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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Literature review on nursing activities in the emergency department -To be used as a learning support for new nurses. (English)

    المؤلفون: 古屋真理子, 三浦友理子

    المصدر: Journal of Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing / Nihon Kyukyu Kango Gakkai Zasshi; 2024, Vol. 26, p32-42, 11p

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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    المؤلفون: 三浦友理子

    المصدر: Journal of St. Luke's Society for Nursing Research (SLNR); Jan2021, Vol. 24 Issue 1/2, p51-54, 4p

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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Effects a Final Clinical Training "Team Challenge" on the Transition from Students to Newly Qualified Nurses -Perspective of Graduates. (English)

    المصدر: Journal of St. Luke's Society for Nursing Research (SLNR); Jan2021, Vol. 24 Issue 1/2, p25-32, 8p

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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Effects a Final Clinical Training "Team Challenge" on the Transition from Students to Newly Qualified Nurses -Perspective of Graduates. (English)

    المصدر: Journal of St. Luke's Society for Nursing Research (SLNR); Jan2021, Vol. 24 Issue 1/2, p25-32, 8p

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    Academic Journal
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    Academic Journal

    Alternate Title: Situation and Issues of Nursing Students in the Two-year Correspondence Diploma Program -----A Discussion about Revision of Admission Requirement-----. (English)

    المصدر: Journal of St. Luke's Society for Nursing Research (SLNR); Jan2020, Vol. 23 Issue 1/2, p5-12, 8p

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    Academic Journal

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