1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Lee, Hak-Seon
المصدر: World Affairs, 2018 Jul 01. 181(2), 181-205.
URL الوصول: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26510643
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Osabuohien-Irabor, O., Drapkin, I. M., Осабуохиен-Ирабор, О., Драпкин, И. М., 奥萨布希恩-伊拉博尔, 伊拉博尔·奥萨鲁姆文斯, 德拉普金, 伊戈尔·米哈伊洛维奇
Relation: R-Economy. 2022. Vol. 8. Iss. 4; Osabuohien-Irabor O. FDI Outflows and International Trade Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Country iIcome Groups / O. Osabuohien-Irabor, I. M. Drapkin // R-Economy. — 2022. — Vol. 8, Iss. 4. — P. 340–355.; http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/120397; https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50056634
المؤلفون: Drapkin Igor, Osarumwense Osabuohien-Irabor
مصطلحات موضوعية: EXPORTS, 外国直接投资流出, Public Administration, 广义矩量 法, COUNTRY INCOME GROUPS, Geography, Planning and Development, ВЗАИМОСВЯЗЬ ТОРГОВЛИ И ИНВЕСТИЦИЙ, 进口, ИМПОРТ, ОБОБЩЕННЫЙ МЕТОД МОМЕНТОВ, TRADE, IMPORTS, SYSTEM GMM, 贸易投资关系, 国际贸 易, OUTWARD FDI, ЭКСПОРТ, General Economics, Econometrics and Finance, ОТТОКИ ПРЯМЫХ ИНОСТРАННЫХ ИНВЕСТИЦИЙ, 出口, МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ТОРГОВЛЯ
4Dissertation/ Thesis
المساهمون: 財務金融系, 李瑞琳, LEE, RUEI-LIN
مصطلحات موضوعية: 不動產指數, 不動產類型, 泰國股市, 外國直接投資, 永續投資指數, Real estate index, Real estate type, Thai stock market, Foreign direct investment, Sustainability Index
وصف الملف: 628898 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: 112CYUT0304013; http://ir.lib.cyut.edu.tw:8080/handle/310901800/43722
5Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 張靜宜, Chang, Ivy
المساهمون: 吳文傑
مصطلحات موضوعية: 避免雙重課稅協定, 外國直接投資, panel data, 歐盟與臺灣, FDI, Double taxation treaty, Taiwan and EU
Relation: Baker, P. L. (2014). An analysis of double taxation treaties and their effect on foreign direct investment. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 21(3), 341-377. Blonigen, B. A., & Davies, R. B. (2004). The effects of bilateral tax treaties on US FDI activity. International tax and public finance, 11, 601-622. Boateng, A., Hua, X., Nisar, S., & Wu, J. (2015). Examining the determinants of inward FDI: Evidence from Norway. Economic Modelling, 47, 118-127. Braun, J., & Zagler, M. (2014). An economic perspective on double tax treaties with (in) developing countries. World Tax J., 242. Dagan, T. (1999). The tax treaties myth. NYUJ Int'l L. & Pol., 32, 939. Davies, R. B., Norbäck, P. J., & Tekin‐Koru, A. (2009). The effect of tax treaties on multinational firms: New evidence from microdata. World Economy, 32(1), 77-110. European Economic and Trade Office. EU-TAIWAN RELATIONS. (2023). üriş, S., & Gözgör, K. (2015). Trade openness and FDI inflows in Turkey. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 15(2), 53-62. Hartman, D. G. (1985). Tax policy and foreign direct investment. Journal of Public economics, 26(1), 107-121. Hines Jr, J. R. (2000). Tax sparing and direct investment in developing countries. In International Taxation and Multinational Activity (pp. 39-72). University of Chicago Press. Huang, W.-T. (2023). Discussion on the Impact of Applying Anti-tax Avoidance Rule and Taxation Agreement on the Taxation Burden of Foreign Investment in Taiwan: a Case Study Approach National Taipei University of Business]. Lai, Y. T. (2009). The influence of bilateral taxation agreement and FDI in Taiwan. [National Chengchi University]. Lin, H.-L. (2018). A study of anti - avoidance tax reform on Treaty Shopping [National Chengchi University]. Luo, C., Luo, Q., & Zeng, S. (2022). Bilateral tax agreement and FDI inflows: Evidence from Hong Kong investment in the Mainland China. China Economic Review, 73, 101788. Millimet, D. L., & Kumas, A. (2009). It’s all in the timing: assessing the impact of bilateral tax treaties on US FDI activity. The effect of BITs and DTTs on FDI flows. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Musabeh, A., & Zouaouı, M. (2020). Policies and variables affecting FDI: A panel data analysis of North African Countries. Journal of Economic Policy Researches, 7(1), 1-20. Neumayer, E. (2007). Do double taxation treaties increase foreign direct investment to developing countries? The Journal of Development Studies, 43(8), 1501-1519. OECD. (2010). Commentaries on the Articles of the Model Tax Convention. Petkova, K., Stasio, A., & Zagler, M. (2020). On the relevance of double tax treaties. International tax and public finance, 27(3), 575-605. Poulsen, L. S. (2009). The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment: Bilateral Investment Treaties, Double Taxation Treaties, and Investment Flows. In: Oxford University Press. Radaelli, C. (1997). The Politics of Corporate Taxation in the European Union Knowledge and International Policy Agendas. Sinn, H.