983), “Rock Joint Description and Modeling for The Hydro-thermo-mechanical Design of Nuclear Waste Repositories,” CANMET Research Report, Part I-IV, 275 pages. 9.Chen Z., Narayan S. P., Yang Z., Rahman S. S. (2000), “An Experimental Investigation of Hydraulic Behaciour of Fractures and Joint in Granitic Rock,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Min. Sci. , Vol. 37, pp. 1061-1071. 10.Hakami E. (1995), “Characterization of Fracture Aperture - Method and Parameters,” Proceedings of 8th Conference of ISRM, Tokyo, pp.751-754. 11.Hakami E. and Larsson E. (1996), “Aperture Measurements and Flow Experiments on Single Natural Fracture” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 33, No 4, pp.395- 404. 12.Huang T. H., Chang C. S., Chao C. Y. (2002), “Experimental and Mathematical Modeling for Fracture of Rock Joint with Regular Asperities,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 69, pp. 1977-1996. 13.Iwai K. (1976), “Fundamental Studies of Fluid Flow Through a single fracture,” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley. 14.Lee H. S., Cho T. F. (2002), “Hydraulic Characterustucs of Rough Fractures in linear Flow Under Normal and Shear Load,” Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 35, No.4, pp. 299-318. 15.Louis C. (1969), “A Study of Groundwater Flow in Jointed Rock and its Influence on The Stability of Rock Masses,” Rock Mechanics Report, Imperial College, 90 pages. 16.Tsang Y. W. and Tsang C. F. (1987), “Channel Model of Flow Through Fractured Media,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 23, No.3, pp.467-479. 17.Tsang Y. W. and Tsang C. F. (1992), “Usage of Equivalent Apertures for Rock Fractures as Derived From hydraulic and Tracer Tests,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 28, No.5, pp.1451-1455. 18.Tsang Y. W. and Witherspoon P. A. (1981), “Hydro-mechanical Behavior of a Deformable Rock Fracture Subject to Normal Stress,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 86,No. B10, pp.9287-9298. 19.Tse R. and Cruden D. M. (1979), “Estimating Joint Roughness Coefficients,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 16, pp.303-307. 20.Vervoort, R.W.; Cattle, S.R. (2003) “Linking hydraulic conductivity and tortuosity parameters to pore space geometry and pore-size distribution,” Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 272, pp.36-49. 21.Walsh J. B. and Brown S. R. (1997), “Effective Media Theory with Spatial Correlation for Flow in a Fracture,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 102, No. B10, pp.22587-22594. 22.Zimmerman R. W., Kumar S., and Bodvarsson G. S. (1991), “Lubrication Theory of the Permeability of Rough-walled Fractures,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 28, No.4, pp.325-331 23.Zimmerman, Robert W, Chen, Di-Wen; Cook,and Neville G.W. (1992), “The effect of contact area on the permeability of fractures,” Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 139, pp. 79-96.; zh-TW; http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/246246/50060; http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/50060/1/ntu-94-R92521122-1.pdf
11Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 陳建勛, Chen, Jien-Shun
المساهمون: 黃燦輝, 臺灣大學:土木工程學研究所
مصطلحات موضوعية: 節理面, 導水性, 受剪, 扭曲率, 接觸面積比, contact area radio, joint, conductivity, shearing, tortuosity
Relation: 參考文獻 1. 李峰杰,(1994),“岩石節理面組成性質之微觀力學模型”,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文。 2. 趙振宇,(1999),“岩石節理面力學性質與導水性偶合行為研究”,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所博士論文。 3. 雷世璋,(2003) ,“岩石節理面受剪行為及導水性影響之研究”,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文。 4. Bandis S. C., Lumsden A. C., and Barton N. R. (1983), “Fundamental of Rock Joint Deformation,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 20, No.6, pp.249-268. 5. Barton N. R., Bandis S. C., and Bakhtar K. (1985), “Strength, Deformation and Conductivity Coupling of Rock Joints,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 22, No.3, pp.121-140. 