-W. (1990). Tax harmonization and tax competition in Europe. In: National Bureau of Economic Research Cambridge, Mass., USA. Te Velde, D. W., & Bilal, S. (2003). Foreign direct investment and home country measures in the Lomé Conventions and Cotonou Agreement. Report for UNCTAD, Overseas Development Institute. Weyzig, F. (2013). Tax treaty shopping: structural determinants of Foreign Direct Investment routed through the Netherlands. International tax and public finance, 20, 910-937.; G0111266007; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/152673
المؤلفون: 陳麗娟
Relation: 國會季刊 48(3),頁5-29; 全文連結 https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=5266&pid=200938; http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/119266; http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/bitstream/987654321/119266/1/index.html; http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/bitstream/987654321/119266/-1/歐盟外國投資篩選機制之研究.pdf
7Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 劉書銘, Liou, Su-Min
المساهمون: 王文杰
مصطلحات موضوعية: 外國直接投資, 國家安全審查, 外商投資法, 臺灣同胞投資保護法, 負面清單, Foreign direct investmenF, National security review, Foreign Investment Law, Taiwan Compatriots Investment Protection Law, Negative list for foreign investment
وصف الملف: 5754828 bytes; application/pdf
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8Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 阮氏竹英, ANH, NGUYEN THI TRUC
المساهمون: 企業管理學系管理科學碩博士班, 黃瓊玉, 袁淑芳, HUANG, CHIUNG-YU, YUAN, SHU-FANG
مصطلحات موضوعية: 公司業績, 外資持股, 外國直接投資, 碳排放, 投資效率, firm’s financial performance, foreign ownership, foreign direct investment, carbon emissions, investment efficiency
وصف الملف: 4284808 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/29730; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/29730/1/111NHU00457003-001.pdf; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/29730/-1/index.html
المؤلفون: 孫國祥
المساهمون: 南華大學國際事務與企業學系
وصف الملف: 1241353 bytes; application/pdf
Relation: http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/27610; http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/27610/1/MOST108-2410-H343-007.pdf
10Academic Journal
المساهمون: 浙江财经大学金融学院, 北京大学国家发展研究院
المصدر: 知网
Relation: 国际贸易问题. 2017, 165-176.; 1959150; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/490378
11Academic Journal
المساهمون: 广西民族大学东盟学院
Relation: 广西社会科学,2017(05):21-25; http://ir.calis.edu.cn/hdl/530500/20492
12Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 刘民权
المساهمون: 北京大学经济与人类发展研究中心
المصدر: 知网
Relation: 人民论坛. 2016, 31.; 1940874; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/486016
13Academic Journal
المساهمون: 对外经济贸易大学国际商学院, 北京大学光华管理学院
المصدر: 知网
Relation: 管理学季刊.2016,24-46.; 1497594; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/453011
14Academic Journal
المؤلفون: 王丹
المساهمون: 北京大学法学院
المصدر: 知网
Relation: 经济法研究.2016,210-229.; 1496362; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/452620
15Dissertation/ Thesis
المؤلفون: 曾美幸, Tseng, Mei-Hsing
المساهمون: 許耀明, Hsu, Yao-Ming
مصطلحات موضوعية: 外國直接投資, 國際貿易, 國家安全, 基本安全例外, 國際投資法, 雙邊投資協定, 外國直接投資國家安全審查, WTO爭端解決機制, Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade, National Security, Essential Security Exception, International Investment Law, Bilateral Investment Treaty, Foreign Investment Screening For National Security, WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
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16Academic Journal
المساهمون: 北京大学法学院 北京100871
المصدر: 知网 ; 万方 ; CSSCI ; http://d.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_fxzz201505005.aspx
Relation: 法学杂志.2015,(5),36-46.; 1318225; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/421744
18Academic Journal
المساهمون: 中国工商银行股份有限公司城市金融研究所, 北京大学光华管理学院博士后流动站, 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院
المصدر: 知网
Relation: 金融论坛.2014,(06),3-11.; 789375; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/216049
19Academic Journal
المساهمون: 北京大学经济学院
المصدر: CSSCI ; 知网
مصطلحات موضوعية: 少数民族地区, 外国直接投资(FDI), 开放
Relation: 经济社会体制比较.2014,(3),1-13.; 682453; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/64326
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المساهمون: 北京大学经济学院
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مصطلحات موضوعية: 少数民族地区对外开放, 外国直接投资, 少数民族地区吸引外资
Relation: 改革.2014,(1),69-86.; 682423; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/64324