6. Brown R. (1987) “Fluid Flow Through Rock Joints:The Effect of Surface Roughness” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 92, No. B2, pp.1337-1347. 7. Diedericks G. P. J. and Plessis J. P. DU (1995), “On Tortuosity amd Areosity Tensors for Porous Media” Transport in Porous Media, 20: pp. 265-279. 8. Esaki T., Du S., Mitani Y., Ikusada K., Jing L. (1999), “Development of Shear-Flow Test Apparatus and Determination of Coupled Properties for a Single Rock Joint,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Min. Sci., Vol. 36, pp. 641-650. 9. Hakami E. and Larsson E. (1996), “Aperture Measurements and Flow Experiments on Single Natural Fracture” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 33, No 4, pp.395-404. 10. Makurat A.,Barton N. R., Tunbridge L. and Rad N. S. (1990), “The measurement of the mechanical and Hydraulic Properties of rock Joints at Different Scales in The Stripa Project” Proceedings International Symposium on Rock Joints, Loen,Norway, pp. 541-548. 11. Moreno L., Tsang Y. W., Tsang C. F., Hale F. V.,and Cook,and Neretnieks I. (1988), “Flow and Tracer Transport in a Single Fracture: A Stochastic Model and Its Relation to Some Field Observations” WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, Vol. 24, NO. 12, pp. 2033-2048. 12. Olsson R., Barton N. (2001), “An Improved Model for Hydromechanical Coupling During Shearing of Rock Joints,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Min. Sci., Vol. 38, pp. 371-329. 13. Silliman S. E. (1989), “An Interpretation of the Difference Between Aperture Estimates Derived From Hydraulic and Tracer tests in a Single Fracture” WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, Vol. 25, NO. 10, pp. 2075-2083. 14. Tsang Y. W. and Tsang C. F. (1987), “Channel Model of Flow Through Fractured Media,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 23, No.3, pp.467-479. 15. Tsang Y. W. and Tsang C. F. (1992), “Usage of“Equivalent Apertures” for Rock Fractures as Derived From hydraulic and Tracer Tests ” Water Resources Research, Vol. 28, No.5, pp.1451-1455. 16. Tsang Y. W. and Witherspoon P. A. (1981), “Hydro-mechanical Behavior of a Deformable Rock Fracture Subject to Normal Stress,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 86,No. B10, pp.9287-9298. 17. Tse R. and Cruden D. M. (1979), “Estimating Joint Roughness Coefficients,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 16, pp.303-307. 18. Vervoort, R.W.; Cattle, S.R. (2003) “Linking hydraulic conductivity and tortuosity parameters to pore space geometry and pore-size distribution” Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 272, pp.36-49. 19. Yeo I. W., De Freitas M. H., Zimmerman R. W. (1998), “Effect of Shear Displaement on the Aperture and Permeability of a Rock Frature,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Min. Sci., Vol. 35, No.8, pp.1051-1070. 20. Zimmerman R. W., Kumar S., and Bodvarsson G. S. (1991), “Lubrication Theory of the Permeability of Rough-walled Fractures,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. , Vol. 28, No.4, pp.325-333 21. Zimmerman, Robert W, Chen, Di-Wen; Cook,and Neville G.W. (1992), “The effect of contact area on the permeability of fractures” Journal of Hydorlogy, Vol. 139, pp. 79-96.; zh-TW; http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/246246/50541
12Academic Journal
المساهمون: 北京大学化学系
المصدر: 知网
Relation: 化学教育.1981,(05),32-33.; 1016361; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/80938
13Academic Journal
المساهمون: 北京大学物理系, 北京大学物理系 1962年北京大学物理系毕业生, 1962年北京大学物理系毕业生
المصدر: 知网
Relation: 物理学报.1963,(02),134-137.; 1284799; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/89807
14Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: [[alternative]]Effects of tin composite coatings and the metal tribo-coatings on thermal contact resistance
المؤلفون: [[advisor]]周煥銘, 賴信良, Xin-Liang Lai
مصطلحات الفهرس: 接觸熱阻, thermal contact resistance, 複合鍍層, 磨鍍薄層, 真接觸面積, composite coatings, tribo-coatings, real contact areas, thesis